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1. FLUID MECHANICS and tan T = a/g, where T is the angle which the liquid’s free
surface is making with horizontal.
i The liquids and gases together are termed as fluids, in
other words, we can say that the substances which can (d) Pressure at two points within a liquid
flow are termed as fluids. at vertical separation of h when the
liquid container is accelerating up are
i We assume fluid to be incompressible (i.e., the density of
related by expression
liquid is independent of variation in pressure and remains
constant) and non-viscous (i.e. the two liquid surfaces in p2 – p1 = U (g + a) h
contact are not exerting any tangential force on each other). If container is accelerating down, then p2 – p1 = U(g – a) h.
1.1 Fluid Statics
1.1.2 Atmospheric Pressure
1.1.1 Fluid Pressure
i It is the pressure of the earth’s atmosphere. Normal
Pressure p at every point is defined as the normal force atmospheric pressure at sea level (an average value) is 1
per unit area. atmosphere (atm) that is equal to 1.013 × 10 Pa.
i The excess pressure above atmospheric pressure is called
dFA gauge pressure, and total pressure is called absolute
dA pressure.
The SI unit of pressure is the Pascal and 1 Pascal = 1 N/m i Barometer is a device used to measure atmospheric
i Fluid force acts perpendicular to any surface in the fluid, pressure while U–tube manometer or simply manometer is
no matter how that surface is oriented. Hence pressure, a device used to measure the gauge pressure.
has no intrinsic direction of its own, it is a scalar. 1.1.3 Pascal’s Law
i A change in the pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is
(a) Pressure at two points in
transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid and
a horizontal plane or at
to the walls of the containing vessel.
same level when the fluid
is at rest or moving with i There are a lot of practical applications of Pascal’s law one
constant velocity is same. such application is hydraulic lift.

(b) Pressure at two points which 1.1.4 Archimedes Principle

are at a depth separation of h
i When a body is partially or fully dipped into a fluid, the
when fluid is at rest of moving
fluid exerts contact force on the body. The resulatant of all
with constant velocity is
these contact forces is called buoyant force (upthrust).
related by the expression
i F = weight of fluid displaced by the body.
p2 – p1 = Ugh, where U is the density of liquid.
i This force is called buoyant force and acts vertically
(c) Pressure at two points in a upwards (opposite to the weight of the body) through the
horizontal plane when fluid centre of gravity of the displaced fluid.
container is having some
F = VVg
constant horizontal acceleration
are related by the expression where, v = volume of liquid displaced
p1 – p2 = lUa V = density of liquid.

i Apparent decrease in weight of body = upthrust = weight

of liquid displaced by the body. C P2
A2 v2
i Floation :
(a) A body floats in a liquid if the average density of the body P1 B
v1 h2
is less than that of the liquid.
(b) The weight of the liquid displaced by the immersed part of
body must be equal to the weight of the body.
(c) The centre of gravity of the body and centre of buoyancy
i Bernoulli’s equation is valid only for incompressible
must be along the same vertical line.
steady flow of a fluid with no viscosity.

1.2 Fluid Dynamics i Application of Bernoulli’s Theorem.

(a) Velocity of Efflux

i Steady Flow (Stream Line Flow)
The flow in which the velocity of fluid particles crossing a
particular point is the same at all the times. Thus, each
particle takes the same path as taken by a previous particle h C
v 2 gh
through that point. U

i Line of flow
It is the path taken by a particle in flowing liquid. In case of a
steady flow, it is called streamline. Two steamlines can never
intersect. Let us find the velocity with which liquid comes out of a
hole at a depth h below the liquid surface.
1.2.1 Equation of Continuity Using Bernoulli’s theorem,

In a time 't, the volume of liquid entering the tube of flow 1 1

PA  UV  Ugh A PB  UV  Ugh B
2 2

in a steady flow is A1 V1 't. The same volume must flow 2 A 2 B

out as the liquid is incompressible. The volume flowing
1 1
out in 't is A2 V2 't. Ÿ Patm  UV  Ugh
Patm  UV  0

2 A 2
(Note: PB = Patm, because we have opened the liquid to
2 2
Ÿ V = VA + 2gh
Using equation of continuity
AVA = aV
i A1 V1 = A2 V2
i mass flows rate = UAV A: area of cross-section of vessel

