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A Research Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School
Tetuan, Zamboanga City

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course
Practical Research 2
(Quantitative Research)


Jamaica T. Banua
John April M. Catacutan
Camille Kyla M. Madrazo
Eirene M. Mariano

September, 2019


Background of the Study

Most people know that smoking is bad for their health. Tobacco contains

nicotine, a highly addictive drug that makes it difficult for the smokers to kick the

habit. Tobacco products also contain many poisonous and harmful substances that

cause disease and premature death (Harry, 2005).

Smoking cigarettes damage the body in a number of different ways.

Smoking causes heart attacks and stroke, causes disease and is a slow way to

die. Cigarette smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight,

prematurity and abortion. According to reports, ten (10) persons every day in the

Philippines are dying due to cancer caused by smoking. Every year, hundreds of

thousands of people around the world die from disease by smoking cigarettes

(Department of Health, 2008).

In the study of Solas et al. (2011), they found out that the populations at

risk for new smoking behavior are children, in particular teenage girls. A lifetime of

cigarette smoking will shorten life expectancy by 10 years.

On other hand, smokers often say that smoking keeps them alert and calm

and it adds concentration. Some researcher assert that tobacco’s claiming effects

simply result from alleviation of the nicotine withdrawal syndrome (new Book of

Knowledge, 2016).
In 2013, the City government of Zamboanga has warned smokers of the full

implementation of the Anti-Smoking Ordinance or the City Ordinance 469. In this

ordinance, business establishments are mandated to designate a smoking area,

and the signage “Strictly No Smoking” shall be posted in conspicuous places within

the establishment. The Ordinance does not totally ban smoking in the city, but it

only regulates, especially in public places and other areas where people converge,

including public transportation system (Ordinance 469, 2018). The ordinance also

provides that cigarette smoking, selling and distribution are strictly prohibited in the

premises of schools, hospitals, clinics, hotels, parks, and sidewalks. Selling of

cigarettes to minors is strictly prohibited. This, however, is not enough guarantee

that the problem has been addressed unless the said ordinance is properly

implemented, that the concerned individuals are fully aware of its implementation,

and that they are supportive of its implementation. (Politiko, 2018)

The researchers, then, would like to gain insights about the awareness of

the public in the implementation of Anti-Smoking Policy in Zamboanga City. It is

on this parameter that the researchers intend to embark on this research endeavor.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to find out the level of awareness of the residents on

anti-smoking ordinance in Zamboanga City during the year 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of resident in terms of:

1.1 age
1.2 ethnicity

1.3 sex

1.4 religion

2.What is the level of awareness of the residents on city anti-smoking


3.Does the profile of the residents significantly affect the awareness level of the

residents on anti-smoking ordinance?

Significance of the study

This study would benefit to the following:

City Council. This research could help to be aware on anti-smoking

ordinance on the others employees of the city council.

Barangay Officials. This study could give the barangay knowledge about

the anti-smoking ordinance and also give more information that they can share in

their residents to spread awareness.

City Health. This study could help the city health to spread the awareness

on anti-smoking ordinance by showing the effects of smoking in human body.

Academe. This research would provide knowledge and awareness to the

academe about anti-smoking ordinance.

Researchers. This study provides data or information to the other

researchers that also studying about the awareness on anti-smoking ordinance.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses on the awareness on Anti-Smoking Ordinance of the

residents. This study will be conducted in barangay Tetuan, Zamboanga City. This

study will only reflect the Awareness on Anti-Smoking Ordinance of the residents

in Zamboanga City.

The respondents are the residents of barangay Tetuan who are students,

teachers, drivers, and businessmen.



This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which are

taken from the articles and studies relevant to the present study. The conceptual

and theoretical framework along with operational definition of variables are also


Related Literature

Cigarette smoking is the inhalation and exhalation of the fumes of burning

tobacco. Smoke from the average cigarette contains around 4,000 chemicals.

(Ursulom, 2015) Daily smoker smoke cigarettes to maintain nicotine levels in the

brain, primary to avoid negative effects of nicotine withdrawal, but also to modulate

mood. About 17.3 million Filipino adults aged 18 years and older are current

tobacco smokers (Global Adult Tobacco). Regular smokers exhibit higher and

lower levels of stress and arousal, respectively, than non-smokers, as well as

higher impulsivity and neuroticism trait values (Bergen, 2009)

Zamboanga City Ordinance No. 413, enacted in June 2013, otherwise

known as the “Smoking Regulation Ordinance of 2013” intended for the launching

of the extensive information drive on the said ordinance on April 7, 2014. (Pinay,


The aforementioned ordinance provides for the establishment of smoke-

free environment in public and enclosed places. This Executive Order invoked the
Clean Air Act of 1999 and the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 to impose a

nationwide ban on smoking in all public places in the Philippines. The ban

replicates on a national level an existing ordinance in Davao City that Duterte

created as mayor in 2002. (Marcelo, 2017)

