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False Advertising Types of False Advertising

As a legal term, false advertising refers to any published claim or A company can deceive consumers through the use of many types
advertising material that gives consumers an incorrect of false advertising. The primary goal of false advertising is to
understanding or belief about a product or service being offered. increase the number of customers to the company or business, and
False advertising, also referred to as “deceptive advertising,” is thus increase profits. Some types of false advertising are more
illegal according to both state and federal laws, even if the noticeable to consumers than other advertising schemes. Some of
misleading advertising was made by mistake. To explore this these deceptive practices leave consumers unaware until it is too
concept, consider the following false advertising definition. late. The most common types of false advertising include:

What is False Advertising Inconsistent Comparison

Advertising is used to persuade consumers into making purchases Inconsistent comparison takes place when an advertisement
or using services that they might overlook or avoid under normal compares one item with another only in the areas where it is
conditions. The law recognizes that consumers have a right to superior, omitting any features of the other item that are superior to
know exactly what they are purchasing, whether in goods or the advertised item. This leads consumers to believe that the
services, as well as what they are paying for the product or service. advertised item is the best product available. Inconsistent
Unfortunately, some companies began to recognize the value of comparison may also describe the practice of listing competitors’
appearing to offer a discounted price or other incentive to induce prices, omitting those competitors offering lower prices.
consumers to buy, with no intent to provide the stated deal.
For example: Alexander’s Toy Shop’s website boldly claims to
The publishing of advertising, whether in print, electronically, beat competitors’ prices on the hottest toy of the year. The web
online, or TV/Radio advertisement, designed to deceive or mislead advertisement lists a handful of other toy stores which offer the toy
consumers, is against the law. at a slightly higher price. This leads consumers to believe they are
indeed getting the best price on this particular item when they
For example:John’s Auto Sales takes out a full-page ad in the purchase from Alexander’s Toy Shop. This is not necessarily the
local newspaper for the entire week. The primary feature of the ad case, however, as John has simply left the names of stores offering
is a new pickup truck, usually priced at $27,000, for $18,000. A lower prices on the toy off of its list.
large color photo of the truck model entices ranchers and townies
alike to head into John’s Auto Sales to take advantage of this Pricing Based Deception
spectacular deal.

Pricing based deception occurs when companies or service

When consumers arrive and mention the newspaper ad, they are providers tack on additional fees that are not disclosed to
told that the company is no longer offering that special, but the consumers in the advertised price. This has become a common
sales associate will happily show them other good buys. This is practice among mobile phone providers and credit card companies.
often referred to as a bait-and-switch tactic. Such hidden fees and surcharges also pop up with gym
memberships and airline transportation.
John’s Auto Sales has engaged in false advertising designed to lure
customers onto the lot by publishing false or deceitful information. These fees, which amount to pricing based deception, are often
The business does this in the hope that, by luring a larger than found in the voluminous amount of fine print, which in some states
usual number of customers to the lot, it will experience increased may be located on an entirely different document or web page.
sales for the week. Such false advertising tactics are confusing to consumers, as they
are hard to find, and even harder to read and understand.
False Advertising Laws
For example: Samantha was drawn to a cellular telephone
The goal of federal and state false advertising laws is to prevent company when she read its web ad for unlimited text, talk, and
deceptive practices in advertising, rather than punishing violators data for only $49.99 per line per month. As she reads the fine print
of the law. For this reason, false advertising claims may be made in of the contract the sales associate has asked her to sign, however,
civil court, but are not considered a criminal offense. It is common Samantha discovers that there will be an additional charge of $9.99
for the court to order a company found to be engaging in deceptive for each line, and a surcharge of $3.99, in addition to taxes. This
advertising techniques to be ordered to stop the activity, or to adds up to a total of $63.97 plus tax, per line. If Samantha had
correct the misleading information, or disclose any information failed to read the fine print before entering into the contract, she
intentionally left out. In addition, the company may be ordered by would be unpleasantly surprised to be billed at a much higher rate
the court to pay fines, and possibly damages owed to the plaintiff. than the $49.99 she expected.

