Job Chart Government Letter

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GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT From To Sri Vijay Kumar G.Srkr, LA,S., The Secretary to Government, Commissioner & Director of MA & UD Dept., Andhra Pradesh, Gorantla, AP Secretariat, Guntur Velagapudi, Amaravathi Dt.21 201 Sir, Sub: Ward Secretariats - Job chart of Ward Secretaries - Proposal submitted ~ Reg. Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.217 MA & UD (UBS) Dept., Dt.20.07.2019 2. Government Memo. No. 934662/UBS/2019, Dt. 26.07.2019 3. G,O, Rt. No, 523 MA & UD Dept., Dt. 21.08.2019 4, G.O, Rt. No, 591 MA & UD Dept., Dt. 17.09.2019 ee I invite kind attention of the Government to the references cited and submit herewith the draft Job Chart of various posts of Ward Secretaries in Municipalities and Municipal Corporations prepared in consultation with ENC (PH), DTCP, MEPMA and request the Government to issue necessary orders in the matter. Yours faithfully, Encl: as above Sd/- Vijay Kumar G.Srkr Commissioner & Director ‘JOB CHART OF WARD SECRETARIES 1. WARD SECRETARIAT SYSTEM aE Rs eS Government is committed to revamp the service delivery systems in the State with an aim to improve the living standards of the people through the concept of NAVARATHNALU as core theme of governance. To bring transparency and accountability in delivery of government services to the citizens, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has announced the creation of Ward Secretariats in Urban Areas, consisting of about 10 functional assistants to workin co-ordination with the ULBs and provide services for every 4000 population in the State. The Objectives inter alia, includes: 1, Toestablisha strong, effective and vibrant service delivery system at Ward Level 2, To provide various Government / other services at the door steps of Citizens through single window system and ensure delivery of NAVARATNALU 3, Enable convergence ofallline departments that provide services at the Ward level 4, Preparation and timely implementation of annual plans of line departments to achieve the goals of the Government. 5, Mapping the field level functionaries with clearly specified roles and accountable to citizens with a well-defined Citizen Charter. 6. Providing Mee Seva Services in all Cluster Ward Level by utilising the existing facilities and staff. 7, Resolution of the issues/grievances brought by each of the Ward Volunteers concerning the 50/100 Households 8. Assist the ULBs for mobilising resources including collection of taxes, ensuring sanitation and its effective functioning 9. Integrate the Ward Volunteers system with Ward Secretariat system enabling them to provide citizen services efficiently and workin co-ordination with Ward Committees and ULB, Every ULB has two components - one elected body and another executive body. With a view deliver more transparent, accessible, and responsive delivery of various Governmental services to the citizens of Urban areas, in the close proximity under People Centric Process Management System, through “One-Stop” solution and to exercise the powers of the Urban Local Bodies with the expectations of the People, Government desires to provide 10 functional assistants of line departments to be called as "Ward Secretaries to be placed under the administrative control of the Municipal Commissioner of the respective ULB through the administrative hierarchy and to deliver the services to the citizens, through the platform of Ward Secretariat”. JOB CHART OF WARD SECRETARIES Further, every Ward Secretariat, will have one Ward Administrative Secretary from ULB, for the purpose of General Administration and Co-ordination with the Line Departments. Government intends to establish ward secretariat system in the urban areas of the state with a view:- To decentralise the delivery of various services | To establish such number of Ward Secretaries of various departments under the overall supervision of the ULB. To create administrative convenience, the ward secretaries working under a Werd Secretariat, shall caterto the needs of two or more contiguous Wards, without disturbing the autonomy of the provided in the relevant Municipal Acts. ‘The Ward Secretariats will work in co-ordination with the Ward Committees as envisaged under 74th Constitutional Amendment Act and relevant Municipal Acts. 1, TheWard secretariatwill Function according to prescribed business procedures. The Functional Assistants to be called as Ward Secretaries of the Departments will function as per thejob chart provided andreportto the respective Urban Local Body. 2. The Municipal Commissioner of the ULB will act as DDO (Drawing and disbursing officer) and the pay and allowances of all the staff of Ward Secretariat will be disbursed by him, The honorarium of Ward Volunteers also ill be paid by the Secretary of the Municipal bodies. 3, The detailed recruitment process of the Ward Secretaries will be submitted to Government in due course, The servicerules in regard to the above shall be suitably be amended. 4, The regular Supervisory Officer of the concerned line Departments shall supervise the Ward Secretariesin technical aspects. 1, The General Job Role of Ward Secretaries isas follows: + Monitoring and Supervising the activities of the Ward Volunteers + Co-ordination of Line departments with Public Benchmarking of essential services Ensure that the benefits and governmentservices are extendedto the genuinebeneficiary by conducting random verification + Shall receive the grievances from the general public and to resolve the same » Ensure that proper awareness is created to the families by the volunteer inhis jurisdiction on health, education and other socialissues. Ensuring delivery of various services atthe door steps of the citizens. JOB CHART OF WARD SECRETARIES 10. tn 12. 13. 