(where U is the density of the liquid.) a: area of hole

1.2.2 Bernoulli’s Theorem a2

V2 V  2gh
Ÿ 2
In a stream line flow of an ideal fluid, the sum of pressure
energy per unit volume, potential energy per unit volume 2gh
Ÿ V | 2gh (if the hole is very small)
and kinetic energy per unit volume is always constant at 1 a2 / A2
all cross section of the liquid.
(b) Venturi Meter
ρV 2
P+ρgh+ =Constant
2 This is an instrument for measuring the rate of flow of

i The viscous drag on a spherical body of radius r, moving with

velocity v, in a viscous medium of viscosity K is given by
D Fviscous = 6SKrv
E This relation is called Stoke’s law.
i Importance of Stoke’s law
a1 a2 (a) This law is used in the determination of electronic charge
v2 with the help of milikan’s experiment.
(b) This law accounts the formation of clouds.
(c) This law accounts why the speed of rain drops is less
If PA is pressure at A and PB is pressure at B,
then that of a body falling freely with a constant velocity
PA – PB = hUg [h : difference of heights of liquids of density from the height of clouds.
U in vertical tubes]
(d) This law helps a man coming down with the help of a
If V1 is velocity at A and V2 is velocity at B parachute.
Q = A1V1 = A2 2
[equation of continuity]
1.3.2 Terminal Velocity
2 2
V V It is maximum constant velocity acquired by the body while
PA  U 1
PB  U 2
[Bernoulli’s Theorem]
2 2 falling freely in a viscous medium.

2r U  U0 g
2 2 2 2
Ÿ V2  V1 PA  PB hUg vr
U U 9K

2 1.3.3 Poiseuille’s Formula
Ÿ 2
2 hg (Q = AV)
A 2 A
1 Poiseuille studied the stream-line flow of liquid in capillary
2hg Volume of liquid coming out of tube per second in given by
Ÿ Q A1A 2 2 2
A1  A 2 S Pr

1.3 Viscosity

The property of a fluid by virtue of which it opposes the 1.3.4 Reynold Number
relative motion between its different layers is known as i The stability of laminar flow is maintained by viscous
viscosity and the force that is into play is called the viscous forces. It is obverved, however that laminar or steady flow
force. is disrupted it the rate of flow is large. Irregular, unsteady
Viscous force is given by : motion, turbulence, sets in at high flow rates.
i Reyonlds defined a dimensionless number whose value
F KA gives one an approximate idea, whether the flow rate would
dx be turbulent.
where K is a constant depending upon the nature of the This number, called the Reynolds number Re is defined as,
liquid and is called the coefficient of viscosity and velocity
gradient = dv/dx UvD
–2 K
S.I. unit of coefficient of viscosity is Pa.s or Nsm .
CGS unit of viscocity is poise. (1 Pa.s = 10 Poise) where, U = the density of the fluid flowing with a speed v.
D = the diameter of the tube.
1.3.1 Stoke’s Law
K = the coefficient of viscosity of the fluid.
i When a solid moves through a viscous medium, its motion
i It is found that flow is streamline or laminar for Re less
is opposed by a viscous force depending on the velocity
than 1000. The flow is turbulent for Re > 2000. The flow
and shape and size of the body.
becomes unsteady for Re between 1000 and 2000.

1.4 Surface Tension this action is termed as capillarity.

The surface tension of a liquid is defined as the force per
unit length in the plane of the liquid surface at right angles
to either side of an imaginary line drawn on that surface.