In order for a plaintiff to win a civil lawsuit for false advertising, Bait and Switch
he must show that the advertising contained false or misleading
information, and that the deceptive information influenced his Bait and switch advertising takes place when a company advertises
decision to purchase the product or service. A competing business a product it does not intend to sell, or service it does not provide.
may sue if a company’s false advertising directly caused the This type of false advertising is done in order to lure customers in,
plaintiff some type of economic hardship. In many cases, the court at which time the company attempts to sell them a more expensive
will consider whether the false advertisement complained of item or service.
deceived, or had an impact on, a large audience.
For example: An office supply store advertises the gift of a free advertisements helps most companies stay within the bounds of the
ink cartridge with the purchase of a specific brand and model law. In order to comply with false advertising laws, a company
printer. The ad states supplies are limited, yet when customers should:
arrive at the store, they are told that model printer is already sold
out. Instead of getting the advertised printer with a free ink
cartridge, the sales associates attempt to convince the customers to  Be very accurate in its description and illustration of
purchase a different, more expensive printer. the product or service offered
 Be upfront and truthful about pricing
Misleading Illustrations  Treat all competitors fairly
 Be cautious when using the word “free”
Illustrations in advertisements which are intended to lead  Keep an adequate supply of the advertised products on
consumers to believe the product depicted is what they will receive hand
commonly appear more enticing than reality. Pictures on food
packaging often include ingredients or items that are not included
in the package. Adding a “serving suggestion” disclaimer on the Division of Advertising Practices
package may help the company avoid legal issues. Misleading
illustrations also come in the form of making food items look The Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC”) is an agency of the
larger than they really are. federal government charged with protecting consumers from unfair
business practices. The Division of Advertising Practices, a
False coloring is another form of false advertising through division of the FTC, is in turn tasked specifically with protecting
misleading illustrations. Photo manipulation software is often used consumers from unfair or deceptive advertising practices. The
to enhance the coloring of fruits and vegetables to make them look Division of Advertising Practices (the “DAP”) enforces false
riper and more appealing to consumers in print and web ads. This advertising laws and brings legal actions against companies
method of misleading consumers is also found in the stores when engaging in fraudulent advertising and marketing practices.
produce is packaged in colored packages that hide the true color of
the items. The DAP coordinates its efforts with both U.S. and international
law enforcement agencies. This becomes especially important in
Price Reduction Deception matters involving health and safety products and services. In
addition, the Division of Advertising Practices coordinates with the
FTC and other agencies to monitor advertisements marketing
Price deception occurs when a company uses advertisements to children’s products, alcohol, and tobacco.
give false or incorrect information in relation to the price of a
product. This often occurs when a company advertises a product
claiming it is on sale or has been marked down when, in fact, the Examples of False Advertising
advertised item was never sold at a higher price.
Increasing sales by the use of creative and inventive advertising
For example: May’s Market advertises a 2-liter bottle of Purple techniques has become big business in the U.S. While some large
Pop for $1.00. The ad claims that the $1.00 price is a 50% discount corporations maintain a staff of advertising professionals, other
off the soda’s regular price, but in reality, regular price of the pop companies turn to advertising agencies to handle their marketing
is $1.00. This brings customers in to purchase the advertised pop, campaigns. Being able to offer something eye-catching and
at which time it is likely the customers will purchase at least a few alluring for just about any product or service imaginable results in
other items. job security for many advertising professionals. Following are two
examples of false advertising of popular national brands.

Quality or Origin Deceptions

Advertised Health Benefits of Activia Yogurt

When advertising a product, it is illegal for a company to make

claims about the quality or origin of the product if the claims In 2010, Dannon advertised their Activia brand yogurt, claiming it
cannot be substantiated. It is also illegal for a company to withhold had clinically and scientifically proven health benefits. The
information about known defects. company even hired a popular celebrity to promote the product’s
supposedly “clinically proven” health benefits. During this ad
campaign, Dannon charged more for its Activia yogurt line that
For example:Bob’s Bait Shop advertises its newest line of fishing what comparable brands cost.
poles. In the bait shop’s weekly advertisement, the fishing pole is
described as the best on the market, and the ad features a “Made in
the USA” graphic, which is known to attract many buyers. In fact, Eventually customers stopped believing in the advertised health
the fishing poles are manufactured in China, making the bait benefits, and a class action lawsuit was filed against Dannon. The
shop’s advertisement false. company settled with the consumers who filed the claim, agreeing
to pay up to $45 million dollars in damages. Dannon was also
ordered to limit health claims to those that are factual.
Keeping Advertisements Lawful
Snap, Crackle and Pop’s Immunity Boosting Super Powers
Keeping advertisements lawful is an important part of good
business practices, and may help businesses gain loyal customers.
While there are no universal guidelines for effectively promoting In 2010, Kellogg’s engaged in an aggressive advertising campaign
goods or services in a legal manner, companies can make an effort claiming that their popular Rice Krispies cereal had the ability to
toward keeping advertisements lawful by following a few steps. boost children’s immunity, as it contained “25 percent Daily Value
Consulting a checklist of honest advertising when creating of Antioxidants and Nutrients – Vitamins A, B, C and E.” The
Federal Trade Commission found the company’s claims to be assembled in America, the company sourced the parts
questionable, and ordered Kellogg’s to stop making false claims of from foreign countries. According to the consumers in
improved immunity. the lawsuits, they felt deceived because they believed
they were purchasing a product solely from the United
States and they often paid more for that product.
This action by the FTC came just one year after Kellogg’s was
investigated for making false claims that its Frosted Mini Wheats  False environmental claims can also be considered false
had the ability to increase children’s attentiveness. After the FTC advertising. These include using terms like
examined the clinical studies touted by Kellogg’s, which “biodegradable, “recyclable,” and “environmentally
purportedly showed a 20% enhancement of attentiveness, it found friendly” on product packaging. Certain customers say
that the studies showed only 1 in 9 children actually received this that they pay more for products with environmental
benefit from the cereal. Kellogg’s was ordered to stop this claims on the packaging. However, if these terms are
deceptive advertising campaign. not based on reliable scientific evidence, then they can
be considered false advertising.