14, The prime duty of the Ward Secretariat functionaries is to provide various Government/other services at the door steps of Citizens and ensure delivery of Navarathnalu. The Ward Administrative Secretary of each Ward Secretariat shall look after the General ‘Administration of the Ward Secretariat. He/She shall work in convergence to provideall line departments services at the Ward level. Ward Secretaries shall cross check and verify the sector wise needs/beneficiaries/problems of the households identified by the Ward Volunteers. The Ward Administrative Secretary & other Secretaries shall aid & assist Ward Secretariat in performing its functions, while preserving the autonomy of Ward Secretariat, “The Ward Secretaries of line departments will function as per the job chart provided and report toWard Secretariat ‘The Ward Secretaries of Ward Secretariat shall participate in meetings to enable convergence of their functioning atWard Secretariat level, Ward Secretaries shall assistin preparation of Ward Development plans for five years on the subjects delegated from time to timeas per the procedure prescribed. ‘The Ward Secretaries shall prepare integrated annual plans using the duly capturing the felt needs & aspirations of the people, as per the prescribed procedure. Ward Secretariat shall endeavour to provide services pertaining to the subjects delegated to them from time to time, as per well-defined citizen charter, being accountable to Ward Secretariat. Ward Secretariat shall function according to the prescribed business rules and office procedures. These business rules, office procedures and record maintenance systems will be notified separately. The Ward Secretaries of line departments will function as per the job chart provided and report to Ward Secretariat. Allthe Ward Secretaries shall ensure the implementation of AP Municipalities Act, 1965 and Municipal Corporation Act, 1955 Allthe Ward Secretaries in coordination and with convergence shall ensure the implementation of followingenactmentsin the Local Government area a. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1956 b. Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 Weights and Measures Act, 1976 d. Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986 e, WALTAAct2004 f. Domestic Violence Act, 2005 g. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006 h. Liquor Policy of Andhra Pradesh JOB CHART OF WARD SECRETARIES JOB TERMS: 15, The functionaries initially will be on probation for a period of two years ata consolidated stipend of Rs.15,000/- per month. There after the concerned Departments will take necessary action a5 per service rules in force for confirming the probation. 16. The performance of the Ward Secretaries shall be reviewed periodically by the Municipality level officers concerned and periodically submit the performance appraisal reports. 17. The Ward Secretaries shall converge thelr functioning with Ward Secretariats keeping proper linkages with other departments, to act as a single unit of administration. Organic links must be established among various Departments and institutions. 18, The Ward Secretaries shall be responsible to their regular supervisory officers of the concerned line departments in technical aspects. 49, Inthe event of transfer/suspension/removal/dismissal/retirement or proceedings on leave other than casual level, the Ward Secretaries shall hand over all the accounts, registers, records and the like to the person duly appointment by the competent authority or authorised to take charge. 20. Each Ward Secretary shall maintain and be the custodians of the department specific records. They shall submit the records to the Ward Secretariat as well as to the respective departments for verification/Inspection/Audit on intimation or request. 21. EachWard Secretary shall take all possible steps to ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of all Government servants for the time being under his control and authority; 22, Each Ward Secretary shall, in the performance of his official duties, or inthe exercise of powers conferred on him, act otherwise than in his bestjudgement except when heis acting under the direction of his official superior; DO's: Maintain absolute integrity at all times, 1 2. Maintain absolute devotion to duty talltimes. 3, Maintain independence and impartiality in the discharge of your duties 4, Maintainaresponsible and decent standard of conductin private life. 5, Render promptand courteous service to the public. 6. Observe proper decorum during lunch break. 7. Reportto your superiors the fact of your arrestor conviction ina Criminal Courtand the circumstances connected therewith, as soon asitis possible to doso. 8 Keep away from demonstrations organized by political parties. 9, Maintain political neutrality, ‘JOB CHART OF WARD SECRETARIES 10. Manage private affairs in such away as to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency. 11. Ifany legal proceedings are instituted against you for the recovery of any debt or for declaring you asinsolvent, reportthe full facts of such proceedings to the competent authority. 12, Always bea loyal servant to Government 13. Work hard for the welfare of the downtrodden people DON'Ts: 1. Donotmake joint representations in matters of common interest. Donotindulgein acts unbecoming ofa Govt. servant. Donetbe discourteous, dishonest and partial. Donottake any kind of money or gifts from any body for doing any favour Denotadoptdilatory tactics in your dealings with the public. Donot practice untouchability. Donotassociate yourself with any banned organizations SrxNanawn Do net join any association or demonstration whose objects or activities are prejudicial to the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India, public order and morality 9. Donotgetinvolved in unauthorized communication of any official document or information 10. Donotjoin or supportany illegal strike. 11, Donotundertake private consultancy work. 12. Do notgive or take or abet giving or taking of dowry or demand any dowry directly or indirectly from the parentor guardian of abride or bridegroom. 13. Donotlendor borrow money. 14, Donotbringany political influence in matters pertaining to your service. 