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Astorga et al.

Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:449


International meeting on sarcoptic mange

in wildlife, June 2018, Blacksburg, Virginia,
Francisca Astorga1,2, Scott Carver3, Emily S. Almberg4, Giovane R. Sousa5, Kimberly Wingfield1,6,
Kevin D. Niedringhaus7, Peach Van Wick8, Luca Rossi9, Yue Xie10, Paul Cross11, Samer Angelone12,
Christian Gortázar13 and Luis E. Escobar1*

Sarcoptic mange is a globally distributed disease caused by the burrowing mite Sarcoptes scabiei, which also causes
scabies in humans. A wide and increasing number of wild mammal species are reported to be susceptible to
mange; however, the impacts of the disease in wildlife populations, mechanisms involved in its eco-epidemiological
dynamics, and risks to public and ecosystem health are still unclear. Major gaps exist concerning S. scabiei host
specificity and the mechanisms involved in the different presentations of the disease, which change between
individuals and species. Immunological responses to the mite may have a relevant role explaining these different
susceptibilities, as these affect the clinical signs, and consequently, the severity of the disease. Recently, some
studies have suggested sarcoptic mange as an emerging threat for wildlife, based on several outbreaks with
increased severity, geographical expansions, and novel wild hosts affected. Disease ecology experts convened for
the “International Meeting on Sarcoptic Mange in Wildlife” on 4–5 June 2018, hosted by the Department of Fish
and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. The meeting had a structure of (i) pre-
workshop review; (ii) presentation and discussions; and (iii) identification of priority research questions to
understand sarcoptic mange in wildlife. The workgroup concluded that research priorities should be on
determining the variation in modes of transmission for S. scabiei in wildlife, factors associated with the variation of
disease severity among species, and long-terms effects of the mange in wildlife populations. In this note we
summarize the main discussions and research gaps identified by the experts.
Keywords: Sarcoptic mange, Wildlife, Sarcoptes scabiei, Disease ecology

Background sarcoptic mange as an emerging wildlife disease in some

Sarcoptic mange is a common, highly contagious skin instances, potentially representing a threat to some wild
disease of mammals caused by the burrowing mite Sar- populations, and an established endemic disease in many
coptes scabiei [1]. Clinical signs of sarcoptic mange are other cases [3, 4]. However, the potential long-term ef-
characterized by hair loss, epidermal crusts, and pruritic fects of mange in wildlife and the causes of the devel-
dermatitis, and may be present as an acute or chronic opment of epidemic and endemic patterns are still
process. Impacts in hosts vary widely among mammal poorly understood [5].
species by factors including mite lineage and host im-
munity [1, 2]. Sarcoptic mange is still being reported in Overview of the meeting
new geographical areas, new animal species, and with new Due to the increasing reports of sarcoptic mange affect-
clinical presentations. Empirical evidence demonstrates ing wildlife around the globe (Fig. 1), a group of re-
searchers met during June 4–5, to discuss the current
* Correspondence: global situation regarding sarcoptic mange in wildlife
Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA,
USA populations. This report summarizes the main discus-
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article sions and conclusions raised during the meeting entitled
© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Astorga et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:449 Page 2 of 10

Fig. 1 Different wildlife species affected by mange. a Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) severely affected by mange (e.g. see hair loss in head, neck,
and thorax) in Europe. b Giraffe (Giraffa reticulata) found affected by mange in Africa (inset: a close up to the animal’s mouth affected by mange).
c Bare-nosed wombat (Vombatus ursinus) infected by mange in Tasmania; note the crusted lesions in the face and shoulder. d Cheetah (Acynonyx
jubatus) found infected with mange in Africa; note the loss of hair in the abdomen

