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Chapter 6

rV 2
· F f 5 Cf A s viscous dissipation function F
Q conv 5 hAs(Ts 2 T`) 2 Reynolds analogy Pr < 1
2 kfluid(0T/0y)y 50 0u 2 0v 2 0u 0v 2
F 5 2ca b 1 a b d 1 a 1 b
h5 dt @ 0.99(T` 2 Ts) 0x 0y 0y 0x
Ts 2 T q
Molecular diffusivity of momentum v mcp parallel steady incompressible flow over a flat plate
Nusselt number Pr 5 5 5
Molecular diffusivity of heat a k ReL Cf, x
Velocity boundary layer thickness: d5
4.91x Cf, x 5 Nux   or   5 Stx
2 2
hL c "V/vx "Rex
Nu 5
k tw Stanton number
Inertia forces VL c rVL c Local friction coefficient: Cf, x 5 5 0.664 Re21/2
x h Nu
The boundary layer thickness, d, @ u 5 0.99V. Re 5 5 5 rV 2/2 St 5 5
Viscous forces v m rcpV ReL Pr
shear stress Flat plate, critical Reynolds number, Recr 5 Vxcr /v 5 5 3 105. Local Nusselt number: Nux 5 5 0.332 Pr1/3 Re1/2

d 4.91x modified Reynolds analogy or Chilton– Colburn

0u rV 2 Thermal boundary layer thickness: dt 5 5
tw 5 m `   or  tw 5 Cf Pr1/3 analogy
0y y 50 2 Pr1/3"Rex
The continuity, momentum, and energy equations
average friction coefficient and Nusselt number Cf, x 5 NuxPr21/3
v 5 m/r 0u 0v 2
Continuity: 1 50 Cf 5 f(ReL) and Nu 5 g(ReL, Pr) or
0x 0y
Cf, x
0u 0u 0 2u 0P Nusselt number by a simple power-law relation 5 Stx Pr 2/3 5 jH (0.6 , Pr , 60)
x-momentum: rau 1v b 5m 22 2
0x 0y 0y 0x
Nu 5 C ReLm Prn
0T 0T 0 2T 0 2T also applicable for turbulent flow over a surface
Energy: r cp c u
1 v d 5 ka 2 1 2 b 1 mF
0y 0x 0y Chapter 8
mean or average velocity and temperature, circular tube
2 2 developing laminar flow in entrance region, constant surface
N viscous dissipation function F Vavg 5
R2 0 # u(r)rdr      and      Tm 5
VavgR2 0 #
u(r)T(r)rdr temperature
Reynolds analogy Pr < 1 0.065(D/L) Re Pr
0u 2 0v 2 0u 0v 2 Reynolds number hydraulic diameter Circular tube:     Nu 5 3.66 1
F 5 2ca b 1 a b d 1 a 1 b 1 1 0.04[(D/L) Re Pr] 2/3
0x 0y 0y 0x rVavgD
VavgD 4Ac
Re 5 5     Dh 5 Re Pr D 1/3 mb 0.14
parallel steady incompressible flow over a flat plate Cf, x m n p Circular tube:     Nu 5 1.86 a b a b
ReL L ms
Cf, x 5 Nux   or   5 Stx laminar, Re , 2300, turbulent, Re . 10,000, transitional
2 2 in between. 0.03(Dh/L) Re Pr
Parallel plates:     Nu 5 7.54 1
Stanton number hydrodynamic entry length Lh thermal entry length Lt 1 1 0.016[(Dh/L) Re Pr] 2/3
4.91 4.91x
Velocity boundary layer thickness: d5 5 h Nu Lh, laminar < 0.05 Re D Lt, laminar < 0.05 Re Pr D 5 Pr Lh, laminar
fully developed turbulent flow with smooth surfaces
"V/vx "Rex St 5 5
rcpV ReL Pr f 5 (0.790 ln Re 2 1.64)22    104 , Re , 106
tw Lh, turbulent < Lt, turbulent 5 10D
Local friction coefficient: Cf, x 5 5 0.664 Re21/2 . Nu 5 0.125f Re Pr1/3
rV 2/2 x q s 5 constant,
. . . Nu 5 0.023 Re0.8 Prn with n 5 0.4 for heating and 0.3 for
modified Reynolds analogy or Chilton– Colburn Q 5 q s As 5 m cp(Te 2 Ti)
hxx 0.5 # Pr # 2000
Local Nusselt number: Nux 5 5 0.332 Pr 1/3
analogy Ts 5 constant, a b
k . . 3 3 103 , Re , 5 3 106
ReL Q 5 hAsDTlm 5 m cp(Te 2 Ti)
d 4.91x Cf, x 5 NuxPr21/3 . fluid properties @ bulk mean fluid temperature Tb 5 (Ti 1 Te)/2.
Thermal boundary layer thickness: dt 5 5 2 Te 5 Ts 2 (Ts 2 Ti)exp(2hAs /m cp)
Pr1/3 Pr1/3"Rex liquid metal flow, 104 , Re , 106
Ti 2 Te DTe 2 DTi
or DTlm 5 5
average friction coefficient and Nusselt number ln[(Ts 2 Te)/(Ts 2 Ti)] ln(DTe/DTi) Ts 5 constant:      Nu 5 4.8 1 0.0156 Re0.85 Pr0.93
Cf, x 5 .
5 Stx Pr 2/3 5 jH (0.6 , Pr , 60) rDVavg Re q s 5 constant:      Nu 5 6.3 1 0.0167 Re0.85 Pr0.93
Cf 5 f(ReL) and Nu 5 g(ReL, Pr) # DPR2 pR4 DP pR4 DP
V 5 Vavg Ac 5 pR2 5 5
also applicable for turbulent flow over a surface 8mL 8mL 128mL fully developed turbulent flow with rough surfaces, f from
Nusselt number by a simple power-law relation . hD Moody chart or
Circular tube, laminar (q s 5 constant): Nu 5 5 4.36
k 1 e/D 2.51 6.9 e/D 1.11
5 22.0 log a 1 b < 21.8 log c 1 a b d
"f 3.7 Re"f Re 3.7
Nu 5 C ReLm Prn hD
Circular tube, laminar (Ts 5 constant): Nu 5 5 3.66

