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A FOKGOTreN REALMS" Fantasy Kole·f'laying Epic. Vol.



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INTRODUCTION ................... ..... .. ........... .................................... .. .... ............ .. ... 1
MEMBERS OF THE ALLIANCE ..... .......... .... ... ...................................................... 1
CREATING A CHARACTER ............... .... ... ...... ..................................................... 2
BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL PARlY .. ...... .. ................. .. .......................................... 3
COMBAT .............................. .. ............. ..... .............. ........................................... 4
SPELLS .............. ......... ............ ....... ..... ...... .......... ............. ... ............................ .. 5
THE ACTION BEGINS ... ............. ........................................................................ 7
Tilverton City ............................ ..............................................................................7
Tilverton Thieves' Guild .......... .... ..................................... ..................................... ..8
Tilverton Sewers ..................................................................................................... 9
The Fire Knife Hideout ......................... .... ................................................. ............ 12
The Village of Haptooth ........................................................................ ................. 14
The Cave of the Dracolich ............................................................... ...................... 15
The Wizard's Tower ................................................................ ............................... 1 7
Yulash .................. ... ................ ............... ........ .. ....... .. ........... .................................20
The Pit of Moander ............................... .. ....... ....... .................................................22
Zhentil Keep ............................... ........... ....... ... .. ..... .... ............ ......... ... ..................25
The Shrine of Bane ....................... ......... ........... .............................. ..... .................26
The Cave of the Beholder................................................................ ......................28
The Burial Glen ...................................................................... ...............................29
The Ruins of Myth Drannor ... ................................................................................. 32
The Grand Ruined Temple .................. ............................ ......................................33
Overland ....................................................... .. ...................................................... 35
Shadowdale Dungeon ....... ..... ....................... .. .................................... ..... .............36
Oxam's Tower... ... ......... ................ ....................................................... .. .............. .38
Dungeon ... .................... ................................................................................. ....... 39
Cavern ..................................................................................................................39
Hillsfar Ruins ......................................................................................................... 40
Ashabenford Dungeon .. ................................................ .................... ......... ............. 41
Essembra Dungeon ..................... .................. ........................................................ 43
Voonlar Ruins ....................................... ................................................................. 45
Teshwave Ruins ............................... .. .. .............................. ........................... ........ 46
Phlan Ruins ............................................................ ............................................... 47
SPECIAL ITEMS AND WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND ..... ... ... ...... ........ ... ............. 44
GENERAL HINTS .................................... .... ......................... ..... .. ..... .. ........ ...... 47

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INI'KODUCTION Note on the Artifacts: The artifacts are not The members of the New Alliance are: CREATING A CHARACTER
Cul!Sll or me Azt.nm B<:>NDS continues Strategic useable by the characters during the course of The Fire Knives, based in Tilverton. The Slats:
Simulations, lnc.'s ADVANCED DUNGEONS ~ the game. Therefore, these items will not be Knives have placed their bond on the party
listed as equipment on any of the characters. The simplest way to get a powerful party is to
DRAGONS'" computer role-playing games to force it to slay King Azoun of Cormyr. To modify the characters so that they have the
which began with PooL or RAolMICI!. Like its In Yulash, High Priestess Mogion seeks to use release the bond, the party must locate the maximum number in all of their stats. Frankly,
predecessors, Cul!Sll or me AzuKE BoNDS has the party to release the God Moander from the Fire Knife Hideout and capture or kill the we consider this to be something of a cheat.
its own original story line, encounters and vile Pit. When you overcome Mogion and her Knives' leader.
objectives set in the towns and countryside Use the following as a guide:
determined Cult of Moander, the third bond is Dracandros, a rogue red wizard of Thay,
of the FORGOTIEN REALMS"' game world. released. In addition, you receive the second Strength: Most important for a fighter. If 16
residing in the Wizard's Tower near the village
This story line is outlined in the Adventurer's key artlfact - the Gauntlet of Moander. or higher, fighters receive a bonus of l 0%
of Hap. Dracandros' bond is set on the party
Journal included with the game. additional experience points. Paladins with a
At Zhentil Keep, you face Fzoul Chembryl to provoke a group of dragons into another
When you play CuRsE or me Azu1111 BoriDS, your 16 or higher strength receive the experience
and his Black Network of Zhentrim. Fzoul, a fl.ight of the Dragons (a sudden migration of
primary objective is to eliminate the five point bonus if their wisdom Is also 16 or high-
High Priest of Bane gone bad, has placed the dragons who destroy all in their path). When
azure bonds that the New Alliance has placed er. Non-human fighters will have a lower maxi-
fourth bond upon the party. Defeat Fzoul to the party defeats Dracandros, it receives the
on your adventurers' arms. In the process of mum level if their strength is less than 18.
release the bond and defeat Dexam the artifact called the Helm of Dragons - the key
freeing your party from these bonds, you The higher a character's strength, the more
Beholder to gain the Amulet of Lythander, to finding Tyranthraxus.
weaken the New Alliance and destroy its evil he can carry, the more likely he is to hit in
strangle-hold on the Forgotten Realms. the third and final artifact you'll need against The Cult of Moander, led by High Priestess melee combat, and the more damage he will
Tyranthraxus. Mogion and based in Yulash. From her base do when he does hit.
The New Alliance has imprinted glowing sym- in the Pit of Moander, Mogion intends to use
bols (bonds or sigils) on each character's fore- To release the final bond from your party, Intelligence: Magic-users with an intelligence
her bond's extra-Oimensionai powers to open
arm. These bonds permit the New Alliance to you travel to the ancient city of Myth of 16 or higher receive a 10 percent experi-
a gate and release Moander, the Slime-God.
override the will of your characters. Each Drannor. You'll need all of your accumulated ence point bonus. Non-human magic-users
When the party defeats Moander, it fmds the
bond forces the party to carry out deeds experience (and the three artifacts) to best will have a lower maximum level if their intelli-
Gauntlet of Moander. This artifact helps you
which further the ambitions of an Alliance Tyranthraxus, the malignant champion of The gence is less than 18. Rangers must have both
to destroy the Pool of Radiance, the source of
member. The members of the New Alliance New Alliance. Tyranthraxus draws his power intelligence and wisdom of 16 or higher to
Tyranthraxus' power.
are scattered through the Dalelands region of from the Pool of Radiance. Destroy him and receive a 10 percent experience point bonus.
remove the last of the azure bonds. The The Black Network of the Zhentrim, locat-
the Forgotten Realms, ranging from Tilverton Wisdom: Clerics get the 10 percent experi-
party is completely free of the bonds' curse! ed in Zhentil Keep. The Black Network uses
through the towns of the Overland, and the ence bonus if their wisdom is 16 or higher.
its bond to force good people into evil acts.
ruined city of Myth Drannor. The background for the game's story line is Clerics with a wisdom of 14 or higher receive
You must slay Fzoul Chembryl, High Priest of
In Tilverton, you encounter the Mre Knives. taken from the many ADVANCED DUNGEONS additional low level spells. Paladins must
Bane, to release the Zhentrim bond and
Defeating their leader In the Mre Knife Hideout ~ DRAGONS'" game publications by TSR. Of
have both strength and wisdom at 16 or high-
obtain the Amulet of Lythander, the final artl-
releases the first bond placed on your party. particular interest is the novel, Azure Bonds, er to receive a 10 percent experience point
fact. You'll need the Amulet to damage
Since the Mre Knives' bond had forced you to by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb. bonus. Rangers must have both intelligence
Tyranthraxus in the game's final battle.
attack King Azoun's carriage, he expels you and wisdom of 16 or higher to receive a 10
Note: Characters from PooL or RAolMICe and Tyranthraxus, a demon of possession, percent experience point bonus.
into the Overlands. The punishment is mild
HlUNAR may be used in CuRSe or me Azu1111 resides in the ruined city of Myth Drannor.
because an impostor had actually occupied Constitution: fighters receive one extra hit
BortDS. If you have either game, you may The party can reach Tyranthraxus' base in
the carriage! point per hit die for each point of constitu-
transfer characters from them to CuRSe or me the ancient temple only when it has defeated
Travelling through the Overland, you may tion above 14. Non-fighters receive similar
AzuKE BoNDS (see the Quick Start card and the the other members of the New Alliance.
enter Hap where you encounter the rogue benefits except they receive a maximum of
rule book for more information). Tyranthraxus hopes to gather and destroy the
wizard Dracandros' and a host of dragons. two extra hit points per level (no hp benefits
dangerous artifacts and then possess the
Reaching the Wizard's Tower, you foll for constitutions above 16).
MEMREKSOF character's bodies. The demon's death
Dracandros' plans, release the second bond. THE NEW ALLIANCE releases the last of the Azure Bonds, freeing Dexterity: Thieves receive a l 0 percent
and gain possession of the first of three cru- The New Alliance consists of five separate your characters. experience benefit if their dexterity is 16 or
cial artlfacts - Heim of Dragons - that will groups which have joined forces to achieve higher. For every dexterity point between 15
The following sections provide strategy tips
help you defeat Tyranthraxus (see the follow- different evil objectives. Each group in the and 18, a character receives a corresponding
for assembling a successful adventurers'
ing section for more details on the individual alliance has placed one of the five azure one point improvement in his armor class.
party, combat, and spell use.
members of the New Alliance). bonds upon your party. Each plans to force For every dexterity point between 16 and 18,
your party to perform malevolent deeds which a character receives a one point improvement
will help them to attain their own selfish goals. on his ability to hit with missile weapons. It is

