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Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background


Family is one of the most vital parts of a human development.

Sense of belongingness, physical and emotional needs, and primary

necessities were first provided by the family, particularly, the parents.

This basic unit of society enables an individual to grow and prosper in a

guided way, and a sudden loss of a family’s head has a big effect on

its younger members.

Orphan is defined as a child under 18 years old who have lost

one or both parents (UNICEF, 2015), and is desperate to survive

because they have to live without the support of their parents. They

face problems such as lack of basic needs, schooling, personal care

and attention (Herr, 2015).

Republic Act 10821 of Philippine Constitution states that

Separated Children refer to children separated from both parents, or

from their previous legal or usual primary caregiver, but not necessarily

from other relatives. As a result, this may include children

accompanied by other family members.

A population household survey was analyzed by UNICEF across

36 countries. The said study aims to compare current conditions of

orphans and non-orphans and suggested that we should expand our

scope, focusing on the factors that render children vulnerability and

less on the concept of orphan hood (UNICEF, 2015).

This appears that we must consider factors concerning the

vulnerability of the orphans, which includes the ability to overcome

challenges and emotional stability.

Bautista et.,al (2016) conclude that adversity quotient is how an

individual reciprocate in his/her life and it also a measure on how

someone’s handle struggles or any thought stuff in life, in science

theory it can also refer to how resilient one person is it or adversity can

also measure how resilient they are .The more resilient an individual is it

,the more he can handle and constructively response to life's


According to Thomas (2015) personality of orphans are very rare

when it comes to dealing their own problems and it can lead them to

depression because they don’t know how to open up and trust other

people regardless their self. And that’s the primary reason why they

don’t know how to easily adopt their environment or to the situation

that they are facing.

Perhaps, orphans are more vulnerable that the ones supported

and guided by their family when it comes in dealing problems and

adversities in life. Orphanhood may lead to different level of resiliency

that may affect the way they react to different situations..

Moreover, Richard Lazarus stated about cognitive appraisal that

it is how a person respond to the certain stressor that they

encountered. He concluded two major factors that affect to the

responsiveness of an individual the threatening tendency to the stressor

and the harmful effect that it may affect to the stressor.

However, coping strategies were developed during this stage of

an orphan’s life to survive the hardships they have faced and facing.

Their coping strategies are significant, whether they are aware of it or

not, for it plays a big part in striving for life.

Coping is the process by which a person makes cognitive and

behavioral efforts to manage psychological stress. Folkman also

emphasized the contextual nature of coping, such that it is shaped by

the individual by estimating the given situation and the various

available options for coping with it. These assessments may prepare

them to confront the source of stress, seek for support to others, or

remove themselves from the path of harm (Bippus & Young, 2015).

This research aims to determine the level of the four components

affects the Coping Strategies of an orphan; their orphanhood

experience, Personality Traits, Adversity Quotient, Cognitive Appraisal.

The researchers hope that through this study, the society and

governments organizations will act and plan projects to help orphans

in need

Statement of the Problem

General Problem:

Does being an orphan affect an individual’s Personality traits, Adversity

Quotient, Cognitive Appraisal, and Coping Mechanism?

Specific Problems:

1. What are the significant experiences of the respondents during

orphanhood in terms of :

a. Fears

b. Struggle

c. Perceived coping mechanism

2. What is the personality trait/s of the respondents?

2.1. Openness to Experiences

2.2. Conscientiousness

2.3. Extroversion

2.4. Agreeableness

2.5. Neuroticism

3. What is the average response profile score of the respondents in

Adversity Quotient Profile? In terms of:

3.1 Control

3.2 Ownership

3.3 Reach

3.4 Endurance

4. What is the level of the cognitive appraisal of the respondents in

terms of:

5.1. Threat

5.2. Challenge

5.3. Centrality

5.4. Controllable-by-self

5.5. Controllable-by-others

5.6. Uncontrollable

7. What coping mechanism does the respondents used in accordance

to their experience?

6.1. Positive reinterpretation and growth

6.2. Mental disengagement

6.3. Focus on and venting of emotions

6.4. Use of instrumental social support

6.5. Active coping

6.6. Denial

6.7. Religious coping

6.8. Humor

6.9. Behavioral disengagement

6.10. Restraints

6.11. Use of emotional social support

6.12. Substance use

6.13. Acceptance

6.14. Suppression of competing activities

6.15. Planning

Conceptual Framework

Adversity Quotient

Personality Coping
Orphans Mechanism

Cognitive Appraisal

Figure 1

Figure 1 shows the relationship between the variables, from

general to specific. The similar traits of the respondents mostly rely on

their orphanhood experience where Personality Traits could be

affected. Adversity Quotient and Cognitive Appraisal then could be

affected that will result to their different Coping Mechanism.

Theoretical Framework

Identifying and differentiating the results from the participants’

response in different instruments formed through the theory of Big Five

Personality of Warren Norman, Adversity Quotient of Dr. Paul Stoltz, and

Cognitive Appraisal of Richard Lazarus.

Five Factor Model (year)

Researches over the decades have given birth to a five broad

personality dimensions known as The Big-Five Model (B5M) or Five-

Factor Model (FFM). It covers five terms namely Extraversion,

Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Intellect or

Imagination. These traits arose from which people usually describe

others as aggressive, introverted, and sociable. Instruments made to

measure personality of an individual have been the cause why Five-

Factor Model exist, but is closely similar to the Big Five Model. The origin

of these two models both rely on the research of Raymond Cattell,

which people nowadays often use these terms interchangeably.

However, they possess some difference in their concepts, particularly

on the Intellectual factor which is named as Openness to Experience in

the Five Factor Model. Most scholars rearranged these factors to

create an acronym which reads as OCEAN: Openness to Experience,

Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism or

Emotional Stability.

Gordon W. Allport (1936) of Harvard and Henry S. Odbert (1936)

of Dartmouth, both psychologists, recognized 17,953 English words that

merely describe a personality or behavior of an individual based on

their natural language and included in Webster’s New International

Dictionary, and break it down into several categories.