“International Meeting on Sarcoptic Mange in Wildlife”, current lines of research in mange. The second day we
organized and hosted by the Department of Fish and discussed knowledge gaps and future research topics
Wildlife Conservation at the Virginia Polytechnic Insti- (Fig. 2). The presentations were sub-structured by geo-
tute and State University (Virginia Tech) and supported graphical region and research area.
by funding from the Global Change Center (N° 177219).
A total of 13 participants presented different aspects Session 1: Negative effects of parasites on wildlife
of sarcoptic mange, information on state-of-the-art re- (Moderator: Dr Paul Cross)
search and outbreaks management. Participants repre- Mange is a contagious disease with characteristic and ob-
sented academic, federal, state, and non-government vious clinical signs. Sarcoptic mange has negatively af-
institutions from four continents, providing a wide fected wildlife globally, specifically grey wolves (Canis
spectrum of approaches to the problem. The main ob- lupus lupus), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and coyotes (Canis
jectives of the meeting were to (i) generate a scoping latrans) in the USA, and red foxes in Europe. Current
study of recent advances in the understanding of mange studies and experimental data show that negative effects
in wildlife, which included discussions regarding new may be observable at the population level (e.g. reduction
host species, novel geographical areas affected, factors in population densities, removal of juveniles), or at the in-
associated with mange outbreaks, and effects of mange dividual level, such as increased heat loss. These individual
in the affected wildlife populations, among others; and impacts may produce behavioral shifts towards decreased
(ii) identify major information gaps, which included gen- movements, increased activities during warmer parts of
eration of research questions to be addressed with iden- the day, and increased food consumption, among others.
tification of their priority and feasibility. To accomplish Mange in wildlife species has a general epidemiological
these objectives, the meeting was divided into twelve pattern, characterized by an initial epizootic phase (with
sessions, preceded by two months of online discussions higher prevalence and mortality), followed by an endemic
before the meeting. The first day of the meeting con- cycle of lower prevalence and potential fade-out. The in-
sisted of logistic instructions, plenary discussions, and tensity and impact of the disease appears to vary dramatic-
the development of a scoping study [6] to map the ally among different host species.
Astorga et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:449 Page 3 of 10

Fig. 2 Workshop framework. The first component of the workshop included discussions regarding the state of knowledge of mange in wildlife,
followed by a group session to define new research lines

Research gaps identified white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and wild

boar (Sus scrofa) (Fig. 3). Studies report both endemic
 What are the drivers that result in fade out or low and epidemic conditions, with common observations of
endemicity of mange? outbreak severity peaking during winter and spring
 How do immunological, ecological, behavioral and months and with high host densities. In North America,
population differences change how mange impact there are few reports of mange in far northern latitudes
animals across a host species? and in extremely arid environments, potentially reflect-
 What are the prognostic factors for severe mange ing a lack of historic disease invasion or low susceptible
infestation at the individual, group and population host densities. Aside from these general observations, lit-
level? tle is known regarding the biogeographical patterns of
 What is the relationship between mange infestation the disease, including paths of spread, mite lineages, and
and co-infestations/infections with other parasites? environmental drivers of epidemics. In the case of west-
ern North America, geographical barriers such as Rocky
Mountains may impose an element to be considered as
Session 2: Sarcoptic mange in western North a limiting feature. However, no research has been con-
America (Moderator: Dr Emily Almberg) ducted to understand the current spatial distribution of
Reports of sarcoptic mange in peer-reviewed and gray mange across the North American continent.
literature demonstrate that the mite is widely distributed One of the earliest written reports of sarcoptic mange
across North America, with most infections reported in in North America dates to 1909, when the veterinarian
the canid family (i.e. wolves, coyotes and foxes), but also for the state of Montana in the United States
among American black bears (Ursus americanus), rac- intentionally infected up to 200 wolves and coyotes with
coons (Procyon lotor), porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum), sarcoptic mange and released them to assist with
Astorga et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:449 Page 4 of 10