15, Donot consume any intoxicating drinks or drugs while on duty. 16. Donot appear in public place ina state of intoxication, JOB CHART OF WARD ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Immediate Reporting Officer : Revenue Inspector Work in coordination with Depts: MA & UD Functions : General Administration, Coordination,Grievance Redressal, Publicfeedback, Collection of Municipal Revenues etc Roles: . Team Leader - In charge of entire Ward Secretariat Responsible for implementation of Navarathnalu Supervision over Ward Volunteers and coordination with Ward Secretaries General Administration and Establishment matters. Records maintenance Reports, collection, generation and reporting to higher officers 7. Responsible for delivery of various services as per SLA. yer ous Responsibilities: 1, Supervision over the work of all Ward Secretaries in Ward Secretariat. 2. To work in convergence to provide all line departments services at Ward level. 3. To keep the Ward Secretariat office clean and tidy. 4, To ensure that all currents received to Ward Secretariat office are distributed to the concerned Ward Secretaries on the day of receipt itself, 5. Maintenance of attendance register, movement register, office orders and important letters received from Municipality etc, 6. Regular verification of personal registers and other registers related to R.T.I. Act & Citizen Charter, 7. Ensure prompt disposal of currents received in Ward Secretariat office. 8. To act as a Public Information Officer under Right to Information Act, 2005. 9. Responsible for preparation of Administration Report. 10.To assist the Commissioner in conducting the elections to the council 11.Responsible for submission of all periodical reports to the higher authorities in time. 12.To verify the Stock Account of Books and forms, stationery and to issue wherever necessary. 13.Checking of Dispatch Register, Stamp Account, Distribution Register and fair copy register every day. 14.Responsible for monitoring of legal matters relating to statutory bodies namely, SC, ST Commission, Lokayukta and HRC etc. 15, Maintaining indentify of Assets. 16.Indentifying the public representatives as per protocol. 17-All other responsibilities entrusted by the higher authorities from time to time 18. Perform any responsibility delegated by the Commissioner. Financial Responsibilities: 1. He/she shall attend to outdoor work daily for a minimum period of 1 hour in the forenoon, among others, for assessment and collection of taxes and non-taxes. 2. He/she is responsible for getting the under-assessments and un- assessments booked from time to time as per the Assessment of taxation rules, 3. He/she is responsible for proper service of bills for collection of taxes and non-taxes within the stipulated time. 4. He/she is responsible for collection and ensure collection of 100% of property tax and water charges by visiting door to door and maintaining a record of such visits. 5. He/she shall make spot entry in the memoranda immediately after collection from the tax payer, 6. He/she shall make entries of the daily collections in the daily collection book (hand book) as per the memoranda, and make necessary entries in the challan register / Irsal nama and remit it into the municipal treasury on that day itself, after due verification by the concerned assistant, Revenue Inspector and Revenue Officer. 7. He/she shall report the new constructions, additions to the existing buildings, usage changes etc., to the Revenue Inspector every month by submitting monthly lists. 8. Service of occupier notices and other notices to the concerned occupants and obtain acknowledgement from them. 9. Service of special notices within 7 days from the date of receipt and to obtain acknowledgement from the parties, 10.He/she should attend the office of the Municipal Standing Counsel (MSC) for obtaining the information regarding the suits filed against the municipality and report to the Revenue Inspector. 11.To attend the criminal / civil courts on behalf of the municipality in connection with the prosecutions and suits filed by and against the municipality. 12.Responsible for submission of lists of arrears every month relating to all taxes pertaining to the wards entrusted to him. 13.To maintain a register showing the addresses of tax payers residing outside the municipality. 14.All other responsibilities entrusted by the higher authorities from time to time 15. To perform any responsibility delegated by the Commissioner 16. Identification of Vacant Lands and collection of VLT 17. Trade licences identification and collection. JOB CHART OF WARD AMENITIES SECRETARY, GRADE-II Immediate Reporting Officer : Assistant Engineer (Civil) Work in coordination with Depts: MA & UD, R&B, Irrigation, Telecom, Transport, RWS Functions Water supply, Civic amenities, Roads, Drains, Culverts, Burial grounds Roles: 1. Arrest leakages in water supply 2. Execution of new distribution lines 3. O&M 4. Preparation of estimates in engineering works 5. _Incharge of proper execution of all engineering works 6. Recording measurements and preparation of bills 7. Construction of individual toilets Responsibilities: 1. 10. 11, He shall undertake outdoor work daily for a period of 1 hour in the forenoon to supervise the execution of all engineering works and maintenance of all urban services in his jurisdiction. Responsible to Assistant Engineer for management and execution of engineering works pertaining to his subject/ jurisdiction allocated, Investigation and preparation of designs and estimates of all engineering works and maintenance works. Execution of all engineering works and maintenance works and recording measurements and preparation of bills. . Operation and maintenance of roads/buildings / water supply/ sewerage / drainage, electrical installations etc., under his control. He should bring to the notice of Assistant Engineer any deviation from sanctioned estimates and designs & design assumptions while executing, and attend to deficiencies pointed out by the quality control staff. Responsible for relief operations during calamities & adverse seasonal conditions. Responsible for recording of measurements in MBs and checking and supervision of centre lines marking as per approved plans, levels, quality of materials and their quarries, quality of the work as per standard specifications and IS codes, sizes of materials etc, Responsible to maintain accounts for materials at site, cement, bitumen, paint etc., logs for departmental vehicles, departmental stores, tools and plant, rainfall data etc., NMR reports, departmental properties etc. Responsible for proper preparation and maintenance of records - timely recording of measurements, safe custody of measurement books and field books, preparation of estimates, bills, work-slips etc., property registers, fortnightly progress reports (FNPRs) etc. .He/she is responsible for preparation of all bills as per APPWD Code Rules and Instructions of the Government issued on the subject from time to time. 12.He/She should not allow any deviation from the approved plans and agreements without written instructions from higher authorities. 