7 Day General Motors Diet Plan For Weight Loss

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7 Day General Motors Diet Plan for Weight Loss


General Motors Corporation has developed a diet plan, GM Diet plan, whose aim is to
help the employees achieve success with their weight loss goals. GM Corporation hopes
that through this program, its employees would remain healthy and stay in shape.

The diet encourages employees to limit their options to specific types of foods. The foods
in question are those rich in the right amounts of proteins that the human body requires
for daily survival.

The diet plan has increased in popularity worldwide. The program helps with the loss of
between 15 lbs and 17 lbs in 7 days. This fast-paced program has a specific diet plan for
each day of the week.

Table of Contents

The 7 Day General Motors Diet Plan For Weight Loss Tips:

The 7 Day General Motors Diet Plan For Weight Loss Tips:

Day 1 (General Motors Diet Plan)

Breakfast is the most important meal on the first day of the diet plan. Breakfast that
includes some papaya and watermelons would be sufficient for the first day.

Take these fruits with some water, where a glass or two would suffice. Watermelons and
papaya make one full. Watermelons and papaya are pleasant to taste. Intake of these
fruits would eliminate the craving for foods such as pasta and pizza, which would
ordinarily negate the weight loss results.

Watermelons and apples are excellent for lunch. Any type of watery fruit would be fine
for lunch. Lunch should last from 12noon to around 1.30 pm.

People who want a full stomach should consider taking a bowl of apples. Alternatively, a
couple of cups of watermelons would also leave the stomach feeling full. Mangoes and
kiwis would also be excellent choices.

Dinner that comprises oranges, kiwis and melons are highly advisable. Accompany these
with someone to two glasses of water. To avoid having a cramped stomach late in the
night, take a half-a-bowl of the melons.

This is because of the fact that the melons lead to a full stomach much faster, which
would result in cramping. For those who love beverages, water would suffice on Day 1.
Coconut water and fresh orange juice would be excellent for midday snacks.

Day 2 (General Motors Diet Plan)

On Day 2, GM Diet encourages the consumption of vegetables. None of the vegetables
eaten on Day 2 is unadvisable. Vegetables ensure that the body has enough amounts of
fiber. Vegetables are very helpful in the regulation of the body’s sugar content. The light-
headedness that a person feels on Day 1 due to the consumption of too many fruits is
non-existent on Day 2.

For breakfast, consider eating a huge baked potato. Apply some pat of butter on the
potato before eating. Ensure that the stomach is full as a way of increasing the energy
levels for what might be a very tough day.

For people within the tropical countries, replacing the regular potatoes with some sweet
potatoes or cassavas would be fine. However, more than anything else, avoid using sugar
when taking breakfast.

At lunch, consume light foods. Avoid heavy foods as much as possible. Some of the light
foods that would suffice for lunch include cabbages, cucumber, and lettuce.

All types of vegetable salads would be excellent for lunch. Dress the salads with olive oil
or vinaigrette. However, try avoiding the use of mayonnaise as much as possible when
dressing the vegetable salads to be taken during lunchtime.

Fresh greens are the best for dinner on the second day. Here, cucumber, lettuce,
cabbages, asparagus, and broccoli would be the best choices.

For people who desire to try something different, boiled beets would also be just as
effective for dinner. Any person who does not desire to have a full stomach at dinner
should avoid the boiled beets. For snacks and beverages, consider fresh lettuce or boiled
cabbages, or any other type of a leafy vegetable. General motors diet plan.

Day 3 (General Motors Diet Plan)

Day 3 is all about mixing up the diet plans from Day 1 and Day 2. Here, every person is
free to mix fruits and vegetables in any manner he deems fit and consume it all up.
However, just as in Day 1, the intake of Bananas remains prohibited.

Start the day with an apple. This is for any person who needs a light breakfast. However,
for people in need of a full stomach and more energy, breakfast should comprise a few
servings of watermelons.

Do not eat the melons alone, but supplement them with some 2 glasses of water as a
way of improving digestion.

Just as on Day 2, consume some light foods. Prepare some salads mainly comprising
lettuce and cucumber. Add some tomatoes to the salads. Dress the salads in some
vinaigrette and olive oil.

Boiled vegetables are great for dinner on Day 3. Follow these up with some fruit desserts,
which would be perfect if restricted to watermelons alone. Consuming a healthy
combination of various fruits, fresh greens, and tomatoes throughout the day would be a
very good option for midday snacks.

Make fresh juices from lemons, oranges, and berries and take them as midday snacks.
Fresh juices are excellent, but avoid over-consumption as this could lead to bloating.
However, avoid taking fruit juices at this early stage. General motors diet plan.

Day 4 (General Motors Diet Plan)

What sets Day from the previous three days is the fact that one is allowed to eat
bananas. This is mainly because of the cleansing that has taken place in the body during
the first three days. The intake of bananas allows the body to receive the sodium and
potassium that it had lacked in the previous three days. The highlights of Day 3 include
taking bananas, milk, and vegetable soups.

To start the fourth day, take breakfast that comprises of some warm milk and bananas.
A single banana would do, accompanied by one glass of warm milk. Many people are
very creative and prefer slicing a few bananas into a bowl of warm milk. By the fourth
day, do not be afraid to consume skim milk throughout the day. Full milk might be too
heavy on the stomach.
Vegetable soup is sufficient for lunch on the fourth day. Mix some spices and herbs with
the vegetable soup. The cabbage stew and tomato soup are just but two of the best
vegetable soups that any person following the GM Diet plan can follow up during
lunchtime. This is because the two are full of natural flavors that the taste buds would
find very appealing.

For dinner, take some banana shake and vegetable soup. At night, especially later in the
night, the body might struggle to handle the mix of vegetable soup and banana shake.

