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Proteins Renew cells

(Animal/Plant) Defend body against various diseases

Provide energy
Spare protein
Maintain digestive health
Stimulate growth of bacteria in intestines
Components of
Healthy diet Provide energy
Fats Vitamins absorption
Vitamins Insulation
Dietary Challenges for
Special Groups
Prepare Own Meals

Make Right Changes


Easy tip for Simplify

Read the Labels
Feelings after Meals
Drink Plenty of Water
Healthy Diet
Moderation is the Key
Fill up on Colourful Fruits & Veges
Eat More Healthy Carbohydrates and Whole Grains
Reduce Sugar & Salt
Recommendation Fibre-Rich Foods
Health vs Fish
Therapeutic Diet Good Fats
For Diabetes
Saturated Fats
Trans Fats
Therapeutic For High Blood Dairy
Diet Pressure (HBP) Lean Meat, Poultry & Fish
Nuts,seeds, legumes
Fats & oils
Limiting fluids
Eating low-protein diet
For Renal
Problem Limiting salt, potassium, phosphorous
and other electrolytes
Getting enough calories if losing weight


a) Food as tool of survival, source of comfort, symbol of hospitality, indicator of social status

b) Food Pyramid

No. Type Servings

1. Rice, noodles, bread, 4-8 servings per day
cereals & tubers Eat adequately
2. Vegetables 3 servings per day
Eat plenty
3. Fruits 2 servings per day
Eat plenty
4. Milk & Milk products 1-3 servings per day
Eat in moderation
5. Fish, Poultry, meat & ½ -2 poultry/meat/egg servings per day
legumes 1 fish serving per day
½-1 legumes serving per day
Eat in moderation
6. Fats, oil, sugar & salt Eat less



Characteristics Composition Source Functions

•Basics of body •Chains of Amino •animal (egg, milk, •Provide continuous

structure Acids – bricks that meat & fish) tissues/cells repair &
•Form an important body produce its own •plant (cereals, nuts, replacement
part of body’s main protein, required for beans & soy •Act as shield that
structure physiological products) defend body against
components (muscles processes which various diseases
& bones) enable us to be •Produce antibodies &
•Form important part healthy giant protein
of blood, enzymes, molecules to fight
some hormones & against antigens
cell membranes

Characteristics Type Inadequate Effects Element Functions Functions

•Combination of •Simple (simple •Weakness •Glucose (mono) – •Provide Energy - act

sugar units & major sugars) - sugar in •Dizziness as blood sugar used as fuel source in
energy source of fruits, vegetables & •Hypoglycaemia - for primary source body
the body milk Low Blood Glucose of energy for all •Spare protein -
•Occur in 3 forms •Complex (Starches) cells & tissues used as stored
(monosaccharide, - whole-grain (brain, nervous energy
performance that
disaccharide & breads & cereals, system, intestinal •Maintain digestive
lead to mental &
polysaccharide) starchy vegetables health & waste health - fiber
physical fatigue
& legumes, most elimination)
•Stimulate growth of
complex contain •Fiber - help bacteria in
fiber digestive health & intestines which
increase satiety helps break down
(feeling full), food to be used by
reducing the body - some
overeating, weight bacteria (prebiotics)
gain, helps lower protect colon from
cholesterol & harmful cells
decrease risk of (cancer)
heart disease


Reduce of Saturated
Characteristics Type Functions Dietary Type
Food Intake
•stored in body as •Linoleic Acid •Energy - act as •Saturated - raise •meat & full-fat
usable energy, •Alpha-linoleic Acid backup energy blood level of low- dairy products
insulate body & •both is used to source of density lipoprotein (milk, cream,
support organs make compound for carbohydrates (LDL) - bad butter, yogurt &
•help absorbtion of blood pressure •Vitamins absorption cholesterol that ice-cream)
vitamin maintenance & - fat-soluble increase risk of •Deep-fried food,
•add flavour & progress of healthy vitamins (ADEK) heart disease crackers, cookies &
texture to foods pregnancy cant function •Monounsaturated - baked goods
without fats for increase high-
absorption & density lipoprotein
storage which is (HDL) - good
essential for daily cholesterol found in
diet olive & canola oil
•Insulation - insulate that prevent
body & help sustain inflammation of
body temperature, blood vessels &
•Protect - coat vital ability to react to
organs to protect stress, reducing risk
from sudden of heart disease
movements or •Polyunsaturated

