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A comparative study of Neutron Star structure using 3 models: Walecka Model,

PAL Model, and M.I.T. Bag Model

Article · April 2018


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7 authors, including:

Fábio Köpp Nóbrega Alex Quadros

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Universidade Federal de Pelotas


Moisés Razeira Magno Valerio Machado

Universidade Federal do Pampa Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


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A comparative study of Neutron Star structure using 3 models:
Walecka Model, PAL Model, and M.I.T. Bag Model

Fábio Kopp1 , Alex Quadros2 , Guilherme Volkmer1 , Moisés Razeira3 ,

Magno Machado1 , Dimiter Hadjimichef1 , César Augusto Zen Vasconcellos1
1 Instituto de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,

Caixa Postal 15051, CEP 91501-970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

arXiv:1804.08785v1 [nucl-th] 24 Apr 2018

2 High and Medium Energy Group, Instituto de Fı́sica e Matemática,

Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Caixa Postal 354, CEP 96010-900, Pelotas, RS, Brazil
3 Instituto de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal do Pampa,

CEP: 96570-000,Caçapava do Sul, RS, Brazil

Neutron stars are the most compact objects in nature widely used in the study of dense mat-
ter physics. In this work we investigate the structure of these stars, described by the Tolman-
Openheimer-Volkof equations, using equations of state for both symmetric nuclear matter and
quark matter. We obtain results for the mass-radius relation and then we compared ours results
with the actual pulsar data recently observed PSR J1614-2230 with a mass 1.97 ± 0.04 M .

PACS numbers: 01.40.-d, 26.60.+c, 97.10.Cv, 97.20.Rp, 97.60.Jd

I. INTRODUCTION tions (TOV) [5] for neutron stars. Then we

compare the mass obtanied with the PSR
J1614–2230 mass.
Motivated by the recent measurement of
the Shapiro delay in the radio pulsar PSR
J1614–2230 yielded a mass of 1.97 ± 0.04 M II. FORMALISM
[1], we have selected three models based on
the Equation of State (EoS) of dense mat- Assuming spin-1/2 nucleons coupled to
ter that account both nucleon and quark de- isoscalar scalar σ-meson and the isoscalar
grees of freedom, namely Walecka model [2], vector ω-meson, the EoS of Walecka model
M. Prakash, T.L. Ainsworth, and J.M. Lat- [2] is obtained from the ground state expecta-
timer model [3], and M.I.T Bag model [4], to tion value of the time and space components
solve the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov equa- of the diagonal energy-momentum tensor and
reads In the M.I.T bag model [4], the quarks up
gv2 2 m2s (u), down (d) and strange (s) are inside a bag
= 2
ρB + 2
(M − M ∗ )2 +
2mv 2gs
(1) which has a constant positive potential per
Z kF √
d3 k k 2 + M ∗2 unit of volume, the so-called Bag constant
(2π) 0
(B). The EoS for this model is
gv2 m2s
p= ρ2 − − M ∗ )2 +
2m2v B 2gs2
Z kF (2) =B +
1 γ 3 k2
d k √ X 3  
1 2

1 4

µf + kf

3 (2π)3 0 k 2 + M ∗2 2
µf kf µf − mf − mf ln
4π 2 2 2 mf
where ρB = k3
6π 2 F
is the nuclear density, u,d,s
γ = 4 is the degeneracy factor of the nu-
p = −B +
clear matter, and kF is the Fermi momem- X 1  
5 2

