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Marketing in the process by which a product or service originates and is then priced,
promoted, and distributed to costumers. The principal marketing function involve market
research and product development, design, and testing. It is the business activity of
presenting product or services in such a way to make them desirable.

One has to consider promotion that is balanced with a suitable product available a
reasonable price. Provided at all places to maximize the sale of one’s product.

Brand Pricing &Quality Advertising
Physical distri
Packaging Pricing & Quality Advertising Physical Distri
Innovations Price & Alteration Public Relation
Quality Discount

1. Product (Brand, Packaging, Innovations Quality) :

a. Brand Advertising is often used to make Consumers aware of a product’s special
low price or its benefits. But an even more important function of advertising is to
create an image that consumers associate with a product, known as the brand
image. The brand image goes far beyond the function of the product. The products
of Tata Motors have many special charatersitis to them. But when with quality
perfomence and class. All of this meanings have been added to the product by
Advertising. Consumers frequently by the product not only for its functional but
also because they want to be identified with image associated with the brand.
Tata motors have been success in creating and maintaining a professional
brand image.

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