Definition Characteristics Type Functions Intake Effects

•organic •act as •Fat-Solubles •release energy •Fruits •Deficiency

compounds coenzymes (ADEK)- stored in •Vegetabes •Vit A -
required in which help absorbed by fat carbohydrates, •Grains blindness
small amounts initiate a for usage & protein & fats •Vit B6 -
•Skin produce
for normal variety of body storage •production of seizures
Vitamin D when
growth, responses •Water-soluble red blood cells exposed to •Overintake
reproduction & including (C, thiamin, •maintenance of sunlight •Vit A - toxic &
maintenance of energy riboflavin, nervous,
health production, use •intestinal increase risk of
niacin, Vit B-6, skeletal &
of materials & bacteria birth defects
folate, Vit B-12, immune
growth of produce •Vit B6 -
biotin & systems
healthy tissues Vitamin K irreversible
pantothenic •act as
acid) - absorbed nerve damage
directly into the which helps
bloodstream preserve
healthy cells in
the body

Water-Soluble Vitamin Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin Functions Vitamin Functions
B1 (Thiamin)  Releases energy from Vitamin A  Maintains healthy skin & eyes,
carbohydrates (retinol) improving visions at night & in
dim light
B2 (riboflavin)  Releases energy from protein, fat Vitamin D  Promotes strong bones &
& carbohydrates (cholecalciferol) teeth
 Promotes healthy skin & eyes
B3 (niacin)  Releases energy from protein fat Vitamin E  Maintains healthy cell
& carbohydrate (tocopherols) membranes
 Involved in cholesterol  Acts as an antioxidant
B5 (pantothenic  Releases energy from Vitamin K  Needed for blood clotting
acid) carbohydrates, fat & protein (phylloquinone)
B6 (pyridoxine)  Breaks down protein
 Helps to make red blood cells
B12  Helps to make red blood cells, nerve cells, & genetic material (DNA)
(cyanocobalamin)  Breaks down carbohydrates & fats
Folate (folic acid)  Helps to make red blood cells & enzymes
 Prevent neural tube defects
 Breaks down DNA material & reduces level of homocysteine (high levels are risk factor
for cardiovascular disease)

Type Functions Intake

•17 essential minerals •Regulate body functions •Iron - lean meat

•Major minerals (macro) - •aid in growth & maintenance •calcium - dairy products
calcium, phosphorus, sodium, of body tissues •pottasium - vegetables, whote
potassium & magnesium •help release energy & sweet potatoes, banana &
•Trace minerals (micro) - zinc, •critical in regulation of body fruits
iron, copper, selenium & processes
iodine •fluid balance
•nerve impulses
•muscle contraction
•heart function
•blood clotting
•protein synthesis
•red blood cells synthesis


Characteristics Functions Fun Facts Deficiency

•Major component in •Regulate body •Men have higher •risk of kidney stones
body & foods temperature body water content & urinary tract
•people can die from •key components in all than women & both infection especially to
dehydration body's biochemical falls with age women
•body consist of 50- reactions •adults lose 2.5-3L of •lower physical &
60% of water water per day, may mental performance
•in form of blood, increase in hot •lead to dehydration
digestive juice, urine weather & prolonged •indicator - dark-
& perspiration exercise coloured urine (water
•contain in lean •elderly people lose 2L deprived), clear or
muscle, fat & bones water per day pale coloured urine
•Air traveller lose (enough fluids)
approx 1.5L of water
during 3-4 hr of flight
•water loss needs to
be replaced

children & teenagers college students older adults athletes pregnant women

•encourage to eat •tend to choose •tend to become •achieve peak

more vegetables & unhealthy food due less active & performance by
fruits to daily activities require fewer frequent training &
•tend to eat fast •dining hall/food calories to maintain eating balance diet
food (sodium & court did not offer body weight which contain
MSG) food with high •body have problem variety of foods
•provide variety of nutrient/low fat to absorb nutrient •carbohydrates & fat
food •love fast food due •need to consume can provide fuel for
to busy schedules nutrient-dense food their body
to meet body •use of fat as fuel
nutritional depend on
requirement intensity, duration
of exercise & body
•exercise will
increase body
requirement for
•water is critical
nutrient for all
athletes -
dehydration lead to
muscle cramps &
fatigue with risk of
heart stroke


Moderation is Key for

Functions Tips for Healthy Diet Drink Plenty of Water
•feeling great, have more •Prepare own meals - •help flushing body •eat only when feeling
energy, improve outlook home cooking help systems of waste hungry
& stabilising mood monitor food consume & products & toxins •feel satisfied after eating,
•maintain healthy weight ingredient •Avoid dehydrated & not stuffed
•avoid certain health •Make right changes - symptom of tiredness, •get a balanced diet to
problems choose only healthy food low energy & headaches sustain healthy body
•improve mood & lower for diet
risk of mental health - eat •Simplify - count calories,
more fruit & vege, home serve diet in term of
cooking, reduce fat & colour, variety &
sugar intake freshness. Avoid pack &
processed food
•Read the labels - be
aware of what contains in
the food (hidden sugar &
salt in pack food)
•Feelings after eating -
help foster healthy new
habits & tastes. Feel
better after each healthy
meal. Avoid junk food