Five Personality Traits

Out of 35 clusters identified by the previous researches, Warren

Norman (1963) chose four clusters that he thought best represents the

five factors. The factors were named and labeled as how it mostly

scaled by the given instruments. The factors are: Extraversion or

Surgency (Talkative—Silent; Frank, Open—Secretive; Adventurous—

Cautious; Sociable—Reclusive); II. Agreeableness (Goodnatured—

Irritable; Not Jealous—Jealous; Mild, Gentle—Headstrong;

Cooperative—Negativistic);III. Conscientiousness (Fussy, Tidy—Careless;

Responsible—Undependable; Scrupulous—Unscrupulous; Persevering—

Quitting, Fickle);IV. Emotional Stability (Poised—Nervous, Tense; Calm—

Anxious; Composed—Excitable); and V. Culture (Artistically Sensitive—

Artistically Insensitive; Intellectual—Unreflective, Narrow; Polished,

Refined—Crude, Boorish); Imaginative—Simple, Direct).

Using Norman’s clusters, Goldberg invented a scale which can

be used to measure one’s own personality and after additional

researches, it showed that offers strikingly high consistency.

After thorough studies, these traits became known as “Big Five

Personality” which doesn’t necessarily represents or restricts the

description of an individual’s personal trait but literally implies that it

covers a wide range of traits and characteristics, and summarizes a

larger perception about one’s personality, though it’s been specified

into certain categories.

Resilience Model (1997)

Adversity Quotient describes three types of personalities;

Climbers, Campers and lastly the Quitters. Climbers are people who

seek for improvement or growth, while the Campers are the people

who are satisfied with his or her current state and letting some

opportunities pass them by, and Quitters are known to be a less risk

taker and avoid challenges in his/her life.

Dr. Paul Stoltz (1997) developed a theory which states that

weather a person is a Quitter, Campers and Climber, it all depends on

their Adversity Quotient consist of four dimensions; Control, Ownership,

Reach and Endurance.

Control Dimension seeks to answer how person think he/she is

able to find positive influence in a situation.

Ownership Dimension, elaborate the significant role of

accountability, and his/her ability to show the sense of responsibility in

order to improve the situation.

Reach Dimension is how person will let problems and adversity

will eat his/her life. Logically, the more problems we faced and

perceived the greater its potential damage.

And last, the Endurance Dimension is how long problems will last

and also the cause of adversity was.

Related to the Reach and Endurance Dimension it is a revised version

of Seligman’s Learned Helplessness because both them provides

footstep to remove or reduce negative impacts.

Cognitive Appraisal Theory (1984)

The theory of cognitive appraisal began on the concept of

Richard Lazarus (1984) of stress which “involves the production of

stressors by the environment, and the response of an individual

subjected to these stressors”. He stated that when the response of a

person towards his/her stressors were mainly affected by two major

factors—the threatening tendency of the stress to the individual and

the assessment of resources require to minimize, tolerate or eradicate

the stressor and the stress it produces—cognitive appraisal applies.

Lazarus and Folkman divided this into two stages: the primary

appraisal, wherein an individual assesses a certain situation that may

cause him/her stress weather it will bring harm, threat, or challenge.

One tends to question as to how it will generally affect the situation or

the future events and consequently answers those based on his/her

own assessment; and the secondary appraisal which happens

together with the primary appraisal. Secondary appraisal involves

statements and claims that reflect an individual’s feeling and emotion

towards its stressor, which can be a negative or positive secondary

appraisal. During secondary appraisal, a person seeks a way or a

process on how to cope with the stress encountered.

Coping Mechanism Theory

Coping mechanisms can also be described as ‘survival skills’. They are

approaches that people use in order to contract with stresses, pain,

and natural changes that we experience in life. Coping mechanisms

are learned behavioral patterns used to cope. We learn from others

ways to manage our pressures. There are negative coping

mechanisms and positive coping mechanisms. Many people use their

coping mechanisms to benefit them in a positive way. However, we

are not always able to cope with the difficulties that we face. We

experience a range of emotions throughout our lives, some good,

some not so good. Our behaviors are usually a result of how we handle

our emotions. If we are able handle our emotions positively, our

behavior will likely be positive. If we do not handle our emotions in a

positive way, our behavior will likely be negative.

Coping Style and Mechanism can be broadly categorized as active or

avoidant. Active coping mechanisms usually involve an awareness of

the stressor and conscious attempts to reduce stress. Avoidant coping

mechanisms, on the other hand, are characterized by ignoring or

otherwise avoiding the problem. Some coping methods, though they

work for a time, are not effective for a long-term period. These

ineffective coping mechanisms, which can often be

counterproductive or have unintended negative consequences, are

known as “maladaptive coping.” Adaptive coping mechanisms are

those generally considered to be healthy and effective ways of

managing stressful situations Good Therapy (2018).

Classification Of Coping Mechanism

Lazarus Model represents a specific type of coping strategies

and theory. This theory may classified in 2 parameters (a) trait-oriented

versus state oriented, and (b) microanalytic versus macroanalytic

approaches (cf. Krohne 1996). The trait-oriented (or dispositional)

strategy aims at early identification of individuals whose coping

resources and tendencies are inadequate for the demands of a

specific stressful encounter. An early identification of these persons will

offer the opportunity for establishing a selection (or placement)

procedure or a successful primary prevention program while the

Microanalytic approaches focus on a large number of specific coping

strategies, whereas macroanalytic analysis operates at a higher level

of abstraction, thus concentrating on more fundamental constructs. S.

Freud's (1926) `classic' defense mechanisms conception is an example

of a state-oriented, macroanalytic approach.

These appraisals reflect how an individual assess and use his/her

coping options to deteriorate the possible harm it may bring.

Scope and Delimitations

Determining the Personality, Cognitive Appraisal, Adversity

Quotient and the Coping Mechanism of selected orphans in Navotas

City is the main goal of this study, whereas the five (5) selected

individuals ages 18 and above years old, male or female, and have

lost both of their parents in any means of death during their adolescent

age are the respondents. The researchers may only evaluate

respondents who have the said qualities. Test results and data from

individuals who are not part of the orphan sector and from other city

and age range must not be included in this study.

However, due to inevitable and unexpected circumstances, the

researchers were able to include only three (3) respondents of the said


Significance of the Study

This study will endeavor to find out if being an orphan affects

their Personality, Adversity Quotient, Cognitive Appraisal and Coping


Orphans. The main beneficiary of this study are orphans whereas it

enables them to analyze their own selves, have a strategies and make

themselves stronger especially that they lived without parents and

learned from their past experience cause it builds their personality.

Quitters. This study may help those people who easily give up to the

situations that they face on. Inspirations and motivations attached in

this study.

