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New Updates

Chapter Changes

Man and o No change


Concept of o Addition of global

Health and reference list of 100

Disease core health
o Mentioned about ICD
11 .
o Addition of
classification of
functioning and

Epidimeology o Changes in
Immunization and
Program (UIP) for
example shake test
and new vaccines
like JE, Rotavirus,
injectable polio
injectable polio
vaccine, pentavalent
o Addition of open vial
policy of vaccines

Screening of o No change

Epidemiology o In Acute Respiratory

of Infection (ARI) and
Communicable Acute Diarrheal
Diseases Diseases (ADD):
Addition of
Integrated Global
Action plan for
prevention and
control of Pneumonia
and Diarrhoea by the
year 2025.
o In Tuberculosis (TB):
Changes in the
statistics of
incidence, prevalence
and deaths due to
Introduction to daily
treatment regimen
under RNTCP
under KN I L;t-'
program. New drug
bedaquiline has been
added for the
treatment of XDR TB.
Also, there is addition
of End TB strategy.
o In Polio Mellitus:
Addition of Polio
eradication and
endgame strategic
plan from the year
2013 to 2018.
Introduction to the
concept of National
Switch Day has also
been added.
o In Dengue and
Malaria: Figures for
no. of cases and no.
of deaths in the year
2015 have been
changed. Addition of
Zika Virus disease.
o In Malaria: Addition
of National
framework for the
elimination of
malaria in India from
o In Japanese
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In Japanese
Encephalitis (JE):
Figures of no. of
cases and no. of
deaths due to JE
have been added.
Also, there is addition
of JE vaccine.
In HIV AIDS: Addition
of current statistics
of no. of people living
with HIV AIDS, new
infections due to HIV
AIDS and no. of
deaths due to HIV
AIDS. Prevalence of
high risk group and
antenatal population
has also been added.
Furthermore, there is
addition of ART
guidelines for the
year 2016.

Epidemiology o No change
of Non-

Health o Addition of Swach

oroarammes in Bharath Abhivaan.

< > --- 0

Health o Addition of Swach
programmes in Bharath Abhiyaan.
India o Addition of RNTCP
guidelines for daily

Millennium o Whole new chapter

Development has been added.
Goals to
Goals (SDG)

Demography o Only few changes in

and Family the statistics of
Planning population rest all the
concepts are same.

Preventive o In MCH indicators:

Medicine in Figures have been
Obstetrics, updated for the year
Paediatrics & 2015.
Geriatrics o Addition of Global
strategy for women,
children and
adolescent health
o Change in Juvenile
Justice Act of 2015.

< > --- 0 G:

Nutrition and o No change


Medicine and o No change

Social Sciences

Environment o Change in the figures

and Health on access to safe

water and sanitation
f aci Iities.

Hospital Waste o Addition of

Management biomedical waste
management rules of
2016 where 4 colour
coded category and
category wise
disposal of waste
has been discussed.

Disaster o No change

Occupational o Amendment in ESI

Health act 2010 has been

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Occupational 0 Amendment in ESI

Health act 2010 has been
added .

Genetics and o No change


Mental Health o No change

Health o No change
Information and

Communication o No change
for Health

Health Planning o Addition of draft of

and National health policy
Management 2015.

Health Care of o Rural Health

the Community Statistics and Indian
Public Health
Standards for sub
centre, primary health
centre and
community health
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Health o No change
Information and

Communication o No change
for Health

Health Planning o Addition of draft of

and National health policy
Management 2015.

Health Care of o Rural Health

the Community Statistics and Indian
Public Health
Standards for sub
centre, primary health
centre and
community health
centre has been
updated based on
the revised 2012

International o No change

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