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Matching between Sushil and Kavita Match Horoscope Free at http://www.AstroSage.


Horoscope Matching
Vedic Astrology has an excellent and proven method of
compatibility matching based on nakshatras (Lunar
Constellations), which is called Ashtakoot match or simply
guna milap. It assigns points for factors that influence
marriage. More the points obtained, more the chances
of successful and happy married life. As the name suggests,
Report Price:
maximum possible points are 36. If a matching obtains less than
18 points, it is not considered good and marriage is not
advisable. Apart from 36 Points, this report also considers Mangal Dosha (Manglik or Kuja Dosham)
compatibility and pronounces results by combining these two important factors. Here are the points
obtained for the given details:

SEX Male Female
DATE OF BIRTH 9 : 9 : 1992 5 : 2 : 2019
TIME OF BIRTH 23 : 45 : 43 15 : 0 : 52
DAY OF BIRTH Wednesday Tuesday
ISHTKAAL 043-31-01 019-57-53
TIME ZONE 5.5 5.5
LATITUDE 18 : 31 : N 27 : 9 : N
LONGITUDE 73 : 51 : E 78 : 0 : E
LOCAL TIME CORRECTION 00.34.36 00.18.00
WAR TIME CORRECTION 00.00.00 00.00.00
LMT AT BIRTH 23:11:7 14:42:52
GMT AT BIRTH 18:15:43 9:30:52
TITHI Trayodasi Pratipad
HINDU WEEK DAY Wednesday Tuesday
PAKSHA Shukla Shukla
YOGA Sukarma Variyan
KARAN Tetil Kintudhhana
DASA BALANCE Mars 4 Y 6 M 18 D Mars 4 Y 8 M 5 D
LAGNA Taurus Gemini
RASHI Capricorn Capricorn
NAKSHATRA-PADA Dhanishta - 2 Dhanishta - 2

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Sushil Kavita
Lagna Chart Lagna Chart

Ma Ra
3 1 4 2
4 12 5 1 Ur

2 3
Su 5 11 6 12 Ma
Ju 8 9

Ve 6 10Mo Sa 7 Ve 11Ne
7 9 8 Pl Sa 10
Pl Ur Ra Ne Ju Mo Su Me

Navamsa Chart Navamsa Chart

Ve Ma Ke
5 3 12 10
MeMo 6 2 Ne 1 9
Ju Pl

4 11
Ke 7 1 Ra Ur 2 8
Ne 10 5

Ma Su 8 12 Ve 3 7 Sa
9 11 4 6
Ju Ra Su Me Mo

Chandra Chart Chandra Chart

Ne Pl
Ur Sa
Ra Ne Ve
11 9 11 9
12 Mo 8 Ma 12 Su 8 Ju
Sa Me Mo Ke

10 10
1 7 Pl Ur 1 7
4 4

2 6 Ve 2 Ra 6
3 5 3 5
Ke Ma Me Su Ju

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Ashtakoota Points Table

VARNA Vaisya Vaisya 1 1 Work
VASYA Jalch Jalch 2 2 Dominance
TARA Sampat Sampat 3 3 Destiny
YONI Simha Simha 4 4 Mentality
MAITRI Saturn Saturn 5 5 Friendliness
GANA Rakshas Rakshas 6 6 Temperament
BHAKOOT Capricorn Capricorn 7 7 Love
NADI Madhya Madhya 8 0 Health

Total Match Points Obtained: 28 Out of 36

Mangal Dosha / Kuja Dosham

Mr. Sushil Kad and Ms. Kavita Khandale has 'No Mangal Dosha '.


This Marriage Is Preferable.

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Interpretation of Each Point

The boy and the girl both belong to Vaishya varan. This combination indicates a sensitive,
psychic and emotional understanding between the natives. The boy would be able to sort out
domestic tribulations nicely and the girl will look after the house nicely. Together their energy
flows from a positive to a negative terminal, just like a battery, which brings out best results.
Both are loyal, sympathetic and attractive towards each other. In their lives, flow of life force is
harmonious. Overall, it’s a nice merge.

Vashya for both boy and girl is Jalchar Vashya. There will be fair chances of compatibility as far
as vashya gunas are concerned. The results are very favorable in respect of family welfare and
status. Both will share a highly emotional and spiritual attachment. This is so far the best match
in respect of vashya guna and if other gunas are matched well then this would be the excellent

The boy and the girl both belong to Sampat tara. As far as tara compatibility is concerned, this
is so far the best compatible match. Both people are willing to work to make the relationship
successful and also their relationship experience honesty and encouragement from each other
and this is the reason they are able to put their best in their respective carriers. Since both
share and communicate their desire and needs, both share an excellent bonding. The couple
will enjoy good health and sound physique. Favorable results in married life are assured.

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The boy and the girl both belong to the same yoni Simha. This is an extremely compatible
combination as far as yoni compatibility is concerned. The natives stimulate each other
intellectually and may share cultural, educational, scientific or literary interests. The girl puts
power behind the boy’s ideas, which enables the boy to both express them more forcefully and
put them to practical use. They will work together or choose separate paths or careers without
any trouble. Physically, it is a satisfactory union.

The boy and the girl both belong to the same Saturn lordship. It is regarded as a good match by
Vedic astrologers. The girl will match the imagination and creativity of the boy and will feel
comfortable in each-other’s company. There could be mutual interest in making the home a
place of peace, spiritual retreat, meditation or religious or educational activity. She will be
religious, honest, social and fun loving and prefer purposeful activities. He will be loving, caring
and passionate. This is one of the perfect unions blended with the support, love and care. A
union that brings best of each of the partners.

The boy and the girl both come under Rakshasa gan. This is an excellent guna match. They are
co-operative, understands each other and bosoms each other’s qualities. They are in
agreement on principles, ethics and philosophies and it makes the relationship durable. They
both are practical and will be always available to help each other whenever needed.

The boy and the girl both come under Makar Zodiac sign. Strongly compatible match as far as
sign compatibility is concerned. Both will understand each other's mood and temperament. They
will be very supportive and encouraging toward each other, which give them self-confidence
and bring out the best in both of them. This relationship will bring peace and harmony to the
relationship. In the midst of adversities, collectively they face the situation very boldly and

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The boy and the girl both come under Madhya nadi. This is not a preferred alliance according to
nadi compatibility. If the wedding takes place, there is the danger of continued illness to one or
both of the natives. It will be very difficult for them to adjust according to the living style, moods
and feelings of the other. Sometimes they may snese that their thinking is not only different, but
polar opposite with each other. Lack of trust in other might make their relationship difficult too.

We wants to make it clear that we put our best efforts in providing this report but any prediction that you receive from us is not to
be considered as a substitute for advice, program, or treatment that you would normally receive from a licensed professional
such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or financial adviser. Although we try our best to give you accurate calculations, we do not
rule out the possibility of errors. The report are provided as-is and we provides no guarantees, implied warranties, or
assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any interpretation made or use by the recipient of the information and
data mentioned above. If you are not comfortable with this information, please do not use it. In case any disputes the court of
law shall be the only courts of Agra, UP (India).

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