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Sarah Jett

Assignment 1: Measurement Instrument Review

Test or instrument name: Georgia Milestones Assessment System

Type of test or instrument: This test contains several components. There are
selected response questions, multiselect response questions, constructed
responses, and extended responses. This test is administered online.

Purpose of test or instrument: The Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS)

is designed to assess if students have mastered the state standards in the
content areas of English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social
studies by the end of the school year.

Who developed the test: The Georgia Milestones Assessment System is created
by the state of Georgia, supported by Georgia educators.

What year the test or instrument was published (also include information about
revised versions). Newer, updated versions are published yearly for students.
Assessments are not publicly accessible, nor are they shared with teachers and
parents at any time.

Who takes the test or instrument: All students grade 3-12 take this test, specific to
their grade level/course or content area.

How the test or instrument is administered: This assessment is administered online

daily, by content area, over a two-week window.

How the test or instrument is scored: Students are scored based on achievement
level. There are four achievement levels for each GMAS assessment: Beginning
Learner (Level 1), Developing Learner (Level 2), Proficient Learner (Level 3), and
Distinguished Learner (Level 4).

How the results are used: Students in grades 3, 5, and 8 must reach grade level
proficiency on the assessment in reading. Students in grades 5 and 8 must
achieve grade-level proficiency on the reading and mathematics assessments.
A student must also meet the promotion standards and criteria established by
the local board of education for the school that the student attends.

Strengths and weaknesses of the test or instrument: A strength of this assessment

is its ability to standardize assessment across all counties, schools, and students in
the state. It norms achievement scales, and also provides the ability to norm
promotion and retention criteria across the state. This strength can also be
viewed as a weakness, as a one size fits all approach to assessments does to
work for every child. These assessments do not accommodate to learning styles
or preferences, and do not take the whole child into consideration. Also, it can
be argued that a test taken on one day in one window of time might not be the
end all be all of what the student actually knows.

Sources of information about the test or instrument (at least 3):

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