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4811 Iverson Place

Temple Hills MD 20748
240 606-3725

10/ 28/ 2019

To W h o m It M a y C o n c e rn :

I hereby Paola Fig ueroa g ive my full recommendation and support to Mrs. Patricia Raquel
Reyes Zometa And Mr. Jose Enrique Miranda. Whom I’ve know For Several years now. To be
clear, it have been 10 years since we met. Mrs. Patricia Raquel Reyes Zometa and Mr. Jose
Enrique Miranda, they’re integ ral, honest, respectful and trustworthy persons.

Therefore I have no problem to g ive my full recommendation to Mrs. Patricia Raquel Reyes
Zometa and to Mr. Jose Enrique Miranda. I thank you in advance for g iving me this
opportunity, to write this recommendation letter, for me to help some of kind persons like Mrs.
Patricia Raquel Reyes Zometa and Mr. Jose Enrique Miranda.

Please do not hesitate to call me if you would like to discuss this recommendation letter, I will
be free to do so, Thank you very much.


Pa o la Fig u e ro a

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