Phrasal Verbs Exercise 1

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Phrasal Verbs Exercise 1

Choose the correct phrasal verb: go on / pick up / come back / come up with / go back / find

out / come out / go out / point out / grow up / set up / turn out / get out / come in(to) / take on.

1. Can you ________________________________________ (think of an idea) a better idea?

2. She ________________________________________ (showed / mentioned) that the shops

would already be closed.

3. I wish I hadn’t ________________________________________ (become responsible for) so

much work!

4. I ________________________________________ (went to an event) for dinner with my

husband last night.

5. He ________________________________________ (entered a place where the speaker is) the

kitchen and made some tea.

6. Where did you ________________________________________ (become an adult)?

7. I’d love to ________________________________________ (arrange / create) my own business.

8. I really want to ________________________________________ (leave a building) of this office

and go for a walk.

9. As I arrived, he ________________________________________ (appeared from a place) of the


10. She ________________________________________ (got something from a place) some

dinner on the way home.
Phrasal verbs 2

Roy Norris 2015

1 Use the context to help you match each sentence beginning 1-10 with an appropriate ending A-J

1 Come and stay with us anytime. We can put

2 I’ve heard that the factory wants to take

3 Sting was an English teacher before going

4 We had to move because we couldn’t put

5 Jo and I used to be friends but we don’t get

6 I’ll meet you at the station. I’m really looking

7 I don’t think that’s true. He’s always making

8 I think the person I most admire and look

9 I can’t concentrate very well now. I’ll carry

10 I used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. Then I gave


A: on more employees. I’m going to apply for a job there.

B: up stories – you should never believe what he says.

C: on with each other now. We had a big argument.

D: you up for a week if you like; our house is very big.

E: forward to seeing you again after all this time.

F: up with the noise from the neighbours any more.

G: on with this work after I’ve had a cup of coffee.

H: on to become lead singer with The Police.

I: up to is my grandfather. He’s a role model to me.

J: up smoking completely and now I feel much better.

Answers: Phrasal Verbs 1

1. Can you come up with a better idea?

2. She pointed out that the shops would already be closed.

3. I wish I hadn’t taken on so much work!

4. I went out for dinner with my husband last night.

5. He came into the kitchen and made some tea.

6. Where did you grow up?

7. I’d love to set up my own business.

8. I really want to get out of this office and go for a walk.

9. As I arrived, he came out of the door.

10. She picked up some dinner on the way home.

Answers: Phrasal Verbs 2










10 J

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