So, S where S = surface tension of liquid.
Unit of surface tension in MKS system : N/m, J/m
CGS system  Dyne/cm, erg/cm
1.4.1 Surface Energy 2Scos T 2S
In order to increase the surface area, the work has to be rUg RUg
done over the surface of the liquid. This work done is
where, S = surface tension,
stored in the liquid surface as its potential energy. Hence
the surface energy of a liquid can be defined as the excess T = angle of contact,
potential energy per unit area of the liquid surface. r = radius of capillary tube,
R = radius of meniscus, and
U = density of liquid.
i Capillary rise in a tube of insufficient length :
If the actual height to which a liquid will rise in a capillary
tube is ‘h’ then a capillary tube of length less than ‘h’ can
W = S'A, where 'A = increase in surface area. be called a tube of “insufficient length”.
In such a case, liquid rises to the top of the capillary tube
1.4.2 Excess Pressure
of length l (l < h) and adjusts the radius of curvature of its
i Excess pressure in a liquid drop or bubble in a liquid is meniscus until the excess pressure is equalised by the
pressure of liquid column of length l. (Note liquid does
2T not overflow).
4T Ÿ AUg ... (i)
i Excess pressure in a soap bubble is P rc
If r were the actual radius of curvature,
(because it has two free surfaces)
1.4.3 Angle of Contact Ÿ h Ug ...(ii)
i The angle between the tangent to the liquid surface at the Comparing (i) and (ii)
point of contact and the solid surface inside the liquid is
called the angle of contact.
i If the glass plate is immersed in mercury, the surface is
curved and the mercury is depressed below. Angle of
contact is obtuse for mercury.
i If the plate is dipped in water with its side vertical, the
water is drawn-up along the plane and assumes the curved
shape as shown. Angle of contact is acute for water.
1.4.4 Capillary Tube and Capillarity Action Ar c hr
i A very narrow glass tube with fine bore and open at both
ends is known as capillary tube. When a capillary tube in hr
Ÿ rc i.e. radius of curvature r’ can be calculated.
dipped in a liquid, then liquid will rise or fall in the tube, A

Adhesion > Cohesion Adhesion = Cohesion Adhesion < Cohesion

1. Liquid will wet the solid. Critical. Liquid will not wet the solid.
2. Meniscus is concave. Meniscus is plane. Meniscus is convex.
3. Angle of contact is acute T = 90°). Angle of contact is 90°. Angle of contact is obtuse T = 90°).
4. Pressure below the meniscus is Pressure below the Pressure below the meniscus
lesser than above it by (2T/r), meniscus is same as more then above it by (2T/r),

2T . 2T .
i.e. P P0  above it, i.e. P = P0. i.e., P P0 
r r
5. In capillary there will be ascend. No capillarity. In capillary there will be descend.

Example - 1
The two thigh bones (femurs) each of cross-sectional area h2 – h1 = 9.0 cm ...(i)
10 cm support the upper part of a human body of mass At the common surface , h1U1g = h2U2g
40 kg. Estimate the average pressure sustained by the i.e., h1 × 1.2 × g = h2 × 0.84 × g
2 0.84
g = 10 m/s . or h1 = 1.2 h2 = 0.7 h2
2 –4 2
Sol. Total cross-sectional area, A = 2 × 10 cm = 20 × 10 m From (i), h2 – 0.7 h2 = 9 or 0.3 h2 = 9 or h2 = 30 cm
F = 40 kg wt = 40 × 10 N = 400 N and h1 = 0.7 × 30 = 21 cm
Pressure at the common surface = h2U2g
F 400 5 –2 3 –2
Average pressure, P = A = 2 × 10 Nm . = 0.30 × (0.84 × 10 ) × 10 = 2520 Nm
20 u10 4
Example - 4
Example - 2
Determine height h of oil in the U tube as shown in Fig.
What is the pressure on a swimmer 10 m below the surface Density of oil = 0.9 g/cc ; Density of liquid is 1.6 g/cc and
–2 5
of lake ? g = 10 ms ; atmospheric pressure = 1.01 × 10 Pa. density of mercury. = 13.6 g/cc.
Sol. Here, h = 10 m, Pa = 1.01 × 10 Pa
Total pressure = Pa + U gh = 1.01 × 10 + 1000 × 10 × 10
= 2.01 × 10 Pa = 2 atm.
Example - 3
Two liquids of specific gravity 1.2 and 0.84 are poured into
the limbs of a U tube until the difference in levels of their
upper surfaces is 9 cm. What will be heights of their
respective surfaces above the common surface in U tube ?
What is the pressure at the common surface ? Sol. In equilibrium state, the pressure of liquid at the same level
(g = 10 ms ). must be equal. Taking pressure at level C in both arms of U
tube, we have
Sol. Let h1, h2 be the heights of denser and lighter liquids above Pressure due to h cm of oil + pressure due to (20 – h) cm of
the common level. Then mercury
5 3 –3
= pressure of 20 cm of liquid Sol. Here, Pa = 1.01 × 10 Pa ; U= 1.03 × 10 kg m ; h = 1000 m;
i.e., h × 0.9 × g + (20 – h) × 13.6 × g = 20 × 1.6 × g A = 0.20 × 0.20 = 0.04 m .
5 3
or 0.9 h + 272 - 13.6 h = 32 (a) Absolute pressure P = Pa + Ug h = 1.01 × 10 + 1.03 × 10 × 10
× 1000 = 104.01 × 10 Pa.
240 3
or 12.7 h = 240 or h = 12.7 = 18.9 cm (b) Gauge pressure, P = P – Pa = Ug h = (1.03 × 10 ) × 10 × 1000
= 103 × 10 Pa.
Example - 5
(c) The pressure outside the submarine is P = Pa + Ug h and the
The vessel shown in Fig. has two sections of area of cross pressure inside the submarine is Pa.
section A1 and A2. A liquid of density U fills both the
Pressure difference on the window of the submarine = P – Pa
sections, upto a height h in each. Neglect atmospheric
= Ug h.
Force on the window = pressure difference × area of window
Find (a) the pressure at the base of vessel 5 5
= Ug h × A = 103 × 10 × (0.04) = 4.12 × 10 N.
(b) the force exerted by the liquid on the base of the vessel
Example - 7
(c) the downward force exerted by the walls of the vessel
In a car lift, compressed air exerts a force F1 on a small
at the level B.
piston having a radius of 5.0 cm. This pressure is
transmitted to a second piston of radius 10.0 cm. If the
mass of the car to be lifted is 1350 kg, calculate F1. What is
the pressure necessary to accomplish this task ?
(g = 9.8 ms )