Fig. 3 Coarse overview of the areas and species reported infected with mange in the northern North America. The map shows patterns of
mange distribution from scientific (black) and gray literature (blue). Silhouettes represent species where mange has been reported

predator control efforts [7]. More recently, sarcoptic  Are epidemics driven by new infections in novel/
mange has been closely studied in the Yellowstone Na- uninfested hosts, or are they the result of changes in
tional Park, Wyoming, where S. scabiei invaded the rein- host and environmental factors?
troduced wolf population in 2007 [8–10]. From these  Are there any gaps in mange distribution in wildlife
studies, we have found that wolves infected with S. sca- across North America, and if so, what is the reason
biei may undergo behavioral changes to cope with the for non-mange endemic areas?
costs of infection, including decreased movement, selec-
tion of warmer habitats, increased food consumption, as Session 3: Sarcoptic mange in eastern North
well as increased social reliance on fellow pack mem- American wildlife (Moderator: Dr Kevin D.
bers. Research has also explored the potential predictors Niedringhaus)
of sarcoptic mange severity and associated mortality. Wildlife species in eastern North America, such as the
Current studies show no associations between individual red fox, gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), coyote,
risk and severity of wolf mange infestations with pack white-tailed deer, American black bear, gray squirrel
size, age, sex, coat color. Previous infections do not ap- (Sciurus carolinensis), fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) and
pear to protect individuals from re-infection. Short-term the North American porcupine are all affected with
population declines were noted during the initial out- mange. Some species are infested specifically with S. sca-
break of mange, but long-term impacts on population biei, while others are affected by other mites from the
size and resiliency remain an understudied area. genera Notoedres, Demodex, Chorioptes, Psoroptes or
Otodectes. Although major efforts exist in sampling
white-tailed deer, there are only a few positive cases in
Research gaps identified this species, revealing the asymmetrical susceptibility
among hosts. Sarcoptic mange is emerging in many spe-
 What drives variation in mange infestation among cies globally, and in North America, mange is becoming
equally exposed individuals? more common in the American black bear. Only a few
 What factors drive the seasonality of mange severity studies have been published in this emerging system.
seen in wolf infestations? There are new tools to improve diagnoses; however,
 What is the prevalence and impact of mange in multiple skin scrapes are still considered the most sensi-
areas where there has been no focused reporting or tive test for mite identification and disease diagnosis
research efforts? [11]. Unlike mange in many other species, the highest
 Does host adaptation affect patterns of mange concentrations of mange in bears are not centered around
infestation seen in sympatric host species? urban or suburban areas [12]. Lastly, the emergence of
 When should we consider disease management or mange in bears may not be a result of a new, genetically
intervention for mange? distinct, or highly virulent mite species based on limited
 What are the drivers of mange outbreaks in wildlife? gene targets [13]. Additional research regarding mange in
Astorga et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:449 Page 5 of 10