1 2
To be sure of a back stab, the thief must COMBAT
strongly recommended that all characters WHY 111ESE GUYS! attack the monster while its facing ls set. The makeup of your party affects your
have a high dexterity. This is considered The thief must attack from a square that is combat strategy throughout the game.
essential for magic-users and thieves. directly opposite the one occupied by the Loading your party with clerics and magic-
Paladins are valuable In combat, since they
Charisma: The higher a character's charisma, attacker who set the monster's facing. users increases the Importance of spell
are usually very strong. They also offer
the more positive reaction he will receive Successful back stabs cause multiple casting both before and during a battle. An
protection to any aqjacent party members
during parlay. For this reason, the character damage based on the level of the thief as emphasis on paladins and rangers makes
during combat (a Paladin has permanent
with the highest charisma should normally be follows: double damage for levels 1 to 4; your hand-to-hand combat skills that much
Protection from Evil that extends in a 10-
chosen as the active character during parlay. triple damage for levels 5 to 8; and more important.
foot: radius). Paladins also have the ability
quadruple damage for levels 9 to 12.
to heal wounds and cure diseases. They At the beginning of the game, as soon as
BUILDING A SUCCESSRJL PARTY can cast cleric spells at high levels. Cleric: you exit the inn (after you have memorized
Forming a strong and adaptable party is a
Paladins who reach the 7th level, should A cleric Is essential for healing the party your spells), go to the Armor Shop In
key to success in CuRS11 or ntll AzuRll Bortos. after an engagement. The most efficient
be converted to a dual-class magic-user. Tilverton. Pool your money and purchase
You may place up to six characters in your way to heal Is to Encamp and select Fix
Note: Paladin's can't cast spells in combat the following equipment:
party. It is recommended that you use all
if they are wearing armor. Characters (you can Issue this command several times
six characters. A smaller party ls less For fighters, Rangers, Paladins, and split
converted to dual-class, cannot use the while encamping). Fix works as follows:
powerful and more likely to be eliminated class Fighters:
by your enemies. abilities of their original class until the new If a deric Is In the party, all available cure Banded Mail (some prefer plate)
class level Is at least one level higher than spells are cast until all characters are Shield
In choosing which characters to indude in the old one. healed. If the party has taken more damage Long Sword
the party, it is wise to lndude a variety of than derics have cure spells, the Fix option
Fighter/Magic-User: Two-Handed Sword
classes: clerics, magic-users, thieves, and may be used again. If a deric is not In the Long Bow
fighters. At least one party member should The fighter/magic-user may cast spells
party, 24 hours of rest must pass for each 80 Arrows
be female so you may gain the assistance while wearing armor. This split dass can
hit point a character heals. When Fix Is Sling
of Silk the Swanmay when engaged against fight as well as a fighter and receives more
used, characters at the top of the list will be
the Drow of Hap. hit points than a pure magic-user. Due to For Thieves:
healed before the characters below them.
the restrictions placed on magic-users, it is Leather Armor
One sug,qested sample party lndudes: Once a cleric reaches level 9, he has
recommended that only elves be Long Sword
Two Human Paladins access to all the clerical spells in this Short Bow
One Elf Fighter/Magic-User game. At this point, if you have two or 80 Arrows
One Dwarf fighter/Thief Fighter/Thief:
more clerics In your party, make one a Sling
Two Human Clerics A fighter/thief has more hit points and a dual-class magic-user. Once this character
better armor class than a pure thief. A For Clerics:
A variant of this party adds a third paladin reaches level 10, he will have access to all
fighter/thief has a good THACO rating and Banded Mail (some prefer plate)
and drops one of the clerics. cleric and magic-user spells in the game.
Is eligible for percentile strength points. Shield
Another sug,qested sample party includes: The thief status permits the powerful back Rangen flail
Two Human Paladins stab attack which works as follows: Rangers normally start the game with more Staff Sling
One Human Ranger hit points than other fighter types. They do For Magic-Users:
A back stab occurs automatically when a
Two Human Magic-Users extra damage versus giant type monsters. At Quarter Staff
thief attacks a medium size or smaller
One Human Cleric high levels, they can cast druldlc and magic- 100 Darts
opponent directly from behind. To get the
A variant of this party makes one of the user spells. Rangers are the only humans
back stab benefit, the thief cannot be After purchasing the equipment, Share
magic-users an elf. who can cast magic-user spells in combat
wearing any armor heavier than leather (retrieves money from pool) and Ready the
while wearing armor. A ranger who ls made
An alternative party might include: (with the exception of elfin chain) and equipment just purchased. To start, ready
a dual-class magic-user at level 9, will be
Two Human Paladins must be using a one-handed sword. the melee weapons (swords, flails, quarter
able to cast all available magic-user spells
Two Human Rangers It ls not always obvious which way a while In armor once he reaches level 10. staffs) instead of the missile weapons
One Human Cleric monster Is facing. A monster will always (bows, slings, darts). Be sure to ready the
One Human Magic-User face the first opponent to attack him In a arrows. Note: two-handed swords are best
combat round. Once a monster's facing is against large monsters. Against medium
Note: Before dual-classing the characters, and small monsters, long swords do
this party is very weak In spell casting set, it remains set until the monster
attacks, or until a new combat round almost as much damage and they permit
ability. you to use a shield.
occurs. Any time a monster's facing is not
set, it will be set to face the first opponent
to attack it.
CoflmAT S1RATEGY Concentrate your attacks to eliminate one Hold l'erson: Especially effective against Lightning Bolt: For best results, move the
opponent rather than Injure many humans. Works fairly well on Drows. Hold spell caster to send the bolt down a row of
Throughout CuRSE Of' 1llE AzURE BOl'IDS, your
(Exception: enemy spell casters). A foe Person is a short.range spell. opponents. It will attack all opponents in a
party engages a colorful collection of foes.
with one hit point remaining attacks as straight line within Its range. Target the first
At times, you may elect to avoid a l'oison: Effective only against target in an
powerfully as an uninjured one. creature In the row (closest to caster).
confrontation, choosing conversation or adjacent square. Poison works against any
flight instead. More often, however, your A spell caster who takes damage cannot opposing creature except those which are Lightning bolts will reflect off walls back
characters must stand and fight. cast a spell that round. If the spell caster magic resistant. toward the spell caster. This permits
had started to cast and was hit, he will lose targets adjacent or dose to a wall to be hit
To succeed In combat, a skilled player Dispel Magic: A recuperation spell for any twice by the same bolt. Be careful the
that spell from memory. Therefore, try to
deploys his party well, casts effective spells of the party that has been held, slowed or caster isn't hit by the reflected bolt. Refer
Injure all enemy spell casters every round
before and during combat, maneuvers his made nauseous. to the rule book, page 25, for ranges.
even If it Is only for one point of damage.
characters Into advantageous position, and
Conversely, If you want to cast spells, Slay living: A powerful spell with a short Haste: Doubles the movement and attack
attacks using his most powerful characters range. Guaranteed to damage or kill
make sure your spell casters are protected. turns of your characters. Its short span
and weapons. opposing creatures except those which means you should wait until a fight is
Deploying Ute party: When a battle SPELLS are magic resistant. imminent to cast Haste. Warning: each
begins, your party ls automatically Spell casting: Both clerics and magic. time a haste spell is cast on a character,
positioned based on the existing order of users may cast spells which assist the party Magic-Users' Spells
that character ages one year.
the characters. Characters near the top of in combat. Preparatory spells just before a lst Level:
the order will be In the front lines and battle can protect and strengthen charac- Magic Missile: Will damage target within Slow: Slow cuts movement and attacks In
vulnerable to attack. To change the deploy- ters. During battle, your spells will damage its range unless target Is magic resistant or half. Great against any high-damage crea-
ment, change the order: Encamp, select your opponents and help your party. has certain magical protection. Casts . ture. Only affects the side opposing the
Alter, and then Order. Shift the heavily- instantaneously. spell caster.
Memorizing Spells: Spells should be
armored fighters up the list and the vulner- memorized as soon as possible after they Enlarge: Increases the recipient's damage Invisibility ( 10' radius): Makes the party
able magic-users and thieves down the list. are used. This is most likely to happen after bonus for several battles. Recommended invisible to its enemies at the start of a
When battle begins, your party may be combat. Encamp, have your spell casters casting time: before you leave Camp. fight. Use It to set up a battle line while the
placed In a bad position. If you wish to be Memorire spells, select Rest, and select bad guys seek you out. Characters lose
Charm Person: Works best against Invisibility if they do anything but move.
defensive, move your characters to anchor Rest again. Note: an alternate technique Is humans in Tilverton scenarios. In later
your flanks on an obstacle such as a wall to memorire your spells and then choose Some monsters can see invisible creatures.
sections of the game, It Is less effective.
or tree. Keep your magic-users behind the the fix command. You will then be 4Ut Level:
front line. Setting up behind a doorway memorizing spells while your party Is being 2nd Level:
Minor Globe of Invulnerability: A short-
that your enemies have to move through healed. This technique Is most valuable Stinking Cloud: Possessed of a very short duration spell which protects the caster
makes for a very strong defensive position. when you have a limited amount of time to range, stinking Cloud Is especially effective from first through third level spells. Is very
Characters who are seriously injured rest. Note: after resting. it Is a good Idea to in trapping enemy forces that must pass effective when used in combination with
should be moved out of the front lines if save your game. We advise you to save through it. The area affected Is a 2 by 2 Fire Shield.
possible. Be warned, if you move away your game after every tough combat. square. Where you aim the spell will be the
upper left corner of this square. Be careful Fire Shield: Ideal for a spell caster with
from an adjacent enemy, he will get a free Tips on Spell Casting: Clerics, magic. high hit points. Fire Shield will Inflict
attack at your back. Back attacks have an users and higher level paladins and not to harm your own characters.
double damage back on meleelng enemies
improved chance to hit. rangers cast spells. High level thieves may 3rd Level: who are not magic resistant (if they hit you,
Missile weapons cannot be fired if there is cast magic-user spells from scrolls. We find Fireball: A slow-casting spell, Fireball's they take twice the damage you do).
an adjacent opponent. If you want to fire the following spells most useful. power demands that you target carefully. However, its effects are brief.
missiles, make sure you keep away from the Clerical Spells: Otherwise, you may Inadvertently destroy
Confusion: Powerful attack spell. Most
enemy. If you want to stop enemy missile party characters. When indoors, the only
Cure Ught Wounds: Absolutely necessary effective when used against a large
fire, move someone next to the opponent. safe area on the screen at the time you tar-
to recover hit points lost during combat. number of enemies. Confusion can affect
get the spells are the squares In each cor-
Exploit your opponent's weaknesses by Bless and Prayer: The best combat everyone in an area.
ner of the screen and the squares directly
directing attacks against helpless enemy preparation spells. Use during the first above, below and next to these corner Ice Storm: Damages enemy forces
characters. Gang up on isolated foes. . rounds of a moderate or tougher fight or squares ( 12 squares total, 3 In each protected by Minor Globes, including
just prior to a battle. Both spells are brief in corner). Be sure to center to determine Zhentrlm Marauders and Dracandros.
duration. Bless won't affect any character who will be in the area of effect. Outdoors
adjacent to an enemy at the time It Is cast. the spell has a five square diameter.

5 6
Dimension Door: Lets the caster target a ~
A. TILVERTON Cm: and brawls. It Is off-limits once you
square, cast the spell and be transported to attack the coach. The first time the B. TILVEKTON THmvES' Gun.,D:
the target square. Magic-users can use It for players refuse a tip from the bar-
quick escapes. Fighter/magic-users use the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 Key: tender, they observe a young lady Key:
"Door" to reach the opposition's rear area. arriving. Soon, they hear an alterca-
5Ut Level:
Hold Monster: Its considerable range lets
tion in the adjacent alleyway. Fire
Knives have abducted Princess
you target up to four monsters, possibly Nicacia, who has returned to
~ ~
t--..c:Jloo-.. Tilverton at the urging of her former 3 6

...........- ....,
turning them helpless. Of special value
against Bits Of Moander.
.... DOOR lover, Gharrl of Gond. By the time the
party reaches the scene, all that

Cloudkill: Short-range spell of great effect remains is a Fire Knife's dagger. . 2 ·.·.
against 6th level creatures and below. 6
Deadly against Drows, but also hauirdous Brawling in the tavern is the only way SECRET
to gain experience points prior to the 7 DOOR
for any character in your party who is low .. 3 4
8 party's assault on the king's carriage.
level such as those you've just shifted to 8
dual-class status. 9 A fight here is of particular help to
characters who are just a few experi-
THE ACTION BEGINS ence points short of rising another 10
In Cull.SE or 111e AzURE Bonos, your party level (this only occurs if the characters 11
travels through the towns and overland of are transferred into the game from
12 I
the Dalelands. The characters you've Pool of Radiance or Hillsfar. Such
assembled begin In Tllverton City, then characters should go to the Training 13
fight their way into the overlands, visiting Hall, location 8, as soon as possible). 14
.·.·.. ·.·
important towns such as Hap, Yulash and 4 Temple of Qond. Here the party can
Zhentil Keep. With each engagement, you
15 5 ,.5 ::
be healed. Once the party attacks the
gain valuable experience (and loot). You
release each of the azure bonds one by
one until you reach Myth Drannor, scene of
the climactic battle with Tyranthraxus. Only to the guards, Its members are hustled
coach, the temple closes its doors. If
the characters wander among the
pews, they join the audience to listen
to a sermon. Its message and the

fxits to Tilverton 5ewem
· his malicious will and power, embodied in away to a cell. A thief then helps the
congregation's response reveal a
the Pool of Radiance, stand between you characters to escape. characters from Pool of Radiance or
town divided over the Cormyran
and the removal of the final azure bond ... Where You Can Rest: Before the party occupation. Hillsfar; otherwise, your characters
attacks the coach, it may rest at the inn lack the required experience points to
A. TILVERTON CITY for free. Once the royal guards sound the 5 High Priest's Chamber. The priest raise a level. See pages 26 and 27 of
Synopsis: The characters awake :rod dis- alarm, there is no place to rest. attempts to remove the bonds from the rule book for more information.
cover their items and most of their money the party, but his powers are Insuffi-
Map Locations cient for this purpose. 9 Carriage Encounter. Guards restrain
have been stolen. Mysterious blue sigils the party here, telling you that the
I Tilverton Inn. Here the party starts the
cling to their forearms. After wanderi~g the 6 Offices of Julynn the Sage. She'll king's carriage Is arriving. If the party
game. It is safe to rest anywhere with- provide the characters useful back-
town for a while, the partymembers discov- has visited locations 2 and 6, and has
in the inn. However, once the alarm ground information on the bonds.
er that the bonds are not easily removed. tried to pass 9 twice, the king's
sounds, the party Is barred from Julynn 's fee is half of the party's
When the king's coach arrives in the city, entry. The first thing the party should carriage arrives. You attack it against
the bonds force the party to attack it. money. Be sure to buy all your your will. Though its occupants
do when it awakens In the inn is have equipment and undergo training
Though the occupants of the king's coach Its spell casters memorize their spells. escape, the royal guard attacks. After
escape this attack, the royal guard hunt before visiting the sage. Her office the party defeats the first wave of
the party and attempt to eradicate its 2 Annor Shop. The doors are blocked closes once the coach is attacked. guards, Fire Knives grab the carriage
members. A thief hiding In the back alleys after the king is attacked, so the 7 The Tilverton General Store. Useful for occupant (a king Impostor). The
guides the party to the temporary safety of party should equip itself before the stocking nonweapon items, it too guards will continue to seek out your
the Thieves' Guild. If the party surrenders confrontation. The party should head closes once the coach is attacked. party and attack it. Since the number
here as soon as It exits the inn. of guards is limitless, your party
8 The Training Hall. Off-limits once the
3 'Curse' Tavern. This is Tilverton's party attacks the coach. Training is an
only bar - an ideal source of gossip option only If you've transferred
7 8
4 Monkey Cages. This room held the
Section I Section 2 SectionJ monkeys until the alarm was sound-

0 1 2
t3 4 5 6
7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 2 3 4 5
ed. Now they are loose. They have
been trained to use slings. Sleep
32 works against them as well.

1:·:·:·:·:·:. . . . .:•:·:·:·:-:·:;:·:·:·:·:·:·t :·:·:·:·:·:·:::·:·:·:·:·:·lf':;:;
17 33 5 Exit to SeweIS.
18 34 :: WALL 6 Quest Book. The Guild's guest book
:·:·:·:·:·: ·:·:·:·:.. 7 :·:·:·:·:·::t ·:·:·:·:·:·:::·:·:·:·.:·:·:·:::·:·:·:·:·:·t;;;
includes the last entry by an 0.
35 11

Ruskettle, Bard of the Realms. This is
a halfllng character you will encounter
21 DOOR later in the game.

l ·:·:·:·:·:·:::·:·:·:·:·:·:. . . . . . :·:·:·:·:·:-i_ _ _. .
22 38
1 :·:·:·:·:·:1iC"M:·:··:·:·:·:tio.....
23 39 OOOR
Synopsis: The party has come from the