Sol. Here , F1 = ? ; r1 = m, F2 = 1350 kg, f = 1350 × 9.8 N ;

r2 = m

F1 F2 1a 1 S r2
As, a1 a2 or F1 a F2 S r 2 F2
2 2

Sol. (a) Pressure at the base of vessel is the pressure due to

height of liquid column = h + h = 2. It is given by r12 (5 /100)2
or F1 r 2 F2 (10 /100) 2 u 1350 u 9.8 1470 N
P = 2 h Ug. 2

(b) The force exerted by the liquid on the base of the vessel, F1 F1 1470 5
Pressure, P = 1.87 × 10 Pa
F = P × A2 = 2 h Ug A2 a1 Sr12 (22 / 7)(5 /100) 2

(c) Since the liquid exerts equal pressure in all directions, so Example - 8
the force on the wall of vessel at level B in action is equal to A piece of pure gold of density 19.3 g cm is suspected to

the downward force exerted by the wall of vessel on the be hollow inside. It weighs 38.250 g in air and 33.865 g in
liquid at level B water. Calculate the volume of the hollow portion of the
= Pressure × (A2 - A1) = h Ug × (A2 - A1) gold, if any :
Example - 6 –3
Sol. Here, density of pure gold U = 19.3 g cm ; Mass of gold
At the depth of 1000 m in an ocean (a) what is the absolute piece, M = 38.250 g
pressure ? (b) What is the gauge pressure ? (c) Find the
M 38.25 3
force acting on the window of area 20 cm × 20 cm of a ? Volume of the gold piece, V = U cm = 1.982 cm3
submarine at this depth, the interior of which is maintained
at sea-level atmospheric pressure. The density of sea water mass of gold piece in water, = 33.865 g
3 –3 –2
is 1.03 × 10 kg m , g = 10 ms . Atmospheric pressure Therefore apparent loss in weight of the gold piece in water
= 1.01 × 10 Pa. = 38.250 – 33.865 = 4.385 g.
As, density of water is 1 g cm , therefore, the volume of Example - 11
4.385 3
(a) There is a rectangular frame of wire measuring
displaced water = = 4.385 cm 20 cm × 13 cm. Calculate (i) the side of the square and
(ii) radius of the circle, which will have the same perimeter
? Volume of the hollow portion of the gold = 4.385 – 1.982 as the rectangular frame. (b) Show that of the three, the
= 2.403 cm circle has the maximum surface area.
Example - 9
Sol. (a) Perimeter of the rectangular frame = (20 + 13)2 = 66 cm
The tension in a string holding a solid block below the
Let l be the side of the square and r be the radius of the
surface of a liquid (of density greater than that of solid) as
square having the same perimeter as that of rectangular
shown in Fig. is T0, when the system is at rest. What will
be the tension in the string if the system has upward
acceleration a ? (i) For square, the perimeter of square = 4 l = 66 cm
or l = 66/4 = 16.5 cm
(ii) For circle, the perimeter of circle = 2 Sr = 66