black bears is needed to understand the sudden emer-  How does disease transmission in canids from North
gence of the disease in this previously-considered unusual America differ from disease transmission in Latin
host. American canids (social vs solitary/small family?)
 Is mange in Latin America primarily originating
Research gaps identified from wildlife and being transmitted to livestock and
other domestic animals, or vice versa?
 Is there a role for indirect transmission of mites  What role do dogs play in the transmission of
between bears via carcasses or other fomites? mange to other dogs, domestic livestock and wildlife
 How can field serology be utilized to determine in Latin America?
mange exposure in black bear populations?  Is there an intraguild transmission, a prey-predator
 Are bears only transmitting mites between transmission, or a combination of the two transmis-
themselves or are other sympatric species involved? sion pathways?
 Why are there fewer reports of sarcoptic mange in
cervids, bovids, mustelids and felids in North Session 5: Sarcoptic mange in Europe (Moderator:
America compared to other continents? Dr Christian Gortázar)
Mange in Europe is recorded in several species, and is
widespread in European carnivores, wild ruminants, wild
Session 4: Mange (Sarna) in Latin America boar and lagomorphs. However, mange only has increased
(Moderator: Dr Francisca Astorga) relevance in carnivores with regards to red fox and Arctic
While mange is common in dogs and livestock in Latin fox (Alopex lagopus). Mange seems to have an endemic
America and has been described in at least 24 wildlife cycle in most local hosts, particularly in the Iberian Penin-
species in this region, data on the disease are very sula, being a part of the natural cycles of the communities.
scarce, resulting in unknown impacts on wild popula- In the long term, wildlife populations in Europe seem to
tions. Since it occurs so often in dogs, it is currently not be able to recover and remain stable in number. This pat-
widely reported, and is not considered a notifiable dis- tern suggests that mange control in wildlife in Europe
ease [14]. Camelids are one group with more frequent should only be implemented in exceptional situations. A
reports concerning mange, as it causes economic losses relevant topic is the host-specificity of the mite: in Europe,
to small farmers (e.g. damage of leather, loss of wool, mange mites seem to affect ungulates much more as com-
mortality) [15, 16] and may represent an emerging threat pared with North America ungulates (Fig. 1). In North
to wild native camelids (e.g. Lama glama guanicoe) [17]. America, ungulates seem to be unaffected or unexposed.
There is a growing concern about mange transmission Previous studies in Europe have suggested a
between wildlife and livestock, with questions centered taxon-specificity (ungulate- and carnivore- cluster) [23];
on which species is the source of infestation. Mange has however, studies have not been conducted in the
also been suggested as the most important disease in the Americas.
native rodent capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris) in
captivity and in free-ranging populations [18]. Addition- Research gaps identified
ally, it is noted that most wild canids in Latin America
are solitary animals, or tend to live in small families,  What are the dynamics involved in the shift from
which is different from North America where canids epidemic to endemic cycle of sarcoptic mange in
occur in larger packs. However, a few outbreaks in native wildlife populations?
canids have been reported [19–21]. The source of these  How do factors such as co-infections, health condi-
outbreaks is unknown, with potential transmission from tion, and genetics influence mange infestation in
domestic dogs or from infected prey [21]. In general, wildlife?
there is a lack of information concerning sarcoptic  How can mortality due to mange be properly
mange, and grey literature such as theses or institutional assessed and differentiated from other causes of
reports may be considered as a relevant complementary death?
resource, e.g. [22].  Is sarcoptic mange a threat for biodiversity
conservation? Which species or populations should
Research gaps identified be considered for intervention?

 What is the most effective and feasible way to Session 6: Mange in Oceania (Moderator: Dr Scott
obtain more data and implement monitoring Carver)
solutions to determine how mange is impacting In Oceania, Australia is the only country in which sar-
wildlife? coptic mange seems to be a real issue in wildlife (there
Astorga et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:449 Page 6 of 10