24 40 Thieves' Guild Into the dank tunnels of the
l:·:·:·:·:·:·>:·:·:·:·: ~ojj·:·:·:·:·:·t---iioe:JL Sewers. It must find its way through the
:: 12 ::: 25 41 IMPASSABLE
1-............,.,.,.,.4 AREA stink and shadow to reach the fire Knives'
26 42 Hideout. Along the way, it confronts the var-
l :·:·:·:·:·:.............._ .,.,.,.,.4
11 27 43 ious denizens of the underground.
12 28 44 Note: You may return to the Sewers after
1-ol:=·=·=·=·=·ICJoii---t=·=·=·=·=·=·::=·=·=·=·=·=·I completing the Hideout.
13 29 45
Where You Can Rest: The sewers are con-
30 46
stantly patrolled, but there is a chance that
31 47 the party can rest for a while. It is safe to
rest in monster lairs and within the hidden
continued Jn sectJon 2 continued in section J fxits to fire Kile Hideout
Map Locations
1 fire Knife Checkpoint. If the party sur-
renders, the fire Knives rob your char-
should go Into one of the alleyways f'lre Knives, a group of assassins, forced tured Princess Nlcacia. In the midst of acters, then pass them on ahead.
(between any of the buildings) for the characters to attack the king's carriage. the Guildmaster's revelation, the fire
safety. There, a thief will contact and The Guildmaster doesn't give direct aid to Knives and their supporters burst in 2 Another Checkpoint.
escort the party to the Thieves' Guild. the party, but he does reveal the location of on the meeting, killing the guildmas- 3 Remains of a Checkpoint. This fire
Note: If you surrender to the guards the f'ire Knives' Hideout. Suddenly, the fire ter in the melee. You find a map of Knife strong point has been eliminated
during battle, the party Is carried away Knives burst in and kill the Guildmaster. the sewers on his body. by Gharrl of Gond and a Knight of
to prison. Luckily, thieves rescue and The party must fight its way to the sewers, 2 Treasure Room. Here are the thieves'
Myth Drannor (Gharrl has discovered
take it to the guild. with occasional help from the thieves. magic items. The door is the planned abduction and is attempt-
ing a rescue). The Knight lets the party
10 Madman's l'fightmare. A man lies here Where You Can Rest: The Guildmaster lets wizard-locked. To break In, have a
pass if it claims allegiance to the
gripped In a nightmare. He's lain here the party rest when it first enters the guild. magic-user cast Knock or hope that a
princess, or to no one. If the party
since townspeople found him near The only other guaranteed rest place is the strong character's lucky roll does the
refuses, the knight restrains Its mem-
the sewer outfallon the same night treasure room. Once the fighting starts, the trick. Save the dust until your really
bers. He'll send them ahead later to
the party was brought to the inn. party may try to rest throughout the guild. need it. The ioun stone will raise the
distract the Knives.
Its rest may be disturbed at anytlme. dexterity of the character who readies
B. TILVEKI'ON 1iIIBVFS' GUILD Map Locations (See map, p. 8) it by one point (up to a maximum of
dexterity 18).
Synopsis: The thief whom you met in 1 Ouildmaster. When the party enters, it
Tilverton escorts the party to the Is escorted to the Guildmaster. He 3 Dog Kennels. Home to a pack of
Guildmaster. He begins to explain that the reveals that the fire Knives, who are ravenous dogs. The Sleep spell may
responsible for the characters' attack be used against them.
on the king's carriage, hold the cap-
9 10
4 Otyugh Lair. The otyughs are powerful
creatures who may attack three times
11 Symbol of Moander. A group of wor-
shippers of Moander held services here

' ''
per turn. Cast preparatory spells while the party WM being bonded.
before going into battle against them. 12 Site of Second Remnanl Through a 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
In battle: Stinking Cloud may render trap door in this room's ceiling. the Key:
the otyughs helpless. Fireballs are fire Knives brought the princess into
0 :: ~- ~ :·:·:·:·:·:·::;.;.;.;.;.;. •.;.;.:·:··:· :;.; ;.;.;.; . 2 /:·:·::·:·:· I ":J·:·:·: :·:•:·:· ; ! ·•·:
also effective.
5 Otyugh Lair with Hidden Oold. A gold
the sewer. A bit of her clothing wa<>
caught in the door, which is too

.. .
: · · ,..
ring hides among the filth. The solidly jammed to open. However, a J

otyughs are willing to trade the ring for thief wearing proper armor can climb •• :·:-:::·:·:·:·:·:· ........

some garbage belonging to their com- up to the trap door and spy the 4 1.h
. J::;.;.;.;.;.: l : ii-~CJO.....~,e>;,.....;c:~, : .....i '")··:·::·: 3 DOOR
rades in location 6. The jewelry ls remnants of the royal garb. 5
marked with the symbol of the
Zhentrim. The best tactic to pursue is
to Parlay with the otyughs and agree
D. 1iIB FnIB Kl'ilm Hmoour 6

6 :;
....,.•.;. .;:; ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.; :.'::.;.;.;.;.; 1::·:·::·:·••:·:·:·:·:·<·•·::.;.:-A-....C:Jt

·· ·: ·:·: ~ h •. J
,.. .
:, ,..
. J
Synopsis: The party seeks to locate the ) •,••·· · ·:······:···
to their demands. master of the fire Knives and force him to 8 :: ,..
:• J

6 filthy Otyugh Lair. Defeat the otyughs release his bond. To accomplish this, the 9 .•, J l h
here and return to Location 5 to gain characters must save the princess. Once
gems and jewelry. This is a tough they free themselves of the bond, the :~i ' f "' ::. 1 , :: I,, t a.,,·. ., ;. f. , ':::, . ·: :- ·-:-:<·:·: ·.: :, } 1,,,,.,,,
battle. Cast Prayer before you enter characters meet the true King. After the
the location. Cast Stinking Clouds to intercession of his daughter, he exiles the
slow up the otyughs. If you can party from the lands of Cormyr. The party t·:-:., . .,. ,.,.;.;.;.::-:-;:;.,.,.,. . , •.,.,.,. ,.,, . ,. .,.,... j;.....OC::>'*'"-0.o-.....-....--t ,.,.,.,.:). 12 /,._.:.:·:· .,.,.,., ..
retreat through the doorway in is then escorted to the wilderness. 13 )
-.·:·:·:·:·: :.:.:·:·: 1,.,~ :-:- : -:-:·:':-:-:·: ·:·:· lo-I ·:·: · :-:-:-::; .;.;.; .;-:-: .;.;.:.:-:-•.·,••··•-:-:.:-:.:..,:•,:,.;.:.:·:·:·•I :·:·:·:-: :,:.-:-::-: k::)P-..,.....,;r
combat. you will have a good
defensive position. Cast fireballs.
Where You Can Rest: The only safe place
to rest is in the hidden passage, which the
:• ! ·:·:·:·:·:<;·:·:·~ :·:· ·:·:·:· ;: 10
··:·::1·:·:3·:--·:·:·:·:·:·::-:-o -::-:-: 14· :·: :b
Fire Knives have not discovered. &.....;i.....;;.....;i~l-.;;......;;.....;ii--.;;....~;~&...--...;.....1.....~--....
7 Troll/Crocodile Lair. Some trolls are
feeding their crocodiles here. Trolls Map Key
are dangerous creatures which regen- 1 Destroyed Checkpoint. The Fire
erate after absorbing seemingly fatal Knives manning this checkpoint were
damage. However, the trolls are slaughtered by Gharri of Gond a<> he held Fire Knives. The party can learn 9 The fire Knives' Annory. It's mostly
vulnerable to fire. If your magic-users began his rescue attempt. The sewer something about the hideout by bare now that the assassins are
cast fireball, the creatures should doors are just now being sealed, engaged in battles. Some recently
interrogating the held asSas.sins.
crisp nicely. If a partymember ls preventing your party's retreat into
6 Fire Knife Dead. The Knives, recently stolen magic weapons may be found
standing on either square that a troll the sewer.
engaged in numerous combats, have here if the party searches. Don't ready
had occupied before it went down, it
2 Abandoned Checkpoint. Abandoned a<> come here to gather their dead. the bracers, they are cursed.
will stop the troll from reappearing.
the local fire Knives rushed to stop They've divided them into two 10 Hospital. This room ha<> been
8 Troll Lair. The denizens have several Gharri. Tue door to the sewers is being groups - those to be raised and converted to a hospital. None of its
magic items of interest. It's recom- sealed to prevent others from entering. those to be buried. Nothing of value inhabitants are strong enough to
mended that you keep your party
3 ffidden Passage. This hideout has is in the room. hinder the party.
tightly grouped.
been under Fire Knife control only for 7 Torture Chamber. Gharri is here, 11 Offlce of Kybor. The fire Knives'
9 ffidden Chambers. It is safe to rest a few years, and the pa<>sage is undis- undergoing the Knives' "hospitality." magic-user. If your adventurers search
here. The thieves used it a<> a secret covered. It ls a safe place to rest. The party can rescue him, though he the area, they may find interesting
training hall. Your characters are
4 Blade Barrier. Gharri used a blade bar- is too badly wounded to help in the documents in his desk, plus some
allowed to train here.
rier in this room and the spell is just upcoming battle. money and magic items.
10 Princess' Cloth Remnant. The party about to end. If the party waits, they 8 storage Room. If the party searches, it
decides that the assassins carried the see the blades slow, then dissipate. can find the tables and some of the
princess past here, for a bit of her
5 Held Fire Knives. Gharri finally fell in offending instruments used to place
clothing ls caught on the doorjamb.
battle here, not long before the party the bonds on their arms.
arrived. The room is still littered with

11 12
12 Kybor's Ubrmy. Just a burnt-out husk. fight. Cut off the Knives' lines of ~ Note: We recommend that the party
Kybor lays on the floor, burnt to retreat, since they may attempt to flee. E. THE VILLAGE OF HAPT001H: fight at least four patrols before
death. A piece of paper is clutched in GoodLuckl entering the barn to engage Efreet.
0 2 3 4 5
his hand. On it is some information This is the first of five major parts of Key: Otherwise, the Efreet's force is very
about Tyranthraxus, who's wreaked 0 :; 1 •2 powerful.
the game. Upon completing this sec- ·-: :-:- 2 :-:-:-----
the havoc here in order to halt
Kybor's research efforts.
tion, the characters are asked to
choose their next destination. We 2
Synopsis: The caves are the only known
13 Kybor's Laboratory. Like the librruy, it recommend that the party head for
too has fallen victim to Tyranthraxus.
14 Kybor's Bedroom. Unseen servants
HAP. To get there, the characters travel
through the Overland. Alternately, the ~
entrance to the Wizard's Tower.
Dracandros has recruited Dark Elves,
party may reenter the sewers to train Efreeti, Salamanders and a Dracolich to
keep it in perfect order. There is guard this passage. Luckily for the party,
nothing of value here. characters. Be warned! The sewers are
tougher the second time through. Dracandros needs the characters alive.
15 final C,onfrontatlon. Here the final 7 Only the Dracolich escorts the party; other
Note: For more information on land-
battle with the fire Knives takes place. -:-:-:-:-:-::;.-.-.-·.:-:-:-:-.-:-:-.-:· ·:-: .=:-.-.-.-..-.....
monsters allow the characters to pass -
Their leader has captured the princess marks and encounters you'll experi- 8
minus some money and items.
:·:-:-:==-:-:-:::-:-1-:-:-:-:-:- - ... -=·:-:-:-:-
and Giogl Wyvemspur, the King's ence travelling between the key 9 : 2
towns, see the Overland section that A renegade Dark Elf named Silk leads a
impersonator, and is holding them 10 band of female adventurers called the
here. When the party arrives, the char- follows the Ruins of Myth Drannor. 1 - - - . . ; ;::-.--:.::-.:-:-:--:· :---:-:-:- 2 :-:-:-·---
Swanmays. She has been contracted to
acters are paralyzed by the fire Knife E. THE VIILACIB OF llAPToom 11 =-=-=-=-= ~-=-=- - - r=-=-=·=-:-: =..,.,,,, ......._ . coiled a part of a black dragon. Since
bond. The princess slips her bonds Dracandros has already gathered all the
and knocks out the leader. Freed of its Synopsis: Both Dark Elves (Drow) and 12 -·
Efreet have terrorized this small village. 13 dragons in the area, Silk needs someone to
compulsion, the party is able to fight chase the dragons out - or kill them. She
the assassins. If the party defeats The citizens keep to their houses and try to 14 6
avoid detection. Only Akabar Bel Akash, a agrees to make a female character an
them, the princess forces the fire Knife 15 associate member of the Swanmays in
leader to pennanently remove the fire merchant adventurer, is willing to stand up
to the horde of opponents. The final con- return for the party's help.
Knife sigil from the party.
frontation unfolds in the barn at the south Some of the cave's guards are members
The king arrives and thanks the end of town. Once the party dispatches the of her old family and will let Swanmays
characters for saving his daughter. Efreet and Drow, the villagers express their Map Locations through the lines. But Crimdrac is
However, he banishes them from joy by helping the party. The characters interested only in getting the party to
1 Entry Oate.
Cormyr - punishment for their find a map on the slain Efreet showing the Dracandros. After Dracandros' death, the
attempt to kill him. The party is then 2 Peasant Hovels. Rejoice that you're
way to the Cave of the Dracolich. caves are patrolled by hostile Drow,
escorted to the city limits and merely a visitor. The peasant inhabi-
Where You Can Rest: At the inn or temple whose ranks are replenished each time
released to its fate. tants are full of tears and dread before
before you have defeated the Efreet; any- the party leaves the caves.
the Efreet's downfall. Afterwards, they
The final Confrontation with the where at all afterward. Where You Can Rest: Once the party
are welcoming and friendly.
Knives is a demanding battle. Rest defeats 10 random patrols or defeats
before engaging the enemy, and let The Patrols: There are four patrols who 3 General Store. It is dosed tight until
will join the Efreet in the final battle if you Dracandros, it may rest anywhere. Before
your cleric(s) Fix damaged party the Efreet is killed.
haven't eliminated them previously. If the that, the characters can rest for several
members. Cast preparatory spells 4 Village Inn. Here you have a chance to hours inside the caves. Each time the party
before the battle - Bless, Enlarge, party Parlays and ads Nice or Meek, the
meet Akabar and join forces with the leaves the caves, patrols are reinforced.
Haste are good examples. Cast attack patrols will assume they are peasants and
brave merchant. You may rest here
spells to hold or cripple the enemy. send them on their way. Other actions will Map Locations (See map, p. 15)
for free.
result in combat. It is -recommended you 1 Arrow/West. While searching, the
Your party's fighters (paladins, rangers, eliminate the four patrols before you go to 5 The Temple of Sune. Keepers provide
fighters ...) should engage in close-in party finds an arrow pointing west
the final battle. The Dark Elves fight poorly healing after the Efreet has been here. Silk left it to guide potential
combat, taking care to assault in sunlight, so fight them during the day. killed. The party can rest and meet
damaged foes before the attack spells allies to her.
and join Akabar here.
wear off. Isolate the enemy while Note: Akabar may insult the Dark Elves if 2 Arrow/South. If the party searches, it
keeping thieves and magic-users away he is in the party. 6 Barn. It's been converted into the discovers an arrow pointing south -
from direct combat. In later rounds, Efreet's headquarters. He will attack. another of Silk's clues.
your clerics should heal characters whoever disturbs him. On his body is
that have taken damage during the a map leading to the Caves of the
13 14
•F. THE CAVE OF nm DRACOLICU: damage. Further, the great heat
may prevent them from reaching
12 Blocked City Entrance. This is the
entrance to the dark elfin city. When
the casks. the party reaches it. rubble blocks
Key: the way.
0 7 Cleric Barracks. The barracks for the

dark elf clerics, who will oppose you
ferociously. If the party has a
Swanmay character (female character
13 fixed Patrol. The scouts are led by
14 Crlmdrac's Lair. He only attacks the
6 accepted by Silk) in its ranks, the cler-
ics let them retreat and avoid combat.
party if the characters resist. Once he
is dead, none of the patrols will