Therefore, consider removing the shake from dinner. The vegetable soup is sufficient in
keeping the stomach full until the following morning.

For those who love midday snacks, bananas and milkshakes would be a fine choice.
Serve the milkshakes or banana shakes cold, although this might depend on the
prevailing weather. The midday snacks are naturally tasty and very popular as part of
conventional beverages. General motors diet plan.

Day 5 (General Motors Diet Plan)

While the diet for the previous four days might not have taken the taste buds by storm,
the Day 5 GM diet plan is guaranteed to achieve this goal. This is because the plan for
Day 5 sees the introduction of beef and tomatoes into the diet. On the fifth day, eat
nothing else except beef and tomatoes. The plan is all about restoring strength to the
muscles and body in entirety due to the consumption of beef, which is rich in proteins.
Substituting beef with chicken or eggs is fine.

Intake of tomato soup and braised beef for breakfast would fill the stomach and leave
one feeling energetic for the remainder of the day. The braised beef provides the body
with not only proteins but also fiber and iron. On the other hand, tomato soup provides
the body with the energy it needs for the rest of the day.

For lunch, look for some tomatoes and mix them with hamburger before eating. Baking
the hamburger is fine, but do not bake it in too much fat. Frying the hamburger is also
fine, but only if the amount of fat is restricted. This is because the hamburger already
contains enough fat of its own. Drink enough water as a way of flushing out the excess
urine naturally.

Eating an extra hamburger for dinner would be a good way to end Day 5. However, some
experts believe that an intake of tomatoes and beef soup would be a fine way of adding
some energy to the body in preparation for the following day. Soup is also very effective
in supplementing any water that was lost during the course of the day.

Finally, avoid taking fruit juice or any other beverage on Day 5. The only permissible
liquid or beverage for the fifth day is water. This is because water is very effective in
flushing out any excesses that the body might still contain. Do not consider the intake of

14 glasses of water as being too excessive. The body needs all this water. General motors
diet plan.

Day 6 (General Motors Diet Plan)

By Day 6, the body should be lighter than before. Not only that but also the body should
be much fresher. By the sixth day, do not feel guilty about eating beef and accompanying
it with a wide range of vegetables. By the sixth day, the body should have shed off
around 4kgs of its weight. The skin shall also be glowing more than it has ever done.

Take some mixed vegetables for breakfast. Stewing or sautéing the mixed vegetable is a
matter of personal preference. Stewing or sautéing the vegetables ensures that they are
tender to taste and bite.

A bowl of the stewed or sautéed vegetables is adequate for breakfast. Look for some
beef cutlets and take them together with the stewed or sautéed vegetables for optimal
results, and as a way of satiating the stomach for the rest of the day.

Any mixture of vegetables and meat would suffice for lunch on the sixth day of the GM
Diet program. Any meal for lunch should be prepared Asian-style. This is because Asian-
styled cooking is perfect for beef and vegetables. For Westerners, beef with some

broccoli would be an excellent choice for lunch. Despite the strong temptation to take all
these with some bread or potatoes, do not give in lest the goal of GM Diet program
becomes impossible to achieve.

The best meal for Day 6 dinner is a hamburger taken with some vegetable soup. Once
again, do not take this with bread. Avoid bread and potatoes.

Hamburger with vegetable soup would be perfect for somebody who has gone through a
very tiresome day. Vegetable soup is the best at replenishing the lost energy and lighting
up all the dulled senses. Consuming the beef ensures that the body is able to regain the
fiber, iron, and proteins that it lost.

Vegetables and beef would be an excellent choice for any person who desires to enjoy a
few midday snacks on the sixth day. The mid-morning and early afternoons are the best
times for taking the vegetables. This ensures that the appetite remains at containable
levels, which would be great for losing all the excess weight. General motors diet plan.

Day 7 (General Motors Diet Plan)

Day 7 is all about getting ready for the next seven days. This includes stocking up on
fresh fruits. The intake of fruits throughout the entire day is allowable. Brown rice should
also feature either at breakfast or during lunch. Eat the brown rice with some broccoli,
asparagus, and cabbage. Brown rice helps feel the body with enough carbohydrates and
energy to last the entire day.

Eating brown rice for breakfast on Day 7 is highly advisable. Any person who needs a
good amount of carbohydrates and energy in his body should consume enough brown
rice in the morning.

The consumption of brown rice in the morning as part of breakfast ensures that
carbohydrates and energy levels shall not dissipate for the remainder of the day.

However, any person who does not feel attracted to the brown rice for breakfast has the
option of settling for a slice of watermelon or papaya, taken with someone or two glasses
of water.

At lunchtime, cook some vegetables and take them with brown rice. Asparagus, broccoli,
and cabbages are the perfect vegetables for cooking at lunchtime as part of the GM Diet
program for Day 7. However, many people consider such a meal very boring.

To make the meal more interesting, introduce a few slices of watermelons or mangoes.
This has the twin effect of making the meal fun and bringing a lot of satisfaction and
increased energy levels for the remainder of the day.

For the last dinner of the last day of the GM Diet program, consider some brown rice and
bowl of vegetables. However, overconsumption of brown rice would lead to a lot of
bloating. Therefore, consider removing the brown rice from the diet plan and taking
vegetables only.

Since brown rice could be too heavy for dinner, take it all down with some water. For the
last day of the program, consider taking fruits alone for midday snacks. Raisins are
perfect as mid-morning snacks. Strawberries are perfect snacks for the afternoons, and
for eating as after-dinner snacks. General motors diet plan.

Does the General Motors Diet Plan Work?

As is the case with all diet or weight loss plans, the effectiveness of the GM Diet has been
questioned repeatedly. However, all the available data indicates that the diet plan is very
effective. The loss of 4kgs in the first seven days is possible and highly achievable.


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