are only two chiropteran native terrestrial mammals in associated with severity of disease within skin and
New Zealand, and mange reports were rare to tissues?
non-existent elsewhere in Oceania). Mange has been re-
ported in many native species in Australia (e.g. koalas, Session 7: Sarcoptic mange in Asia (Moderator: Dr
Phascolarctos cinereus; dingoes, Canis lupus dingo) but Yue Xie)
is known for having the greatest impacts on wombats [5, Sarcoptic mange has been reported throughout Asia in
24]. Of the three extant wombat species, the bare-nosed both wildlife and captive species. While cases have been
wombat (Vombatus ursinus, a.k.a. common wombat) is reported in Japan, China, Korea and Israel, the number
the most impacted, experiencing widespread endemic of wildlife cases has been deemed limited, with out-
disease, with sporadic disease outbreaks and localized breaks occurring in specific geographical locations. Ru-
population declines [25] (Fig. 1). The southern minants are noted as being the most prominent wildlife
hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) is also im- species infested with S. scabiei. Infested ruminants in-
pacted [26], but to a lesser extent, and S. scabiei may clude mountain gazelles (Gazella gazella), Nubian ibex
represent a major threat to the northern hairy-nosed (Capra nubiana), barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia),
wombat (L. krefftii), which is critically endangered. In elands (Taurotragus oryx), Arabian oryx (Oryx leu-
order to assess and develop wombat conservation strat- coryx), Alpine ibex (Capra ibex), blue sheep (Pseudois
egies, recent efforts have focused on individual and nayaur), tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus), gorals
population impacts of mange in wombats [25], mange (Naemorhedus goral) and serows (Capricornsis suma-
control mechanisms, molecular epidemiology of the mite traensis). Outbreaks of sarcoptic mange in raccoon dogs
[27, 28] and a comparison of diagnostic methods [29]. (Nyctereutes procyonoides) have been reported since
Individual impacts of mange in wombats include aber- 1993. Mange infestation in captive wildlife species such
rant behavior, inefficient thermoregulation and environ- as red panda (Ailurus fulgens), sika deer (Cervus nippon),
mental heat loss, and increased metabolism, all of which Chinese mountain cats (Felis bieti) and rhesus monkeys
contribute to changes in wombat foraging and resting (Macaca mulatta) have also been reported in China.
patterns [25, 30]. During disease outbreaks, recent re-
search has shown wombat population densities to be in- Research gaps identified
versely related to mange prevalence [25]. There have
also been recent experiments evaluating in-field  Why are cases of mange in wildlife in Asia deemed
population-scale mange control using topical cydectin to be few in number compared to other continents?
treatment of wombats, with the results in preparation  Is the limited number of outbreaks due to limited
for publication. Investigations into the molecular epi- reporting or surveillance data for wildlife?
demiology of S. scabiei have revealed close genetic asso-  Are there any endangered species currently
ciation between mites derived from wombats, koalas and impacted that require intervention efforts?
humans [27]. Recent work has greatly expanded the S.  What is the relationship between mange in domestic
scabiei genetic material from Australia and shows mul- species and mange cases in wildlife and/or captive
tiple circulating haplotypes in mammals across the con- wildlife species?
tinent (and globally) implicating multiple S. scabiei
invasion events to Australia, originating with European Session 8: Sarcoptes scabiei in humans: a public
settlers to the continent [31]. health perspective (Moderator: Kimberly
Domestic animals, wildlife, and humans can all be
Research gaps identified infested with the S. scabiei mite, which is termed mange
in animals or scabies in humans. Human scabies occurs
 What are the best treatment options and delivery when individuals are infested with the human mite (S.
strategies that would result in control, and scabiei var. hominis), and zoonotic scabies occurs when
ultimately, significant reduction of mange in infested with an animal host-specific variant of the mite
wombats? [32]. Human scabies is more readily transmissible be-
 How do the environmental conditions affect mange tween humans and is generally more clinically severe for
transmission? humans as compared to zoonotic scabies [33–35]. Thus,
 What factors shape the range of animal hosts treatment is required for human scabies, whereas zoo-
affected by the S. scabiei mite? notic scabies is generally transient and self-limiting [35,
 Are there differences in immune gene expression 36]. In all cases of scabies, risk of secondary infection is
between healthy wombats and those infested with increased due to disruption of the skin’s protective layer
mange, and if so, how is immune gene expression [36]. For both human scabies and zoonotic scabies,
Astorga et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:449 Page 7 of 10

