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Social Science 11: Philippine Politics and Governance

Name:___________________________ Year & Section:_______________ Date:_____________ Score:______

General directions: Use black or blue ink only. Erasures and superimpositions
will be considered incorrect.
I. directions: Identify what is asked. Write your answers on the blank.
_________________1. A systematic body of concepts especially about human life or culture
_________________2. A set of related beliefs about political theory and policy held by an
individual, group of individuals or a particular social class
_________________3. An ideology that is based on the belief that government and laws are not
_________________4. It is merely an instrument for the purpose of governance.
_________________5. It is the exercise of political, economic, and administrative authority to
manage a nation’s affairs.
_________________6. It refers to the ability to make others do what they otherwise would not do by
rewarding or by depriving them of something they value.
_________________7. The military strength of a state
_________________8. Follower’s voluntary compliance with directives by the boss/leader
_________________9. Power possessed by a nation-state
_________________10. To change the behaviour of others through their consent by persuasion
rather through the exercise of coercion
II. Correct minus wrong
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
wrong. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
_______11. Politics is the actual process of how humans interact in groups.
________12. Political Science is the process by which people try to influence their government.
________13. Political science seeks to study the origin, nature and functions of the State,
Government and its all organs.
________14. Politics is universal and is always the same.
________15. Government is the power of the state to command and enforce obedience of it will from
the people
III. directions:Classify the following Ideologies with their Perspectives stated on
each item by writing Afor Anarchism, Sfor Socialism, L for
Liberalism, C for Conservatism and F for Fascism.

__________ 16. As the state is inherently evil and oppressive, all states have the same essential

__________ 17. This ideology has contrasting views of the state.

__________ 18. It rejects the state outright, believing it to an unnecessary evil.

__________ 19. Sees the state as a neutral arbiter among competing interests and groups in
society, a vital guarantee of social order.

__________ 20. Links the state to the need to provide authority and discipline ad to protect society
from chaos and disorder, hence their traditional preference for a strong state.

__________ 21. An ideology that sees the state as a supreme ethical ideal, reflecting the
undifferentiated interests of the national community, hence their belief in

__________ 22. This kind of ideology links the state to the need to provide authority and discipline
and to protect society from chaos and disorder.

__________ 23. An ideology that saw the state more as a vessel that contains, or tool that serves,
the race or nation.

__________ 24. Regard the state as an embodiment of the common good and thus approve of
interventionism in either its social-democratic or state collectivist form.

__________ 25. This ideology stressed the link between the state and the class system, seeing it
either as an instrument of class rule or as a means of ameliorating class tensions.

IV. directions:Give the meaning of the following words. Write your answer on the
space provided.
26. State-
27. Nation-
28. Globalization-
V. directions:Enumerate what is asked. Write your answer on the space provided.
29-32.Four Value of Politics
29. 31.
30. 32.
33-34.Two Characteristics of Good Governance
33. 34.
35-37. Three Methods of Exercising power
35. 37.
VI. directions:Give the brief historical background of the Philippine Government
from Pre-Spanish Government to Present Government. Write
your answer at the back of the Test Paper.
38-41. Pre-Spanish Government, Spanish Government, Revolutionary Government
42-45. American Government (Military Government, Civil Government, Commonwealth Government)
46-50. Japanese Government, Third Republic, Ferdinand Marcos, Corazon Aquino-Present

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