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Scenario: A factory has been partially destroyed by a fire, however some of the

equipment and resources were left unharmed. The factory workers needed to relocate to a
new area, and had to find a way to transport the remaining equipment and resources. The
boss introduced a challenge to the workers - as the resources were quite heavy, and there
were only a few workers available for the move, they had to transport it in a way which
would require minimal physical labour (lifting, carrying). You have been given the job to
design a device which will be able to make the workers’ jobs easier to transport the

The requirements for this task are:

 Create a device to transport either a solid, liquid, or both, from one place to another.

 Can use any recycled materials e.g. soft drink bottle, pop-sticks, newspaper, cereal

 The device must transfer the matter at least 30 cm in distance (but no longer than

 Some examples may include: conveyor belt, ramp.

Extension Task:
A gas has entered a room of the factory and has been sealed shut until it can be extracted. Create a
device that transfers it from the open room to another container to be released in a safe area.

Think about the properties of solids, liquids and gases, decide what materials/device would be best
suited to be able to transport them effectively.
For example, what materials hold a liquid, what materials do not?

You will have:
1 lesson to draw and plan a design.
2 lessons to construct.
1 lesson to write about your design. Answer the following:
- What did you make?
- What materials is it designed to transport?
- Why did you chose those materials? What makes them suitable for your chosen
- How does it work?
- What would you change about it?

1 lesson to present your design- When presenting you must answer the questions you wrote
about in the previous lesson

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