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Content Area: Chemistry     

Grade Level: 10​th​/11​th Title of Scale: Cosmic Chemistry 

Prioritized Standards:   
HS PS 1-8​ Develop models to illustrate the changes in the composition of the nucleus of the 
atom and the energy released during the processes of fission, fusion, and radioactive decay. 
HS ESS 1-1​ D
​ evelop a model based on evidence to illustrate the life span of the sun and the 
role of nuclear fusion in the sun’s core to release energy in the form of radiation. 

The C
​ omplex Content 
Demonstrations of learning that go above and beyond the target content expectations 
​ or example​, the student will: 
o​ U
​ se model to predict and explain other stellar life cycle phenomenon such as stellar death, 

generation of larger elements, how scientists predict the age of stars. 

The T
​ arget Content 
The expectations for all learners 
The student will: 
o​ D ​ evelop and use a model to explain changes in the composition of the nucleus and energy 

released during the processes of fission, fusion and radioactive decay.   

o​ I​ llustrate the energy transfer mechanisms that allow energy from nuclear fusion in the sun’s 
core to reach Earth. 
o​ C ​ ommunicate scientific ideas about the way stars over their life cycle, produce elements. 

The ​Simple Content 

Foundational knowledge, simpler procedures, isolated details, vocabulary 
The student will recognize or recall specific vocabulary, such as: 
o​ S
​ ubatomic particles, fission, fusion, radioactive decay, half-life, nuclear transformation, 

radiation, nucleosynthesis. 
The student will perform basic processes such as: 
o​ D​ escribe the processes of fission and fusion. 

o​ D ​ escribe the processes of alpha, beta, and gamma radioactive decay. 

o​ D ​ escribe how a star’s radiation varies over the lifespan of the star. 

o​ D ​ escribe how the process of nuclear fusion in the sun’s core creates energy. 

o​ D ​ escribe how energy from the sun reaches Earth. 

Beginning Understanding 
With help, the student can perform some of the simple and target content expectations 

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