Fill up on Colourful Fruits & Eat More Healthy

Reduce Sugar & Salt
Vegetables Carbohydrates & Whole Grains
•low in calories & nutrient •Healthy Carbo (whole grains, •Sugar - create weight problems
dense beans, fruits & vege) - digested & energy spikes, linked to
•eat a variety of fruits & slowly, help feeling full longer, diabetes, depression &
vegetables - deep colour keep blood sugar & insulin increase in suicidal behaviours
(contain higher vit, minerals & levels stable among people
antioxidants) •Unhealthy Carbo (white flour, •bread, cereals, canned soups &
refined sugar & white rice) - vege, pasta sauce, margarine,
digested quickly & increase in instant mashed potatoes,
blood sugar levels & energy frozen dinners, low-fat meals,
fast food & ketchup
•Salt (sodium) - improve taste
but body required in small
•overtaking - high blood
pressure (stroke), heart &
kidney disease,memory loss &
erectile dysfunction

(a) meal plan that controls the intake of certain food or nutrients
(b) modification of regular diet to fit nutrition needs of a particular person

DIABETES  Chronic disorder characterized by high blood glucose & either insufficient
or ineffective insulin (depending on type)
 Insulin – help in maintaining blood glucose within normal limits &
stimulates protein synthesis in liver & muscle as well as fat synthesis
 Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) – eating variety of nutritious food in
moderate amount & following regular mealtimes, healthy-eating plan that
is naturally rich in nutrient & low in fat & calories which emphasizes in
fruits, vegetable & whole grains

Nutrient Function/Details
Carbohydrates  Intake of fruits, vege, whole grains & low-fat dairy products for
simple carbohydrates
Fibre-rich foods  Essential to reduce risk of heart disease & help in controlling blood
sugar control
 Vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, whole-wheat flour & wheat bran
Fish  Eat at least twice a week
 Good alternative to high-fat meats – cod, tuna, halibut contain less
total fat, saturated fat & cholesterol compared to meat & poultry
 Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, mackerel, tuna & sardines) can
promote heart health by lowering blood fats (triglycerides)
Good Fats  Mono & poly unsaturated (avocado, almond, pecan, walnuts, olives,
canola, olive & peanut oil) help lower cholesterol levels
AVOID FOOD Diabetes can increase risk of heart disease & stroke by accelerating
development of clogged & hardened arteries
Saturated Fats  High-fat dairy products & animal protein (beef, hot dogs, sausage &
Trans Fats  Processed snacks, baked goods, shortening & stick margarines
Cholesterol  High-fat dairy products & high-fat animal proteins (egg yolks,
shellfish, liver & other organ meats)
Sodium  Consume less than 2,300mg daily to avoid HBP & other diseases

HIGH BLOOD  Disease with no symptoms which have deadly health consequences
PRESSURE (HBP)  Eating healthy reduce risk of heart attack, heart disease, stroke & others
 Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) – lifelong diet approach
to healthy eating habit that encourages of helps in preventing HBP
 Encourages to reduce sodium & eat variety of foods rich in nutrient that
help HBP such as potassium, calcium & magnesium

Nutrient Function/Details
Grains  6-8 servings daily
 Bread, cereal, rice & pasta
Vegetables  4-5 serving daily
 Tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, greens & other vege
(full of fibre, vit & minerals – potassium & magnesium)
Fruits  4-5 serving daily
Dairy  2-3 serving daily
 Milk, yogurt, cheese & other dairy products (calcium, Vit D & protein)
Lean Meat,  <6 serving daily
Poultry & Fish  Meat (rich in protein, Vit B, Iron & Zinc)
Nuts, seeds &  4-5 serving a week
legumes  Almonds, sunflower seeds, kidney beans, peas, lentils & other nuts
(source of magnesium, potassium & protein)
Fats & oils  2-3 servings daily
 Fat helps absorb essential vitamins & body immune system
 Overintake – increase risk of heart disease, diabetes & obesity
Sweets  <5 serving per week
 Choose the fat-free or low-fat sweets (sorbets, fruit ices, jelly beans,
hard candy or low-fat cookies)

Alcohol  <2 drinks per day for men, 1 drinks per day for women
Caffeine  Unknown influence on BP, but can cause blood pressure to rise at
least temporarily

RENAL PROBLEM  Chronic kidney disease

 This diet is to keep level of electrolytes, minerals & fluid in the body
balanced especially under chronic kidney disease or dialysis
 Dialysis patient need to limit build-up waste products in the body,
because of the minimum urinate due to failure kidney, thus high
build up waste (fluid) in the body might cause other complications
DIET  Limiting fluids
 Eat low-protein diet
 Limit salt, potassium, phosphorous & other electrolytes
 Get enough calories if losing weight

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