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Prošireni sažetak Extended Abstract

Mentorstvo u sestrinstvu
Mentorship in nursing

Ileana Šćepanović*, KLJUČNE RIJEČI: mentorstvo, edukacija mentora, procjena i samoprocjena mentora.
Adrijana Livaja KEYWORDS: mentor, mentor education, assessment and self-assessment of mentors.
CITATION: Cardiol Croat. 2018;13(11-12):516. |
Klinički bolnički centar Split, *Address for correspondence: Ileana Šćepanović, Klinički bolnički centar Split, Spinčićeva 1, HR-21000 Split,
Split, Hrvatska Croatia. / Phone: +385-98-432-431 / E-mail:
ORCID: Ileana Šćepanović, • Adrijana Livaja,
University Hospital Centre
Split, Split, Croatia

Mentorstvo je kompleksan, interaktivan proces koji se Mentoring is a complex, interactive process that takes
odvija između pojedinaca različite razine iskustva i place between individuals of different levels of experi-
stručnosti, u kojem stručnjak (mentor) daje podršku ko- ence and expertise, in which the mentor gives support to
legi ili kolegici ili studentu (mentorirani). U Hrvatskoj colleagues or a student or mentor. In Croatia, a mentor in
pod pojmom mentora u zdravstvenoj njezi se obično health care is usually considered an older, more experi-
smatra starija, iskusnija medicinska sestra koja ima enced nurse with professional knowledge, experience,
profesionalno znanje, iskustvo, potrebne vještine i koja skills and knowledge of health care procedures. It is also
poznaje procedure zdravstvene ustanove. Uz to potrebno necessary for the mentor to have other characteristics
je da mentor ima i druge karakteristike i obilježja: visoku and features: high level of communication skills, teach-
razinu komunikacijskih vještina, vještine podučavanja, ing skills, respectability and support. The main goal of
sposobnost iskazivanja poštovanja i pružanja podrške. mentoring in nursing is to enable a student to become
Glavni cilj mentorstva u sestrinstvu je osposobiti studen- an independent, qualified healthcare worker with all the
ta da postane neovisan, kvalificirani zdravstveni djelat- necessary competences and skills needed to achieve the
nik sa svim potrebnim kompetencijama i vještinama highest possible quality of health care. There is no formal
potrebnim za rad sve s ciljem postizanja najviše moguće mentor training in Croatia but there is awareness of the
kvalitete zdravstvene skrbi. U Hrvatskoj još ne postoji importance of the mentor role to lead and support future
formalna izobrazba za mentora, ali se razvila svijest o generations of our nurses.1 In addition to the lack of for-
važnosti uloge mentora koji će voditi i biti podrška mal mentor training, there is also a feedback on men-
budućim generacijama naših medicinskih sestara.1 Uz toring work and self-assessment of mentors in order to
nedostatak formalnog obrazovanja mentora, problem je improve mentoring practice. This is important because
i povratna informacija o mentorskom radu i samopro- the students are mostly shaped by the mentor’s work and
cjena mentora. Na taj bismo način imali podatke kako behavior. On the other hand, mentoring as a demanding
unaprijediti mentorsku praksu, što dodati ili promijen- and complex activity is often insufficiently recognized
iti u radu mentora i koga odabrati za tu ulogu što je vrlo and valued. The most common difficulties in mentoring
važno jer se studenti uvelike oblikuju prema mentorovim include academic and professional non-recognition of the
obilježjima. S druge strane, mentorstvo kao zahtjevna i role of a mentor, overload of nurses’ work, a large number
kompleksna djelatnost je često nedovoljno prepoznato of mentors mentored by mentors, insufficiently paid work
i vrednovano. Najčešće poteškoće u mentoriranju čine: of a mentor and lack of appropriate knowledge and skills
akademsko i profesionalno neprepoznavanje uloge men- that the mentor should have.
tora, preopterećenje poslom medicinskih sestara, veliki
broj mentoriranih po mentoru, nedovoljno plaćen dodatni
rad, nedostatak odgovarajućih znanja i vještina koje men-
tor treba imati.

October 20, 2018
November 5, 2018

1. Lovrić R, Prlić N, Barać I, Plužarić J, Pušeljić S, Berecki I, et al. Specificities and differences in nursing students’ perceptions of nursing clinical
faculties’ competences. J Prof Nurs. 2014 Sep-Oct;30(5):406-17.

12. kongres Hrvatskoga kardiološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem

2018;13(11-12):516. 7. kongres Hrvatske udruge kardioloških medicinskih sestara
Zagreb, 29. 11. do 2. 12. 2018.
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