5 If you engage the clerics, be advised accept surrender.
that they possess a barrage of spells If you are going to fight Crimdrac,
6 ..,_ which makes them quite formidable.
cast prayer and other protection
7 Their 50% magic resistance reduces spells just before entering this
the value of Area Effect spells. Best location. Crimdrac's high armor class
suited to fight the clerics are makes it difficult to hit him with
9 fighter\maglc-users and dual class weapons and his fiery breath is most
10 magic-user and fighter types (fighter, deadly to your party If its members
paladin, ranger). All other characters cluster. The party should spread out
l--{JU-....- should retreat out of sight for the inside the lair.
12 first several rounds of combat. The
fighter\maglc-users should cast Among attack spells, only fireball and
Minor Globe of Invulnerability on Magic Missile are effective against
14 themselves, then attack the Draws Crimdrac. Magic Missile is recommend-
Tower ~15 ______....__....__ _..__ __
fntrance with swords. ed, for its user may cast it immediately.
A magic-user casting fireball may be
The Drow spells should have no hit before the casting is completed.
effect on your magic-users If they are
protected by Minor Globes of 15 WIZard's Tower Entrance. Silk will be
Invulnerability. Once the enemy cler- here to greet the party if it returns
ics have cast most of their dangerous with a character bearing her mark. If
3 Silk's Honor Ouard. A group of female 6 Salamander Cavern. The archway to
spells, the remainder of your party the party has brought with it the
Dark Elves waits here to present Silk's the north opens onto a geyser-filled
offer to the party. Accept and your cavern, occupied by Salamanders can charge and finish off the enemy. dragon eoo or heart, she gives the
characters a large reward. Silk thanks
characters are taken to meet Silk. and some fireproof casks containing 8 Anhkhegs. Some Dark elves have the entire group and disappears.
The Dark Elves will flee if the party treasure. If the party Parlays In Sly, it taken control of Anhkhegs and have
tries to attack. can raid the treasure casks without housed them here. Since this is a pri- G. TtIB WIZARD'S TOWER
4 Silk. The current leader of the defeating the Salamanders. If you vate elf power play, the Anhkhegs
engage the Salamanders, be sure to
Synopsis: Dracandros, a renegade Red
Swanmays will offer an associate attack on sight and give no quarter.
Wirard of Thay, is trying to stir a renewed
membership to one female In the attack to the doorway. You must
9 Mage Barracks. Home to dark elf flight of the Dragons to rain destruction on
party. She expresses her regrets if no control the doorway to prevent a
magic-users, who react to the party's the civilized areas of the Realms. He has
females are present. If the party leaves mass of slithering Salamanders from
intrusion by putting up a stiff fight. gathered all the nearby Black Dragons for a
the caves and recruits a female before swarming through.
Having a Swanmay in your party will conference atop his tower. Dracandros'
slaying Dracandros, Silk renews the Note: The treasure found here is allow you to retreat and avoid combat bond forces the party to destroy an
offer. Wrt:h Silk's mark, some patrols valuable when you reach the Wirard's here. fighting this group Is not recom- illusionary dragon, convincing the watching
let the party pass unhindered. Tower, especially If you should attack mended. If you do fight. use the same dragons of Man's enmity. The skeptical
5 Elf Barracks. The dark elves resident the Black Dragons (which we don't tactics as outlined for location 7. dragons ask that Dracandros remove his
here are hostile and sure to give you a recommend). The long sword is a control over the party to test the party's
10 Patrol Jn Archway. The patrol seeks to
ferocious battle. sword of dragon slaying (triple damage supposed hostility. The party may either
prevent people from reaching the
vs Black Dragons) and the scroll pro- attack the dragons or convince the
entrance to the dark elfin city at 12.
vides protection from dragon breath. creatures that they mean no harm. The
11 Collapsing Tunnel. When the players
Note: Characters who enter the
reach this point. the elves will collapse
cavern without fire resistance take
the tunnel.
15 16
characters then must force their W'il'J down
the Tower and confront Dracandros in the
courtyard below. In the wake of victory, the
party finds the Helm of Dragons, the artifact LEVEL I LEVEL 3 Koor
which reveals Tyranthraxus' location. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 3
Where You Can Rest: The party can rest 0 To
only on the roof and in the courtyard. To Level 2 ..a--- Level
···•·•··...••.•.········,•• 2 J
However, you can rest anywhere after ·.·:·:.·:-:·:-:-:-
defeating four patrols - until Dracandros 2
2 ·. . . . . . : . . . . . . . :.•.. :.:-:)-:-:-'.-:··
is killed or the party searches his bedroom.
Map Locations
.•.• I ·.·.·.·.·.·: ::·.·.·.·.·.·. ..·•· .••..· :·••. • :~ .·.·.·.·.,.·,',",·..
1 Tower Entrance and ExiL When the
party first enters, it meets Dracandros .·. 1.·.·.·.-.... :'.... ·.·.·.·. Key:
here. He invokes the bonds to para- 6
B [!]
I .....................I··.···:;•.........·.}· I'··-·.·.·.·•·.··.··.·
lyze them, then transports them to 7 g a~ To Level4
location 2. WALL STAIRWAY

2 Tower Roof. Dracandros teleports the

party to the roof, where a horde of
dragons has gathered. He forces the
party to destroy an illusionary dragon.
However, in order to convince the
dragons that the party is actually LEVEL 2 6 Stairway. The passage to Level 2.
hostile to them, Dracandros removes
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 To Roof 1 Paper/Explosive Rune. A piece of
the slgils from the characters' arms.
••• 7 paper on the floor describes how to
At this point, the party has four .,....._: ~c:::)!io-t disarm the trap at 9. However, an
choices: Attack the Dragons, Attack explosive rune guards the paper. If
l<=lii!o--IC::Jil-~ ... >··.·.·J.~- To Level J
Dracandros, Flee, or Parl'il'j. To avoid 2 the rune Is not avoided, then the
fighting the dragons, the party must paper explodes before the
choose to attack Dracandros or 3
To Level J information can be read. Magic-users
. Parlay with the Dragons. Be Nice or 4 are best suited to disarm the rune.
Meek to them. fleeing or Attacking 5 8 Stairway. To the lst level.
the dragons results in a fight with 14 6 t-+-~~Jolc::Jol
Black Dragons. 9 Trap. The stalrw'il'j goes flat and
Symbol of Pain to reduce the party's propels the party Into a bed of spikes,
We advise against fighting the dragons.
To Level I chance of hitting him. doing nasty damage. It can only be
If you do, we advise the following: One
avoided by successfully reading the
of your fighters needs the Dragonslayer Your magic-users should cast several note at 7.
Sword and the Scroll of Protection (you preparatory spells before the party
should have collected these as treasure tangles with Burly: Haste and Enlarge 10 fight against Dracandros. Here the
from the Salamander Cavern). Prior to If the party has made a deal with Silk are vital. During battle, have a thief try final battle with Dracandros and his
entering the tower, read the scroll and the Swanm'il'j. the characters can back stabbing. A magic-user should minions takes place. Once the party
cac;t preparatory spells such as Haste carry off a dragon's heart (Silk will pay cast Magic Missile. Stinking Cloud may triumphs, it gains the Helm of
and Enlarge. When the battle begins, handsomely for this). But the dragon's work occasionally. Good Luck!! Dragons. Dracandros is protected by a
charge the protected figllter into the addle blood spr'il'js the characters, Minor Globe, Protection from Normal
dragon horde. Keep other fighters at and may damage them. 4 Stairway. It leads down to Level 3. Missiles and an Invisibility spell.
range, where they can use missile 3 Burly and the Symbol of Pain. 5 Burly's fllusion. An illusion of the He'll cast fire Shield given an
weapons. Magic-users can cac;t Dracandros' personal guard, Burly is a body guard at 3 stands here and opportunity to do so. His Efreeti and
Confusion and ftreball. Dark Elf (Drow) and plenty tough. He demands a bribe to let the party pass. Drow guards are deadly in a melee.
waits to confront the party. Burly uses If the characters refuse, they can then
several potions before the characters dispel the illusion with a single blow.
arrive, and his shield mounts a

17 18
Your party's best chance lies In If the sphere reaches the wizard, he H. YULASH:
minimizing the number of spells
Dracandros casts. Cast preparatory
uses a Rod of Cancellation to destroy
It. However, destroying the sphere
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
spells, especially Haste. During battle, causes a tremendous explosion, Key:
0 : 1 11 12
cast Ice Storm to damage him, then killing the wizard and letting the party ·.·. 0
·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·,..·.·•·.·.·.·· •

rush a fighter up to Dracandros and loot the room. 8

3 ··· IC~...;.,,...;;.-1
attack. If you lack these spells, the 14 Drow/Ow/bear Patrol. 2 I •10 •. _ WALL
party should move out of Dracandros' 3 ..·.· s ·...·.· ........ ,..... -u .·10 ..·.·.-...
sight, then dispose of his guards. 15 Wyvem Pens. The Wyverns roam this
. ~ . ···•'········ - -........_ _ _-41 ••
room, freed from their chains since
Then send your fighters after DOOR
Dracandros fled and undid their Alternate 5 .. ... ~ ·. ·: . . 4 . ....... ·. · . · . ,1:o-;....,r-~Jo1
Dracandros, but beware of his flre Bnttance ..,__ _ _frUo _ __. 9· ·
restraining locks. Your derics should
Shield - especially If you are
considering a timely back stab.
have Neutralize Polson memorized
before entering the pens as poisoning
~; ( ( ·• ·: ~ · 10 ••
•· g
Note: Artlfacts such as the Helm of
Dragons do not appear in the items
enemies ls a Wyvern spedalty.
16 More Wyvems.
B .· .· . •~<r·~·B-
· · _·.· . w·~i1-,". <-1n_1", --tt--- ·. ~.· .· ·
·.· ·.-·.. ......... ·.· ••
list, as they cannot be stolen or sold.
11 Dracandros' Main Laborat.ory. The
17 Drow and Ow/bear Reinforcements. 91-~·'·.... . . ·.· - ...... _J .·.·. ·. Q
10 =: - ·:
9 11
wizard's chief experiment Involves the 18 Dracandros' Bedroom. Signs of recent
hatching of a Black Dragon's eg.q. The
party can steal it safely. If you
packing are unmistakable. If the
characters search long enough, they

11 ••

- •
.·.·.·.·. .·.·.·.·.· .·.···
,2 ·
~--t=::Joii-.IC}olo....11 ······ .·.• • .·.· .....
. Jb
will find a few trinkets the rogue 13.,_~:::i-.-.... ·.-.·.·.· - v -
accepted Silk's earlier offer, she'll
pay well for the egg. Wizard left behind. However, this
prowling gives Dracandros' guards 14
12 Entry to Trial of the Sphere. The party ID~....-'I >·<·
time to organize more patrols. 15 •• 8 10 •• : 1
sees a sign over the east door stating
'Trial of the Sphere'. Only one 19 Dracandros' Library. Though It con-
member of the party at a time may
enter. This character then moves Into
a fateful struggle at the next location.
tains a wide variety of books, none
are magical or particularly valuable.
20 A Scroll library. Dracandros has

the Zhentil terror squads, the looters and The Commander: You are first led into a
13 Sphere of Annihilation Duel. The recently ransacked It on his way out. the creatures of Moander to reach the Pit. waiting room. Should you move onto one
chosen character faces a red wizard. This completes another of the five Moander last entered this world from the of the two exit squares, a door bursts open
Between the two is a Sphere of sections of Cull.Sii Of' THI! AzuRll Bonoo. Pit and rumors suggest that he'll return and Zhentll Keep spies begin to run away
Annihilation. Only a magic-user can The party will have lost another azure there soon. from you. You can either fight them or let
control the sphere. The outcome of bond and recovered one of the three Where You Can Rest: In Yulash, you may them escape. Then you are led In to see
the duel ls determined by character key artifacts. We recommend that you rest ~fely In the Barracks of the Red the Commander. He will judge your party
level and Intelligence. If neither side select YULASH as your next Plume Guards - If you have met the com- based on your ·performance· In these
has control, then the sphere moves destination. When you arrive In mander and he decides that you are not different areas:
towards the stronger mage. If your Yulash, you'll find the Red Plumes of looters. You may be able to rest In any A. flghting spies - the Commander judges
character surrenders, he loses some Hillsfar in control of a partially ruined room once you've had an encounter there, you favorably only If you fought and
Items and money and is forced town. A deadly Cult will be lurking In but this Isn't guaranteed. fought well.
outside. A character touched by the the Pit of Moander...
sphere Is permanently eliminated, Checkpoints: There are various check- B. flghting Red Plumes - he frowns
along with his treasure. H. YULASH points throughout the city. With the upon this.
Commander's good will. you advance C. Sneaking past checkpoints - you earn
Note: Using a character who's not a Synopsis: The city of Yulash Is the historic easily (If you choose parlay). If you have
magic-user may work to your battleground between the forces of Hlllsfar his disapproval.
not met the commander. the guards
advantage since the sphere moves and the troops of Zhentil Keep. Currently, demand that you follow them. If you fight D. Your response to a Parlay - he likes the
towards the stronger magic-user when the Red Plumes of Hillsfar control the city. the guards and lose, you wake up In haughty and the nice, but not the meek
It's not controlled. However, the recent battles have left much prison. You are then taken to the or the sly.
of the town In ruins; only the Red Plume commander, where you will be judged.
Headquarters section has been rebuilt. The
party must get by the Red Plume patrols,
E. The character's dass - he favors
paladins over thieves.
F. The character's alignment - the
Mounds enjoy engulfing a foe, which
they can do in just two rounds. A
character engulfed for several rounds

