Task 1: Festivals in Pakistan and Afghanistan

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Task 1

Festivals in Pakistan and Afghanistan

Festivals are occasions that are firmly connected to cultures. Festivals are spaces for art, music,
execution, and rediscovery of identity. (Zhang et al., 2019)


There are number of festivals that are celebrated in Pakistan. As Pakistan is considered Muslim
country so Islamic festivals are on top of list such as Eid-ul-fitar celebrated after fasting of whole
month in Ramadan, 9th month of Islamic calender. Eid-ul-fitar is celebrated in 12th Islamic month,
a halal animal is slaughtered in sense of sacrifice. Some Muslims also celebrate Eid-Milad-un-
nabi, the birth day of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ON 12TH OF Rabi-ul-awal. Shia Muslim
remember the day of Ashura in Muharram. Other national festivals are Pakistan day on 23rd march,
Independence Day on 14th August, Defense Day on 6th September, Pakistan Air force day on 7th
September. Cultural events are Basant, Karakoram car rely, Kashmir day, Sindhi art and music
folk day, cultural day etc. (www.tourism.gov.pk, 2018).


The happiest festival celebrated by people of Iranians and Afghans, is the New Year event called
Nawroz, which take place on 21st March every year. Nawroz which genuinely meaning is the
'new day,’ is celebrated with have a picnic, similar to our barbecues, grills. The celebration has
its underlying foundations in Zoroastrianism, some point before the climb of Islam a religion
brought from Persia. Amid the luxurious dinners, festivities are raided. In the midst of the
merriments, lavish meals are prepared. The following two dishes named Haft-Mahwah and
Samanak are astoundingly cooked for the day. Being a Muslims, Afghans watch Muslim events
also. The two most basic events are 'Eid-ul-Fitar’ and ‘Eid-ul-Adha’. Eid-ul-Fitar marks the
completion of holy month Ramadan, the extended length of custom fasting identified with the
lunar timetable. 'Eid-al-Adha, marks the course of action for hajj, which happens in the midst of
the twelfth month according to Islamic calendar, In between the seventh and tenth days. ‘Eid-ul-
Adha is lauded on the tenth day and attentions on the custom butcher of a sheep or goat to
perceive Abraham's mollifying slaughtering of a sheep as opposed to his child Isaac. (Merrill et
al., 2006).
Geographical Features
Geographical features are divided and depend on a few assumptions, prominently, 'that mountain,
islands or meagerly populated zones are physical, as opposed to rationally built, objects that would
be equitably recognizable and quantifiable'. (Giordano and Dubois, 2018)


Populace is 204,924,861 (July 2017 gauge), Islamabad is capital, Afghanistan, Iran, India, and
China are neighboring countries, total Land Area is 796,095 square km (307,374 square miles) and
Coastline is 1046 Km (650 miles). K2 is the most elevated point which is 8611 meters (28251
feet’s). Karachi is the biggest urban area with population of (15.4 million) peoples. Furthermore
Lahore is having (11.7 million), Faisalabad’s population is (3.3 million), Rawalpindi (2.2 million),
and (2.1 million) in Gujranwala. Urdu is the official language yet English also is being spoken in
the country. Likewise there are more languages according to area such as Pashto, Punjabi, Sindhi,
Baloch, Siraiki, Hindko and Barhui.(www.thoughtco.com, 2018).


The populace of 3.5 million 28,513,677 live outside country, mostly in Iran and Pakistan, albeit
more than 2 million peoples have returned to their country from the evacuation of Taliban.
Afghanistan is situated in south-focal Asia. The country’s territory is 647500 square km’s, which
is somewhat littler than the Texas province. Afghanistan is circumscribed by Pakistan in the south,
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in the north Iran in the west and china in the far upper east. The most
noteworthy peak is mount Nowshak which is 7485 Meters (24557 feet) above the sea level. The
nation is sloping, with fields in the north and southwest. (raziasrayofhope.org, 2019)
GIORDANO, B. & DUBOIS, A. 2018. Combining territory and competitiveness in EU Regional
Policy? Analyzing ERDF investment profiles in regions with specific geographical
features. Regional Studies, 1-10.