Community. This study can be a way to have an action for the people

who are willing to help orphans especially NGO’s and Orphanage. It

may serve as a guide to track the necessary developments and

actions to care and support orphans.

Government. This will help the government to determine the situations

of orphans and implement laws or programs that the core beneficial is


Organizations advocating orphan welfare. As this research tackles the

mental personal stability of orphans, it will serve as another study that

will support their projects. It will also help them to further plan projects

and campaign that will organizations advocating orphan welfare

Future Researchers. This study will be a useful reference for the

researchers who would plan to make any related study precisely to the


Researchers. This study inspires the researchers to look beyond the

personality and resiliency of orphans and also it improves their research

skills gradually.

Definition of terms

Adversity Quotient. is a score that measures the ability of a person to

deal with adversities in his or her life.

Cognitive Appraisal. the subjective interpretation made by an

individual to stimuli in the environment.

Coping Mechanism. are the strategies people often use in the face of

stress and/or trauma to help manage painful of difficult emotions.

Orpanhood. the state of being an orphan.

Personality Traits. reflect peoples characteristics patterns of thoughts,

feelings, and behaviors.

Vulnerability. the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of

being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies that

supports this study, locally and internationally.

Foreign Literature

Orphan is defined as a child under 18 years old who have

lost one or both parents and is desperate to survive because they have

to live without the support of their parents. They face problems such as

lack of basic needs, schooling, personal care and attention (UNICEF,

2016; Herr, 2015). In the Muslim community, they define orphan as a

child who has lost both of his/her parents who's the breadwinner of the

family and it is one of the most concern in their Quran and also in the

Hebrew bible, but for them losing of a family's member, especially the

mother, is not that pernicious for the family. The term orphan can be

recognized to those street children and with known relatives and also a

child who is rejected by her/his own family (Benthall, 2019).

According to the study of UNICEF (2016) there are 140 orphans

globally, including the 61 million in Asia, 52 million in Africa, 10 million in

Latin America and Caribbean, and 7.3 million in Eastern Europe also in

central Asia year 2015. The huge total number not only represents lost

both parents but also lost his/her mother but he/she have to support of

his/her father and vice versa. As a result, Dave Thomas Foundation

(2018) found that more than 23, 000 individuals on legal age are

forced to leave the foster care facilities which cared them for years,

leaving them alone without family.

Armed conflicts and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

(AIDS) are the most causes of orphanhood in the world, in accordance

to the study of United Nations (n.d.) wherein millions of children are

being left unaccompanied or separated from their families which

pushes the children in the risk of grave violence.

Berens and Nelson (2015) tackled about children who have a

development delay, which can be affected by being, separated from

his/her family, because of his environment, because they are placed in

orphanage, and may also because they grow in other care institution

because they are orphans or abandoned because of poverty. Care

institution gives a different support and life compared to those family

based support. Based on experts of UN Convention of the Rights of the

Children, it could have a developmental damage across diverse

domain especially in their cognitive function and physical growth,

however, Rucks (n.d.) says that the human personality is different and

also unchanging when it comes to their emotion and their behavior as

an individual.

Foreign Studies

The teenagers who became an orphan in early age, those both

of their parents passed away and no one will take care of them; have

to stay on the orphanage, wherein some of them experience

psychological distress. This can make a great impact to the behavior or

personality of an orphan, just like sleeping disorders, stress and

depression. Some of the orphans use different kind of coping method

to solve their problems to survive the stress they are experiencing, this

study wants to determine the effects of the problems, which focused

on coping through extraversion personality and also the resilience of

adolescent living in orphanages. They used quantitative method in the

study and their main respondents are those orphans age range from

12-18 years old, used instrument of resilience. The results showed that

there’s a positive effect of the extraversion personality on their


India has the highest rate of orphan children where in 31 million

in South Asia. These children are prone to psychosocial distress which

leads them to conduct a study in two orphanages in New Delhi. In

order for them to get the result, they used survey interview and content

analysis. The result of their study was the majority of children wish for

their both parents and desire of love and affection from their family.

Also they conclude that these children are prone to depression and

anxiety. They are trying to forget their parents and just finding their

family among their inmates in the orphanage.

Orphans and separated children were identified from five

countries to oppose some conformist ideas, disturbing events reported

in institutionalized care than those family-based was no worse. Abuse

both physical and sexual was more prevailing in family-based care. This

large study explored specific contents and elements that may possess

harm and benefit to both care system, in the best interest of the child.

A study about the “Big Five” or the Five-Factor Model (FFM)

states that the personality trait model constituted by the five factors in

the said model; Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness,

Emotional Stability and Intellect or Openness to Experience. The model

was formed behind the concept of Psycholexical approach to

Personality (De Raad, 2000). The approach was common known as

“Lexical Hypothesis”, in the said model, it is stated that we hold the

common stock of words; our lexicon embodies the distinctions

between men who found worth drawing. Further observations to

individual sets differences that people have found on interest, utilities,

or importance encoded with accompany of concept of Language.

The hypothesis was interpreted differently by personality psychologists:

Cattell (1943) & Goldberg (1981) independently explicated by Austin

(1970), the poet and novelist Themerson (1974), and the psycholinguist

Miller (1991). The early success of the Big Five Model was modified and

revised by others; specifically by Norman (1963), and the seminal

psycholexical project led by Goldberg (e.g., 1981). Further revisions

were made by Costa and McCrae (1992a) and the addition of two

factors: Agreeableness and Conscientiousness to the Big-Five Model

until then consisting of Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Openness to

Experience (NEO); thus, the NEO-PI came into existence to measure

the FFM dimensions. A host of new lexical studies in various languages,

often supportive of the Big Five model, and the productive work of

Costa and McCrae provided the grounds for McCrae and Costa

(2008) to build their Five-Factor Theory, and for claiming that the Big

Five factors have causal status.

It is the constant pattern of behaving, thinking, and feeling over

a period of time is called personality trait. Psychologists use models to

determine personality structure has a set of five dimensions, The Big

Five; Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion,

Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. The body of the research examined

the personality stability and change, in terms of the Big Five.