Similarly, the City Council of Baguio approved on first reading a proposed

ordinance repealing Sections 5k and 5m of Ordinance No. 34 series of 2011 and

requiring all persons or establishments selling tobacco products, either by pack or

by stick, as well as electronic nicotine delivery systems, to put graphic health

warning posters or image containing the many health harms caused by tobacco

use in all points of sale. (Dexter, 2017)

The law also provides that cigarette smoking, selling and distribution are

strictly prohibited in the premises of school, hospitals clinics, hotels, park and

sidewalk. Selling of cigarette to minors is strictly prohibited (Politiko, 2018)

Add more literature

Related Studies

Gbenga & Olalere (2014) determined the awareness and attitude towards

the Osun state prohibition of smoking in public places law. The descriptive cross-

sectional study design which involved 520 respondents recruited using a

convenience sampling method. Interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire

covering their smoking pattern, awareness and attitude towards the law of

prohibition of smoking in public places in Osun State was used. The data were

analyzed using descriptive and chi-square statistics. The findings indicated that
38% were aware of the law while none had seen the document. Fifty -ix percent

felt cigarette smoking is a problem that required the law to be implemented, while

only 20% agreed that the law will stop tobacco use. The radio (58%), bill boards

(45%) and newspapers (44%) were the major sources of awareness of the law.

The perception of risk posed to the public and family health by cigarette smoking

was poor among the participants. There is poor awareness and attitude to the law

of prohibition of smoking in public places in Osun State.

Melike, Gulistan, Fikri, Cem, Halide, Derya, Mahsuk, Sureyya & Velat (2015)

determine the factors affecting the smoking habits of high school students, their

thoughts about changes resulting from anti-smoking laws, and how they are

affected by those laws. In this cross-sectional study, 11th-grade students at eight

high schools in Ankara, Turkey, were invited to complete a questionnaire. A total

of 1,199 students completed the questionnaire satisfactorily. The mean age of

the respondents was 17.0  0.6 years; 56.1% were female, of whom 15.3% were

smokers; and 43.9% were male, of whom 43.7% were smokers (p < 0.001). The

independent risk factors for smoking were male gender, attending a vocational

school, having a sibling who smokes, having a friend who smokes, and poor

academic performance. Of the respondents, 74.7% were aware of the content of

anti-smoking laws; 81.8% approved of the restrictions and fines; and 8.1% had

quit smoking because of those laws. According to the respondents, the

interventions that were most effective were the (television) broadcast of films

about the hazards of smoking and the ban on cigarette sales to minors. The

prevalence of smoking was highest (31.5%) among students attending vocational

high schools but lowest (7.5%) among those attending medical vocational high

schools. Although 57.1% of the smokers were aware of the existence of a

smoking cessation helpline, only 3.7% had called, none of whom had made any

attempt to quit smoking.

Shibata et al. (1990) conducted a study to provide baseline data for anti-

smoking educational program. Nineteen public senior high schools in prefecture

in Kyushu, Japan, participated in the study. In July 1982, unsigned self-

administrated questionnaires on smoking habits were answered by 4689

students; 3088 males and 1601 females, during the homeroom under the

supervision of their class teacher. The proportion of students who admitted that

they had smoked cigarettes was 45.9% for males and 18.2 for females and

78.1% at the ordinary schools. Eleven to twenty percent of male students had in

Osun State. It is necessary to increase sensitization of the general public and

enforcement of the law.

Theoretical Framework

This study is based on Moore, Fitz and Kaufman (2012) incremental Lay

theory of smoking which entails the belief that smoking behavior can change. An

entity theory entails the belief that smoking behavior cannot change.

Undergraduate nonsmokers and smokers completed a survey that assessed lay

theories of smoking and smoking expectations. Result demonstrated that lay

theories of smoking were differentially associated with smoking expectations for

nonsmokers and smokers: stronger incremental beliefs were associated with

greater expectations of trying smoking for nonsmokers but lower expectations of

becoming a regular smoker for smokers.

Cervone (2014) tried to test the social-cognitive theory of personality and

smoking. The model specifies cognitive structures and processes that underlie

individual differences in people's ability to self-regulate their behavior when

attempting to refrain from smoking. The work addresses a major gap in knowledge

in the study of addictive processes, namely, knowledge of how to identify

individuating personality factors that predict rates of smoking and cessation. Both

explore relations among three cognitive elements: 1) knowledge structures

concerning the self, or self-schemas; 2) situational beliefs about the relevance of

schematic attributes to everyday social contexts; and appraisals of one's capability

to cope with smoking urges in these contexts, or self-efficacy appraisals. The

model predicts that schematic knowledge structures and situational beliefs

underlie individual differences in self-efficacy, where those individual differences

should manifest themselves as broad, yet contextualized, patterns of high versus

low self-efficacy belief. Two laboratory studies, in which college-aged current

smokers are to participate, test these predictions. In the first, the cognitive

personality factors are assessed as individual difference variables. In the second,

they are manipulated experimentally.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the independent variable, that is, the profile of residents

which constitutes age, sex, ethnicity and religion. The dependent variable is the

awareness on Anti-smoking Ordinance in Zamboanga City. This study attempts to

find out the influence of the profile to the awareness of the residents in Zamboanga

City on Anti-smoking Ordinance.