3 4

µf + kf

µf kf µf − mf + mf ln
tum. The meson-nucleon coupling constants 4π 2 2 2 mf
are gs and gv ; mv and ms are the masses (6)
of the mesons. The quantity, M ∗ = M − where the chemical potential is defined as
 2 R kF 3 q
gs γ M∗ µ = m2f + kf2 . For this model we will as-
ms (2π)3 0
d k √
k2 +M ∗2
, is the effective f

mass and M is the nucleon mass. sume u, d, and s quarks; and the bag constant
The PAL model [3] follows the same strat- is set to be B 1/4 = 145 MeV.
egy applied in Walecka model, since its values Before we finalize the methodology of
for the saturation point are fitted to repro- study we present the structure equations used
duce the experimental values. In this con- to calcule the masses and radii of neutron
text, the EoS is given by stars. The TOV equations for an isotropic,
general relativistic, static, ideal fluid sphere
(0) Au Buσ
 = ρ0 u mn + EF u2/3 + + +
2 1 + B 0 uσ−1 in hydrostatic equilibrium reads
2   ) dP G(r)M (r) P (r)
X Λi pF −1 pF =− 1+
3 Ci (0)
− tan , dr c2 r 2 (r)
i=1 pF Λ i Λ i −1 (7)
(3) 4πr P (r) 2GM (r)
1+ 1− ,
M (r)c2 c2 r
d dM 4πr2 (r)
− .
p = ρb (4) = , (8)
dρb dr c2
The saturation density is ρ0 = 0.16 fm−3 where c is the is the speed of light in vacuum.
and u = ρ0
with ρb = 3π 2
. The The set of differential equations is subject to
symmetry energy is defined as S = the initial conditions P (r = 0) = P0 , P (r =
22/3 − 1 53 EF u2/3 − F (u) + S0 F (u).
R) = 0; M (r = 0) = 0 and M (r = R) = M .

III. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS and finaly, M/M = 1.82, R = 10.11 km,
and ρ/ρ0 = 4.92 for M.I.T bag model. The
The EoS parameters of the three models
nuclear models presented in this work are in
discussed in the present work FIG. 1 can be
agreement with the actual observation of the
found in the following references [2–4]. In
pulsar PS1614-2230. However, the realistic
the FIG. 1a we show a comparative graph
approach must consider a hot rotating star
between the three EoS and the causal limit
with a strong magnetic field, and include all
( = p). Then we solved the TOV equa-
the baryon octet. This will be the next step
tions numerically using the 4th Order Runge-
of the present work.
Kutta method and present the results of each
TOV integration with differents EoS in the
FIG. (1b).
In sumary the stellar macroscopic prop- IV. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
erties obtained in the present work are
M/M = 2.65, R = 11.55 km, and ρ/ρ0 = We would like to thank CAPES (Coor-
2.33 for Walecka model; M/M = 2.25, R = denação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de
11.92 km, and ρ/ρ0 = 5.70 for PAL model, Nı́vel Superior) for the financial support.

[1] Demorest, P., Pennucci, T., Ransom, S., [3] M. Prakash, T. L. Ainsworth, and J. M. Lat-
Roberts, M., & Hessels, J. 2010, Nature, 467, timer, Equation of State and the Maximum
1081. Mass of Neutron Stars, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61,
[2] Serot, B.D. and Walecka, J.D. (1986) Ad- 2518.
vances in Nuclear Physics. Edited by Negele, [4] A. Chodos, R. L. Jaffe, K. Johnson, C. B.
J.W. and Vogt, E., Vol. 16, Plenum, New Thorn, and V. F. Weisskopf, Phys. Rev. D
York. 9, 3471 (1974).
[5] R. C. Tolman, Phys. Rev. 55, 364 (1939);
J. R. Oppenheimer and G. M. Volkov, Phys.
Rev. 55, 374 (1939).



p[MeV/fm3 ]




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

ϵ[MeV/fm3 ]

(a) Walecka Model, PAL Model and M.I.T.

Bag Model EoS, respectively, compared with

causal limit (dashed line).

PSR J1614-2230




6 8 10 12 14 16


(b) Numerical solution of TOV equations. The

horizontal lines represents the mass interval

observed for PSR J1614-2230.

FIG. 1: In both FIG. 1a and FIG. 1b we set

the black color to Walecka Model, red color to
PAL Model and blue color to M.I.T. Bag
Model. The black dots in the FIG. 1b
represents the maximum value reached by the
model and its density at that point.

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