66 66
or r = 2S 2 u 22 / 7 = 10.5 cm.

(b) Area of rectangle = 20 × 13 = 260 sq. cm.

Area of square = 16.5 × 16.5 = 272.25 sq. cm.

Area of circle = Sr
2 2
Sol. Let V be the volume of block of density U. Let Vbe the × (10.5) = 346.5 sq. cm
density of liquid. Mass of block, m = V U.
Hence, out of the three, circle encloses the maximum area.
Initially for the equilibrium of block, we have
Example - 12
upward thrust = V Vg = T0 + V Ug or T0 = V (VU)g
If excess of pressure inside a soap bubble of radius 1 cm is
When the lift is accelerated upwards, then g o g + a, balanced by that due to column of oil (sp. gravity 0.8) 2 mm
so, T = V (VU)(g + a) high, find surface tension of soap bubble.
Therefore, T/T0 = [(g + a)/g] or T = T0[(g + a)/g] –2 3 –3
Sol. Here, r = 1 cm = 10 m ; density of oil, U = 0.8 × 10 kg m ;
Example - 10 h = 2 mm = 2 × 10 m
A wire ring of 30.0 mm radius resting flat on the surface of Pressure due to 2 mm column of oil, p = h U g = (2 × 10 )
the liquid is raised. The pull required is 3.03 g f more, before (0.8 × 10 ) × 9.8 = 2 × 0.8 × 9.8 Pa
the film breaks than it is after. Calculate the surface tension
of the liquid. In case of a soap bubble, p = r

Sol. Here, r = 30.0 mm = 3 cm ; F = 3.03 gf = 3.03 × 980 dyne. Since

pr 2 u 0.8 u 9.8 u10 2 –2 –1
the liquid is touching the ring, both inside as well as outside, or S = = 3.92 × 10 Nm
4 4
therefore, force acting on the ring due to surface tension is
given by Example - 13

F’ = 2 (S × circumference of ring) = 2 (S × 2 S r) Find the height to which water will rise in a capillary tube of
–3 –1
1.5 mm diameter. Surface tension of water is 7.4 × 10 Nm .
=4SSr=4×S× × 3 dyne –3
7 Sol. Here, h = ? ; r = D/2 = 1.5/2 = 0.75 mm = 0.75 × 10 m ;
–3 –1 3 –3
S = 7.4 × 10 Nm . For water, U = 10 kg m and angle of
22 o
As F’ = F ? 4 × S × × 3 = 3.03 × 980 contact T = 0
2Scos T 2 u 7.4 u103 u cos 0o
3.03 u 980 u 7 Now, h = = 0.02014 m
or S= = 78.76 dyne/cm. r Ug (0.75 u103 ) u103 u 9.8
4 u 22 u 3

Example - 14 Example - 18
The terminal velocity of a copper ball of radius 2.0 mm Water flows through a horizontal pipe of which the cross-
o –1
falling through a tank of oil at 20 C is 6.5 cm s . Compute the section is not constant. The pressure is 1 cm of mercury
o 3 –3
viscosity of the oil at 20 C. Density of oil is 1.5 × 10 kg m , where the velocity is 0.35ms . Find the pressure (in terms
density of copper is 8.9 × 10 kg/m .
3 of mercury column) at a point where the velocity is 0.65ms .