Commander favors good over evil. can be suffocated and die. To avoid
this fate, cast Slow against the LEVEL 1 LEVEL l
G. Additions to the party - he approves of Mounds. Shambling Mounds gain hit
the Swanmay. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
points when hit by lightning. Key:
H. Your prison record - the Commander Note: Defeating them provides you
1..0 :2 6 o~:~ 10.:~
frowns upon transgressors.
If all goes well, the Commander will give
with a Wand of Defoliation, a very use-
ful item in the Pit of Moander. You
: ~~·'·-·;• J :·:·2:·:·:·:·:::·:·:·:·:·:·t
J :::
: ·:·:·:·:·

·:·:·:·:·: 5 ·:·:·:·:·:·

you a free pass through the city and a map. also get a Wand of Lightning Bolts.
If not, he will brand you looters, forcing
you to tackle him and the elite Red Plume
1 You find a destroyed checkpoint with
the mark of Zhentil Keep smeared on
4 3 2
3 ::: :::
·:·:·:·:·: 5 ·:·:·:·:·:·
guards. After the fight, you find the map in the walls. 5 ~~~ m2 ~
the Commander's desk.
8 In addition to random encounters, 6 l'l'. ... 7 ]
Note: Once you fight the Commander, all you will meet Zhentil Keep Terrorists STAIRWAY
subsequent Red Plume encounters lead to
7 5 j~l - ~j
at these points.
immediate combat. ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ •·•·•·•·•·• ::3 ·•·•·•·•·•
8 - 6
9 Loot.ers. In addition to random :·:·:·:·:·:·
Map Locations encounters, you meet looters at these 9 I) •: ARfA
,.,.,,..,.,~.:'.. ·:·:·:·:·: ~
1 Checkpoints. points. The first group you meet will 10
2 Mess hall. If you have the goodwill of give you Information about the city If
you parlay with them. There is a
•·•·:·:·:·: 8
: •·•·•·•·•·•·
·:·:·:·:·:l ·:·:·:·:··:<-:·:·:·::·:·1 --i;i(Jio""""f 11 ·:·:·:·:·:· ~ :·:·•· llli~
.. ,,.;11:·:·:·:·:·:·1
the Commander, you may drink and 12 :,: 12
chance that some of them may be 5
hear some tavern tales here.
Fire Knives In disguise. 13
3 Barracks. You may rest here if you
have the goodwill of the Commander. 1O Pits. If you have a dwarf or thief with :: =·· · hj
·:·:·:·:·:·•.,. ...
7 7
•.. ............. .,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,Mi
·:·:·:·:·:·: :·:.:·: :

~ 4 ~ 3 ~-IE-1
you, they may notice that the ground
4 Brig. If you lose a battle with the Red here Is weak. Their senses should
15 ~~~ 0:~ ~ 15 I ~~~ Iu :: 2 m
Plumes before you meet the lead you around the trouble; however,
Commander, you wake up here. Try to
leave and you're immediately
marched to a rendezvous with the
failure to detect leads to a ground col-
lapse and damage to your characters.
11 f'alling Walls. Same as pits.

world after a long absence. Opening the Level l Map Locations
gate depletes the power of the bonds and 1 Entrance to the Pit. Corpses litter the
5 Waiting Room. You wait here for the 12 Take note. This is the entrance to the sets the party free. floor. A wounded cleric collapses the
Commander to see you. If you walk Pit of Moander. It is a one-way
Now they must kill Mogion to shut the gate wall behind you, sealing you In. You
into one of the eastern squares, a entrance.
and defeat the parts of Moander which can hear the sound of battle.
band of Zhentil Keep spies rushes have emerged. When they accomplish
into the room. You may either fight
I. THE Prr OF' MOANDBK 2 Monster Remains. Bodies of various
these tasks, your characters discover the monsters, all freshly killed or fatally
them or let them go, then meet the Synopsis: The Pit has become the
Gauntlet of Moander, one of the three arti- wounded.
Commander. stronghold of the worshippers of Moander.
facts necessary to defeat Tyranthraxus.
The party starts at the top level and must 3 Alias and Dragonbalt. You meet them
6 You meet a group of Shambling work its way to the bottom. There, your Where You Can Rest: It Is safest to rest in here. If you tell your story, they offer
Mounds carefully picking over the characters confront the High Priestess any room where you have encountered to join you. If you are rude or refuse,
body of a cleric. Shambling Mounds Mogion, who controls one of the bonds. and defeated your opponents. However, they ask again. If you refuse a second
are very nasty monsters, Immune to there is no guaranteed rest area.
Along the way they meet the lovely Alias time, the pair departs.
most damage spells, though not to and her loyal companion, Dragonbait. The
Magic Missile. They receive only half- Note on Bncountas wiUt l'lonstas in the 4 stairs to the lower level.
duo may join the party. Pit: If Mogion is alive, the monsters attempt
damage from weapons. Shambling 5 Vegepygmles. They will try to push
Once the characters reach the main to push you back Into the corridor and then
you back and flee if Mogion lives. If
temple, they fall under the power of flee. If Mogion is already dead, they attack.
Mogion is dead, they11 simply attack.
Mogion's bond. She forces them to open a
They are very vulnerable to attacks
gateway to allow Moander to reenter the
from the Wand of Defoliation.
21 22
6 Shambling Mounds. Their response you must aush the pseudo-pods of which will assist your characters In Olive Ruskettle may appear from time to
also depends on Mcglon's status. Jn Moander. These are super'\Slrength destroying the Pool of Radiance. time. She runs away until you meet
combat, use the Wand of Defoliation Shambling Mounds. You11 have rid the party of Mcglon's alongside the Shrine. You also meet
against the Shamblers. It has only a 3 Winning delivers the Gauntlet of bond. We suggest that you now various townspeople and overhear
square range. Moander Into your hands. You then advance to ZHENTIL KEEP. remarks as you pass through the crowded
1 Giant Slugs. Kill them quickly. They must return to the exit (just above #8 environs of the city.
spit acid for massive damage. Most of on level one) and bid farewell to The Tavern: Here you may drink, overhear
them can be quickly avoided. Mcglon's lair. Synopsis: The Zhentrlm are worshippers gossip, and bet on the arena combat
of Bane, and their High Priest controls one matches. If you don't bet or drink you are
8 final Batlle and Exit. If you've
dispatched Mcglon on the second
Cast preparatory spells before
entering the battle. Then, cast a
'/ of the bonds. Your goal here Is to discover forced to leave.
a way Into the Shrine of Bane. The city's
level, then you fight the last remnant
of her forces at this point. Use a
barrage of spells (Fireball is the best)
to prevent Mcglon and her cultists l Inhabitants are aware of the party, thanks
to the lively tongue of Olive Ruskettle.
Map Locations (See map, p. 25)
1 The Main Oates. You will be stopped
varlety of preparatory and attack from casting spells. After defeating Consequently, many people rudely point and questioned by the City Guards
spells. Enlarged and Hastened the spell casters, eliminate the and mutter at the party. On the bright side, about your purpose In coming here.
fighters are very effective. When you Shambling Mounds. Against the Bits Olive knows of secret entrances into the You also receive the first Indication
win, you can leave through the door O' Moander a flurry of these spells is Shrine and will aid the party. that you are expected.
to the west. Alias and Dragonbalt will advised: Hold Monster, Charm
Monster, Confusion, and Slow. Clerics Where You Can Rest: The inn (only). 2 The Inn. This Is the only place where
then leave, assuming you've let them
should cMt Slay Living and Poison you can rest in Zhentll Keep.
join the party. Whom and What you meet:
Level 2 Map Locations (See map, p. 22) spells. Send a squad of Enlarged/ Zhentil Keep Troopers (with some 3 Weapons Shop. You can buy weapons
Hastened fighters to hack up the Bits. Magic-Users): If you respond MEEK during at Inflated prices.
I Stairs to upper level. A character wielding the Wand of Parlay, they let you go. If you lose a battle, 4 Magic Shop. You can buy magical
2 Dead Zhentil Keeper. A note from Defoliation is essential. If unable to you wake up in the court. If you plead items at inflated prices. Even so, you
Fzoul to Mcglon rests in his stilled win this battle any other way, you may guilty while on trial, you are fined 90% of should at least buy some Darts of
hand. use the Dust of Disappearance you your money and stripped of 50% of your the Hornet's Nest and magic arrows.
3 Vegepygmies. picked up In the Thieves' Guild. items. No matter what your plea you are The scrolls are probably not worth
4 Shambling Mounds. Cast Enlarge to Use the Dust of Disappearance in sent to the arena for trial by combat - to buying. The wands and potions will
camp before entering this location. encounter Flightless Griffons, Ogres, be useful. You will probably not find
prepare for battle. The Wand of
Keep the Invisible wielder of the Wand Otyughs, Manticores or Gladiators. If you anything more worthwhile on which
Defoliation is a superb weapon here.
of Defoliation at least one square win, you are taken back out to the street. to spend money so you may as well
5 Giant Slugs. Move on them quickly. away from his opponents. spend It here.
Once you fight the troops, the Army
6 Moander fanatics. They attack auto- 9 Swanmays. If Silk has made a mem- becomes permanently hostile to the party, 5 Equipment Shop. Equipment - at
matically if Moglon Is dead. ber of the party a Swan may, Alias (if and spoils for a fight each time its troops inflated prices.
1 Alias. Here you receive another she is in your party) now senses this. encounter your characters. 6 Magistrate's Offlce. Should you not
chance to accept Alias and Dragonbait If you tell her the truth about your Magic-Users (with some Troopers). If leave immediately, Zhentll Keep
into your party. Refuse again and they Swanmay companion's presence, she you respond SLY in parlay, they let you go. troopers fall upon you.
leave forever. stays with you. Lie and Alias and If you lose any battle, you are taken to the Reinforcements appear if you win the
Dragonbait leave to Investigate Silk. Magistrate as above. If you fight the magic- first battle. flghting either force turns
8 Mogion Appears. You meet Mcglon,
who paralyses the party through the I O Giant Slug f'est.. If Alias Is with the users, they become forever hostile, attack- the Zhentil Keep Army hostile for the
bonds. Alias and Dragonbait (if party, you encounter a large number ing at the sight of you. remainder of the game.
present) are trapped by clinging vines. of cultists feeding a peasant to a Priests of Bane (with some Troopers). If 1 The Court. If you walk in here, you'll
The energy from the bonds is used to giant slug. Alias ·and Dragonbait you respond with NICE in parlay, they find It empty. If you are brought here
open the dimension door that Is Immediately attack, forcing you to
join the battle.
\ release you. If you lose a battle, you are after losing a battle to the Zhentil
Moander's entry to the world. As he taken to the Magistrate as above. Once you Keep Army, you are tried as
starts to emerge, the paralysis disap- When you exit the pit, your party will battle the clerics, they will attack you on explained above.
pears and you can fight again. Once have completed another of the five sight thereafter.
you defeat Mcglon and her minions, sections of the game. You'll have Note: Priests cast powerful spells. Try at
acquired the second of three all costs to keep priests from casting by
artifacts, the Gauntlet of Moander, striking at them first. If a priest strikes a
member of your party with a Hold Person
spell, that character is helpless.
23 24
Where You Can Rest: The cell at #6. In
other locations Inside the Shrine, you have
a chance of random encounters.
0 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Map Locations
0 9
Key: I Main Temple Doors. An old cleric

appears with a crumbling scroll and
seals the temple door so no one can

2 Banlte Clerics. Automatic encounters
unfold here. Beware of the Priests'
spell casting powers and the clubs
6 they like to hurl at Held persons.
... .·.·...,,..............,,..............,:·.·.·.·.....-:;.·.·.·.·..·.::·.·.·.·.·.·.·:;.·.·.·.·.·.·.::·.·.·.·.·.·.·:;.·.·.·.·.·.·.::·.·.·.·.·.·.·:;.·..·.·.·..·.·•· ·.···· 7 3 Treasure/frap: Your party notices a
11 11 11 DOOR trap door In the altar. If one of your
magic-using characters possesses a
+++ detect trap spell, you discover that the
Main fntranc;e Temple of Bane to

Secret ~~ h1o
....... . ... :......
· ,. . . . . .. ..J~•~c::>t 11
12 9
10 8
door Is trapped. If you by to disarm It
and fail, the entire party is enveloped
In a damaging cloud of gas. If all goes
to Temple
of Bane
J..... .. . . J-<>t 12
·. 12··.··.·

'...... 13
well, you find a treasure here.
4 Secret .Door. You'll find this door
leading to and from the main chapel
12 14 when the party searches.
·. C ..... ..,. . 15 5 Olive Ruskettle's Entry PolnL Where
the party entered the Shrine If accom-
K. THB SHRINE OF BANE panied by Olive. The magic device