Related Legal Terms and Issues

 Bait-and-Switch
 If a company uses claims about the price or quality of a
 Civil Lawsuit – A lawsuit brought about in court when particular product or service with no plans to sell or
one person claims to have suffered a loss due to the provide that service at the price offered, they may be
actions of another person. engaging in “bait-and-switch” false advertising.
 Deceptive – Tending or having power to deceive.  Sometimes advertisers attempt to lure customers in by
 Federal Trade Commission – An independent federal offering incredible deals but change the deal after the
agency tasked with protecting consumers and ensuring customer has already invested a substantial amount of
a strong, competitive market by enforcing antitrust time and energy into negotiating with the advertiser. In
addition to being frustrating, any bait-and-switch
and consumer protection laws.
advertising is illegal under Federal Trade Commission
 Litigation – The process of taking legal action; the regulations.
process of suing someone, or trying them for a criminal
 Failure to Disclose
 Plaintiff – A person who brings a legal action against
another person or entity, such as in a civil lawsuit, or
 A company that does not include material information
about its product or only partially discloses information
criminal proceedings.
can also be considered to be engaging in false
advertising. This information is especially important
False advertising generally refers to misleading or untrue when it comes to side effects of prescription and over-
marketing claims that companies make about their products. the-counter drugs, but it can also apply to cleaning
Companies usually make misrepresentations about their products products and other items.
to induce customers to pay more or even purchase a product that  Many products are subject to additional risk disclosures
they would not have considered otherwise. depending on the type of product sold. Consumers need
to be aware of the dangers of items they purchase and
Shortly after the proliferation of advertising in the early 1900s, how to avoid them. Failing to disclose this information
false advertising was made a crime in 44 states. States followed can lead to personal injury or property damage as well.
with statutes addressing particular types of false advertising that
subject companies to fines and other penalties for violations.  Flawed Research
Consumers have also used lawsuits, specifically class action
lawsuits, to hold companies responsible for false advertising.
 If a product’s labeling or related advertising makes
claims based on flawed research, it is considered false
advertising. Under federal law, flawed research
There are several types of false advertising generally. These includes “representations found to be unsupported by
include mislabeling, bait-and-switch, failure to disclose, flawed accepted authority or research or which are contradicted
research, and product disparagement or trademark infringement. by prevailing authority or research.”

 Mislabeling
 Product Disparagement and Trademark
 Mislabeling is a common form of false advertising and
includes situations where companies use false or  Companies can also get into trouble for false
misleading information on product packaging or in advertising if they falsely disparage a competitor’s
related advertising materials such as websites. product as a part of their marketing. Similarly, if a
company uses another company’s trademark to imply
 Companies can also make false claims about a some type of relationship, it can be considered false
product’s price by claiming that the good is on sale advertising.
based on a price that it was never offered for sale at.
Recently, a number of outlet stores have come under
fire for price deception, including Ann Taylor, Michael  Duped By False Advertising Practices?
Kors, and North Face.  These types of false advertising confuse consumers and
 Companies also engage in false advertising if they generally lead them to spend more on a product then
make false or deceptive claims about the quality or they would have. False marketing can also induce
origin of their product. Recently, companies have been consumers to purchase a product that they would not
hit with false advertising lawsuits over “Made in have otherwise.
America” claims. While the product may have been
 There are a number of remedies for false advertising,
including injunctive relief, corrective advertising, and
paying damages. If you have been duped by false
advertising, you should know that you and other
consumers have rights under consumer protection
laws. Get help today from the experienced attorneys
at Bradley Grombacher.

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