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Marketing Plan Format

 A4 size paper
 Times New Roman 12, APA format
I. Situation Analysis
a. 5 C’s
i. Customer
ii. Company
iii. Context
iv. Collaborators
v. Competition
b. TOWS Matrix
i. SO Strategies
ii. WO Strategies
iii. ST Strategies
iv. WT Strategies
c. Services
d. Macro environment Forces
e. Micro environment Forces
II. Marketing Strategy
a. Objectives
b. Strategies
i. Product
ii. Promotion
iii. Price
iv. Place
v. Physical Evidence
vi. People
vii. Process
c. Tactics (refer to the following)
- Product life cycle
- Promotional Mix Elements
- Promotion Tools
- Types of Ads
III. Action Plan and Control
IV. References

Time Strategy Tactics Person in- Estimated Key

Frame charge/Unit Budget Performance

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