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Direction: Assemble any combination of some of the shapes shown to form a bigger shape [e.g.

4 big L's can form a

bigger letter I]. Draw the resulting shape & compute its moments of inertia. Points will be proportional to the Ix-x to Area
Area Centroid [cm] Moment of Inertia [cm4]
sq. cm x y @ stronger axis @ weaker axis
Big L 8.0 1.25 1.75 18.167 10.167
Small L 6.0 1.00 1.50 8.500 4.000
Big Rect. 7.0 0.50 3.50 28.583 0.583
Small Rect. 4.0 0.50 2.00 5.333 0.333
Points will be earned by the student who submitted the PS as follows: 1 pt for every correct answer, -0.5 pt for every
wrong answer; -1 pt for every wrong answer for the student who checked the solutions.

Determine also the bar forces in the trusses shown herewith using Method of Joints.
Checked by: [indicate class number and sign]
Engg 407: Solutions to Selected Problems
Name: Received:



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