Profile of the
Residents in
Zamboanga City Awareness on Anti-
Smoking Ordinance in
 Age Zamboanga City
 Sex
 Ethnicity
 Religion

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study


This study hypothesizes that the profile of the residents, such as, age, sex,

ethnicity and religion, does not significantly affect their awareness on Anti-Smoking

Operational Definition of Variables

To have a better understanding of this study, the following variables are

operationally defined:

A. Independent Variable

Age. It is the chronological years a person has lived or existed classified

into 19 and below, 20-30, 31-40, and 41 and above.

Sex. It refers to the classification of the respondents as to male and female.

Ethnicity. It refers to the classification of the groups such as Tagalog,

Zamboangueño, Bisaya, Tausug and others.

Religion. It refers to the classification of respondent such as Roman

Catholic, Islam, Protestant and others.

B. Dependent Variable

Awareness. It refers to perceptions or opinions of the residents of the

Zamboanga City on Anti-Smoking Ordinance.



This chapter presents the methods that were used in the study. It also

described the settings and population of the study, the instrument used, the validity

and reliability of the study, and the procedure of data gathering and the statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design

The research is a survey quantitative research study which attempts to

determine the level of awareness on anti-smoking ordinances in Zamboanga City.

According to Jackson (011) the essence of survey method can be explained

as questioning individuals on a topic and then describing their responses. Survey

involves the collection of data that gathers information from the respondents. The

researchers will be collecting the data from the respondents and analyze it.

Cite authorities

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in Barangay Tetuan, Zamboanga City. This

Barangay is chosen to be field of study because It provides convenience to the

researchers. The populations census of the said Barangay is 29,785 (PSA, 2015).
Table 1. Respondents of the study

Sectors N %

Drivers 25 25

Teachers 25 25

Students 25 25

Businessmen 25 25

Total 100 100

Research Instrument

This study will employ the researcher-made instrument. Part I solicits data

of the respondents, such as, sex, age, and ethnicity.

Part II is a 5 – point Likert scale on the awareness of the respondents on

anti-smoking in Zamboanga City. It has ten statements numbered and described

5- strongly agree, 4- agree, 3- undecided, 2- strongly disagree, 1- disagree.

Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument

The survey questionnaire will be developed by the researchers based on

the research problems and related literature. To validate the research instrument,

this will be referred to the adviser for comments and suggestions. Then this will be
forwarded to the panel of experts who evaluate the items in terms of relevance,

suitability and appropriateness. The suggestions of the panel will be incorporated

in the final draft.

For the reliability of the research instrument, 25 copies of the questionnaires

will be fielded to the different sectors who are non-respondents. The responses

obtained from them will be encoded and computed using the Cronbach Alpha.

Data Gathering Procedure

For the data gathering procedure, the researchers will seek for permission

from the Barangay officials in order to conduct a proper survey in Barangay

Tetuan, Zamboanga City. Upon approval, the researchers will conduct a survey to

the respondents of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In order to facilitate the analysis of data, the following statistical tools using

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) will be employed.

Frequency and Percentage. These measures will be used to determine

the proportion of the respondents in relation to the sample when categorized to

Weighted Mean. This measure will be used to determine the level of

awareness of the respondents on the awareness on anti-smoking in Zamboanga


Multiple Regression Analysis. This measure will be used to determine

how sex, age, and ethnicity of the respondents will significantly affect the level of

awareness of the respondents on on anti-smoking ordinance.


Samuel, O., Gbenga, E. A., & Olalere, G. (2014). Awareness and attitude to the
law banning smoking in public places in Osun State, Nigeria

Melike, Gulistan, Fikri, Cem, Halide, Derya, Mahsuk, Sureyya & Velat (2015),
The impact of anti-smoking laws on high school students in Ankara, Turkey, J.
bras. pneumol. vol.41 no.6 São Paulo Nov./Dec. 2015
Cervone, Daniel(2004). A Social Cognitive Theory of Personality and Smoking

Dexter, A,. S(2017). The City Government of Bagiuo

Bobashev, G., Holloway, J., Solano, E., Gutkin, B. (2017). A Crontol Theory Model
of Smoking

Shibata A. et al. Karume Med J. 1990, Smoking habit among senior high school
students and related factors.

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