–2 –1 –3
Sol. Here, v = 6.5 × 10 ms ; r = 2.0 × 10 m ; g = 9.8 m/s ,
2 Sol. At one point,
P1 = 1 cm of Hg = 0.01 m of Hg = 0.01 × (13.6 × 10 ) × 9.8 Pa ;
3 3
U = 8.9 × 10 kg/m . –1
v1 = 0.35 ms
3 3
V = 1.5 × 10 kg/m –1 3 –3
At another point, P2 = ?, v2 = 0.65 ms and U = 10 kg m .
2r 2 (U  V) g 2 u (2.0 u10 3 )2 u (8.9 1.5) u103 u 9.8 According to Bernoulli’s theorem
? K
9v 9 u (6.5 u102 )
1 1
P1  Uv12 P2  Uv 22
= 9.9 × 10 Pa–s. 2 2
Example - 15 1
or P 2 = P1 – U (v 22  v12 )
A rain drop of radius 0.3 mm has a terminal velocity in air 2
–5 –2
1 m/s. The viscosity of air is 18 × 10 dyne cm s. Find the
3 1 3 2 2
viscous force on the rain drops in newton. = 0.01 × 13.6 × 10 × 9.8 – 2 × 10 × [(0.65) – (0.35) ]
–3 –1
Sol. Here, r = 0.3 mm = 0.3 × 10 m ; v = 1 ms 1182.8
K = 18 × 10–5 dyne cm–2 s = 18 × 10–6 Pa-s. = 1182.8 Pa = = 0.00887 m of Hg
9.8 u (13.6 u103 )

22 Example - 19
Viscous force, F = 6 S K r v = 6 ×
× (18 × 10 )
7 Find the velocity of efflux of water from an orifice near the
× (0.3 ×10 ) × 1 = 1.018 × 10 N.
–6 bottom of a tank in which pressure is 500 gf/sq cm above
Example - 16
At what speed will the velocity head of stream of water be 500 2
equal to 40 cm ? Sol. Pressure at orifice, P = 500 gf/sq cm = × 9.8 × (100)
–2 –2
Nm = 500 × 98 Nm
Sol. Here, velocity head, = 40 cm Let h be the depth of orifice below the surface.

–1 P 500 u 98
? v 2g u 40 2 u 980 u 40 = 280 cm s As, P = h U g, ? h = U g =5m
103 u 9.8
Example - 17
At what speed will the velocity of a stream of water be The velocity of effux, v = 2 gh = 2 u 9.8 u 5 = 9.893 ms .
equal to 20 cm of mercury column. Taking g = 10 ms . Example - 20
A bottle full of a liquid is fitted with a tight cork. Explain
Sol. Here, velocity head = 20 cm of Hg = 20 × 13.6 cm of water ; why a slight blow on the cork may be sufficient to break
–2 –2
g = 10 ms = 1000 cm s . the bottle.
As velocity head = Sol. If the blow given to a cork of area of cross-section a exerts
2g a force F on cork, then increase in pressure on liquid is = Fla.
According to Pascal’s law, the increase in pressure at one
v2 part of liquid is communicated equally at all other parts of
? 20 × 13.6 =
2 u1000 liquid. So the increase in force on the area A of the vessel is
F’ = (Fla) A. Since A > > a, so F’ > > F. As a result of which the
or v= 20 u13.6 u 2 u1000 = 737.56 cm/s = 7.3756 ms bottle may break.

Example - 21 of a large iron ship, the weight of water displaced by the

A balloon filled with helium does not rise in air indefinitely ship is higher than the weight of ship, hence the ship floats
but halts after a certain height. (Neglect winds). in water.
Example - 26
Sol. In the beginning the balloon filled with helium rises in air
Does Archimede’s principle hold in a vessel in free fall ?
because weight of the air displaced by balloon is more than
the weight of the balloon and helium gas filled inside balloon. Sol. Archimede’s principle does not hold good in this situation
We know that the density of air and the value of acceleration as the vessel in free fall is in a condition of weightlessness,
due to gravity decreases with height. Due to it, the weight where the buoyant force accounting for Archimede’s
of air decreases at greater height. The balloon halts at such principle does not exist.
a height where the weight of the air displaced just equals to
Example - 27
the weight of helium gas and the balloon.
A block of wood floats in a bucket of water in a lift. Will the
Example - 22
block sink more or less if the lift starts accelerating up ?
The force required by a man to move his limbs immersed in
water is smaller than the force for the same movement in air. Sol. When the lift starts accelerating up, the block of wood will
float at the same level in a bucket of water in a lift. It is so
Sol. The upthurst on the limbs of a man is more when immersed because the equilibrium of floating body is unaffected by
in water than in air. As a result of it, the effective weight of variation is acceleration due to gravity ‘g’. However, thrust
limbs of a man is less in water than in air. Hence the force of liquid and weight of body both depend on g and will
required to move his limbs is less in water than that in air. increase equally.
Example - 23 Example - 28
Ice floats in water with about nine tenths of its volume A shot is obtained by pouring molten lead through narrow
submerged. What is the fractional volume submerged for holes into water from certain height. The falling lead
an ice berg floating on a fresh water lake of a (hypothetical) solidifies and takes the form of small spheres. Explain the
planet whose gravity is ten times that of the earth ? phenomenon.