13.Inspection of complaint register pertaining to water supply / storm water drains / sewerage / sanitation / roads / replacing of missing manhole covers and ensure that complaints are redressed as per the stipulated time. 14,He/She is responsible for monitoring the frequency of Water Supply 15.He/She Insufficiency in Quantity of Water being supplied 16,He/She is responsible for identification of repairs in water supply lines 17. He/She Is responsible for issue of new water supply lines 18.He/She is responsible for new House service connections 19.He/She is responsible for creating awareness in judicious consumption of water 20.He/She is responsible for identification of pot holes on Roads 21.He/She is responsible for maintenance of Parks, Traffic Islands 22.He/She is responsible for replacement of Man holes 23.He/She is responsible for maintenance of Drains 24.He/She is responsible for desilting of Major drains 25.He/She is responsible for maintenance of Burial grounds 26.He/She is responsible for maintenance of Community Toilet Complexes 27.He/She is responsible for construction of Culverts and Bridges 28.He/She is responsible for maintenance of Bore wells & Hand bores 29.He/She is responsible for all other infrastructure related works 30.Any other duties entrusted by the higher authorities from time to time JOB CHART OF WARD SANITATION & ENVIRONMENT SECRETARY, GRADE-IT Immediate Reporting Officer : Sanitary Inspector Work in Coordination with Depts: MA & UD, PCB, Environment & Forest, Medical & Health Functions : Solid &Liquid Waste Management, Environment Protection, Animal Welfare etc., Roles: 1. To assist the higher authorities in maintenance of sanitation and in implementation of all Waste Management Rules, directions of Hon'ble National Green Tribunal, New Delhi etc., Supervise the activities of the sanitation workers & cleanliness Prevention and control of communicable diseases/seasonal conditions Arrange for disinfection of infected areas ‘SWM rules implementation Ensure door-do-door collection with source segregation To organize IEC activities Responsible for proper cleaning of open/UGD drains WTP,STP,WTE and WTC 10. Control of stray animals i.e., dogs, pigs etc 11. Maintenance of cattle ponds penanaswn Responsibilities: 1. He/she shall attend to outdoor work daily for a minimum period of 3 hour to perform the responsibilities entrusted tohim. 2, To ensure 100% Door to Door Garbage Collection from the House Holds, Commercial Establishment / Institutions etc., in the area allotted tohim/her, 3, To ensure 100% Segregation of Waste at Source in the area allotted to him/her. 4, To ensure the collected garbage shall be transported in covered vehicles to the designated places from the area allotted tohim/her. 5. To ensure implementation of all Waste Management Rules, directions of the Hon'ble National Green Tribunal, New Delhi, etc., in the area allottedto him/her. He ensures for proper sanitation in the area allotted tohim/her. To ensure cleanliness at public places etc., located in the area allotted to him/her. 8. To ensure cleanliness in Public Toilets, Community Toilets in the area Allotted to them. xe 9, He is responsible for implementation for Online Waste Management System (OWMS)viz., usage of scanners, attendance of the PH workers, follow route maps/transportation plan etc., in the area allotted to him/her. 10.To follow-up with the concerned duly watching the OWMSdashboard in implementation of OWMSin the area allotted to him/her. 11.To ensure usage of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) and Tools & Implements by the PH Workers, as provided by the ULB. 12.To ensure 100% identification of Bulk Waste Generators, providing handhold support to the BWGs, practicing onsite composting by the BWGs etc., as specified in the SWM Rules, 2016 in the area allotted to him/her. 13.To ensure Home Composting done in all the households in the area allotted to him/her. 14.To ensure the collected wet waste in the allotted area shall be sent to the Waste to Compost Plant or to the designated place. 15.To ensure prevention of free cattle movement on main roads. 16.To ensure 100% de-siltation of drains, anti-larval & anti mosquito operations to prevent & control of communicable in the area allotted to him/her. 17.To ensure 100% achievement in ABC & ARV Programme in the area allotted to him/her. 18.To initiate action for construction of Pig Hostels, to visit the Pig Hostels located in the area allotted to him/her on regular intervals and report the status of functioning/stage of construction to his reporting officer 19.To collect data from Government / Private Hospitals where communicable diseases reported in the area allotted to him/her and report the status to his reporting officer for taking remedial measures in the said area. 20.To ensure 100% implementation of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 in the area allotted to him/her. 21.To ensure ban on usage of plastic below 50 Microns thickness in the area allotted to him/her and phasgeout of single line plastics. 22.To visit Slaughter Houses located in the area allotted to him/her on regular intervals and report the status of functioning/stage of construction/modernization etc,, to his reporting officer. 23.To ensure quantity of collected dry waste send to Dry Waste Resource Centers / Material Recovery Facility in the ULBs. 24,To visit the DRCC (Dry Resource Collection Centers) / MRFs (Material Recovery Facilities and report the status of functioning etc., to his reporting officer. 25,To ensure 100% Dry Waste collected in the area allotted to him/her shall be sent to DRCC/MRFs and see that the incharge of DRCC/MRFs in the area allotted to him/her shall tie up with recyciers/Cement Plants etc., for disposing the collected Dry Waste. 