These personalities have affected different aspect in an individual’s

life, an explanation about adversity quotient as capability of individual

to handle and respond to the situation such as difficulties and stress,

have been made. Moreover, Stoltz created a theory about AQ on how

individual strive hard to resolve challenges in his/her life. It indicates

that by understanding the idea of it we can better realize how an

individual reacts to that given situation. Indeed the way individual

respond to adversity is a strong indicator of the ability to succeed in

many challenges. They indicate the four CORE dimensions that make

up AQ: Control, Origin and Ownership, Reach, and Endurance. This

four dimensions only implies about what an individual need to work on

in order for them to increase their overall AQ (Nurani, Astriana, &

Latipun 2019; Saraswat, 2017; Gray, Pence, Ostermann, R.Whetten,

O'Donnell & K. Whetten, 2015; Raad & Mlacic, 2015; Sotto, 2018;

Tigchelaar & Bekhet, 2015).

Local Literature

As the basis of Republic Act 10821, orphans or orphaned

Children is refer to children who do not have family and relatives who

can assume responsibility for their care.

According to Child and Youth Welfare Code of the Philippines – Article

3: Rights of the child, Section number 2 children has rights to a

wholesome family life that provides him with the care, love,

understanding, guidance counseling, moral and material security. A

child has the right to feel the experience of support from their parents.

In section 3, every child has the right to develop himself/herself so that

he/she can end up enthusiastically, useful and be a purposive member

of a certain society; the emotionally disturbed or mistreated child shall

be treated with sympathy and comprehension, and shall be respected

and treated with deep and competent care.

It is also stated in Republic Act 10821, Section 6, Orphaned,

Unaccompanied, or Separated Children, that the DSWD, upon

consultation with relevant agencies, shall develop a minimum set of

standards and guidelines for the Family Tracing Reunification System of

orphaned, unaccompanied and separated children.

Moreover, as stated by the Republic Act 8552, Article 1, Sec 2

the Declaration of Policies. It is hereby declared the policy of the State

to ensure that every child remains under the care and custody of

his/her parent(s) and be provided with love, care, understanding and

security towards the full and harmonious development of his/her

personality. Only when such efforts prove insufficient and no

appropriate placement or adoption within the child's extended family

is available shall adoption by an unrelated person be considered.

In the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017 – 2023, the

vulnerable sectors are highlighted in Chapter 11 – Reducing

Vulnerability of Individuals and Families. The PDP chapter covers

women and children, as well as other sectors such as the persons with

disabilities (PWDs), indigenous peoples (IPs) and older persons. It

discusses strategies to reduce vulnerabilities by decreasing people’s

exposure to risks and increasing their adaptive capacities.

UNICEF (2016) explained Philippines as an explorer country into

the global partnership on ending violence against the children. It was

done after doing survey research about violence against children

conducted in the year of 2015. And according to their survey the

Philippines are well established and well globalized in contribution to

the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order for

them to get the result of their study their respondents are focuses only

girl and boy that at the different stages of life, from young to older

adolescents. The purpose of their study is to transform research into

evidence and turn into meaningful and effective interventions.

However, almost a million or 1.8 million of children in the

Philippines are part of what we so called "orphans". You can consider

one person as orphan if he lost his parents, both mother and father,

because of this situation, some orphans get involve in child labor which

is not good because they are not capable of doing such things, and

doesn’t suit to their age, they also don’t have the ability to support

their own needs that’s why some of them need to stop in their schools

and forget about it (Reaching Beyond Words, 2019).

Local Studies

Some of psychologists in our country study about the influence

our life satisfaction and mood, whereas some of them are losing loved

ones or one of the member of the family, causes anxiety after trauma.

People who experience tremendous change and a boundless

problem because of losing his parents can cause a lifelong effect in

their lives, example of this, are the orphans who are impend on those

negative effects throughout their lives and it affect it to them by

threaten them from achieving lives to pursuit of happiness, and self-

satisfaction. This study attempts to find one's psychological wellbeing

and happiness of those people who will be part of the study ,they use

qualitative method to utilize investigations about the experiences of

orphans the purpose of the study is to understand orphans live and

identifying factors that affect their psychological wellbeing . The

researchers found that the emergent themes observed in the nature of

orphans, while psychological wellbeing included sense of self-

importance, skills, abilities and friends, peer and close friend,

aspirations and the view of life, the result or the findings described

alongside supportive literatures and related studies.

There so many studies around the world are conducted and the

main topic is about orphans specially in the Philippines, based on the

study one of the problem that our country should need to address is

the status of the orphaned and neglected child and also our country

has an abandoned children problem , the study also tackles about the

situation of the orphan child in the orphanage ,the researcher

measures the underwent social, emotional, mental, spiritual and

physical difficulties as an orphans ,the researchers also suggest that in

the next study who's also about orphan, try to address or study the

nutritional status and psychological wellbeing of an orphans.

The researchers conduct a study in Compostella Valley which is

the orphaned student are the respondents, it’s all about their

experience, hopes and dreams as an orphan, how they are face all

the struggles in their life at the young age ,and base on their findings

some of their respondents experience desolate life and rare happy

moments but insist of that they have dreams just like other children, it

shows that even though they are not that complete, they have a

dreams they want to pursue ,they want to consider their self just like

other who have a complete family, they want to feel a normal kind of


It is stated in a study that Adversity Quotient was determined at

the LPU College students as their participants; the researchers aimed at

the demographic profiles of the college students: coping strategies &

relationship of the variables included & propose an action.

Researchers formulated a Quantitative and Qualitative approach to

gain the necessary details they needed in their study; also the

respondents express their influence their adversities to not much of an

extent also indicating that they have moderate adversity quotient. The

participants’ strategies for coping skills depend on the situation,

rebuilding confidence and compromising strong mutuality to every

other adversity.

There is a study that determines the relationship between the

levels of Adversity Quotient and Social Skills of the students in De La

Salle Lipa; 105 college leaders were chosen (aging 15 to 21 years old)

were the participants, of which 38 were males and 67 were females;

the participants were from Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Business

Administration, Education, Math, Nursing, Biology, Accountancy,

Tourism, HRM, Engineering and AB Communication courses. Most of the

students were from the BS Business Administration courses; also it is

stated that most of the students had low level of Adversity Quotient in

terms of Emotional Expressivity (EE), Emotional Sensitivity (ES), Emotional

Control (EC), Social Expressivity (SE), Social Sensitivity (SS) and Social

Control (SC). The gatherings concluded that the relationship of overall

Adversity Quotient and Social Skills of the respondents with

demographic profiles are not significant to prove the relationship of

the two (2) variables, this led to the interpretation that the levels of

Adversity Quotient increases, same with the Social Skills and vice versa.

