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10/8/2019 Filing of Income Tax Return (for Individuals) having income from salary and other sources, where

es, where salary is more than 50% of total in…

Filing of Income Tax Return (for

Individuals) having income from salary
and other sources, where salary is more
than 50% of total income
 Print This Post
Posted on November 23, 2018 | No comments

Login to Iris Web Portal Table of Contents 

1. Login to Iris Web Portal
1. Open the FBR Iris portal
2. Open Income Tax Return Declaration form
3. Fill Income Tax Return Form
following screen will be displayed:
3.1. Employment Details
3.2. Other Sources
3.3. Adjustable Tax
3.4. Computations
3.5. Net Assets
4. Attach Payment (if required)
5. Verify Income Tax Return Form
6. Submit Income Tax Return
7. Print Income Tax Return
8. Saving Income Tax Return

1. Enter your Registration No. / CNIC in  “Registration No.” eld

2. Enter your Password (received on email while registration)
3. Click the Login button. 1/9
10/8/2019 Filing of Income Tax Return (for Individuals) having income from salary and other sources, where salary is more than 50% of total in…

4. After successful login, Iris Dashboard Screen shall appear:

Open Income Tax Return Declaration form

1. Click Declaration tab on the top left section of the Mega Menu available on Iris

2. In Declaration tab, under Forms section, select “114(1) (Return of Income for a person
deriving income only from salary and other sources where salary is more than 50% of
income)”  as shown in the picture below: 

3. Following screen shall appear

4. Click on Period button.

5. Following dialogue shall appear. 2/9
10/8/2019 Filing of Income Tax Return (for Individuals) having income from salary and other sources, where salary is more than 50% of total in…

6. Enter the relevant tax period for which you want to le the declaration i.e.“2018” in Tax
Period  eld and click on search  icon.
7. Click Select against the available tax period.
8. System shall open the Income Tax Return declaration form, you can enter the relevant
information in input elds.

Fill Income Tax Return Form

Employment Details
1. Click Salary option under the Employment menu.
2. Enter your annual income in lieu of salary in Total Amount  eld.
3. In case your salary includes amount that is exempted from tax, mentioned that amount in
the “Amount Exempt from Tax” eld.
4. Click on Calculate button on the top right corner of the form.

Other Sources
1. If you have income from any other sources, click Other Sources menu.
2. Click Receipts / Deductions option under the Other Sources menu as shown below: 3/9
10/8/2019 Filing of Income Tax Return (for Individuals) having income from salary and other sources, where salary is more than 50% of total in…

3. Enter your amount of receipts or deductions against the relevant eld under Total
Amount column.
4. Click on Calculate button on the top right corner of the form.

Adjustable Tax
On Adjustable Tax screen you may ll the details of the taxes that have been already
deducted/charged to you during the tax year.

1. Navigate and expand Tax Chargeable / Payments menu and then click on Adjustable Tax.
You’ll see the following screen. 

2. Enter the amount of tax deducted from your salary during the tax year.
For federal government employee, enter tax amount against code 64020001.
For provincial government employee, enter tax amount against 64020002.
For corporate sector employee, enter tax amount against 64020003.
For other employees, enter tax amount against 64020004.
3. In case you want to adjust the tax deducted by your bank on these sections:
Withdrawing cash from bank against 64100101,
Certain banking transaction against 64100201,
Banking transactions otherwise than through cash against 64151501 in investment
1. Click on  icon.
2. A dialogue shall appear asking for relevant details as shown below. 4/9
10/8/2019 Filing of Income Tax Return (for Individuals) having income from salary and other sources, where salary is more than 50% of total in…

3. Enter your account number or IBAN number in the Investment eld.

4. Enter details e.g. Account Type, Bank, Branch in the Contents eld and click OK.
5. The entered details will appear under Cash withdrawal section as a child entry as
shown below: 

6. Enter the “Total Receipt / Value” and “Tax Deducted / Collected” against newly added
7. In case you want to delete this row, click on  icon.
8. To add multiple rows in this section, click on   icon.
4. In case you want to adjust the tax deducted on following sections:
For motor vehicle registration fee, enter amount against 64100301,
For motor vehicle transfer fee, enter amount against 64100302,
For motor vehicle sale, enter amount against 64100303,
For motor vehicle leasing, enter amount against 64100304 in vehicle dialogue.
1. Click on   icon.
2. A dialogue shall appear asking for vehicle details as shown below:

3. Enter E&TD Registration No. in Vehicle eld.

4. Provide further details in Content eld and click OK button.
5. The entered details will appear as a child entry as shown below: 

6. Enter the “Total Receipt / Value” and “Tax Deducted / Collected” against newly added
7. In case you want to delete this row, click on  icon. 5/9
10/8/2019 Filing of Income Tax Return (for Individuals) having income from salary and other sources, where salary is more than 50% of total in…

8. To add multiple rows in this section, click on   icon.

5. After you have entered all information, click on Calculate button on the right top corner of
the form.

The computations screen displays the calculations of the details that you have ll in the

1. Under Tax Chargeable / Payments menu click on Computations. You’ll see the following

2. On this screen you will get all computed details of your income and chargeable tax.
3. Here, you must check Admitted Income Tax, Demanded Income Tax details beside codes
9203, and 9204.
1. If Demanded Income Tax and Admitted Income Tax value is empty then you may
proceed to next section “Net Assets”.
2. In case you have a certain amount mentioned in the demanded Income Tax eld, then
you must pay it and attach relevant CPR.

Net Assets
1. Click Personal Assets / Liabilities / Receipts / Expenses menu to provide information about
assets displayed at the left menu of the screen.
2. Click Net Assets option under the Personal Assets / Liabilities / Receipts / Expenses menu.
You’ll see the following screen: 

3. Enter total amount for previous year net assets under Amount code against 703002.
4. Enter total amount for current year net assets under Amount code against 703001.
5. Enter your total amount of annual Income in the In ows eld against 7049.
6. Enter your total amount of expenditure in the Out ow eld against 7099. 6/9
10/8/2019 Filing of Income Tax Return (for Individuals) having income from salary and other sources, where salary is more than 50% of total in…

7. Click “Calculate” button

8. “Unreconciled Amount” against code 703000 must be ZERO before submission of Income
Tax Return.

Attach Payment (if required)

Once you have paid the demanded tax charges (if applicable) through either of the options
mentioned below,

1. Payment through ADC (Alternative Delivery Channel). For details visit: How to pay taxes
through ADC (Alternative Delivery Channel) – Tax Payment through Internet / ATM /
2. Payment through Cash (visit any authorized branch of NBP/SBP).

You can now submit payment details with your Return by following the below mentioned

1. Click on the Payment tab from the top left corner of the form, and a screen shall appear
as shown below: 

2. Click on   icon from the top right corner of the payment grid.
3. A dialogue shall appear asking for payment details as shown below: 

4. Enter CPR No., Amount Code or Paid Amount in the eld and click on search  icon.
5. List of details of submitted payment will appear, select relevant payment option by
clicking “Select” button under Action column.
6. Click “OK” button to save.

Verify Income Tax Return Form

Once you have added and calculated all required elds, you shall now verify your identity.

1. Click on the Veri cation tab and following screen shall appear: 

2. Your name and registration name shall automatically be populated, if not enter accurate
details. 7/9
10/8/2019 Filing of Income Tax Return (for Individuals) having income from salary and other sources, where salary is more than 50% of total in…

3. Enter your 4 digit veri cation pin that has been given to you at the time of registration
and click on Verify Pin button.

Submit Income Tax Return

Once you are satis ed with your provided details, you can now le your Income Tax Return
by clicking on the Submit button on the top left corner of the page. 

Print Income Tax Return

You may print your Income Tax Return form by clicking on the Print button at any stage. 

Saving Income Tax Return

If you are not yet ready to submit correspondence, then you may like to save Draft version
for later submission. You can do so by clicking on the Save button on the top left corner of
the page. 

Editing / Changing Saved Income Tax Return

In order to view or change Draft income tax return, follow the below mentioned steps:

1. On Iris dashboard, click on Draft folder from the left menu and select Declaration as
shown below: 

2. A screen shall appear will all the drafted tasks against Declaration. Select relevant 114(1)
(Return of Income for a person deriving income only from salary and other sources where
salary is more than 50% of income) form from right grid of the screen, the selected record 8/9
10/8/2019 Filing of Income Tax Return (for Individuals) having income from salary and other sources, where salary is more than 50% of total in…

will be highlighted as shown in the screen: 

3. Click on Edit button on the top left corner.  The form will appear on screen with previous
added details if any.
4. Click relevant tab in which information needs to be edited.
5. Select appropriate option from left menu to make changes into existing Income Tax

Category: How to, Income Tax, Iris, Return Filing

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