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Chapter 7 average Nusselt numbers, cylinder and sphere evaluated @ (except Prs )

hD 0.62 Re1/2 Pr1/3 Re 5/8 4/5

Tm 5 (Ti 1 Te)/2.
Nucyl 5 5 0.3 1 c1 1 a b d
k [1 1 (0.4/Pr)2/3] 1/4 282,000
drag coefficient 0.074 1742
Combined: Cf 5 2 5 3 105 # ReL # 107 average Nusselt number tube banks < 16 rows
for Re Pr . 0.2, and
FD e 22.5 NuD, NL , 16 5 FNuD
Rough surface, turbulent: Cf 5 a1.89 2 1.62 log b hD mq 1/4
CD 5 1 2 L Nusph 5 5 2 1 [0.4 Re1/2 1 0.06 Re2/3]Pr0.4 a b
2 rV A k ms
F, correction factor in Table 7–3.
average Nusselt number, flat plate valid for 3.5 # Re # 8 3 104,
heat transfer rate, tube bank
0.7 # Pr # 380
flow over aflat plate, Reynolds number 1.0 # (m`/ms) # 3.2.
hL Pr . 0.6 @ film temperature Tf 5 (T` 1 Ts)/2 # #
Laminar: Nu 5 5 0.664 Re0.5
L Pr
Q 5 hAsDTlm 5 mcp(Te 2 Ti)
rVx Vx k ReL , 5 3 105 ms, @ Ts
Rex 5 5
m n
tube banks
Turbulent: DTlm logarithmic mean temperature difference
critical Reynolds number In-line and Staggered with SD , (ST 1 D)/2:
hL 0.6 # Pr # 60
Nu 5 5 0.037 Re0.8
L Pr
k 5 3 105 # ReL # 107 ST (Ts 2 Te) 2 (Ts 2 Ti) DTe 2 DTi
rVx cr Vmax 5 V DTlm 5 5
Rex, cr 5 5 5 3 105 ST 2 D ln[(Ts 2 Te)/(Ts 2 Ti)]
exit temperature, Te
Staggered with SD , (ST 1 D)/2:
hL 0.6 # Pr # 60
flat plate, local friction and convection coefficients Nu 5 L 2 871) Pr
5 (0.037 Re0.8 1/3
ST Aln(DT e/DTi)
k 5 3 105 # ReL # 107 sh
Vmax 5 V Te 5 Ts 2 (Ts 2 Ti) exp a2 # b
2(SD 2 D) mcp
0.664 isothermal surfaces with unheated starting section
Laminar: Cf, x 5 Rex , 5 3 105 local Nusselt number and average convection coefficient As 5 NpDL , heat transfer surface area
x ST- transverse pitch
SD- diagonal pitch. m 5 rV(NTSTL) , mass flow rate
Nux 5 5 0.332 Re0.5
x Pr
Pr . 0.6 Nux (for j 50) 0.332 Re0.5 1/3 pressure drop DP, tube bank
k x Pr average Nusselt number, tube banks
Laminar: Nux 5 5 rV 2max
[1 2 (j/x)3/4] 1/3 [1 2 (j/x)3/4] 1/3 DP 5 NL fx
Turbulent: hD 2
NuD 5 5 C RemD Prn(Pr/Prs)0.25
Nux (for j 50) 0.0296 Re0.8
x Pr
1/3 k
Turbulent: Nux 5 5 f, friction factor
0.059 [1 2 (j/x)9/10] 1/9 [1 2 (j/x)9/10] 1/9
Cf, x 5 5 3 105 # Rex # 107 x, correction factor
2[1 2 (j/x)3/4]
hxx 0.6 # Pr # 60 Laminar: h5 hx 5L
Nux 5 5 0.0296 Re0.8
x Pr
1/3 1 2 j/L
k 5 3 105 # Rex # 107
5[1 2 (j/x)] 9/10
average friction coefficient, flat plate Turbulent: h5 hx 5L
(1 2 j/L)

isothermal surfaces, uniform heat flux,

Laminar: Cf 5 ReL , 5 3 105 local Nusselt number

Turbulent: Cf 5 5 3 105 # ReL # 107 Laminar: Nux 5 0.453 Re0.5 1/3 Pr . 0.6
Re1/5 x Pr
L Rex , 5 3 105

0.6 # Pr # 60
Turbulent: Nux 5 0.0308 Re0.8
x Pr
5 3 105 # Rex # 107

average Nusselt numbers, cylinder and sphere

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