An individual has the ability to adapt and comprehend social

interactions in order to overcome difficulties in life (Pilapil, 2015;

Vergara, Pagkalinawan, Angeles & Villafrance, 2018; Baldo-Sangian,

2015; Vinas & Aquino-Malabanan, 2015; Amparo, 2016).


The above collection of local and foreign literature and studies

define orphan as a vulnerable child due to the parents’ loss, from the

technical into a subjective view. It presents literatures and studies that

prove the relevance of the issue about the orphans, and so as the

relationship of the variables which affects the state of the wellbeing of

the said variable children. There are also laws indicated above which

pertains to the care of the child, however, scarcity of the projects and

plans for these children are still missing. In the city of Navotas, the

researchers have not found any statistics about the orphans, as well as

government actions towards their needs. Filipino culture seemed to be

one of the considered factors why such projects and studies are not

conducted in our city. Nevertheless, orphans are still susceptible for

violence, slow personal development, and delinquency.

Chapter 3


This chapter shows the methods and techniques used in the

study. It discusses the population and sample, sampling techniques of

the study, research design, description of the participants, and locale

of the study. It also indicates the standardized research instrument to

help for completion and maintain the reliability and validity of this


Research Design

The researchers conducted a qualitative research, specifically a

case study, which comprises of describing, narrating, and interpreting

the data provided by the respondents. It aims to describe the life

experiences and variables affecting the orphans including their

adversity quotient, personality traits and cognitive appraisal, and

coping mechanism.

Research population and sample

The structure of this study is case study; therefore, the population

will be limited to 3 respondents consisting of a specified characteristic

of an orphan, who lives in Navotas City.

Sampling technique

To assure the validity and reliability of this study, the researchers

used purposive sampling technique to focus only on the particular

characteristic of the respondents and also to meet the main objective

of the study which is about the Personality Traits, Adversity Quotient,

Cognitive Appraisal, and Coping Mechanism.

Description of participants

A case study design was used in which each respondent and

was treated as an individual case. The respondents of this study are

those who became a full orphan while they are between 12-18 years

old, but is now an independent adult, regardless of the social status.

Research instruments

The research instrument used for this research was an interview

and survey questionnaire, standardized by different institutes and

professionals. To determine the personality of the respondents, the

researchers used the Big Five Inventory that was made to assess an

individual’s personality according to the Big Five Personality Factors,

while Adversity Quotient Profile from Dr. Paul Stoltz of PEAK Learning,

Inc. was used to measure the adversity quotient, Stress Appraisal

Measurement, designed by Edward J. Peacock and Paul T.P. Wong,

and to determine the coping mechanism, COPE Inventory by Carver,

C. S. was used.

Moreover, to describe the life experiences of the participants,

the researchers used an interview to fully understand and explore the

aspects of life of the respondents.

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

This chapter contains numerical findings, descriptive

interpretations, and interview summary of the respondents’ answer in

accordance to each area. The results are arranged by succeeding

areas with corresponding results and interpretations.

Respondents’ Perception about Life after their Loss

The respondents all lived with their parents when they are twelve

(12) years ol`d and below that shows that they made an attachment

with them. This emotional attachment contributes to different

psychological factors of an individual especially when this attachment

suddenly broke, or the other person passed. To the respondents, this

attachment brings fears and made them close doors for anyone.

“Nung nawala yung magulang ko parang ano, hindi ako naging

close sa mga tita at sa lola ko kasi ano e nagpariwara ako dati kaya

nagawa kong magbisyo, uminom tas ano tas makisama sa ibang

tao…” – Respondent 1

The feeling of being left alone brings the perception of

emptiness and loneliness to the respondents. They treated their parents

as the first persons who appreciated and accepted them. They felt

that they can open up to them anytime, talk about their dreams, and

they felt that there is always someone who got their back anytime they

need one. And the unexpected death of these persons made a

significant negative effect to them.

“As a student, mas lalo akong nagiging empty kasi wala sila para

magsabit ng mga medals pag may award ako.”- Respondent 2

“Minsan naiinggit ako sa ibang tao kasi may nagsusundo sa kanilang

magulang o kaya kuhaan ng card kasi ano e kapag kuhain ng card

madami ron kasama magulang minsan hindi talaga ako umaattend

madalas ng ganon ng kuhaan ng card kasi wala naman pupunta

para sakin”- Respondent 1

They also felt less secured about their future. Parents are the

ones who usually provide primary necessities for their children;

financially and emotionally. The younger members of the family rely on

them and the responsibility of taking care and surviving the family are

on their shoulders. The respondents showed coherent views to their

fears and worries after their loss.

“I think my biggest fear when they passed is that how will I survive every

day when I obviously became dependent to my parents…” –

Respondent 3

“Inisip ko ‘nun, wala nang ibang tao ang iintindi sa problema ko.” –

Respondent 2

In terms of financial support, the respondents also brought up

that one of their struggles as orphans is their financial stability. The

worries about supporting their living and education emerged from their


“Sa totoo sa pinansyal, kasi ano e sa school nakakapasok naman ako

minsan hindi kasi ano e kailangan ko ng pinansyal kasi hindi ako

nakakabayad sa mga bayarin sa school kasi nga ano e naso- short

ako sa pinansyal even yung Lola ko rin hindi siya nakakapagbigay

sakin ng pera iniintindi ko nalang kahit wala akong baon pumapasok

ako para lang ma-update sa mga gawain minsan wala akong

pambayad kaya hindi nalang ako pumapasok minsan” – Respondent

The feeling of fears for another loss of loved ones also

contributed to the emotional problem of the respondents. They feel

that another loss will bring greater pain to them. The vision of it makes

another thought of traumatic experience which they never want to

encounter again.

“Ang kinakatakot ko po nun ay yung mawala yung Lola ko at Lolo ko

kasi ano e sila nalang nag-bibigay ng lakas sakin at sa mga kapatid

ko.” – Respondent 1

“Actually, natatakot na kong maranasan yung naranasan ko dati.

Kasi, feeling ko ‘nun di ako makakasurvive eh, ano pa kaya kapag

may pangalawa pa?”- Respondent 3

However, Filipino Culture gave assurance to the respondents

about the foster care they will receive even if their parents passed.

