Reflection Paper - Marjorie Pilon

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This Reflection Paper is about everything that you learned from the TEACHeXCELS flexible
learning course. Accomplish the questionnaire below and submit in the Reflection icon in the

Guide Question/s Response/s Formatted Table

How relevant and applicable were the course As Instructional Supervisor that provides Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering, Tab stops:
contents in helping enhance your competencies as support to teachers to improve instruction , Not at 0.5"
instructional Supervisor.How relevant and the TEACHeXCELS capacitate me as a school
applicable are the course contents in your role as head who could extend assistance to
instructional supervisor? teachers to improve the quality of their
1. How relevant and applicable are the teaching through helping them to enhance Formatted: Font: Avenir Next, 11 pt
course contents in helping you enhance your and improve their knowledge and skills with
competencies in pounding school safety and the concepts, insights, and activities involve
disaster resilience? in TEACHeXCELS that has one goal and that is
to enhance pupils’ academic achievement.
2. What significant learning insights did you My significant learning in the module is that Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering, Tab stops:
gain from the course? as instructional leader I must enhance my Not at 0.5"
What challenges or difficulties did you experience competencies on facilitating the teaching-
during the course? learning process and how I can effectively Formatted: Font: Avenir Next, 11 pt
What challenges or difficulties did you experience share these with the teachers that I lead.
during the course? There is a need to develop skills that, when
transferred to my teachers, will help them
deliver instruction more effectively for the
benefit of the learner.
3. What challenges or difficulties did you In the midst of implementing the course in Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering, Tab stops:
encounter during the course? school and sharing these to teachers, the Not at 0.5"
What were your learning insights from the course? only challenge we encountered is our time. Formatted: Font: Avenir Next, 11 pt
What significant learning insights did you gain from The teachers are very willing to learn the
the course? insights and knowledge learned in the
module but we had to maximize the limited
time allotted for LAC Sessions and we could
do more if only there is enough time
What areas related to 21st Century Instructional I think I will need more insights and learnings
Leadership do you still need to improve on and about innovativeness and social skills in
why? dealing with stakeholders to improve the
What areas related to 21st Century Instructional school into a 21st century school. As a new Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering, Tab stops:
Leadership do you still need to improve on and school head, I am still on the stage of Not at 0.5"
why? scanning my environment and studying
4. What areas related to instructional varied attitude of individual and I still need Formatted: Font: Avenir Next, 11 pt
supervision in your school do you still need to to improve my communication skiils as well.
improve on and why?

What are your other comments/suggestions in The module itself is at best and it is based on Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering, Tab stops:
order to improve the content coverage and future researched on the needs of the school heads Not at 0.5"
course deliveries? especially to new leaders like me.
What can you say about your overall
experience (comment on chat, forum, course
requirements, FLT competency, and the online
5. What can you say about your overall Formatted: Font: Avenir Next, 11 pt
experience in the course (comment on chat, forum,
course requirements, FLT competency, and the
online modality)?

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