Sol. The fractional volume of ice submerged in water is Sol. The molten lead comes out of a narrow hole in the form of a
independent of the value of acceleration due to gravity ‘g’. fine stream. When it falls from a height into a vessel
So, it is nine tenths on new plant also. containing cold water, it breaks into spherical drops due to
thrust of water and surface tension. These are cooled on
Example - 24
entering the water and thus solidify into small spheres.
What is the fractional volume of an ice cube in a pail of
Example - 29
water produced in an enclosure which is freely falling
under gravity ? Why does oil spread over the surface of water ?

Sol. For a free fall, the effective value of acceleration due to Sol. Surface tension of oil is less than that of water. When oil is
gravity is zero. Therefore, there will be no weight of ice cube dropped on the surface of water, the force of surface tension
and hence no upward thrust on ice cube. As a result of it, of water being larger than that of oil, stretches the oil drops
the ice cube can float with any value of fractional volume on all sides. Hence, the oil spreads over the surface of water.
submerged. Example - 30
Example - 25 Why the tip of the nib of a pen is split ?
Explain why a small iron needle sinks in water while a
large iron ship floats ? Sol. The tip of the nib of a pen is split in order to provide a
capillary which helps the ink to rise to the end of the nib and
Sol. A body will float in a liquid if the weight of the liquid enables it to write continuously.
displaced by the immersed part of the body in liquid is equal
to weight of body. In case of iron needle, the weight of Example - 31
water displaced by needle is much less than the weight of It is better to wash the clothes in hot soap solution.
needle, hence, the iron needle sinks into the water. In case Why ?

Sol. The soap solution has less surface tension as compared to Sol. If they do so then at the point of intersection the incoming
ordinary water and its surface tension decreases further on fluid particle could go one way or the other and flow can
heating. The hot soap solution can, therefore, spread over never be steady or streamline.
large surface area and as such it has more wetting power. It Example - 37
is on account of this property that hot soap solution can
What happens to the pressure of an ideal liquid when it
penetrate and clean the clothes better than the ordinary water.
passes through a region where its speed increases ?
Example - 32
Why surface tension concept is only held for liquids and Sol. The pressure of an ideal liquid decreases when it passes
not for gases which are also fluids ? through a region where it speed increases, according to
Bernoulli’s theorem.
Sol. We know that the intermolecular distance between the gas
Example - 38
molecules is quite large as compared to that of liquid. Due
to it, the forces of cohesion in the gas molecules are very The shapes of cars and planes are streamlined. Why ?
small and there are quite large for liquids. Therefore, the
Sol. When a body moves through a fluid, its motion is opposed
concept of surface tension is applicable to liquid but not to
gases. by the force of fluid friction, which increases with the speed
of the body. When cars and planes, move through air, their
Example - 33 motion is opposed by the air friction, which in turn, depend
Rain drops falling under gravity do not acquire very high upon the shape of the body. It is due to this reason that the
velocity. Why ? cars or planes are given such shapes (known as stream-
lined shapes) so that air friction is minimum. Rather the
Sol. When a rain drop falls under gravity through a viscous
movement of air layers on the upper and lower side of
medium (say air) a viscous drag acts on it in a direction
streamlined shaped body provides a lift which helps in
opposite to that of motion. According to Stoke’s law, this
increasing the speed of the car.
viscous drag goes on increasing with the increasing velocity
of the drop till a stage comes when the total downward Example - 39
force on the drop is just balanced by the upward viscous Why two holes are made to empty an oil tin ?
drag. At this stage, there is no net force to accelerate rain
drop. Hence the rain drop starts moving with uniform Sol. When oil comes out through a tin with one hold, the pressure
velocity. This velocity is called ‘terminal velocity’. inside the tin becomes less than the atmospheric pressure.
Example - 34 This stops the oil from flowing out. When two holes are
A bigger rain drop falls faster than smaller one. Why ? made in the tin, air keeps on entering the tin through the
other hole and maintains pressure inside.
Sol. When the rain drops of different sizes fall under gravity, Example - 40
they ultimately move with their terminal velocities due to
An air bubble of 1 mm diameter rises in water with terminal
viscous drag of air. As terminal velocity of a drop varies as –3
velocity. If viscosity of water is 1.0 × 10 decapoise and
the square of its radius, therefore a bigger drop will have –3
density of air is 1.3 kgm , calculate the terminal velocity of
greater terminal velocity and hence fall faster than a small
the air bubble.
rain drop.
Example - 35 Sol. Given K = 1.0 × 10 decapoise, density of water U = 10 kg
–3 3