Their relatives became the immediate support system for them

especially they became orphans at early age. This support system

somehow eased their grieves and worries but the attachment they

made with their relatives; trust, love, and concern, were developed


“Did you found immediate support system after they passed away?”

“Yes because my grandparents supported me financially” –

Respondent 2

“Yes , through my half brother and half sister as well as to the siblings of

my parents and most especially through my true and sincere friends” –

Respondent 3

“Lahat ng pagmamahal binuhos ng Lola ko pero nung katagalan

parang nag-iba ugali nya pero inintindi ko nalang kasi matanda na” –

Respondent 1

Among those past experiences they had the struggles and the

pains needs to be felt, it’s indeed normal. It's normal because it's how

life teaches us our lessons. It’s how life works in sharpening you to be a

better person and everything is temporary. Everything will change later

on. When you're currently in sorrow, don't lose hope. One day that

sorrow will turn into happiness and that tears will turn into laughter.

“Sa pag invite sakin ng kapatid ko sa church na sinisimbahan nya dati

kasi doon ako nagbago simula ng isama nya ako magsimba tapos

ang bisyo ko nagbago na ang dating nagbibisyo ngayon hindi na

tapos lahat kinaya ko dahil sa kanila” – Respondent 1

“Pagdumaraan ako sa ganoong sitwasyon hindi po ako basta

bastang nagpapadala kasi iniisip ko struggles lang sa buhay ko ‘yon

kaya kahit anong dumating sakin nilalabanan ko parin” – Respondent

The respondents shared different difficulties and worries

they experienced right after their parents died. The attachment they

made with their parents made it harder for them to cope and adapt

with the new chapter of their life without the head of their family. The

respondents all agreed that after they lost their parents, they saw

themselves struggling financially however; it didn’t last because they

found immediate financial support from their relatives. They also stated

that they struggled emotionally because of their sudden loss; feeling of

emptiness, loneliness, and fears of being left alone. One respondent

stated that she feared that she will not be able to survive or even

continue her life. Another respondent also claimed that he vent out his

emotional pain through smoking, drinking alcohol, and ruining his life.

But since they became orphans at early age, an immediate care

system came from their relatives. This support system helps lessen their

worries and struggles as they continue to embark their lives. However,

their life without the hands of their parents became full of difficulties,

worries, and insecurities.

Personality Traits of the Respondents

The researchers used The Big Five Inventory that follows the five

dimensions of an individual’s personality according to Goldberg. The

respondents’ answers in the given scale were interpreted using

numbers that corresponds to specific traits.

Respondent 1.

Table 1
Big Five Inventory
Scores Reversed Total


Openness 34 4 38

Conscientiousness 20 13 33

Extraversion 19 14 33

Agreeableness 21 11 32

Neuroticism 13 9 22

Table 1 shows the over-all scores of the Big Five Inventory

provided by Respondent 1. Openness, Conscientiousness and

Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism scored from highest to

lowest respectively.

Respondent 2.

Table 2
Big Five Inventory
Scores Reversed Total


Openness 25 6 31

Conscientiousness 18 6 24

Extraversion 21 8 29

Agreeableness 18 6 24

Neuroticism 20 10 30

Table 2 shows the over-all scores of the Big Five Inventory

provided by Respondent 2. Openness, Neuroticism, Extraversion,

Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness scored from highest to lowest


Respondent 3.

Table 3
Big Five Inventory
Scores Reversed Total


Openness 34 5 39

Conscientiousness 22 14 36

Extraversion 25 8 33

Agreeableness 22 12 34

Neuroticism 16 7 24

Table 3 shows the over-all scores of the Big Five Inventory

provided by Respondent 3. Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion,

Agreeableness, and Neuroticism scored from highest to lowest


Adversity Quotient of the Respondents

A traumatic loss often results to different perceptions about

Table 4
Adversity Quotient Profile

Control 14

dealing with the problems. The researchers used Adversity Response

Profile which aims to determine how resilient an individual is. The

average Adversity Response Profile is 147.5.

Ownership 12

Reach 14

Endurance 10

(14+12+14+10)*2= 100

Respondent 1.

Table 4 presents the Adversity Quotient Profile of Respondent 1. It

shows that Control and Reach domains scored the highest, and the

average Adversity Response Profile of the respondent is 100 which is

equivalent to below average.

Respondent 2.

Table 5
Adversity Quotient Profile

Control 17

Ownership 19

Reach 15

Endurance 22

(17+19+15+22)*2= 146

Table 5 presents the Adversity Quotient Profile of Respondent 2. It

shows that Endurance domain scored the highest, and the average

Adversity Response Profile of the respondent is 146 which is equivalent

to below average.

Respondent 3.

Table 6
Adversity Quotient Profile

Control 17

Ownership 24

Reach 14

Endurance 13

(17+24+14+13)*2= 136

Table 6 presents the Adversity Quotient Profile of Respondent 3. It

shows that Ownership domains scored the highest, and the average

Adversity Response Profile of the respondent is 136 which is equivalent

to below average.

Cognitive Appraisal of the Respondents

Cognitive Appraisal is the reaction of an individual towards a

certain stressor. Stress Appraisal Measure was used to evaluate the

cognitive appraisal of the respondents which is divided by 2 appraisals;

primary and secondary appraisal. Average score per subscale is 3.

Respondent 1.

Table 7
Stress Appraisal Measure

Threat 15 3.75

Challenge 15 3.75

Centrality 14 3.5

Controllable-by-self 17 4.25

Controllable-by- 19 4.75


Uncontrollable 19 4.75

Stressfulness 13 3.25

Table 7 contains the score of Stress Appraisal Measure from

Respondent 1. In the Primary Appraisal, the respondent consider the

stressor (being orphan) as Threat and Challenge, and is Controllable by

others or Uncontrollable.

Respondent 2.

Table 8.

Table 8
Stress Appraisal Measure

Threat 14 3.5

Challenge 12 3

Centrality 16 4

Controllable-by-self 11 2.25

Controllable-by- 10 2.5


Uncontrollable 13 3.25

Stressfulness 14 3.5

Table 8 contains the score of Stress Appraisal Measure from

Respondent 2. In the Primary Appraisal, the respondent considers the

stressor (being orphan) as an important event where knowledge and

experience could be gained, and is Uncontrollable.

Respondent 3.