• 8 The Arena. Wander about as much as that you accompany them Into the
Synopsis: The Banites are in turmoil In
the wake of political maneuverlng
between High Priest fzoul and Dexam the
that she used to get you through the
walls disintegrates, closing off this
opening as a possible exit route from
you like (barring random encounters). Shrine. If you refuse, they attack. If Beholder. Dexam Is an Inquisitor searching the Shrine.
If you lose a battle to the Zhentll Keep they win, they capture the party and for evidence that fzoul is dabbling In
6 Dlmswart the Sage. This cell holds
Army, you are eventually brought here take the characters to a dungeon In magic. He has sent his lieutenant, a Dimswart the Sage. He will tell you his
to battle the Keep's ·pets·. the Shrine. If you win, another group hooded woman (really a Medusa), Into the
life-story and ask if he may accompany
9 The Tuvem. You can buy drinks and of Priests follows In the footsteps of Shrine to locate Dimswart, who has been you. Reply with a ~es· if you want to
listen to tavern tales here. In the first. Defeat the reinforcements captured by fzoul. When the woman
be sure that you can leave the Shrine.
addition, you may gamble on the and win the right to enter the temple meets the party, she Insists on taking the
through the front doors. Any time you characters along to be Interviewed. 7 Olive. If you entered the Shrine
Arena combats. through your own powers, Ruskettle
surrender, you are escorted Into the Agreeing to the request is the only way to
10 Olive's Secret Entrance. Olive dungeon. enter the Caves of the Beholder. materializes here and gives you more
Ruskettle offers to take you Into the Information. Olive points out the cell
Shrine of Bane through a secret Beware: Priests cany clubs which As you move about inside the Shrine of
where Dlmswart Is being held and
entrance she knows. Refusing this they can hurl at range at a party Bane, you may run into wandering bands then disappears.
offer a second time blocks the member under the effect of a Hold of Banlte Clerics. Select NICE when
Person spell. You must move quickly engaged In a parlay and the clerics may let
entrance, forcing you to use the main
entrance to the temple. to defuse their power. the party pass. Any other response and the
12 Private Residences. If you break Into clerics drag their feet until reinforcements
11 Temple of Bane. Main entrance. arrive. Attack the reinforcements Immedi-
Priests of Bane rush out and demand these homes you receive fair warning.
ately to reduce the number of clerics you
Try again and meet an aroused and
angty detachment of Zhentll Keep must fight later.
Troops. You've also guaranteed the
permanent hostility of the Army.
25 26
8 Saying Room. This room Is filled with !'lap Locations
mirrors. Fzoul uses It to spy on his Note: During encounters that occur In the
enemies. Each mirror reveals the corridors, the monsters may attempt to
current whereabouts of a particular flee (if the party is winning). In the lair, 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
monster. Remember the location of however, they will fight to the end. You will Key:
the entry door, for It Is Invisible Inside note that some numbers are Indicated
the room. Just walk through the west
wall in the upper left hand corner.
twice. Those numbers that are In a room
are the lair encounters. B
9 Hooded Woman. If Dimswart is with I Dexam 's Altar. You anive here with
you a hooded woman (Medusa) will the hooded woman from the cave
#dimension-door" Into these areas entrance. She then joins a band of DOOR
when you anive. She offers to help armored minotaurs who snap to ,
the party escape the dutches of the
Banite priests. If you refuse the
attention, indicating that she has
some power over them. ~
hooded woman's help, she vanishes. 7
2 Melee in the altar room. A conflict
In her place, a band of derics appears
to attack the characters (they have
breaks out between f'zoul's forces
and the troops of Dexam after Fzoul's
tracked down the powerful magic ALTAR
death. Both sides attack you on sight.
source of the dimension door). 10
You must fight your way to one of the
Note: Each time you cross these altar exit doors to escape. 11
squares, the woman offers to help. 12
3 Teleporting square. When you tread ....................rm;;_• .,.,...,., J
Saying Yes Is the only way to leave
upon this square, you are violently 13
the Shrine. t<f'\}.,,.....,;.....;,_1,.:.:·0·:-:I
teleported to the square at (4). The
L. 'Jim CAVE Of 11IB fiEHOIDFR effect of the teleport is imperfect and
slams your characters unmercifully 15
Synopsis: The woman takes the against the wall, damaging them.
characters to meet Dexam, the Beholder.
As the Interview begins, f'zoul and his
troops lnterru(t with ho&ile Intent. Dexam
slays him, and frees the party from the
4 Dead Elf Fighter. If the party walks
into this square, or anives by teleport,
the characters discover a dead elf
with a pouch. Inside the pouch is
•12 Medusa, Dexam and Priests. The Should the party stumble Into battle
control of the Zhentrim bond. Now your
characters must force their way out of the some money and a map showing an hooded woman reveals that she is a unprepared, retreat out of Dexam's
caves -through the battling factions. exit from the caves. If anyone can Medusa. If the party wins, It will sight. He is less effective at long
Once they defeat Dexam, they receive the detect a trap, you may discover a 3recover the Amulet of Lythander range, and moves slowly. At this
valuable Amulet of Lythander, an artlfad trap. The party must remove the trap from Dexam's body. range, your missile weapons are your
necessary to defeat Tyranthraxus. Once or gas envelopes everyone, causing Dexam the Beholder Is as tough as best bet for killing him.
the party has passed through the caves, it's certain damage. any monster you'll meet in the game. 13 Cave Exit. Olive wlll meet you to take
permanently blacklisted from Zhentli Keep. 5 Annored Mlnotaurs. He is immune to spells and can kill up Dlmswart off your hands.
Where You Can Rest: Anywhere exce(t to three characters per round. To
6 Annored Mlnotaurs. As it exits from the Cave of the
the central altar area (where a battle Is defeat him, your magic-users should Beholder, the party completes a
going on), but there is no guarantee rest
7 More Minotaurs. cast Haste and Enlarge spells just section of the game. An azure bond is
won't be lnterru(ted. 8 Ogres. before battle.
removed from the characters' arms.
9 Otyughs. Once In combat, clear away the first The third crucial artlfact, the Amulet
rank of Mlnotaurs with swords or the of Lythander, is now In the party's
I 0 flighUess Qriffons. fireball attack spell. The remaining possession. It's time to move on to
11 ManUcores. These creatures will try to fighters should swarm on Dexam the meeting with Tyranthraxus In
pincushion your characters by fling- before he can attack. A Back stab Is Myth Drannor.
ing spikes from their tails. Move dose the perfect weapon against the
and attack them first. Beholder. After eliminating Dexam,
dispatch the dangerous Medusa.

The story It tells of Thri-kreen gaining rush them with fighters, damaging the
M. THE 6uRIAL GLF.N: great strenfjh from the web Is a lie. creatures so they cannot cast. If you
The Rakshasa flees if attacked. meet many Rakshasa at a location,
Key: 2 Olowlng Red Web. This is a web and retreat immediately to save
0 unprotected characters from the
some wire snares covered by a
9 ::
• ...1...0......,.............. ............,,.........
tc:J;i-+~~.... ·
·.·:r: 3 . . C> ;:

:; ·~~ ;;..

~·· 1s

~.:·}o· =
:,.,.,., B
Rakshasa Illusion. The party has the
option of speaking, entering. hacking
Rakshasan spells (only characters with
Minor Globe can hold their ground).
Then attack them with magic
the web up - or leaving. Selecting
3 11 :: c:i 8 ::o ·:.:.::... :=- : : : :·i c :; J weapons. The Blessed Crossbow Bolts

:~£~ t7:+Br0
C> ':

1 ~:a:t1~,~
Speak causes the web to glow more
found in the Burial Glen kill a
brightly. Entering it entraps the party
Rakshasa instantly.
In Its fibers and attracts some huge

ID spiders. Once you've beaten the spi-

ders, the Rakshasa arrives and
6 Spirit's Warning. Once the party fol-
lows the Red Plume, a spirit appears

;tl ++,. J
.·. :: ·:·:·:·:·:·=11·=·:·:·:·:·::p -.;;....;;-t HEADSTONES
attacks the party. If your characters to warn them of the ambush - pro-

13 viding they've been restoring graves
I - 19 hack the web, the spiders still come
after you. The Rakshasa becomes and not looting them. The spirit is
9 o :· :wT : : .w.· .w·1t . . 1
E L.:·:·:·=11·::::::::: : ~:~:.]::~'l:J;i--1 HEDGE frustrated and slips away. quickly silenced by the Rakshasa.

~~,~· ·: ·.~:=t:;
3 Princess Daemlr's Spirit. If the party 7 Ambush. The Rakshasa has laid an
has been reburying - and not looting ambush with phase spiders here.

:~ - - ~~~:::o""'''~~,:
.·.·:. .·. ·.=,=:.,=
. .: ..· ·... :·.' ,.=:., . :...·..:...·...·.·. ·.:=:,.:..=:, ··.::·:·:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
.:.:.:. :... ·. ...· .. ..··..·. . ............::·=·=·=·=·=·=·:(·=·=·=·=·:= - 20 FENCE - skeletons it finds, Daemir offers to Cast Slow Poison and Neutralize
bless the characters. Accepting her Poison on characters afflicted by the

:: ;~t:j'x' , ~~+
blessing results in a gain of two spiders' poison.
rnACO that is effective while the party
12 I is in Myth Drannor. Refusing the bless-
8 Quardlan SplriL The entrance to this
tower is guarded by an elvish spirit. If
ing incites Daemir's curse and causes the party has looted graves, he'll raise
a two-point drop in TiiACO. This curse

a wind and hurt stones at the party,
cannot be removed, so don't refuse. then dissipate. If the party has been
Daemlr offers to forgive the party for on good behavior, your characters are
any grave robbing done, though she'll invited in to see the queen.
M. TlIB 8uRIAL GLEl'I Temple. But that depends on your party curse your adventurers for refusing
first showing friendship to the Knights. forgiveness (two rnACO loss). 9 Suits of Annor. Two suits of armor
Synopsis: Myth Drannor was an ancient
city of the elves. Abandoned long ago, it Random Encounters: The glen is flank this stairway. They oppose the
4 Thri-kreen Looting Scene. These are party's entrance if it fought its way
lies in ruins, overrun by looters and patrolled by packs of insects. If the insects places where Thri-kreen may be exca-
demons. The burial glen that the characters are led by a Thri-kreen, the party can avoid past the Guardian spirit. However,
vating graves. Once you've crushed their opposition is limited and they
wander through was once reserved for combat by choooing Parlay, then typing the insects, the party may either take
nobility. Now Thri-kreen loot the rich 'Tyranthraxus' when asked to identify their can only try to bar the passage with
its own turn at looting or choooe to their spears. When attacked, they
tombs, enjoying their fiendish depreda- leader. The insects are wary of the bury the aggrieved skeleton. The loot
tions. A few Rakshasa have also drifted Into powerful Tyranthraxus, who resides in the crumble to rust.
consists of jewelry, but the party's pil-
the glen, seeking gullible prey. Their nearby temple. laging is sure to offend elvish spirits. 10 Spirit Quardlan. An elvish spirit here
illusionary and ESP powers make them Where You Can Rest: At first, nowhere at summons a party of Thri-kreen to fight
accomplished beguilers. 5 InvltaUon to an Ambush. A Red the party if it has forced its way past 8
all. After 10 random encounters have Plume approaches the party and
Though the elvish spirits are very weak, taken place, rest anywhere. and 9. Otherwise, it merely invites
offers his family's ancient long bow in them into the presence of the queen.
they can hinder looters and aid protectors. Map Locations return for the character's help in res-
Also present is Nameless, the bard who cuing his father's bones. He is actual- 11 Queen's SpiriL The spirit of the
once created Alias. He tells the characters 1 false Elf1n Spirit. An elvish spirit ancient queen of Myth Drannor
appears before the party, though it is ly a Rakshasa trying to lead the party
of the threat of Tyranthraxus and encour- into an ambush at 7. If you overcome resides here. If the spiritiJUardlan
ages them to hurry. really Rakshasa in disguise. The admitted the characters to her
deceiving Rakshasa aims to lure the the ambush, you acquire the magic
The Knights of Myth Drannot who dis- long bow (+3). presence, she gives them a magical
party into the web at the next location. treasure, including some blessed
like the intrusion of the demons- and Rakshasa are immune to your spells,
Tyranthraxus in particular - may arrange a and they cast damage spells. When
helpful distraction when the party is in the encountering one or two Rakshasa.
29 30
crossbow bolts that are useful In N. TlIB KUll'lS OP MY111 DRANNOK N. THE RUINS OF MYTH DRANNOK:
defeating the Rak.shasas. In the event Synopsis: This area of the ruins is con-
that the party used force to gain entry, trolled by the Rakshasa and their minions,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
the queen's spirit suooests a cursed ..... :. Key:

J..!· . .
the Margoyles and Hell Hounds. The head ..... ·'.

treasure as a substitute. The party can ! @

Rakshac>a Is angry with Tyranthraxus for ::::
refuse - at the price of a collapsed .· ·. ·= :- .....

I~·· ·
stealing his minions. so he tries to redalm
tower upon its head. them when the party enters the Temple. Joi-
.• ••-1---tJ I Ill II . WALL

12 Nameless. Here the party meets 3
Where You Can Rest: No place Is safe
Nameless, who warns the characters untll the party has eliminated 10 random 4
about Tyranthraxus. patrols. Then rest at will.