clearing of the mite from the environment is key in pre- Research gaps identified
venting further transmission of the disease [35, 37].
Those with occupational hazards for S. scabiei mite in-  What is the feasibility of treating wildlife, and is it
festation (i.e. human health care workers or animal care necessary?
professionals) should take extra precautions such as  Should treatment of mange be targeted only for
donning protective clothing to prevent mite infestation. isolated or endangered populations, or should it be
Additionally, in cases of zoonotic scabies, treatment of targeted for those populations with highest
the animal for mange is a necessary step to prevent the infestation risk that could potentially spread mange
continued spread of mites to humans and to other to other species?
animals.  Should treatment of secondary issues of mange (e.g.
bacterial skin infections, emaciation) also be of
treatment focus in wildlife?
Research gaps identified
 Is vaccination an appropriate and more proactive
treatment option?
 How can proper diagnosis and determination of
 What procedures can be implemented to ensure
mite origin be improved in order to differentiate
decreased consumption risk of mange treatment
scabies from other dermatological diseases, and/or
residues in wildlife that are considered as game?
differentiate classic human scabies from zoonotic
 What considerations should be developed and
implemented to address environmental
 Is it possible for a human with zoonotic scabies to
contamination from mange treatment in wildlife?
further transmit the mite(s) to other humans or
back to another animal?
Session 10: Immunology of mange in wildlife
 What explains the variability in disease severity
(Moderator: Dr Giovane R. Sousa)
among people infected with S. scabiei?
The immune response to S. scabiei in wildlife is poorly
 What methodologies can be developed and
understood. However, a consistent pattern is that an ini-
implemented in order to increase monitoring and
tial mange infection leads to suppression of the immune
reporting of zoonotic scabies?
system possibly through mite secreted substances [38].
 What percentage of scabies cases are zoonotic in
These mite antigens might cause an anti-inflammatory
immune response and this inhibitory mechanism seems
 Which S. scabiei lineages infest humans more
to help mites to survive in the host skin and establish a
population during the early stages of the disease. Then,
there is a shift to allergic and inflammatory responses
Session 9: Treatment of mange in wildlife and symptoms of the disease are manifested [39]. Previ-
(Moderator: Dr Peach Van Wick) ous studies have shown that the response to mange dif-
Treatment for mange in wildlife is similar to that for do- fers among distinct host species. For instance, dogs,
mestic animal species (e.g. routes and options of treat- humans and rabbits acquire full immunity. Conversely,
ment); however, the feasibility of treating wildlife poses red foxes do not seem to have immune response to
certain challenges. For example, a common treatment mange due to lack of memory T-cells after initial infec-
option for mange in wildlife is the administration of two tion. Additionally, the immune response can be uneven
doses of ivermectin, approximately two weeks apart. Al- within the same species due to the sex of the animal, or
though effective, this option necessitates the animal(s) previous exposure status. Mange in American black
be held in a captive environment or re-captured in the bears has become an emerging concern and thus the hy-
field to receive the full treatment. Another consideration pothesis that mite-mediated immune response is associ-
in managing mange in wildlife is deciding if treatment ated with the pathogenesis of mange in free-ranging
should be conducted at the individual or population black bears has been investigated. In preliminary data,
level or if treatment should be pursued at all. Addition- inflammatory genes NF-kB, IFN-γ and TNF-α appear to
ally, the available treatment options for mange (i.e. aver- be upregulated in mange-infested black bears compared
mectins, milbemycins and isoxazolines) were developed to healthy black bears not infested with mange. Interest-
for the use in domestic animals or humans, not for wild- ingly, a wide variation could be observed within the S.
life. Thus, treatment options and protocols are often ex- scabiei-infested group for its expression of NF-kB and
trapolated from domestic species assuming effectiveness IFN-γ, important genes for activation of the inflamma-
in wildlife. Additional concerns such as drug residues in tory response. It is possible that those animals with in-
edible tissues must be considered if the wildlife is hunted creased activation of these genes may well be those who
for human consumption. presented a more severe progression toward disease
Astorga et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:449 Page 8 of 10