Table 9
Stress Appraisal Measure

Threat 6 1.5

Challenge 14 3.5

Centrality 12 4

Controllable-by-self 16 3.25

Controllable-by- 13 3.25


Uncontrollable 10 2.25

Stressfulness 8 2

Table 9 contains the score of Stress Appraisal Measure from

Respondent 3. In the Primary Appraisal, the respondent considers the

stressor (being orphan) as Challenge, and is Controllable by self.

Coping Mechanism of the Respondents

As a result of a problem or difficulty, coping mechanisms are

developed among any individuals. The Coping Mechanism varies

through the individual’s experience, environment, and mental

capacity. The COPE Inventory was used to assess the Coping

Mechanism of the respondents.

Respondent 1.

Table 10

COPE Inventory


Positive reinterpretation 13 Behavioral 10

and growth disengagement

Mental 12 Restraint 9


Focus on and venting 11 Use of emotional social 12

of emotions support

Use of instrumental 16 Substance use 6

social support

Active coping 11 Acceptance 11

Denial 11 Suppression of 11

competing activities

Religious coping 15 Planning 13

Humor 10

Table 10 shows different coping mechanism from COPE Inventory that

was taken by Respondent 1. It states here that Usage of instrumental

social support is the coping mechanism used by the respondent;

ranked second is the Religious coping.

Respondent 2.

Table 11

COPE Inventory


Positive reinterpretation 7 Behavioral 11

and growth disengagement

Mental 11 Restraint 8


Focus on and venting 8 Use of emotional social 9

of emotions support

Use of instrumental 8 Substance use 4

social support

Active coping 7 Acceptance 11

Denial 7 Suppression of 11

competing activities

Religious coping 6 Planning 6

Humor 16

Table 11 shows different coping mechanism from COPE Inventory that

was taken by Respondent 2. It states here that Humor is the coping

mechanism used by the respondent; ranked second are the Mental

disengagement, Behavioral Disengagement, Acceptance, and

Suppression of Competing Activities.

Respondent 3.

Table 12

COPE Inventory


Positive Positive
reinterpretation 16 reinterpretation
and growth and growth

Mental Mental
11 Restraint
disengagement: disengagement:

Focus on and Focus on and

Use of emotional
venting of 11 venting of
social support
emotions emotions

Use of Use of

instrumental 13 Substance use instrumental

social support social support

Active coping 14 Acceptance Active coping

Suppression of

Denial 10 competing Denial


Religious coping 15 Planning Religious coping

Humor 8 Humor

Table 12 shows different coping mechanism from COPE Inventory that

was taken by Respondent 3. It states here that Positive reinterpretation

and growth is the coping mechanism used by the respondent; ranked

second is the Religious coping.

After the interpreting the data, the respondents provided by

answering the scale measurements, the researchers showed the results

to the respondents and asked them if they think the results are

affected by their experience during their orphan hood regardless of

theories and researches proofs.

Respondent 2: Respondents Thoughts about the Results

Results Respondent 2’s Thoughts

Personality- Openness to “Oo, kasi through that, parang

Experience ano, nalalabas ko yung emotion

ko dun sa pagiging ano ko, ano--

ano ba tamang term? Yung-- Di

ko makuha yung term! Parang

nakaapekto siya para mailabas

ko yung tunay na emotion ko.”

Adversity Quotient- Below “Hindi. Kasi ano eh, hindi ako

Average gaanong nag-oopen up sa mga

magulang ko kaya parang

sinasarili ko na lang. Parang

ganun. Kaya hindi rin


Stress Appraisal Measure- “Naapektuhan. Kasi parang ano,

Primary: Centrality yung ano, hahaha nakalimutan ko

Secondary: Uncontrollable na na naman! Parang naka-- ano,

naka dagdag! Yun, naka dagdag

yun sa pag-usbong ko bilang, ano

bilang tao.”

Coping Mechanism- Emotion- “Hindi siya naapektuhan. Kasi

focused coping kahit dati pa, nung elementary pa

ko, ganun na ko eh. Parang ano,

ganun pa rin ako.”

Table 17 shows the perception of Respondent 1 towards the results

when asked if he think that his orphan hood experience contributes to

the development of these aspects. He claimed that his personality and

Stress Appraisal are related to his experience which brought growth to

him, however, he connected his childhood traits and outlook in life to

his Adversity Quotient and Coping mechanism.

Respondent 1: Respondents Thoughts about the Results

Results Respondent 1’s Thoughts

Personality- Openness to “Oo, kasi di’ba, ano, nung nawala

Experience yung mga magulang ko, ano,

napariwara ako, pero ano,

parang naisip ko, ‘Dapat pala

sulitin ko na’. Ganun.”

Adversity Quotient- Below “Oo, alam ko din mababa yan eh,

Average hahahaha, kasi dati nga di ko

nakayanan, syempre di naman

nababago yan, kaya, ano,

ganun. Hahahahaha”

Stress Appraisal Measure- “Nakakaapekto yun, kasi di’ba,

Primary: Threat/Challenge nagdaan na ko dun eh, tas di’ba

Secondary: Controllable by self/ napariwara ako onti, kaya ano,

Uncontrollable hindi na, tsaka kasi ngayon, kilala

ko na si Lord.”

Coping Mechanism- Emotion- “Oo, naapektuhan. Kasi nung

focused coping una, di’ba nga, hahahaha pauli-

ulit, napariwara nga ako, tas

tumanda na ko tas may Lord na

ko ngayon, nag-iba na syempre.”

Table 16 shows the perception of Respondent 1 towards the results

when asked if he think that his orphan hood experience contributes to

the development of these aspects. He claimed that all the dimensions

mentioned and his coping mechanism were developed from his

experience and stuggles encountered.

Respondent 3: Respondents Thoughts about the Results

Results Respondent 3’s Thoughts

Personality- Openness to “Hindi ko sure eh, kasi pwede

Experience namang yung maturity and the

experiences yung naging key

di’ba? So… oo nga, hahaha,

nakakaapekto nga siya.”

Adversity Quotient- Below “Actually, dati pa, iyakin talaga

Average ako, additional pa na babae ako.

But supposedly dapat mag-

iimprove, pero parang hindi niya


Stress Appraisal Measure- “Ah, eto nakakaapekto talaga,

Primary: Challenge kasi I already know how to handle

Secondary: Controllable by self such situations, additional pa yung

teachings nila Papa sakin.”