13 Thrl-lrreen Guards. They're sure to be
Map Locations
hostile. Your characters must kill the
Thri-kreens quickly, for they attack 1 Unkempt. Rakshasa. A friendly HEDGE
with paraiyzlng venom. If a party Rakshasa with matted fur approaches
member Is affected, try to move hlm the party. He offers to help them loot 1111111
out of harm's way. the Rak.shasa's storehouse if the RUBBLEO
characters will help him break in. His WALL
14 More Thrl-kreen Guards. purpose: to find proof that another
15 Malil Thrl-Kreen Detachment. Guards Rakshasa had been cheating at gam-
from 14 and 15 respond to the noise bling. He leads the party to location 2.
of your arrival and reinforce the Once the party defeats the guards. 13
troops here. another Rakshasa leads more troops
14 . 3 :·
16 Spiders. Huge spiders occupy this against the first Rakshasa. The party
room. Don't forget to have Neutralize can help either side in the battle. The 15
Polson memorized in case a character characters can loot the storehouse if
Is polsoned by one of these arachnids .
17 Spider Nests. Hopefully, the spirits
have warned your characters about
they've sided with the first Rakshasa.
Otherwise, the storehouse guard Is
• hell hound. But the hobbit is actually 10 Old Sewer Orate. This grate leads into
this location, for these agile creatures 2 Storehouse Ouard. Here the store- a Rakshasa who has stationed hidden the ruined temple. If the party enters
guard their nests most fiercely. house guard Is stationed. forces on the nearby rooftops. Should through the grate, it can kill some of
the party decide to rescue the forlorn Tyranthraxus' minions before the di-
18 Phase Spiders. Will attack at anyone's 3 Rakshasa's Central Storeroom. If the
·hobbit.· the Rakshasa reveals him- mactlc battle occurs.
approach. party should search the premises, If
self and ambushes the party.
may find some valuables. 11 lfead Rakshasa. Here the chief
19 Phase Spiders //. More phase spiders 8 Gambling Den. This Is a popular Rakshasa holds court. If the party par-
live In this room. 4 /fell !found Chase. A man captured by
Rakshasan hangout. Refer to lays and chooses haughty. he conde-
the Rakshasa has been sentenced to
20 Spiders and Bones. Phase spiders Invitation to an Ambush (BURIAL scends to help the characters when
be on the receiving end of a hell
have gathered some bones together GLEN SECTION) for the best tactics they attack Tyranthraxus.
hound hunt. The party sees the tail
to form a nest. The players can loot to use against the Rakshasa.
end of the chase. If your characters If you fight the chief Rakshasa, you11
the bones or return them to the 9 Margoyles Jn Doorway. The party spots
rescue the man, he reveals the face a large Rakshasan force. Cast
crypts. Of course, looting the dead two margoyles torturing a small ani-
location of his hidden treasure. preparatory spells before entering the
offends the elvish spirits. mal. If the party attacks, It can kill the battle. Magic-users should protect
5 lfidden Treasure. The party should
l'tote: To enter the ruins of Myth margoyles. themselves with the Globe of Invulner-
search this location if it has rescued
Drannor, move the party on a path that However, a Rakshasa has laid an ability and cast Haste and Enlarge on
theman in4.
takes them off the ea51:em edge of the ambush for anyone presuming to be a your fighters. A deric's Prayer spell is
map. The eastern border of the Glen 6 Nameless. This anonymous benefac- also valuable. Keep unshielded char-
defender of small animals' rights. He
is the western boundary of the ruins. tor meets the party here and encour- acters away from the Rakshasan
collapses the doorway onto the party.
ages It to confront Tyranthraxus. ranks, and utilize magic weapons
If the party plays dead, the attacking
7 Brushy Ambush. The center of this Rakshasa can be surprised. against them. We recommend a Parlay
courtyard Is overgrown with brush. Otherwise, he merely retreats. with a Haughty response. Parlaying will
What seems to be a hobbit rushes also help you avoid Rakshasa patrols.
Into the thicket. pursued by a hungry
•o. 0
3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Map Locations
1 Entry flail. When the party enters the
main entrance hall, the sigils on the
18 f'inal Battle. Here the final battle with
Tyranthraxus unfolds. High Priests
and Margoyles support Tyranthraxus
Key: against your party, making the fight
0 characters' forearms force them
;.·.·..·.;.; .;.·.·.··

EJ ahead. Tyranthraxus presents himself very difficult. As triumph nears, you

LEVEL 1 may use the Gauntlet of Moander to
and leads them Into the chapel. There
..... .... . . . ;.; ;.;.·.·.··
he prepares to use them as his new destroy the Pool of Radiance.

bodies, but Nameless temporarily Tyranthraxus dies the true death and
:. 1. r :~ _,,
:- d 3 : frees the party from Tyranthraxus' the curse of the final azure bond
DOOR control. He retreats and leaves his vanishes.
·:·:·:·:1 ~ ·:·:·:·:·
5 minions to battle the party.
6 [I] 2 Chapel to Bane.
The battle against Tyranthraxus is the
ultimate test for your party.
.,.,.,.,.,., :-:·1o:·':: ,.,.,.,. ,.,.,.,.,.,.: 9 :-:>:·:·:·:·:·l


3 Private Chapel to Bane. Run by a high
priest unsympathetic to Tyranthraxus.
His hostility doesn't help your charac-
Tyranthraxus can use a devastating
lightning bolt once a round. His Priests
and Margoyles are also potent.
9 PEWS ters, however, for the priest settles on To win, have the party spread out and
1~ • their elimination as the best way to stay away from walls to avoid taking
::~j-.:"""'·t-·::i~\.""ii1--,.,-t<:.,,~,.,K:.,.,.,.,~,.~'' ~1:~.,.,.:--4::~.~,
.... . •:.,. "*,·:·:·:·:dl·:·:-:-:-:-:\,.,.,.J
thwart Tyranthraxus. Attack and sub-
due the priest quickly, for he possess-
extra damage from lightning bolts.
Magic-users should cast fireballs and
Lightning Bolts to eliminate the
es multiple Hold Person spells. His

:~ :~

Slay Living spell ls deadly. Margoyles and harm the High Priests
·· ;-:·:·:·:·:-:::·:·:·:-::}-:-:-::·:·J..-••••• •• !C!:Jo;!.
:: :•:•,•:••••l :'•'.•'•'. t '.'2.·:i•::·•:•:•l ••:•·····:;I : :· - ·::•• t • ••••••·••••·•·••·•• before they cast spells. Confusion
4 High Priest's Bedroom.
6 spells may turn enemy creatures
15 : 5 High Priest's Office. against each other, thus drawing away
6 Kitchen. The sewer from the ruins enemy attacks from the party.
emerges here. It collapses once the Your Hastened, Enlarged fighters
0 2 3 4 5 6 7
party enters. should head straight for Tyranthraxus
LEVEL 2 7 Priest Barracks. Empty after and try to kill him quickly. Magic-users
Tyranthraxus sounds the alarm. should cast Hold Monster and Charm
.... . ! .·.··.·.· :...·.·.·.·.· . Tyranthraxus' minions and approach him. A Monster against Tyranthraxus. If these
.·.···" :·.·.-.·.·.·. 8 Main flail. This central hall contains spells work, your fighters' task will be
18 cataclysmic battle ensues. The party closes the stairway to the second floor. eased. A high dexterity, Hastened
3 17 the Pool of Radiance, kills Tyranthraxus -
9 Margoyle .Barrac;ks. fighter armed with Darts of the
4 ...... I .i and Is generously rewarded.
Hornets Nest will kill just about
........... ................0-.. .........·.·ll ·.•.·.·.·.·.':·.·.·,'·.·..:: .......·.· The party should hoard Its strength and 10 Hell Hound Kennel. More Creature
anything he can get close to.
5 . . . a .' ·.·.·.·.·.:r-~~,._-"!--1 resources If it is to prevail in the final battle
Note: Rangers with magic armor and
6 ijl against Tyranthraxu5. 11 Meditation Chapel.
1- ~~. =i-;--~~-·.·. •···•':.·.·.·.·· 1 magic bows are especially effective
7 Note: If you wish to fight the battles in 12 Priest Preparing Spell. The party's against Tyranthraxus.
Damer Falls - Including the fight against entrance disrupts his ceremony.
With Tyranthraxus' downfall, the fifth
the Mulmaster Beholder Corps In Oxam's 13 f'ood storage Area. and final bond is released from your
Tower -you must do so before eliminat-
14 Embalming Area. party. The characters have performed
ing Tyranthraxus. Once he's dead, you can-
valiantly, releasing the hold of The
0. THE GlWID RUINED TEMPLE not return to the Falls. Also, once you 15 Library.
enter the Temple, you may not leave. New Alliance on the Forgotten
Synopsis: Here the characters have their 16 Storage Area. Realms.
final confrontation with Tyranthraxus. The Where You Can Rest: The party will be
17 f'inal Door. It remains locked until the
most potent member of The New Alliance unable to rest anywnere In the temple.
party has met Tyranthraxus at the
plan to use his bond to annex the charac- Entry Hall.
ters' bodies. However, Nameless sacrifices
himself to temporarily free the party. The
characters can then slice their way through

33 34

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
I :: I Key:
~ .···

r"i :·:·:·:·:

- ~ [!]



-- I·:·:·:·:·:'·=·:·:·:·! I
Note: All encounters
in the Shadowdale
are random

19 c

P. O\IERIAl'ID Tilverton. Once the party has been thrown
2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

:,~):·:·:·:·: : ·:·:·:·:·: I·:·:·:·: ·,,_

Sync>pSs: While travelling overland, your party
may pass from some areas to dher specified
out of Tllverton, It cannot return. Your
characters may, however, visit the Sewers
. ..
areas. Different mcihods of travel may be
l1'led, depending upon where you are. Several
trails fe<iure speda1 events to OCC1.ll7i your
and fight the monsters within, or use th.e
thieves' training facility.
Note.: the Sewers can only be exited
I 0
/:'' 'Tu'. otClf-=·=·=·=·=·===·=·=·=·=·===·=·=·=·=·:I
- ,)~

' / Level ;·~

party's <itmtlon. through their proper exit, you will not auto-
All towns have a Search Area option which matically find the way out If you search. ~;.;.;.:.'l!(;m!u!(~;;%'~ : ... . . -.·: .-.-.-.-.-.-:-.-.-.-.-.·:-.-.· -.-.·• I
allows entry into dungeons - but only after Shadow Gap. This pass on the road to , ......11:..... : 9_... •P
. .... -=1=!=
: ........... ......... --'l.....
you've completed either Hap, Yulash or Tilverton has a new Inn. When the charac- 10 El
- - - 1·:·:·:·:·:':-:·:·:·:·:I
Zhentll Keep. You may leave any of the ters arrive, they find it under siege by 111 rn
overland dungeons by searching for an exit Displacer Beasts. 12 1 ::: I
at any point (with the exception of Oxam's Tilver's Gap. Hippogriffs guard this pass 13
Tower at Dagger Falls). and attack anyone who dares pass through . 14
Where You Can Rest: You may rest any- 15
where, though there's a small chance of an Q. SHADOWDALE
encounter every few hours. (See maps, pp.:36 - :37) This Is the home of
Elmlnster the Sage, who Is angry at
Dracandros for using a symbol so similar
18 --
35 • 36
012345 6 7 8 ,!. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

) ~~ 0 1 3 4 5
......·.·.·:::·.·.·.·.·~ .·.·.•.•.·::.....·.·.·• :f.· .....-..::........... ......... ~.....
0 Key:

tc:JO;.--:il:"-f ..,. ,.,.
---12 •
·= ··
~ . 3 4

--- ~*1+ --·.·

--: :-:·:·:·: ··>:·:-: 5 ,.,.;.;.;

r ... ~~ 5 DOOR

10 .. . ,.·~· )· ·· rn
··: _·_.·=·=·.·.·.·.·-:::······ ··-·.·.·.·.:......·.·. LEVEL 2 LEvEL6

11 ~ r-1 ·==·=: - r1
13 To Level 2
t -otCJ~·=·=·=·=·!l(nL!I:

• ....·.·.··:=·.·.·.·.·1·- -·
:: ... : ::
0 0
0 1 3 4
3 •• 2
:·:·:·:·:·1·:·:·:·:<:·:·:·:·:·:1,_. 5
19 I

• -- LEVEL 3
Map Locations:
1 Stairs up/down.
to his own. If the party visits the bar here, Your party's explorations should tum up a Level 1 Level4
Elmlnster appears In disguise and reveals tower, with caverns below, and a magic 1 The front door to Oxam 's Tower. 1 stairs up/down. Image of High Priest
Information about Dracondros. shop. A Bane priest controls the tower, of Bane. Otyugh fight.
2 stairs up to the 2nd level.
while the Mulmaster Beholder Corp has
A three level dungeon lies below. The 3 Library filled with old books that Level5
daughter of a wealthy magistrate awaits occupied the cavern. The Beholder Corps
has called a meeting of the realms' most crumble at your touch. 1 Stairs up/down. Manticore fight if you
rescue within. remain in room.
dangerous creatures to talk over the dan- 4 Sitting Room. Search here to find ran-
Note: The party need not enter these gers of adventuring parties. Interrupting this dom treasure. Level6
places. They are included mainly to chal- conference provokes the deadliest fight in
5 Battle with Minotaurs. The door to the 1 Stairs up/down.
lenge powerful parties. However, the bat- the game. The engagement challenges your
tles you fight will add to your characters' east leads Into the dungeons of Level 7
high level characters. You need not prevail
experience points. to succeed In your overall objectives. Oxam. 1 stairs down. fight with High Priest of
Dagger Falls. The Zhentrlm bond the Level2 Bane, other priests, and otyughs.
Note: To defeat the Beholder Corps, use
characters wear angers the Daooer Falls the Dust of Disappearance on the party 1 Stairs down.
townsfolk. as the town Is very hostile to before the engagement. 2 stairs up.
anyone from Zhentil Keep. Dagger Falls
folk may befriend the party If It has warned 3 Bedroom.
the town of the Bugbear army, or rescued 4 Bedroom. Search to find random
a farm from marauding Ettin. treasure.

