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Test :1
Filière : TSD 1A Module : Communication en Anglais
Niveau : TS Durée : 1 HEURE
Etablissement : ISTA NTIC Guelmim Mode de formation : Résidentiel
Epreuve : Théorique Barème/20

2 Pts
1- What are the main types of communication?

1 Pts
2- What is an "Intra-personal communication"?

3- Dialogue Exercise 4 Pts

You (Aggressive style)

You want your friend to do your homework for you, and you enforce her to do that.
Your friend (Submissive style)
she will hesitate first but accept finally because she has no power to face you.

4- Write down the styles of communication and put in front of each if it is "positive", 2 Pts
"negative" or "neutral".

5- Give three examples of distractions or noise. 2 Pts

6- Why "Listening" is so important? 1 Pts

7- What is the difference between listening and hearing?

1,5 Pts

8- What are the barriers to an effective listening?

2 Pts

9- Give two types of listening.

1,5 Pts

10- Write a paragraph about the importance of "communication principles" to a secretary,

and how her knowledge of these principles makes her succeed in her career. 3 Pts


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