JK Barriers To Investment Meeting Together With Sri Mulyani CS

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Tuesday, 12th of Feb 2019 17:21 WIB

JK Barriers to Investment Meeting Together with Sri Mulyani CS

Hendra Kusuma - detikFinance

Vice-President (Vice President) Jusuf Kalla (JK) this afternoon summoned the ministers of working cabinet
in economic sector and officials of financial sector institutions to discuss the obstacles of national
investment rate.

The meeting is scheduled at 14.00 WIB and finished around 16.30 WIB or lasts for 2 hours 30 minutes.

"Just (discuss) the investment. How does the vice president want to invest more easily," said Coordinating
Minister for Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan at the Vice President's Office, Jakarta, Tuesday

Luhut said that what was discussed with the Vice President JK was the overlapping rules, such as the Law.
The government, said Luhut, will find a way to resolve the tangled threads of the national investment rate.

One of them, said Luhut, through online single submission (OSS) that integrates the licensing process
between the center and the regions. Regional parties also have to follow the procedures in the system.

"That is simple. Later you will see what the vice president wants. So we want that the rules have already
existed, not a negotiation," said Luhut.

Also attended, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin
Nasution, Minister of Trade Enggartiasto Lukita, Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto, Minister of LHK
(Environment and Forestry) Siti Nurbaya.

Next, the Governor of BI represented by Deputy Governor Mirza Adityaswara, Chairman of the OJK Board
of Commissioners Wimboh Santoso, Head of BKPM Thomas Trikasih Lembong.

Source : https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-4425060/jk-rapat-penghambat-investasi-bareng-sri-

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