Investigatory Project Sample

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Effectiveness of Improvised Heat powered fan out of tin can

An Investigatory Project presented to the Science Unit

Of the Basic Education Department

S.Y. 2019 – 2020


Arambulo, Francine Rae

Dela Pena, Eunice Jamilah

Hernandez, Ralph Austin

Isidro, Andrei Jay

Maño, Ruth Deanne

Quieng, Jesryl Martin

Santos, Justin Kyle

Grade 9 - Ephesians
Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background

A. Introduction

Hot weather is one of the problems here in the Philippines since it is located

above the equator, thus Filipinos experience tropical climate. According to Mateo

(2016), based on the observation of the Philippines Atmospheric, Geophysical

and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), the heat index across the

country continuously increases which results to making feel uncomfortable due to

the extreme heat that they are experiencing. In addition, extreme heat could

cause several diseases or illness such as heat stroke, skin cancer and others.

Furthermore, many areas in the Philippines does not have access to the

electricity because they could not afford to pay the expected bill that is why most

of them suffer from the heat and make use of a fan manually. Because of this

reasons, the researchers would like to establish a fan that would not consume a

lot of time, effort and money. As a result, the Stirling engine could be a potential

solution for this problem, this engine is also known as heat engine which the heat

uses the fire to cycle the air temperatures, invented by Robert Stirling who was

born on October 25, 1790, he studied at the University of Glasgow. And the

concept of Stirling engine will be the basis of the study, it is a closed cycle that will

produce air through cyclic compression that will lead to the expansion of the air at

different level of heat. Hydrogen, helium or air are also called as the “working fluid”
basically, it contains fixed mass of gas. Hence, the engine is fully secured that no

gas could allow to enter or exit.

There are four processes to operate the Stirling engine and these are the

following: cooling, compression, heating and expansion. The hot and cold air

would exchange in able to move the gas back and forth. The change of the gas

temperature would result to change in gas pressure and eventually the motion

would cause the gas to expand and compressed.

B. Background of the Study

According to the Department of Health (DOH), the Philippines is already

facing a hard situation because of the increasing urban population that is already

a severe heat stressed. The urban population view to be coping poorly with heat,

a problem that will worsen because of climate change.

The researchers decide to make a fan that is powered by a Stirling engine

that works on heat energy by the means of energy conservation. This study plans

was made because of the following problems that the country is facing right now,

the overall increase of population in our country that increases the use of

resources including the electricity and too much heat being received by the

people because of the Green House Effect. Meanwhile, the researchers would

also like to make thesis a study about the function of Stirling engine that will work

by the means of heat energy. Besides, the benefits of this study includes

conservation and to store more electrical energy for the future generations to use
and lessen the increasing consumption of it. Furthermore, to conduct this

research the researchers thought of an idea that if many people would use the

product it will be a good effect for the energy conservation. The product of this

study be able to cope up with hot weather and high electrical bills because the

product itself is conducted from the heat of a candle.

C. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to do a powered fan by heat can be useful especially during

warm moments.

Specifically, the study needs to answer the following questions:

 What are the difference of this fan to a common electric fan?

 What are the step by step procedure in making the powered fan by heat?

 How can this fan meet or match the electrical efficiency of a common fan?

 How fast id the air produced by the fan?

D. Null Hypothesis

 A fan can only be powered/operated by the use of electricity

 The hot air inside the fan doesn’t matter on its performance

 The weight of the blade attached to the fan add more power and more air

to the fan.
E. Significance of the Study

This study can help many people by not using electricity that cost a big amount of

Money. The research study are going to help the people who are in need of portable fan

that would give them cool air to freshen up their body. In fact, the objective of the

researchers is to help the environment to lessen the garbage since the product

would use tin cans as the main material. Moreover, this study can help many

students to enhance their understanding and knowledge regarding the current

situation of the country which involve the problem of accessibility of electricity.

F. Scope and Limitations

The main focuses of our project is to help mostly everyone here in the

Philippines with their problem with heat. This is to satisfy their heat problem by

not having to pay a lot of money that would be a hole in the pocket for most of

us. The materials that was used in making this fan is mostly recycled and a

ready used which could also help the environment for using less waste and

recycling it to make a new. The time allotted in making this product is 20 days,

so we can determine how much heat would need to power the fan for more than

just an hour or so. Buying big and bulky electric fans would cost a lot of money

and would also make a huge electrical bill for us to pay, that’s why the heat

powered fan can be an alternative fan that would cost less money.
G. Definitions of terms

Conservation – it is the transformations on the protection of the physical

amount. (Miriam Webster, 2018).

Circuit - this is the line that closed through with an electrical current flows.


Electricity – it usually occurs throughout nature and takes many different forms

in natural phenomena. (Spark Fun).

Electrical Energy – easy use to move one particular placed another. (Electrical

energy, 2018).

Fuse – has a piece of wire, but when there is a fault th electricity will stop.

(Collins English Dictionary).

Green House Effect – this keeps the temperature of the Earth higher than it

would be so, sun was the only source of warming. When sunlight reached the

surface of the Earth, some of it is absorbed which warms. The greenhouse

effect increases the temperature of the Earth by trapping heat in our

atmosphere. (What’s Your Impact, 2018).

Heat energy – can be transferred by following methods: conduction, convection

and radiation. Also, the temperature is related in it. (, 2003 – 2018).

Helium – used as substitute for the burnable gases. In addition gaseous

element present in the atmosphere and in natural gas. (2011. Published by

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company).

Motion – The continuous change in position of a body with respect to time.

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