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What happens if States do not fulfil obligations?

UNESCO Education Sector The Global Education 2030 Agenda

International human rights instruments have ààEnforcement of the right to education: Education is UNESCO’s top priority because UNESCO, as the United Nations’ specialized
established a solid normative framework for the At international level, human rights mechanisms it is a basic human right and the foundation agency for education, is entrusted to lead
right to education. This is not an empty declaration exist to deal with individual complaints and settle on which to build peace and drive sustainable and coordinate the Education 2030 Agenda,
of intent as its provisions are legally binding. All right to education breaches this way. development. UNESCO is the United Nations’ which is part of a global movement to eradicate
countries in the world have ratified at least one specialized agency for education and poverty through 17 Sustainable Development
ààJusticiability of the right to education:
treaty covering certain aspects of the right to the Education Sector provides global and Goals by 2030. Education, essential to achieve
Where their right to education has been violated,
education. This means that all States are held to regional leadership in education, strengthens all of these goals, has its own dedicated Goal 4,
citizens must be able to have legal recourse before
account, through legal mechanisms. national education systems and responds which aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable
the law courts or administrative tribunals.
to contemporary global challenges through quality education and promote lifelong learning
education with a special focus on gender opportunities for all.” The Education 2030
equality and Africa. Framework for Action provides guidance for
What are the major challenges to ensure the right to education? the implementation of this ambitious goal
and commitments.

Providing free and compulsory Eliminating inequalities

education to all and disparities in education
Less than 1 in 5 countries legally guarantee In sub-Saharan African, only 65 of the poorest
12 years of free and compulsory education. children for every 100 of the richest go to school.
Through technical assistance, UNESCO supports UNESCO supports the development of more
States to adopt legislation in line with SDG4 and inclusive, rights-based and gender-sensitive
the right to education requirements. policies, and encourages teachers to adopt
inclusive teaching approaches.

Migration and displacement Privatization and its impact

the right to education

In 2016, 3.5 million school age refugees had 0 days on the right to education
of school. UNESCO advocates for inclusive and States need to strike a balance between Contact us
suitable education systems for refugees, ensuring educational freedom and ensuring everyone

Cover photo: © Shryrov/

the right to education for those forced to flee their receives a quality education. UNESCO encourages
country. States to reinforce regulatory frameworks
regarding private institutions. UNESCO
Education Sector
Section of Education Policy
Education is a fundamental human right of every woman,
7, place de Fontenoy man and child. For UNESCO, this right is an absolute priority
75352 Paris
and at the heart of its global mission to ensure equal access
France @UNESCO
Financing of education Quality imperatives and valuing the  to quality education for everyone.
The Education 2030 Agenda requires States to teaching profession
allocate at least 4-6 per cent of GDP and/or at least 200 million young people leave school without the
15-20 per cent of public expenditure to education. skills they need to thrive. UNESCO encourages States
UNESCO promotes the idea that education is the to reinforce minimum education standards and seeks
best investment a country can make. to promote the rights of the teaching profession.
Why is education a fundamental human right? What does the right to education entail?

© Stevenk/
The right to education is a human right and globally the number of poor people could be ## Primary education that is ## Higher education, ## Equal quality of education
indispensable for the exercise of other human rights. reduced by more than half. free, compulsory and universal accessible to all on the basis through minimum standards
of individual capacity and
ààQuality education aims to ensure the ààIt narrows the gender gap for girls and women. ## Secondary education, ## Quality teaching and supplies for 
progressively free
development of a fully-rounded human being. A UN study showed that each year of schooling including technical and teachers
It empowers people to seek the fulfilment of all reduces the probability of infant mortality by 5 to vocational, that is generally ## Fundamental education ## Adequate fellowship
their human rights. 10 per cent. available, accessible to all and for individuals who have not
system and material
progressively free completed education
ààIt is one of the most powerful tools in lifting For this human right to work there must be equality condition for teaching staff
socially excluded children and adults out of of opportunity, universal access, and enforceable ## Professional training ## Freedom of choice
poverty and into society. UNESCO data shows and monitored quality standards. opportunities
that if all adults completed secondary education,

How is the right to education ensured? How does UNESCO work to ensure the right to education?
The global picture
The right to education is established by two means - normative international UNESCO develops, monitors and promotes education norms and standards to guarantee the right to
instruments and political commitments by governments. A solid international education at country level and advance the aims of the Education 2030 Agenda. UNESCO's Strategy on

262 million
normative action (2015-2021) encourages Member States to use standard-setting instruments as a strategic
framework of conventions and treaties exist to protect the right to education and tool to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4). Specifically, it works to ensure States' legal
States that sign up to them agree to respect, protect and fulfil this right. obligations are reflected in national legal frameworks and translated into concrete policies. It does this by:
primary and secondary age children and youth are out of school Monitoring the Advocating on the right to Enhancing capacities,
implementation of the right to education principles and legal reporting mechanisms and
education at country level obligations through research and awareness on key challenges
Major international instruments Supporting States to establish studies on key issues
Developing partnerships and
solid national frameworks Maintaining a global networks around key issues
creating the legal foundation and Observatory on the right to
Less than The right to education is enshrined Among the UN human rights Other human rights instruments

1 in 5 countries 1 child out of 11

conditions for sustainable quality education
in the Universal Declaration of treaties: interpret education rights in a way
education for all
Human Rights adopted in 1948. that takes into account the specific
àà In 1966, Article 13 of the
Article 26 states that: "Everyone needs of groups of people in
legally guarantee 12 years of free and compulsory education does not go to primary school has the right to education."
International Covenant on
vulnerable situations. They include:
Economic, Social and Cultural
Entitlement to education at Rights reaffirmed everyone’s àà The Convention on the How is the right to education monitored and enforced by UNESCO?
various levels as a right is laid right to education and recalled Elimination of All forms of
down in the UNESCO Convention the entitlements to education at Discrimination against Women
against Discrimination in various levels. (1979). ààUNESCO's Constitution to countries to improve ààBased on its monitoring work,
Education (1960). requires Member States the situation of the right to UNESCO provides technical
ààIn 1989, Articles 28 and 29 àà The International Convention on to report on measures to education at national level. assistance and policy advice
The Convention is the first legally of the Convention on the the Protection of the Rights of all

1 adolescent
implement standard-setting to Member States that seek to
ààThrough the dedicated online
More than binding international instrument Rights of the Child stated Migrant Workers and Members of instruments at country level review, develop, improve and

1 in 2 children developing extensively the right that education should allow their Families (1990). Observatory, UNESCO takes
through regular consultations. reform their legal and policy

out of 5
to education. children to reach their fullest stock of the implementation of
àà The Convention on the Rights of frameworks.
potential. ààThrough collaboration with UN the right to education in 195
This convention is recognized as Persons with Disabilities (2006). human rights bodies, UNESCO Member States.
of primary school age did not reach the minimum
a cornerstone of the Education addresses recommendations
is left out of a secondary education proficiency level in reading quality standards 2030 Agenda.

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