Coping Mechanism- Emotion- “No, I think, kasi parang yun din

focused coping yung coping strategy na ginamit

ko when dealing dun sa

pagkawala nila Papa, so dati pa

yun na. ”

Table 18 shows the perception of Respondent 3 towards the results

when asked if he think that his orphan hood experience contributes to

the development of these aspects. She claimed that his personality

and Stress Appraisal are related to his experience which brought

growth and inspiration to her; however, she also stated that her

Adversity Quotient and Coping Mechanism were not affected by this

stressful event in her life.

Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and


This chapter presents the summary of the over-all findings, the

relationship between variables, the interpretation, conclusion, and the


Summary of Findings

Respondent 1.

Respondent 1 lost his both parents when he’s still 12 years old. His

grandmother took take of him and his other 7 siblings. Now, he’s on

legal age and several years have passed after his parents died;

1. He is open for experience and is ready to gain knowledge from


2. His Adversity Quotient is below the average, meaning he is not

resilient enough in facing problems.

3. He is influencing his problems through his control over it.

4. He sees being an orphan a Threat and Challenge to him.

5. He also sees it as Controllable by others or fully Uncontrollable.

6. He is coping with his problems through the use of social

instrument and religion.

Respondent 2.

Respondent lost his mother when he is 12 years old then follow it

up his father at the age of 15. His grandparents took care of him and

also his siblings. Now, he’s on legal age and several years have passed

after his parents died;

1. He is open to experience and willing to learn something more.

2. He is low when it comes to his conscientiousness and


3. His Adversity Quotient is below average which means that he is

not resilient enough to face challenges and problems in his life.

4. He sees that being an orphan is a challenge to him.

5. He uses Humor to cope up with his problems.

Respondent 3.

Respondent lost his both parents when she was 10 years old. Her

older sister, brother and also the siblings of her parents took care of her.

Time flies she started to be a nanny of two children and lives

independently. Respondent 3 possesses;

1. She is open to new experiences and she grabbed it wildly.

2. Her Adversity Quotient was below average meaning that she’s

not too resilient to face some circumstances.

3. Being orphan is one of an instrument to live independently.

4. She sees that having a positive mind and reinterpretation helps

her to grow and adapt to the situation.


Respondent no. 1

The result of the questionnaires based on his Personality Traits was

Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness and

Neuroticism and it was scored from highest to lowest respectively.

Openness to experience is the highest dimension which means that he

is open or the ideas and appreciates the love and beauty while the

lowest is the Neuroticism or the counter part of openness to

experience. Secondly, the instrument used of researchers is the

Adversity Quotient Profile; it aims to determine how resilient a person is.

In the result Respondent 1 got a 100 score it means that it is equivalent

to below average. Control and Reach Dimension was the highest

score and it defines that he is able to control or find positive influence

in a situation while the Reach Dimension it covers how he look beyond

the situation. The third one is the Stress Appraisal Measure and it use to

evaluate the cognitive appraisal of respondents. Respondent 1 in the

Primary Appraisal the respondent considered the stressor (being

orphan) as threat and challenge. Last one is the COPE Inventory and it

varies through Individual Experience, Environment and Mental

Capacity. Respondent 1 use Usage of Instrumental Social Support and

religious coping as a coping mechanism in a certain situation and also

he mostly used his Emotion to cope up the problems.

Respondent no. 2

This study found out that the personality traits of respondents no.

2 from highest which is openness to the experience that is capable to

the new challenges or experience that he facing after being orphan,

while the lowest dimension is conscientiousness which means that

respondents no. 2 are less motivated to complete the task and

agreeableness which all about the acceptance of others. In terms of

adversity quotient of respondents no. 2 has the total amount of 146 it is

below average according to the given average 147.5 it means that

respondents no. 2 are not that capable enough to handle those kind

of adversity right after being orphan. While the Cognitive appraisal

using SAM results that respondent no. 2 considers the stressor as

centrality and is uncontrollable by others. And lastly to the coping

mechanism using COPE inventory Respondent 2 are mostly using

emotion focused when it comes to solving the problems.

Respondent no. 3

The researcher found out that from the personality traits of the

Respondent 3, openness is the highest ,which means she is capable or

open to new experience that will come to her life and highly open

individuals enjoy thinking and learning while neuroticism is lowest

which means, she has a less chance to experience negative emotions

like anxiety and. From his adversity quotient the respondent got high

score in ownership and she got an average of 136 which means she's

not that resilient when facing some struggles or problems while her

stress appraisal result ,she see's adversities and struggles in her life as

challenge while from her coping mechanism states that Positive

reinterpretation and growth is the coping mechanism used by the

respondent; ranked second is the Religious coping the result of her test

questionnaires is match to the result and answer in interview.

The findings of this study provide additional support to the

researches about the effect of a traumatic loss such as being an

orphan to the Personality, Adversity Quotient, and Stress Appraisal of

an individual that mainly contributes to the development of their

coping mechanism. All the respondents are found to be open to

experience. According to McCrae and Greenberg (2014) openness to

experience means that an individual has a characteristic of yearning

for new experiences, knowledge, and is open for change. They are

imaginative and appreciate of art and beauty, and have rich and

deep emotional response. The study also found that all of them have

low average Adversity Response Profile, which means that after the

hardships they encountered during the loss of their parents, they are

still not resilient in facing adversities. Although they showed dominance

in different aspects of the Adversity Profile, their average ARP are still

low. They also see being an orphan as challenge to them, which

means that they are anticipating gain or growth from the experience.

However, they see the above mentioned stressor as controllable by

themselves, and one respondent sees it as an uncontrollable event.

Lastly, their coping mechanism coincide with their personality and

stress appraisal, two (2) of the respondent cope by emotion-focused

coping, and the other cope with problem-focused coping.

These results show a great relevance to the previous researches

and give an important insight about the stress and adversities

encountered by the orphans in Navotas City.


1. Future Researchers. The researchers are commend that if ever this

study were conduct, focus on the life experience of the orphans, and


2. Local Government. Since the local government here in Navotas City

has no record yet for the orphans, the researchers are going to

recommend to be more aware on this kind of situation , give more

attention and implement more programs that the main focus are the


3. Guardians of the Orphans. Aside from the financial setback of

orphans, Guardians must take care orphans as their child with full of

responsibilities and fill the love that they wanted to.

4. Quitters. Don’t be so selfish about your feelings, always consider

others that they have also face those kinds of struggles twice as you

encountered but they are strong enough to handle those kinds of


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