Synergy Edu Smart

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The Finest School Management Software.

Digitizing the scholastic institutions to survive in this Internet era with a myriad of benefits to
excel in academics as well as management.

Learn more...

Improved User Experience

Providing a brand new educational culture to all the schools across the world is the inspirational
factor behind the development of this solution. Realizing all the practical challenges needed to
face in the running of a school has made us go for such a school management software, which
can assure you the best experience in your choice of work.

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School over Phone

The smart phone friendly design lets administrators to view or edit the institution data anytime
over the phone. This school management system software has been proven to be highly
responsive over iOS, Windows and Android phones. As people nowadays prefer more on
phones and tablets these advanced features helps your EduSmart ERP with the added
advantage to its accessibility.

Priceless for less the price

The vast possibility of the administrative database that we let out for your institution
management solution comes in various packages so as to match both your technical
requirement and budget range. We ensures best and secure backup for your school records at
the best prices.

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Check Out our Demo Version
The demo version gives you clear insights regarding different modules of
the software that has incredible reach to the enormous task of the
educational sector. In fact a real time access to software is an open
opportunity to understand the creamy layer of features and get convinced
with a closer access..

Start Demo...

About Us

EduSmart is a Smart Platform by Synergy Infosolutions catering to educational institutions. The

company is founded by the people with proven experience and in-depth understanding of
education enterprise with expertise in technology. Click On the Links below for more Information.

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