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Discover Qt Learning and Certification

by Vladimir Minenko
A big event!

Qt Certification has been launched!

Nokia Certified Qt Developer
Available to the public from Oct 12th 2009
Special Offering at DevDays!

• Qt Learning
• Qt Curriculum
• Qt Certification
From learning Qt … Qt Learning

How did you learn Qt?

The mission of Qt Learning:

– enrich with structured, organized offerings
– offer guided self-paced learning solutions
– integrate the Qt learning experience
Contributing to increased and better use of Qt

• Make first steps easier and faster

• Guide to learn more and then become better
• Better educated Qt users improve the wider
acceptance of Qt
• …and create better products
Qt Learning areas of work

Qt in Education
Qt Learning


Training Certification e-Learning


• Qt Learning
• Qt Curriculum
• Qt Certification
Qt Curriculum

• Following the origins of the word…

• Qt Curriculum – not so much a “race course”,
but……a “route map” showing how to become a
good Qt developer or to specialize in a given
• Unlike in universities, Qt Curriculum will be less
• Not only “what”, but also “how”
Qt Curriculum

• Open document, versioned

• Changed not more frequently than Qt minor
releases (4.5, 4.6, 4.7…)
• Several blocks: generic Qt plus specializations
• An area is split in modules
• A module has several objectives

• The first block defined is Qt Essentials

Qt Curriculum - becoming a learning map

Qt Essentials

Advanced Qt

Qt UI Qt Graphics

Qt …
A synchronization and a syndication…

• Refers (web links) to related materials

• “Materials”: Nokia and/or external documents
• Qt Curriculum is a driver for other offerings:
– Qt Training Materials
– upcoming materials
– assessments in the Qt Certification Program

• Qt Learning
• Qt Curriculum
• Qt Certification
Qt Certification

Provides a framework to recognize

Qt skills, knowledge, and experience; and
indicate expertise within the Qt community
Why certify?

The “food chain” of

certification… Target setting

learning cycle
• Learning and personal Learning
development aspects
are key elements Assessment
• Recognition and career
are important for you
personally, and for your Recognition
Who may, can, should certify?

• Absolutely anybody who feels knowledgeable

• Hands-on development experience is required
• Internal staff will take the same exam
• There is no internal access to questions
Designation & Assessment

Experience Future Designation Levels Further exams +
(to be defined) Additional
Assessment Criteria
Designation Level Assessment

AVAILABLE Nokia Certified Qt Developer “Qt Essentials” Exam

Qt Essentials Exam

• Covers essentials of Qt (exam candidates know

how Qt works and can develop an application)
• Available in 5000 test centers in 160 countries
via a delivery partner
• List price is 149€ (less in low-income countries)
• 50 questions to answer in 60 min
• Result available immediately (“passed”/ “not
• Certificates on paper via mail:
“Nokia Certified Qt Developer”
Qt Essentials Exam

• Covers essentials of Qt (tests candidates know

how Qt works and can develop an application)
• Available in 5000 test centers in 160 countries
via a delivery partner
• List price is 149€ (less in low-income countries)
• 50 questions to answer in 60 min
• Result available immediately (“passed”/ “not
• Certificates on paper via mail:
“Nokia Certified Qt Developer”
Qt Essentials Exam

What are the “essentials”?

• All major aspects of Qt needed to make a simple
desktop application
• QtCore and QtGui
• Expects hands-on experience
• Detailed scope is documented by
Qt Essentials Curriculum 1.0
Qt Essentials Exam

• Covers essentials of Qt (tests candidates know

how Qt works and can develop an application)
• Available in 5000 test centers in 160 countries
via a delivery partner
• List price is 149€ (less in low-income countries)
• 50 questions to answer in 60 min
• Result available immediately (“passed”/ “not
• Certificates on paper via mail:
“Nokia Certified Qt Developer”
Qt Essentials Exam

Why test centers? What do they offer?

• The only reason is security in order to prevent cheating
and ID fraud
• This results in a greater credibility of your Qt
• Our delivery partner – Pearson VUE, provides a
worldwide coverage
• Pearson VUE is a well-known player delivering other IT
certification exams (e.g. Adobe, Cisco)
Qt Essentials Exam

Why test centers? What do they offer?

• A test center is a partner company of Pearson VUE –
consulting, training, learning, software resellers,
educational institutions, etc
• It facilitates supervised exams, in a way as defined
and verified by Pearson VUE
• A Qt Partner can sign-up to become a test center, and
be able to conduct exams on their own
Qt Essentials Exam

• Covers essentials of Qt (tests candidates know

how Qt works and can develop an application)
• Available in 5000 test centers in 160 countries
via a delivery partner
• List price is 149€ (less in low-income countries)
• 50 questions to answer in 60 min
• Result available immediately (“passed”/ “not
• Certificates on paper via mail:
“Nokia Certified Qt Developer”
Qt Essentials Exam

What are the questions?

• Multiple choice and multiple response
• All correct choices have to be selected to receive points
• More difficult questions generate more points
• Questions can be skipped, or marked for review
Qt Essentials Exam

What are the questions?

Qt Essentials Exam

• Covers essentials of Qt (tests candidates know

how Qt works and can develop an application)
• Available in 5000 test centers in 160 countries
via a delivery partner
• List price is 149€ (less in low-income countries)
• 50 questions to answer in 60 min
• Result available immediately (“passed”/ “not
• Certificates on paper via mail:
“Nokia Certified Qt Developer”
Qt Essentials Exam

What about my results?

• Results available after the exam at the registration desk
(not yet in place for Qt Developer Days)
• The Qt Certification does not expire but it refers to a
version of curriculum
• Aim to provide a detailed score report in the future
What are the steps one needs to do?

• We do not mandate any way of learning to pass the exam!

We only advise!
• Our “advice” is published as curriculum, plus links to materials
1. Go to our web and select the “register” link
2. Register at the Pearson VUE web site
3. Select the exam, choose your test center, date and time; pay the fee
4. If you cannot attend, you must notify 24h prior to the exam
5. Take the exam (~1h15m), answering as many questions as
6. Pickup your exam report at the administration desk
7. If passed, you will receive a paper certificate via regular mail
What is next?

Qt Learning:
• publish recordings from Qt Developer Days and
other talks on the new eLearning page

Qt Certification:
• keep updated to track changes in Qt Curriculum
• define more advanced Qt Certification levels
Thank you!


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