involvement. With regards to genes IL-10 and IL-4,  How does S. scabiei move between and among
which regulates the expression of those different host species?
anti-inflammatory cytokines, no significant difference in  How can problems in research such as
expression between healthy black bears and those unstandardized epidemiological methodology, small
infested with mange have been observed. Taken together, sample sizes of research papers on the topic, and
these results suggest that parasite-mediated immune re- lack of outgroups be overcome when studying
sponse in free-ranging black bears is characterized by a mange?
predominantly inflammatory immune response, which  How effective are mange detector dogs and PCR in
might associate with mange severity. diagnosis mange in wildlife? Are these solutions
Research gaps identified
Table 1 Main questions (and sub-elements) concerning wildlife
 How can the effect of immunological responses on
mange severity be studied in wildlife?
(i) What are the transmission dynamics of S. scabiei in wildlife?
 What host-parasite interaction factors are the pri-
mary drivers for both positive and negative clinical Temporal dynamics (epidemic, endemic, contemporary and historical)
outcomes of mange in wildlife? Significance for species conservation
Pandemic or globally endemic
Session 11: Phylogenetics of wildlife mange Species dynamics (single or multi-species)
(Moderators: Drs Samer Angelone & Luca Rossi) Wildlife-domestic animals-human interface
Sarcoptic mange is a very old disease, first described for Ecosystem level consequences
humans in the 11th century. There are two important (ii) What is the biogeographical history of S. scabiei?
events in the history of scabies infestation discovery in
Native range / origins
humans: in the early 11th century it was proposed that
the clinical symptoms of mange were caused by a para- Pathways of spread: unintentional (e.g. trade, colonization) and
intentional (e.g. host population control)
site [40]; and in the 17th century occurred the identifica-
Ecological (e.g. host distribution), climatic (e.g. temperature, humidity)
tion of Sarcoptes by Francesco Redi Arezzo [41]. A more and geographic barriers (e.g. oceans, mountains)
recent discovery is host-taxon derived Sarcoptes, as
(iii) What is the variation in modes of transmission for S. scabiei in
grouped by herbivore, carnivore and omnivore hosts wildlife?
[42]. Transmission mechanisms between animal hosts,
Intra-specific interactions (spatial and temporal variation)
and the role that fomites play have been studied, but
Inter-specific interactions (trophic, sympatry)
more research to elucidate these mechanisms is needed
[43]. Several studies have been developed recently con- Environmental effects
cerning the epidemiology and genetics of sarcoptic Mite lineages / strains
mange in wildlife [44]. In Europe, a taxon-associated (iv) What is the feasibility and anticipated effectiveness of intervention
cluster was found, i.e. transmission seems to be mainly strategies in wildlife?
among species from the same taxonomic group (herbi- Methodological (individual level, population level, environmental)
vores vs carnivores) [42]. In contrast, in the Masai Mara Economic
Reserve (Africa), transmission seems to be occurring be- Indirect impacts
tween prey and predators (Fig. 1) [45]. In the meantime,
(v) When should intervention strategies for mange be considered in
in order to obtain more data, scientific communities wildlife?
should consider Citizen Science, to invite tourists and
Conservation concerns
the local community to report potential cases of mange
Ethical/welfare concerns
in wildlife [46]. Additionally, data integration groups
such as those of the Sarcoptes-World Molecular Net- Public health and domestic animal (agricultural and companion)
work, may help to provide more information on S. sca-
biei transmission via information exchange efforts and Ecological role of the parasite in nature (e.g. natural selection)
building of databases for research analyses [47]. (vi) What shapes the variation of disease severity at intra-specific and
inter-specific levels?
The role of co-infections
Research gaps identified
Variation in immune response (e.g. immunological pathways
influencing disease progression or control, ordinary vs crusted mange)
 How can phylogenetic data be used understand
Environmental factors
sarcoptic mange transmission?
Astorga et al. Parasites & Vectors (2018) 11:449 Page 9 of 10

Session 12: Research questions and future Competing interests

directions (Moderator: Dr Luis E. Escobar) The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

The final session included a participatory determination

of mange in wildlife research needs. During the second Publisher’s Note
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
day, participants independently wrote up to ten key published maps and institutional affiliations.
questions, which all participants then grouped into clus-
ters based on similarities. These clusters were then sum- Author details
Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA,
marized, organized, and discussed in order to classify USA. 2Universidad Mayor, Santiago, Chile. 3Department of Biological Sciences,
the final list of questions, with sub-components, in University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia. 4Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks,
terms of their relevance to the understanding of mange Bozeman, MT, USA. 5Division of Immunology, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, USA. 6Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia
in wildlife (Table 1). Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA. 7Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study,
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. 8The
Conclusions Wildlife Center of Virginia, Waynesboro, VA, USA. 9Università degli Studi di
Torino, Torino, Italy. 10Department of Parasitology, College of Veterinary
Wildlife diseases play a major role in biodiversity conser- Medicine, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. 11U.S.
vation [48, 49]. However, effects of most diseases in Geological Survey, Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center, Bozeman, MT,
wildlife species remain poorly understood. Sarcoptic USA. 12University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland. 13IREC (Universidad de
Castilla – La Mancha & CSIC), Ciudad Real, Spain.
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