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Wedding bells are ringing. Any woman’s dream is to be wed in a fairytale wedding. How much is
a “luxury wedding”? Is this possible without spending “this amount of money”? June is fast
approaching. They call this month the “wedding month”; any bride-to-be wants to be called a “June
Bride”. There is no clear cut definition as to how we quantify “luxury”; this can be a status symbol of an
expensive car used during a wedding, a million worth of a couple’s wedding ring, a signature wedding
dress and headdress. Whatever we find that we can consider a “luxury” being observed in a wedding is
already a luxury wedding.

Some couples consider their venue or reception as a luxury. They may choose an expensive 5
star hotel to cater their guests or an exclusive villa to spend an intimate celebration. Some though,
choose to go outdoor, to a private island, white sand beach, somewhere remote where the guests are
only transported through a helicopter or a family owned jet plane or a yacht. Wherever destination or
place they pick as a reception and has an extra cost compared to an average wedding budget is definitely
a luxury.

I knew a few who spent much on their wedding accessories. They hire a world-renowned
couturier to create their dream gown and tuxedo, took care of the signatured design of the entourage.
The couple’s wedding rings are crafted with pure gold and beaded with precious diamonds. Their
wedding cakes are uniquely designed and prepared by popular chefs and so with their buffet dishes
during their reception. Some had their invitations intricately made and their souvenirs ordered from a
different country. Who would not invest on these wedding accessories just to make their wedding

Some groom and bride-to-be choose and create a theme to portray a luxury wedding. Can be a
theme studded with crystal stones all over the place, chairs colored with gold, a stage with murals
replicating a “gothic” look. One can choose a theme that displays class or royalty. Just choose a good
and established wedding coordinator to achieve that desire. On the other hand, some couples consider
inviting prominent figures in their entourage, actors and actresses, politicians, making their reception
“star-studded”. Some consider including an entertainment, hiring a popular singer or band to liven the

Depending on every unique couple, what matters the most, more often than not, is the planning
stage of the wedding, where expectations are set and on how they want their wedding to be. Some
ideas need more advanced planning and others not. We may have different preferences and options, a
luxury wedding solely relies on the couple’s budget. Careful planning is necessary and pooling the right
people to work with just to make that one momentous day successful. Well, at the end of it all, the very
day that is set will create a mark to the couple’s milestone. And whoever is part of it will not be
forgotten. A luxury wedding they dreamt of..

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