37 38

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
,, 2 Key: .·.·.·.·.··'.:.:



B ~
5 5

,: ~ f::i::t±:.·.---
7 8
8 f11111I

13 ·.· ::: ~
.·.·.·.=:=.·.·.·.·.:::::. ... ) .·.·.·~.·-·.·.·:::·.·.·.·
S. DUNOEON T. CAVERl'IS 141-~.:.:...~Jt..,,.;.,,.,.,.,.,., •.,.,.,.,., ,.....;;;.....:iii~__;;--:::..__:::.._T=T-1
!'lap Locations Map Locations
1 Entrance to Dungeon. 1 Entrance to Caverns. Note: All
17 encounters
2 Medusa and Ori/Tons. Treasure. 2 Entrance to Evil Convention Center. 18 in the
3 Arrow Trap. 3 Beholder. 19 Ruins
are random
4 Teleport to Entrance to Oxam's 4 Rakshasa disguised as Guards.
Tower(# 1 on Level 1).
5 Otyugh fight.
6 Surprised by fighters.
5 Drow Lords.
6 Three Beholders.
7 Mu/master Beholder Corps.

U. fln,LSf'AK

(See map, p. 43) Another split-level

7 Medusa. This city Is at war with Zhentll Keep. As
8 Treasury. dungeon lies below this town. The owl-
a result, the party's enby bearing the
8 Oas Spore. bears which Inhabit the dungeon worship a
9 Exit to the Overland Map. Zhentrlm s!gll leads to rotten treatment.
drow mage.
9 Entrance to Caverns. The Innkeepers refuse your characters
service. Everyone In the tavern picks X. VOONLAK

fights with them.
Exploring reveals an area of ruins and
graveyards. The party may surprise bucca-
neers looking for a place to bury their loot.
(See map, p.45) Exploring reveals an area
of ruins where Cultists of Moander are per-
forming a ritual.
0 2345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Y. TusHWAVE
0 1 ·. Key: V. ASHAllENFORD
···:· .·.··.;:·.·.· (See map, p. 46) Exploring leads the party
.,:: (See map, p. 41) A two-level dungeon lies to an area of ruins and burial areas. River
below this town. A madman has taken pirates are burying their loot here.
refuge here, protected by a mysterious

5 7 ' 8
•• 3

Item of summoning. This lets him call
upon various hostile creatures If the party
discovers him.
(See map, p. 47) The party may find an
area of ruins occupied by Red Plumes from
' Hillsfar and Zhentrlm terror troops.
6 •• g

• V.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13
Wilderness between Shadowdale and
Dagger Falls. Travelling by wilderness to
Dagger Falls, the party comes upon a pack
Centaurs. They are friendly and will aid the
party In Its travels.
Tue Standing Stones. A projection of
Key: of Ettins raiding a farming community. Tyranthraxus waits here, disguised as a
Rescuing the farmers guarantees the
party a favorable reaction upon arrival in
Dag,ger Falls.
robed human. He will give the characters
hints to where the other members of the
Alliance are. It is Tyranthraxus' intention to

Wilderness between Teshwave and
Dagger Falls. Along this trail, the party will
discover a path leading into the moun-
tains. There they learn that the Zhentrim
have the party defeat the others and bring
him the artifacts. Tue party cannot harm
him here.
Tue forest near the Standing stones is
7 have assembled an army of Bugbears and filled with many dangerous creatures.
Wargs. The Zhentrim plan to send the army Patrolling the forest allows the party to
ARCHWAY IMPASSABLE against Dag,ger Falls, then dispatch a
AREA meet and combat these lurking foes. If you
'rescue' force to save the city. find lairs, you may discover magic items.
Tue party has arrived at a time when the Wilderness near Yulash. Tue green robed
Note: All encounters
in the Ashabenford Zhentrim were expecting a mercenaiy cultists of Moander prowl the wilderness,
Dungeon are random band. Their orders are to turn command keeping an eye out for the party. They will
over to the mercenaries and avoid respon- trail them to Yulash- but never attack.
14 sibility for the Intended assault. Once in Once the party destroys the Cult of
15 charge, your characters can either slip away Moander, the cultists disappear.
16 and warn Daooer Falls, march on Daooer
LEVEL 1 Falls or Teshwave, or attack the Bugbear Between Voonlar and Yulash. Tue party
commanders. Warning Daooer Falls gives discovers the Road of Moander, left by the
the city time to mobilize and thwart the slime-god in his last Incarnation. A pile of
offensive. Marching on Teshwave destroys organic material, animated by Moander,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
the Zhentrim rescue force and the bugbear lies at the end of this road.
0: ... army. Marching on Daooer Falls starts a This mass of garbage Is now a monster-lair.
fight with the Bugbear commanders. Besides Its noteworthy odor, nothing of
-. Boating. Tue rivers and Inner sea are full value resides here.
. ,.,.,.,.,.
•- of pirates, so embarking on a boat trip may Roads under Zhentil Keep control •

well lead to an encounter with these fresh- Troops patrol these roads heavily. Tuey let
water Buccaneers. Tue only exception is the party pass If its members still bear the
ic:J the Ashaben River, kept clear by the Zhentrim bond. Otherwise, they attack the
_ _ _...,.,.,.,. 11;,,,j~,.,.,".,.:,,.,.,.,.,:f~ ...••~,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,., .,..... Knights of Myth Drannor., party.
Wiiderness between Mistledale and Road between Yulash and Hillsfar. Red
I ) : S.':':·:·
Shadowdale. Tue wetter areas along the Plume troops patrol this road and show
----"..--di'/?_.~ ........ . river are Infested with Lizard Men. In the great hostility to the characters if they bear
· ;;?/y,,. I~ .
drier sections, patrols of Knights of Myth the Zhentrim bond. Otherwise, they let the
Drannor will shadow the party. They are not party pass.
hostile and will avoid combat.
Wilderness between Essembra and Hap.
The roads between Mistledale and As the party approaches Hap for the first
Hillsfar. These roads cut through dense time, three Black Dragons confront it.
forest, perfect sites for ambush. Fire Once the characters have defeated
Knife assassins will attempt to waylay the Dracandros in Hap, they meet Crimdrac
party here. the Dracolich here - unless Crimdrac was
Wilderness between the Standing slain in the caves. Otherwise, they move
LEVEL 2 Stones and Essembra. This walk leads on towards &sembra unhindered.
through the Vale of Lost Voices, which is
presently home to a community of

41 42
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g
Wand of Defoliation: Only effective
against vegetable creatures such as the
Key: Shambling Mounds and Vegepygmles.
found on the cleric's body in Yulash .
Wand of Lightning: It allows the wielder
to throw lightning bolts as in the spell.
WARNING: Casting lightning against
.... Shambling Mounds only makes them big-
DOOR ger! found on the Cleric's body in Yulash.

§] Bractts AC4 and AC2: Your thieves and

magic-users are extremely vulnerable
ARCHWAY because they cannot wear armor. Use the
LEVEL 2 bracers to raise your base armor class.
[!] Bracers cannot be used In conjunction
STAIRWAY ~ with armor. You can, however, use them in
conjunction with other magical protection

devices (such as Rings of Protection). The
Bracers of AC4 can be found In the Troll
Treasure in the Sewers of Tilverton. The
Dust of Disappearance: Use this item just
before a battle that you feel you cannot Bracers of AC2 can be obtained from
win any other way. Dust of Disappearance Zhentrim Marauders In Yulash.
IMPASSABLE provides invisibility that has a greater BracttS of Defenselessness: These look
duration than the regular invisibility spells exactly like Bracers of AC4. WARNING: This
and remains active even If you attack. This item is cursed! It drops the AC of the wear-
Note: All Item can only be used once, and there Is ing character to AClO. Use a Remove
encounters only one such Item in the game ..Use with
in the Essembra Curse to get this item off. Found In the fire
Dungeon caution. The Dust is found in the Thieves Knives' Armory.
are random Guild Treasure Room.
"' Cloak of Displacement: When worn
Gauntlets of Dexterity: These increase (readied), it reduces the AC of the wearer
.... the owners dexterity by 1 point (even in by 2 (In addition to any other protections).
excess of 18) and allow the wearer to pick It also makes the first attack directed at
"' pockets or open locks as a 4th level thief. If the wearer in a combat miss.
"' the owner is already a thief, his ability to
Robe of Powerlessness: WARNING!!!!!
pick pockets and open locks is increased
This Is a cursed item! This robe will reduce
by 10%. This item is found in the
your Intelligence and strength to 3. Use
Salamander Caverns (in the Drow Caves).
Remove Curse to get rid of the item. found
Necklace of Missiles: This item allows with Dracandros after you defeat him.
anyone to throw fireballs. It must be worn
(readied) to be used. It is very good for Elfin Chain: The only kind of armor (other
than leather) that thieves can wear and still
clerics as they are often not as useful in
keep all of their thieving abilities. It is very
melee and can't otherwise cast fireball.
light and does not affect encumbrance.
found in the fire Knives Armory.
Acts as normal chain-mail otherwise.

• Ring of WLZardry: This doubles the num-

ber of lst, 2nd, and 3rd level spells that a
magic-user may memorize. It can be found
with Dracandros after his defeat.
found In the fire Knives' Armory.
Platemail +3: The best protection you can
get. There Is a set worn by the Dark Elf
Lord In the Wizard's Tower and another
Wand of Fireballs: This item casts a fire- worn by Moglon In the Pit of Moander.
ball. It can provide extra firepower if your
Magic-User is low on spells. found with
Dracandros after his defeat.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Section I 18


:ti . J·······
10 :: :::

: l£ftF
10 27

:~··· · · · -- .L ...
........·.·.,:,.......... - ·.·.·.·.··:=:·········1
= 29
13 30 13
.............a+......-:Jc::Jii-...1 Exit ·.···.2t11h1110....:=.......
14 31 14 - := .•.

15 32
16 33 + 12 to damage!!). This powerful item can
17 34 be found in the dying man's treasure In
continued Jn section 2
Note: All
in the
Myth Drannor.
A final note on the ROYAL TREASURES of
Key: 37 Ruins are MYfH DRANNOR:

r""1 6 ~
Respond correctly to the spirits of the
B ~ ~ EJ 38
Elves and you will receive a good treasure
WALL DOOR AREA that Includes:


Note: All encounters in the

Voonlar Ruins are random
effective against Rakshasa
Mace +3: found in the Salamander RING Of PROTECTION +2

Sword +1, Flame Tongue: Great against
trolls. found in the fire Knives' Armory.
Longsword +2 Draconslayen When
wielded against a Black Dragon. it does
Caverns (in the Drow Caves), this can be a
very useful weapon for your cleric.
Drow Items: All of these items are of a
If you do not respond correctly. you will
receive the following CURSED treasure:
magical nature. They include a +5 sword, a
triple damage (.3-.36 +4 points of damage). number of +.3 swords, and many sets of +.3 ARMOR Of VULNERABIU1Y
Sword +3, Frost Brand: This sword Is GAUNTLETS Of FUMBLING
counted as +6 against fire-using or dwelling otherwise, it Is just a regular +2 longsword. chalnmall. However. all of these Items will
found In the Salamander Caverns (in the dlsapi)ear and fade In the sun as soon as BRACERS Of DEFENSELESSNESS
creatures. It works very well against HAT Of STUPIDl1Y
Salamanders and Is found In the fire Drow Caves). you exit the areas where the Drow are.
They can be found on the Drow. ROBE Of POWERLESSNESS
Knives Armory. Sword +2, Berserking: This sword forces ROBE Of VERMIN
Mace +2, Flail +2: Handy for your clerics. the wielder to go berserk. He will attack Girdle of Storm Giant Strength: The SWORD -2. CURSED
found in the Fire Knives' Armory. the nearest target. friend or foe. It is wearer of this item gains a strength of 24 SWORD +2, BERSERKING
CURSED. so use the Remove Curse spell to and the appropriate hit and damage
be rid of It. It can be found In the treasure bonuses this gives (a +6 to hit bonus and a
In the Dark Shrine in Zhentil Keep.
Sword +3: This can be found in the dying
man's treasure in Myth Drannor.
45 46
•z. 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

:n Key:

3-l~:t: B


~ :=:::: .::;;a
::: _ :::



11 I
13 )
_, , ,
. . . . . . . .............. ............ ............
Note: All
in the
:~l:··to---- Phlan Ruins
are random

After combat, loot your fallen opponents. To find out what an item is, take it to a
Use the Detect Magic spell to find out if shop and have it identified. There are
your foes had magic items. You can take a shops In most minor towns in the Overland.
chance and have a character take an item Keep an eye on your spells. Big battles can
and ready it. By comparing his 1liACO, AC, occur at almost any time, so be prepared.
or DAMAGE before and after he readies the Save your game often. Use multiple save
item, try to tell if there Is something special games. Non-IBM users should have at least
about it. Some Items are cursed, so keep a two separate save game disks and alternate
Remove Curse Spell handy if you do this. between them.

Written by
Larry Hall, Dave Shelley, and Mike Mancuso
Art Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing
Loas SAFKOW Dl!81Cllf: Peter Gascoyne

ake heart, wemy one, your
T;search for the of the
curse which ensnares your will is
closer to an end than you think/
This store of knowledge will tip
the scales of power in your favor...
A complete player's guide to SSI's CURSE or
TI1E AzuREBoNos computer adventure game,
this clue book is an invaluable aid to the
avid player. It contains:
• Winning game strategies, including tips
on choosing the best character clas.5es c::i c::i
and races for the optimum party. 4 c::i c::i

f ~'ffil----- c::i 0 CJ
• Hints on how to defeat each of the q
many powerful monsters that you will
encounter, such as Shambling Mounds,

Dracolichs and Beholders (to name 14
just a few).

• Detailed maps to all the locations in

the game with general guidelines
on how to get started, and where to go.
AH laadlom are mappal
• Secrets that will help you free yourself Jn great detail, mallng your quest tor
from each of the five a~ursed · freedom a madJ Jll8ie
manageal* tlllld
Azure Bondsl

AOVANCf.D DIJ'KIWl'IS ~ DRACJOnS, Al>Ml. l"Oll00111't Rr.ALltS and

the TSR logo are bademarks Olmed by mKI u90d under llcalse from
TSR. Inc.. LalW! Claieva. WL U.5.A.
0 1989 TSR. Inc.
All rtghls resaw:d.
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'i?::i... •
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