26.To ensure 100% implementation of Construction & Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016 in the area allotted to him/her 27.To visit the Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs), Fecal Sludge Treatment Plants (FSTPs), Re-use of Waste Water Treatment Plants etc,, in the area allotted to him/her and report the on regular intervals and report the status of functioning/stage of construction to his reporting officer. 28.To co-ordinate with the line departments in obtaining required information, approvals/permissions etc., regarding implementation of all Waste Management Rules etc., in the area allotted to him/her and report the status to his reporting officer, 29.To ensure 100% achievement of targets in tree plantation& survival, In the area allotted to him/her. 30.To take up IEC Activities’ Awareness Campaigns/Trainings etc., in implementation of Waste Management Rules and directions of the Hon'ble National Green Tribunal, New Delhi, in the area allotted to him/her and report the status report to his reporting officer. 31.To ensure the conducting all Swachha Bharat Mission activi calendar issued by the department. 32.Any other duties entrusted by the higher authorities from time to time sas per the JOB CHART OF WARD EDUCATION AND DATA PROCESSING SECRETARY Immediate reporting officer : Inspector of Schools (to be created) Work in coordination with Depts: MA & UD, School Education, Higher Education, Technical Education, Plenning & Census, UIDAI, Transport Functions ' Municipal Education, Amma Vodi, Scholorships, Fee Reimbursement, Vital Statistics, Culture, Festivals other Municipal functions ete Roles: 1, Responsible for enrolment of children in the schools 2. Responsible for proper min. amenities in the Municipal/Government schools 3, Responsible for implementation of Amma Vodi Programme and other programmes 4, Responsible for Scholarships, Fee Reimbursement 5. Responsible for proper functioning of schools 6. Responsible for collection, complication and management of various Data Responsibilities: I. Education related: 1. Identify the Eligible Beneficiaries at the Ward Level under Government Schemes for Amma Vadi, Fees Reimbursement, other Government Scholarships and programs related to Education and Liasion with the respective Line Department Functionary for processing of these Proposals and sanctions in all eligible cases. To ensure the Benefits so sanctions are distributed as per the Procedure Prescribed by the Government in the Ward Attend to Grievances of Local Ward Citizens through escalation and follow up as may be Prescribed by the appropriate Authority. Conduct Awareness Programs on the above Schemes. . Outdoor inspection of the Municipal Schools, Government/ZP/MPP Schools, Government preschools , Residential Schools/Welfare Hostels run by the Government, every day in the forenoon for a period of 4 hours in the Ward(s) Area Assigned. Suggest Corrective measures to improve educational standards and facilities in these institutions Responsible to survey Mid day Meal Schemes and submit reports. Supervise and Report on the Functioning of the School Management Committee and provisions under Right To Education Act. Ensure Proper Utilization of Funds which are allocated to these Schools under Different Schemes such as Samagra Sikhsha Abhiyaan, RMSA, Funds for School Infrastructure, Funds at the disposal of the School Management Committees(SMC) 10. To ensure Extro / Co-curricular activities and sports in schools. 11. To ensure and follow up the Health issue of students. DPO related: 12.Responsible for submission of vital statistics of the Ward Assigned every month in the formats and manner prescribed 13.Responsible for compilation of data relating to all Government Schemes being implemented in the Ward, updation of database/lists, preparation of Reports and submission periodically in the formats and manner as may be prescribed by the Appropriate Authority. 14.Shall computerize the household data collected by all the ward volunteers in the ward secretariat area and filter the needs/ beneficiaries/ problems sector wise and circulate the same to concerned function assistant of Ward Secretariat. 15.He/ She shall manage and maintain (MIS) the data base of the Ward Secretariat. 16.He/She shall be the O&M manager for all the Mobile applications, Tabs, Computer systems and internet connectivity in the Ward Secretariat. 17.He/ She shall ensure digital services to the public effectively that are provided mandatorily by the Local Government like Birth & Death, Property Tax etc., 18.He/ She shall create awareness to the public on Direct Beneficiary Transfers (DBT) and enable them to make cashless transactions and also on the ease and transparency of digital services 19.He/ She shall be in-charge of Citizen Service Centre (CSC) in taking applications/ grievances from volunteers/ public and distribute the same to the concerned Ward Secretary for redressal 20.Responsible for Organizing Festivals and other Cultural Activities which are organized by the Government at the ward level and other Municipal Functions from time to time, 21.Any other duties entrusted by the higher authorities from time to time PI IG & RI ETARY, GRADE: Immediate Reporting Officer : Town Planning Building Inspector Work in coordination with Depts : © MA & UD, Environment & Forest Functions : Urban & Town Planning, Land use, Urban Housing, Fire, Urban Forestry, Water Conservation etc., Roles: 1. Planning and Regulation Secretary plays key role in service delivery in Town Planning, land use, urban housing 2. Liaison with respective departments to facilitate citizens requirements, fire, urban forestry, water conservation etc. for the residents of area allotted to him. 3. Accountable in activities to deliver the services in transparent way and establish strong, effective, vibrant service delivery system Responsi jes: 1. He shall undertake outdoor inspection daily for a period of 1 hour in the forenoon to attend to the responsibilities entrusted to him. 2. Prompt detection of and taking action against all unauthorized constructions and violations to sanctioned plans. 