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Social Dimension

Occupational Dimension

Environmental Dimension
The Impetus that Led to
the Creation of a Financial
Wellness Programme
Financial Dimension
Financial Wellness at the

Occupational Environmental
Social Dimension Financial Dimension
Dimensions Dimension
•State of relationships & •Routine demands •lifestyle that is •state, level & quality of
interactions with others which are mixed with supposed to be person's financial
new and unpredictable respectful & in position or wealth
challenges that keep a harmony with which can be created,
job exciting, meaningful environment conserved or lost and
& rewarding flunctuate between
changing circumstances


Definition Characteristics Steps to Achieve Social Wellness

•Relationships that you have & how •encourages to get involve or •actively participate in preserving
you interact with others contribute to environment & beauty & balance of nature activity
•building healthy, nurturing & community •enhance personal relationship
supportive relationships with others •feel more aware on importance in •recognise importance of friendship
to foster genuine connection with society & environment •build better living space and
people around you •environment concious community
•ability to communicate and relate •encouraging healthier living &
with others with positive self-image lifestyle
(confident, outgoing, friendly & •initiating better communication to
affectionate toward others) people around you
•conclusion - ability of a person to
develop relationships with others
who posesses effective
communication skills, contribute to
common welfare of community &
live in harmonious & healthy

Steps in Developing Social Skills Enhancing Social Wellness

•developed & nurtured from one's adult years by •Create good rapport by building strong social
developing & forming many support network
interactions/relationships with friend, parents & •Practise effective communication skills with
coworkers others
•Develop effective communication skills, listening •Involve in many activities with people in variety
skills & conflict mgmt skills of settings
•circle of social adaptations •solve interpersonal conflict in healthy
•family interactions environment & respectful manner
•school experiences •interact with people of other cultures,
•peer group interactions backgrounds & beliefs
•value the principles of time mgmt

Definition Characteristics Issues

•routine demands which are mixed •work-life balance related activity •Stress - able to handle everyday
with new & unpredictable •managing workplace stressors work stress
challenges that keep a job exciting, •building functional relationships •Rewarding - situation related to
meaningful & rewarding with colleagues personal rewarding
•seek personal satisfaction & •a person with life goal related to •Satisfaction - workplace
enrichment in life through work personal & professional environment which are meaningful
•personal self-fulfillment in work development, financial situation & with sense of personal satisfaction
future plans •Relationship - ability to create &
•healthy workplace environment maintain interactions/relationships
contributes to sense of not being with people in workplace
tied up by high salary or prestigious •Contribution - ability to make
position contributions to others &
community which lead to feeling of
•Balance - ability to get the work
done, while having fun and keeping
life & other dimensions at balance

Steps to Enhance Occupational Occupational Wellness

Wellness Characteristics
•engage in creative & simulating •choose career which are consistent •involved in exploration of new ideas
activities that allow maximising the with personal values, interest & •encourage stimulation, mental
skills or gain new one beliefs growth & intellectual activities
•opportunity of advancement & •Learn in achieving work-life balance •make huge differences in dealing
recognition of achievement •Aware of strength & weaknesses by with situations as they project
•encourage collaboration & exploring talents & interests positive image & energy which can
interaction among co-workers with •committment to contribute unique be healing force to those around
good sense of teamwork & support skills for personal & professional them
•explore creativity, problem solving development •choice of profession, job
skills, personal interest & the world •maintain healthy work-life balance satisfactionm career development &
around & seek professional development personal performance important in
•keep current event, find new ideas opportunities occupational wellness
& satisfy intellectual curiosity that •have some
will allow growth hobbies/interest/activities which
bring pleasure outside of work

Steps in Achieving Enhance

Definition Characteristics Environmental Environmental Theory Environmental
Wellness Wellness
•lifestyle that is •leading an •emphasizing the •Florence Nightingale - •Prefer to ridea a
supposed to be environmentally importance of living in taking care of the bicycle instead of
respectful and concious life a healthy environment patient's environment driving a car
inharmony with •choose to live in ways by ensuring the purity in order to reach •appreciate & respect
environment that protect the world of water, air & living health goals & cure nature
•be aware of the limits around them conditions illness •protect self & others
of the earth's natural •politely express •Environmental Factors from environmental
resources & impact of unapprove action of - fresh air, pure water, hazards (smoke, noisy
our actions on the littering in public sufficient food environment, air &
environment •actively involved in supplies, efficient water pollution & UV
educating & drainage, cleanliness radiation)
implementing of patient & bright •educate self on
recycling programmes light environmental issues
in community level
•conduct regular
meeting with
community or society
to ensure support &
participation in the
•Ensure recycling bins
both at home & work
being fully utilised
•promote measure that
improve standard of
living & quality of
health in the


Impetus that led to creation of

Definition Financial Wellness at Workplace
Financial Wellness Programme
•State, level or quality of a person's •Great Recession lead to •Financial problem is the main
financial position (wealth) which can •Unemployment & determinant of financial stress
be conserved, lost & flunctuate underemployment which is the highest -ve effect on
between changing circumstances •Job shortage financial well-being
(controlable/uncontrolable) •reducing financial strain will
•Falling income, rising poverty
improve financial satisfaction
•Bursting of housing bubble
•Offering financial education &
•Nose-diving stock market
wellness programme to help
•Drop in family wealth improve the ability to manage
•Impact finances
•Stressed both mental & physical •Financial programme may reduce
•impact health-related costs employee absenteeism, boost
•reducing productivity significantly productivity & incrase employee's
•Employee with financial wellness
are happier & potentially more
productive to the company

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