–3 –3
Machine parts are jammed in winter. Why ? m , diameter of bubble d = 1 mm = 1 × 10 m

Sol. A lubricating oil is generally used between the various parts 2 r 2 (U  V)g
of a machine to reduce the friction. In winter, since the Using the formula v =
9 K
temperature is low, the viscosity of oil between the machine
parts increases considerably, resulting in jamming of the
2 (0.5 u103 )2 (103  1.3) 9.8
machine parts. We have v
9 1.0 u10 3
Example - 36
Two stream lines of fluid can not cut each other. Why ? = 0.54 ms .

Example - 41 Example - 47
A cylinder of height 20 m is completely filled with water. Why does mercury not wet glass ?
Find the velocity of efflux of water (in ms ) through a
small hole on the side wall of the cylinder near its bottom. Sol. This is because the force of cohesion between mercury
Given g = 10ms . molecules is stronger than the force of adhesion between
the molecules of glass and mercury.
Sol. Given h = 20 m, g = 10ms , Velocity of efflux = ?
Example - 48
Velocity of efflux = 2gh Explain the working of mercury barometer to measure the
atmospheric pressure.
2 u10 u 20 = 20 ms .

Example - 42
How can we suck soft drink through a straw ?

Sol. When we suck the air in the straw, the drink is pushed up by
the atmosphere pressure.

Example - 43
Why does water not flow out of dropper unless the rubber
ball is pressed ?

Sol. The upward air pressure at the tip of the dropper is equal to
the pressure of the liquid column in it. When we press the Sol. (i) The pressure of the atmosphere at any point is equal to
rubber ball, the downward pressure increases making the the weight of a column of air of unit cross sectional area
liquid flow out. extending from that point to the top of the atmosphere.
Example - 44 (ii) A long glass tube closed at one end and filled with mercury
A block of wood is floating in a lake. What is the apparent is inverted into a trough of mercury. This device is known
weight of the floating block ? as mercury barometer.
(iii) The space above the mercury column in the tube contains
Sol. The apparent weight of the block is equal to zero because
only mercury. Vapour whose pressure P is so small that it
the weight of the block acting vertically downwards is
may be neglected.
balanced by the buoyant force acting, on the block upward.
(iv) The pressure inside the column at point A must be equal to
Example - 45
the pressure at point B which is at the same level.
Why is wet ink absorbed by a blotting paper ?
? Pa = Ugh
Sol. Blotting paper has fine pores which act as capillaries. The where Uis the density of mercury and h is height of mercury
ink rises in these capillarises. Thus, the ink is absorbed by column in the tube.
the blotting paper. (v) It is found that the mercury column in the barometer has a
Example - 46 height of about 76 cm at sea level equivalent to one
Why does water wet glass ? atmosphere.
(vi) Hence,
Sol. This is because the force of adhesion between the Pa = 0.76 × Density of mercury × g
molecules of water and the glass is stronger than the force 3
of cohesion between water molecules. ? Pa = 0.76 × 13.6 × 10 × 9.8
5 2
? Pa = 1.013 × 10 N/m

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