3, Survey, data collection and drafting of plans for preparation and implementation of G.T.P Scheme and other schemes related to town planning wherever such schemes are planned. Detection of and taking action against unauthorized hoardings and advertisements. Detection and removal of objectionable encroachments. Maintenance of registers as specified under the Acts, Rules and Government orders pertaining to town planning, He is responsible for monitoring the Mortgage Register. . He has to ensure that entries are made in the Property Watch Register of the Registration Department and obtain an acknowledgment from the Sub-Registrar in the duplicate register maintained by the ULB. . After issuing notices to the occupiers of dilapidated structures and after obtaining the necessary orders, the matter be referred to Engineering Section for demolition. 10.Handholding support Building Plan for Permission/Layout permissions/ BPS/ OC/ Fire/ AAI/Environmental clearance. 11.To create awareness to the citizens towards advantages of Planned and Authorised Development. 12.Creation of awareness on the new topics like TDR, GIS based Master plan preparation, stakeholder consultations for implementation of plans 13.To create awareness among citizens regarding the Building Penalisation Scheme/Any scheme pertaining to Town Planning in the respective wards 14.To create awareness about fire safety measures. 15.To integrate with other line departments for effective service delivery to the Citizens 16. Maintenance of Asset Registers cad po eon 17.To integrate and coordinate with other Ward Secretaries of the Ward Secretariat for citizen service delivery. 18.To assist the department in a) Preparation of Master Plans, b) Preparation Area Development Plans c) Preparation of Road Development Plans d) Preparation of Junction Improvement Plans e) Preparation of Circulation Network Plans of the Ward f) Preparation of Beautification Plans of the Ward g) Preparation of locality Maps (Door Numbering Maps) hn) Election and Census Work 19.Identification of encroachments in Government lands, Layout open spaces, Municipal lands, any Public places and report 20.Reporting on violation of Parking places in buildings 21.Identification and reporting of Construction/encroachments in water bodies/rivers/lakes/canals /bunds/ buffer zones 22.Identification of buildings without fire safety measures. 23.Attending Public grievances/complaints related to Town Planning 24.Maintaining record of approved building plans 25.Maintaining record of approved layouts 26.Maintaining record of Master Plan extract/area development plan of the Ward 27.Maintaining the record of Road Development Plans, Junction Improvement Plans, Proposed Circulation Network Plans. 28.Maintaining the Temporary Encroachment Register 29.Maintaining Suit Register 30.Maintaining Unauthorised Construction and Deviation Register 31. Maintaining Prosecution Register 32.Maintaining T.D.R. Register 33.Maintaining Road Development Plans and Junction Development Plan Register 34.Reporting the ambition of public regarding development/creation of lung spaces, link roads, parking areas 35.identification and reporting of requirement of street direction Board 36.Identification and reporting of requirement of junction improvement. 37.Study and Identification of requirement of widening of roads ensuring traffic flow pattern 38.Urban forestry and urban lung spaces, protection of environment and promotion of ecological aspects. 39.Maintenance of parks, Open spaces, and Play Grounds. 40.Lake and water front development. 41.Identification of requirement of Burrial grounds and improvement of existing Burrial grounds 42.[dentification of requirement of public parking places, explore the possibility of providing public parking Places. 43.Identification of suitable land for urban housing in the Ward and initiation for approval. 44,1dentification of buildings with Rain Water Harvesting Structures and further improvement needed. 45.Encouraging the Rain Water Harvesting Structures wherever not provided. 46. {Identification of places for Community Rain Water Harvesting Structures and reporting to higher authorities for necessary action. 47.To ensure construction of RWHs as per the guidelines in the area allotted to him/her and for their proper maintenance to increase the ground water level 48. Identification of buildings with solar power 49.Identification of buildings with STPs within the building and its maintenance issues and to encourage STPs 50.Identification of green buildings-preparation of list of green buildings end to encourage the green buildings concept. 51.To promote recycling and reuse of water 52.Any other duties entrusted by the higher authorities from time to time JOB CHART OF WARD WELFARE & DEVELOPMENT SECRETARY Immediate Reporting Officer : Assistant Project Officer Work in coordination with Depts: MA & UD, All Welfare Depts, Labour & Employment Functions : SC,ST,BC, Minotiry etc., Roles: wn wp 9. Yuvatha-Upadhi, Urban Poverty Alleviation, YSR Asara, YSR Cheyutha, YSR Pension Kanuka etc . He/She shall be available in the Office for a maximum period of 4 hours and rest of the time shall be spent in the field Undertake regular visits to poor settlements . Implementation of various welfare schemes pertains to SC, ST, BC, Minority welfare Identification of beneficiaries, grounding and assets monitoring Preparation of community based action plan like strengthening of CBOs, Bank Linkages, implement social initiatives, livelihoods, health awareness etc. Assist urban poor to access Bank Linkage, Self-Employment Programs, Skill Development Programs Support urban poor to establish micro small entrepreneurship (Livelihood Units) Units Coordination of social development issues i.e., education, health, welfare, disability, vulnerability, Social Security schemes like YSR. Bhima, YSR Pellikanuka, YSR Abhayahastametc Facilitate community/social audit for poverty alleviation programs. 10. Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH) 11.Support Urban Street vending (SUSV) Responsibilities: 1. aap He/she shall be available in the office for a maximum period of 2 hours and rest of the time shall be spent in field work I.e., SHG (NHG), SLF (NHC) and TLF formation and strengthening etc; Undertake regular visits to poor settlements. Organize the community in the poor settlements to develop social contacts. Facilitate the community in forming into groups. Ensure all the households join the self-help groups. Assist the SHGs in preparation of Micro Credit Plan, documentation and bank linkage processing. . Provide capacity building to the SHGs on financial management and encourage prompt repayment. 8. Provide Entrepreneur Development Programs (EDP) and facilitate for establishment of micro and Small business (Livelihood Units) for sustainable livelihoods promotion and income generation 9. Assist the SHGs in availing Government benefits like YSR AASARA, YSR VaddiLeniRunaalu. 10.Skill gap analysis of his or her operational area and prepare comprehensive plan for skill enhancement basing on the employment potential in collaboration with line departments. 11.Identify the right persons for the skill training programs. 12,Provide support for urban street vendors. 13.Identify and facilitate the eligible beneficiaries for welfare programs like YSR Pellikanuka and assist them for proper documentation and processing of financial benefits. 14. Ensure all eligible are covered under social security schemes like, YSR Bhima, Abhyahastham 15.Assist the Government agencies in identification of eligible beneficiaries for housing programs 16. Support urban poor to access the existing health institutions and enhance the community participation in all health initiatives. 17. He/she is responsible for implementation of various welfare schemes pertains to SC,ST, BC, Minotiry welfare etc, 18.Disseminate information relating to development programmes. 19.Mobilize communities and ensure their full participation in development activities ~ planning, implementation and monitoring, 20.Develop community level comprehensive data base on infrastructure, assets and social aspects, update the data base periodically, at least once a year. 21.Support and strengthen SHGs and their federations including the SHGs of disabled persons in accessing convergent services. 22.Help CBOs in proper identification of beneficiaries under different development programmes. 23.Establish liaison with CBOs including NGOs and Government Departments for convergence. 24.Ensure the CBOs organize regular meetings and discuss common issues. 25.Organize periodic orientation to the members of CBOs on their role and responsibilities and development. 26.Identify local resources - human, financial and material and ensure optimum utilization. 27.Guide and assist in surveys and need assessment. 28.Support implementation of development works like community contracts, O & M of community assets etc., 29.Document the working of CBOs and good practices, disseminate and discuss the good practices from outside. 30.Facilitate and promote voluntarism. 31.Organize community level training and information sharing. 32.To prepare and follow the calendar of SHG/SLF/TLF meetings in his/her jurisdiction, 33.All other responsibilities entrusted by the higher authorities from time to time JOB CHART OF WARD REVENUE SECRETARY Immediate Reporting Officer Revenue Inspector (Revenue Dept) Work in coordination with Depts; Revenue, Civil Supplies, Disaster Management, Election Commission of India Functions : Land Administration, Revenue Functions, Civil Supplies, Digitization, Issuance of Certificates of Disaster Management etc., Roles: 1. Collection of Cesses, Taxes pertaining to RevenueDepartment 2. Certain Police functions 3. Functions of community and welfare development pertains to Revenue Dept Responsibilities: 1. He/she shall attend to outdoor work daily for a minimum period of 1 hour to perform the responsibilities entrusted to him. ~ 2, He/she is responsible to attend the meetings conducted by the Ward Secretariat with relevant information. 3. Maintenance of Ward Revenue Records and all Ward Revenue Accounts Promptly and accurately. 4. Collection of Cesses, Taxes and other sums pertaining to Revenue Department. 5. Azmoish of crops (100%) inclusive of inspection of survey stones. 6. Issue of certificates: - The Ward Revenue Secretary shall issue nativity certificate and solvency certificate in their respective jurisdiction duly following the procedure. 7. Provide intimation regarding fire accidents, floods, cyclone and other accidents and calamites to the higher officials whenever and wherever they occur and provide assistance to the Revenue Officials in assessing loss sustained because of natural calamities and in providing grelief. 8. Inform the Railway Station Master of any mishap or unusual occurrence of floods that might need urgent action to grievant mishap 9. Maintenance of Village Chavadies. 10. Protection of Government Lands, Government tanks, trees and other Government properties and take effective steps to safe guard the interests of Government. 11. Inform promptly to the higher officials in respect of treasure trove and unclaimed property and escheat. 12. Intimate the Tahsildar of any intended demolition ofancient buildings and any inscriptions on any such ancient monuments which would have archaeological, cultural heritage importance. 13.Preserve and safeguard Government Lands and properties from encroachments, damage or misuse including the lands available to the public, such as, roads, streets and open spaces in and near their Wards. 14. Report encroachments damage or misuse of Government Lands and damage to Government property promptly to the Tahsildar and take effective follow-upaction. 15.Provide assistance to the concerned authorities while issuing the proceedings under the provisions of Revenue Recovery Act by obtaining propertydetails. 16, Assist the authorities in servicing of legal notices andsummons. 17. Causes beat of tom-tom and adopt other methods for informing people aboutevents. 18. Assist in loanrecoveries. 19. Conduct Panchanama in recovery of un-claimedproperty. 20. Keep Government attached property in safecustody 211. Assist in the preparation, updation of electoral rolls and perform other election duties as the government direct. 22. Assist Andhra Pradesh Transmission Corporation in its operations at Ward level and inform about the theft pilferage of electricity to the concernedauthorites, 23.Act_as “Inspector” under Minimum Wages Act, 1948 as and when notified by the CompetentAuthority. 