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“Insurgent” is a motion picture from a science fiction and a young adult

novel by famous American writer Veronica Roth. It is the second book of the
Divergent trilogy. The title “Insurgent” as defined by Merriam-Webster is a person
who fights against an established government or authority. The most significant
theme in this movie is the conflict between freedom and control, expressed as
the conflict between Erudite's control over the minds and behaviour of the
population versus the Divergent mentality that seeks freedom and choice outside
the boundaries of the factions.
The movie delineates somehow the life of our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal,
as he fought against the Spaniard colonizers. The government system that time
is similar with the system in “Insurgent”. Spaniards considered Filipinos as
inferior, simple-minded and are followers of their words. Spaniards is like
Jeanine, leader of Erudite and the one who has jurisdiction over their city
meanwhile; Dr. Jose Rizal is like Beatrice Prior, the divergent who fight against
the rotten system made by erudite. Rizal possesses the five factions as Beatrice
does; Selfless, Intelligent, Brave, Peaceful and lastly, Honest. Dr. Jose Rizal was
antagonistic towards the government system. He fought through the use of pen
and words to raise his stand for the betterment of the country. He wrote several
novels that served as mind-opener to the Filipinos. Just like what Tris does when
she open the box and unveil its message and spread it all over the city.
In the end the victory remains to the reformist, though Dr. Jose Rizal died
at a young age, he still known for being the brain of so many great things that still
being recognized up to these days by the generations that passed and the future
to come. He was hailed as hero by the masses just like what happened to Tris
Prior after she succeed, the only difference was Prior continued to lead her
people together with Tobias Eaton, who happens to be her partner not just in
empowering the people but also her partner in life.
The people relied on both known Heroes, to fight for their rights that are
being deprived by the government, just like what has said in the movie “Mankind
wait for you with hope beyond the wall.”

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