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Kindergarten Schedule

Part One:
7:45am-8:15am: Arrival
8:15am-9:00am: Electives (Specials)
*8:15am-8:55am: Teacher Conference*
8:55am-9:00am: Morning Meeting
9:00am-9:10am: Shared Reading
9:10am-10:10am: Reading Workshop
10:10am-10:30am: Interactive Read Aloud
10:30am-11:00am: Lunch
11:00am-11:30am: Recess
11:30am-1:00pm: Math
1:00pm-1:10pm: Snack/GoNoodle
1:10pm-1:40pm: Science/Social Studies
1:40pm-1:50pm: Music and Movement
1:50pm-2:10pm: Writing Workshop
2:10pm-2:20pm: Shared Writing
2:20pm-2:30pm: Interactive Writing
2:30pm-2:45pm: Word Study
2:45pm-3:15pm: Play Centers
3:15pm - Dismissal

Part Two:
The day will start with the children arriving, putting their stuff away, and eating their breakfast. I
allotted 30 minutes for this because you will always have children that show up late or take their
time putting their stuff away and eating breakfast. The next 45 minutes allotted for electives
including music, P.E., art, and computer. The time set for electives are determined by the school
and usually goes in grade order (Edutopia). During the time that the students are in specials, the
teachers will all meet up and have a conference time, and the last five minutes are used for a
quick meeting. Once the students come back from specials, the first 10 minutes are used for a
shared reading time which includes the teacher reading a book to the whole class and
discussing or pointing out the specific points they will be discussing that day. I placed this right
after specials because this allows time for the children to settle back into their classroom
mindset. The next hour will be for the reading workshop which includes guided reading,
independent reading, and literacy stations. Since you have already completed a group reading
and the students are in a reading mindset, having the reading workshop next would be a smart
way to keep them engaged. You can do this in stations, have one group at the table for guided
reading, one group reading independently and the last group switching around literacy stations.
To finish the reading section, I have allotted 20 minutes for an interactive read aloud to happen
before lunch, this will be used for closure purposes and give the students some time to wind
down before they go to lunch. The next two things to follow will be lunch for 30 minutes and then
recess for 30 minutes. The 30 minutes allotted for lunch and recess are set by the school. Once
the students come back from recess I have allotted an hour and a half for math. This time
includes the lesson, guided math practice, math stations, and math play. I placed math right
after recess because the children will still have lots of energy since they just came off the
playground, since they will be doing math stations they can use that energy towards learning
instead of having to sit quietly and read. Once math is over the next 10 minutes will be used for
snack time and GoNoodle. It will be two and a half hours since the students have eaten, and
they just completed their math for the day so their brains might be tired, this gives them the
chance to eat and have a brain break by dancing and interacting with GoNoodle. The next 30
minutes following snack is for science or social studies depending on the day. Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday are science days and Tuesday and Thursday are social studies days. I
placed this after snack and GoNoodle because it is not a subject that is being testing, so I only
allotted 30 minutes, but it is still important and since the students just had a snack and a brain
break they will be more focused. The next 10 minutes is one last quick brain break for music
and movement before we jump into writing. The first 20 minutes of writing is for the writing
workshop, this is the time for the students to write independently about a topic of their choosing,
this allows their brains to start flowing and to get into a writing mindset. The next 10 minutes are
used for shared writing which is when the teacher will write and the students will contribute
ideas. Since the students have already completed an individual writing, they will be more
focused when it comes to the lesson and they will have plenty of ideas to contribute. The next
10 minutes are for interactive writing which is similar to shared writing except the teacher will
allow the students to write with her. Following writing, the next 15 minutes will be used for word
study, which refers to sight words. I placed this after writing because we have already spent
time talking about writing and words and then to close up we will discuss sight words. The last
30 minutes of the day will consist of play centers. These play centers include dramatic play,
art/music, discovery, literacy, motor skills, and sensory, fine, and gross motor skills. I placed this
as the last thing we do during our day because this gives the student the freedom to work on
what they need extra help with or what they enjoy. If the student can choose what they want to
work on, and are not forced to do something, then they will go home in a good mood.

Wolpert-Gawron, H. (2018, June 27). The Case for Electives in Schools. Retrieved from

Sample Daily Schedule. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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