24.& Ward Revenue Secretary when called upon to do so produce the account, registers and other records, maintained by him or which are in his custody for inspection of revenue official or any other officer authorized by the Collector, RDO,Tahsildar or Municipal Commissioner. Except when called upon to produce his accounts and other records as mentioned above, the Ward Revenue Secretary shall keep the accounts, registers and records in his/her personalcustody. 25.They have to identify beneficiaries with the assistance of Ward volunteers and Ward Revenue Secretaries for various schemes. 26. All the grievances pertaining to Revenue department filed before the Secretariat should be received and action taken report on the grievances / requests shall be submitted to the Ward Secretariat. POLICE FUCNTIONS 27, Give prompt information to the police Department regarding murders, suicides, unnatural deaths and other important developments which may threaten peace in theWard. 28. Inform the police of strangers of suspicious appearance who have entered and taken refuge in theWard. 29. Prevent the commission of any offence or publicnuisance. 30, Take measures to bring the offenders to justice. 31. 32, 33. Search for stolen property and bring to the PoliceStation. Preserve in-tact the scene ofoffence. Take charge of unclaimed property and send to the Police Station. COMMUNITY WELFARE ANDDEVELOPMENT 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Assist. the concerned Government department in the implementation of important Government programmes such as MGNREGA, Housingetc., Furnish data on income levels of persons in the Ward prepared on the basis of government guidelines issued in that regard from time totime, Do necessary documentation and assist in implementation of weaker section Housing programme. Report on the atrocities against women and children to the authorities concerned and take the action within 24Hours, Report cases of atrocities against Scheduled castes & Scheduled Tribes to the authorities concemed & provide assistance to them. Strive for eradication of untouchability by providing access to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in temples, removal of discrimination in all forms against the schedules caste population. Report any outbreak of communicable disease especially Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis and Gastroenteritis to nearest Primary Health Centre immediately. Attend meetings of Ward Tribal Development Agencies and assist them in preparation of Micro plans and in implementing them Assist Education Department in conducting the literacy classes. Assist in reconciliation of estimates of crop coverage with azmoish figure for reconciling the crop areas for crap insurance scheme Assist the Department of Agriculture in implementing its programmes and disseminating extension information. Assist in maintenance of agricultural statistics. Assists in giving information to the concerned officials about any black market sales of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides etc. Assist in maintenance of house hold data of weavers both within and outside co-operation fold and their economic status. Issue of Dependency Certificates for Handloom Weavers, if any desired. All matters pertaining to Civil Supplies. Department in Ward level. Any other duties entrusted by the higher authorities from time to time JOB CHART OF WARD WOMEN & WEAKER SECTION PROTECTION SECRETARY Immediate Reporting Officer : Asst Sub Inspector Worl ation with Depts: Home, Women & Child Welfare, Excise Functions : Law & Order, Atrocities against Women and weaker — sections, relates services, Prohibition of Liquor etc., Role: 1. Law & Order 2. Atrocities against women 3. Atrocities against SCs 4, Atrocities against STs 5. Civil rights protection 6. Untouchability 7. Sensitization of communities 8. Awareness on various acts 9. Prohibition of Liquor Responsibilities: 1. Weekly report shall be submitted to the SHO on the following activities:~ a. Law & order issues in their area, b. Caste conflicts, civil disputes, agrarian Issues, water sharing issues and action taken to avert major L&O issues due to above reasons. c. Visits to schools, colleges at village Jevel and educating students regarding road safety, Cyber Crime, women safety etc. d. Information on social vices and anti-social activities. e. Counselling sessions to farmers against suicide, stress management with help of stakeholders. f. Information gathered from village volunteers on the important related issues. 2. He/she shall visit schools and verify its functioning including mid-day meal system, stock position and maintain constant vigil over implementation of Governmental schemes 3. He/she shalll assist the SHO in investigation of cases wherever necessary; 4. He/she shall protect the scene of offence before the visit of IO to the scene. 5. He/she shall create awareness among the targeted beneficiaries, pregnant women, lactating mothers, children etc., about various Government programmes, 6.He/she shall report and monitor of missing women and children, child marriages etc. 7. He/she shall bring to the notice of local Police about any irregularities in the orphanages, old age homes, destitute homes, hostels, shelters etc. 8. He/she shall guide the differently abled persons and transgenders for admissions in hostels, homes, shelters, residential schools for their care and education. 9. He/she shall create awareness on the prevention of alcoholism, drug abuse. 10. He/she shall create awareness about Gender based violence. 11. He/she shall assist local police in service of NBWs/ summons wherever requested for. 12. He/she shall obtain copies of FIRs from the SHOs and inform the complainants regarding the stage of the case. 13. He/she shall watch illegal constructions and also safeguard public properties. 14. He/she shall maintain register covering all their activities on daily basis including visits and movements. 15.He/ She shall coordinate and work in convergence with all Ward Secretariat functionaries Meares Qh el coe) Sunsixa jm saainuas Jo uoneiaiu Jaye Bn Ul warshs Bunsoday SIVINVLAYDAS GYVM

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