MERRILL, L., PAXSON, D. & TOBEY, T. 2006. An introduction to Afghanistan culture.

Retrived on July, 23, 2017.

RAZIASRAYOFHOPE.ORG 2019. The Geography of Afghanistan.

WWW.THOUGHTCO.COM 2018. Geography of Pakistan.

WWW.TOURISM.GOV.PK 2018. Cultural Events.

ZHANG, C. X., FONG, L. H. N., LI, S. & LY, T. P. 2019. National identity and cultural festivals
in postcolonial destinations. Tourism Management, 73, 94-104.
Task 2
Dear friend,

I give you a warm welcome to turkey and I hope that your stay here would be wonderful even
beyond your expectations. Here are the few things which you must consider before start roaming
the country. You must know the food and drinks which are suitable for you and their trends across
the country. Secondly you must have information about the weather changes and climate of
different regions. Finally you should learn by heart the customs and etiquettes of Turkey.

Turkish cooking incorporates a wide range of stews of vegetables and meat (sheep and hamburger
principally); borek , kebab , and dolma dishes; and a sourdough bread eaten with pretty much every
dinner. Borek is a cake made of many slight layers of batter sprinkled with cheddar, spinach, and
additionally ground meat. Kebab is the regular word for meat cooked in pieces or cuts on a stick
or as meatballs on a flame broil. Dolma is the conventional name for dishes made of vegetables
(e.g., tomatoes and peppers) and leaves (e.g., grape, cabbage, and eggplant) that are loaded down
with or folded over rice or bulgur pilaf, ground meat, and flavors. Turks are particularly enamored
with eggplant.

In the winter, numerous Turks have a morning meal of bread with hot soup. In the hotter seasons,
they regularly eat bread and jam, hard-or delicate bubbled eggs, a white cheddar produced using
sheep's milk, salty olives, and warm milk or hot tea with milk. A run of the mill early afternoon
feast comprises of vegetable and meat stew with a side dish of rice or bulgar pilaf and plate of
mixed greens, with natural product for desert. Borek or dolma may substitute for the stew. Sweet
deserts, for example, baklava, are served on extraordinary events. The night feast is generally
lighter, comprising of remains from early afternoon or a kebab with serving of mixed greens.
Usually, just water is smashed with the early afternoon and night dinners.

The atmosphere in Turkey along the eastern piece of the nation is best delighted in pre-summer
(from April to May) or early harvest time (September to early October). Turkey's atmosphere and
climate along the bank of the Black Sea is a mainland atmosphere. The four seasons are
exceptionally unmistakable and in summer the urban communities and towns circumscribing the
Black Sea are immersed with vacationers and holidaymakers anxious to appreciate the mid-year
climate. In Western Anatolia, there is a mellow Mediterranean atmosphere with normal
temperatures of 9 °C in winter and 29 °C in summer. On the southern shore of Anatolia the
comparable climatic condition are watched. The normal temperature is 23 °C in summer and - 2
°C in winter. The atmosphere operating at a profit Sea territory is wet, and damp (summer 23 °C,
winter 7 °C). In the Eastern Anatolia area there is a long winter, and snow stays on the ground
from November until the finish of April (the normal temperature in winter is - 13 °C and in summer
17 °C). In the South-Eastern Anatolia district, summers are sweltering and dry, with temperatures
over 30 °C. Spring and harvest time are commonly mellow, yet amid the two seasons unexpected
hot and cold spells regularly happen in the area.

Paying independently in the eatery – remarkable. Declining tea or blessing is inconsiderate. Not
knowing who Kemal Atatürk was – reprehensible. Encouraging seagulls – proceed. Talking about
Turkish lager – can cause you harm. Wheeling and dealing in shops – humiliating. Helping
individuals to remember a Smoking boycott? Disregard it. Watch where you're going. Drinking
liquor on the transport or cable car – don't do it.

I hope this information is helpful for you and considering these things may enhance betterment in
your experience. You can always contact me for any help and we will meet soon and I will give
you as much time as possible from my regular routine.

Thank You
Your friend

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