MPM Modelling of Seepage Flow Through Embankments: June 2016

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MPM Modelling of Seepage Flow through Embankments

Conference Paper · June 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33519.23208

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2 authors:

Xuanyu Zhao Dongfang Liang

University of Cambridge University of Cambridge


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Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth (2016) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
Rhodes, Greece, June 26-July 1, 2016
Copyright © 2016 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE)
ISBN 978-1-880653-88-3; ISSN 1098-6189

MPM Modelling of Seepage Flow through Embankments

Xuanyu Zhao and Dongfang Liang

Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT Recently, a formulation with two sets of material points (so called two-
layer formulation) was proposed to overcome such difficulties.
An accurate knowledge of seepage flows through embankments is
necessary for the stability analysis and drainage computation. In this With two-set material points, the soil-water interaction can be modelled
paper, a particle-based MPM model with two sets of material points is through a drag force, which can be very convenient and insightful for
used to study the phenomenon. Before simulating the seepage flow seepage flow modelling. The existing MPM multi-phase numerical
through an embankment, the proposed numerical model is first applied techniques can fall into two general categories: with single layer of
to a flow through porous dam problem as model validation. material points and with two layers of material points. In a recent
Subsequently, the numerical method is employed to simulate the publication, Bandara & Soga (2015) gave a detailed literature review
seepage flow through an embankment with different permeability. about the two different numerical techniques. It is also pointed out that
Taking the analytical solution under the Dupuit’s approximation as the the approach of single-layer material points may suffer from some
reference, the MPM model gives good predictions of the shape of the difficulties like conserving energy.
seepage water table.
This study focuses on the study of the seepage flow through
KEY WORDS: Material Point Method; seepage flow; Dupuit’s embankments using the two-layer material-point formulation. For this
parabola; numerical modelling problem, the following two aspects are considered to be important: (1)
the shape of the water surface inside the soil body and (2) the different
INTRODUCTION behaviours of seepage flow with different soil permeability. It is found
that the proposed MPM formulation can simulate them well.
The seepage through embankment is not only important for minimizing
the water loss, but also critical to ensuring the safety of the BASICS OF MPM
embankments. When the embankment is wide and the seepage flow
discharge is small, Dupuit derived that the water table roughly follows Introduction
a parabolic shape (Keady 1990).
The MPM makes use of both Lagrangian material points and Eulerian
Recently, the particle-based Material Point Method (MPM) has drawn grid. Since the motion of Lagrangian material points are traced
more and more attentions due to the capability of modelling large throughout the computation and are not attached to any predefined
deformations. The MPM can be categorized as a more general class of mesh, the MPM is often regarded as a mesh-free particle method. It is
particle-in-cell methods. The method was developed by Harlow in the based on the finite element method with moving integration points
1950s for applications in fluid mechanics (Mackenzie-Helnwein et al. (Moresi et al. 2003).
2010). However, not until Brackbill et al. (1988) addressed the energy
dissipation problem, the MPM implementation was developed at a quite According to Abe et al. (2013), MPM has many attractive advantages
moderate pace. Later the MPM was applied to solid mechanics (Sulsky over traditional numerical methods. First, it is convenient to use with
et al. 1995) and dry granular materials (Wieckowski 1998; Wieckowski history-dependent constitutive models because information such as
et al. 1999; Wieckowski 2003). Later on, this method was extended to strain, stress, and history-dependent variables can be carried by
handle saturated soils (Jassim et al. 2013) with a numerical approach material points, which enables the spatial and temporal tracking of
following the so called v-w formulation (Zienkiewicz et al. 1999). This history-dependent variables. Furthermore, the use of a background
formulation, which uses the velocity of both solid and liquid mesh allows for the implementation of boundary conditions in a
constituents as the primary unknowns, was applied to several small and manner similar to that in FEM (Finite Element Method). Compared
large deformation problems and is able to capture the physical response with other mesh-free methods, MPM is computationally efficient. In
of saturated soil under dynamic loading. However, only one set of addition, it also avoids the tensile instability that is evident in SPH
material points was used for the solid and liquid mixture; therefore (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics), as mentioned in (Liang 2010; Ma
groundwater flow and the transition between free water and ground et al. 2009).
water could not be captured, as well as fluid-like behavior of the soil.

MPM can be deemed as one of the latest developments of the Particle
in cell (PIC) method which was mainly used to model highly distorted
fluid flows. In particular, it is an extension of the Fluid Implicit Particle
(FLIP) method which was developed from PIC in order to alleviate
many of its inherent numerical problems in the early implementations
(Kularathna 2014). According to Sulsky et al. (1994, 1995), the
extension of FLIP to MPM was initially motivated by the problems of
solid mechanics with history dependent variables. The key difference of
the two methods is that in MPM the governing equations are presented
in the format of weak formulation, making the MPM similar to the
FEM. Therefore, the MPM can be presented within an FEM
framework. In addition, the constitutive equations are invoked at the
material points in MPM whereas in FLIP, they are solved at the grid
nodes (Sulsky et al. 1994).

MPM Formulation
Fig. 1: Movement of solid skeleton and water phases (Bandara & Soga
Numerous references about its formulation and the discretized form can
be found in the literature (Sulsky et al. 1994; Sulsky et al. 1995;
Bardenhagen et al. 2000; Al-Kafaji 2013; Yerro et al. 2015; Bandara &
Martinelli & Rohe (2015) gave a very detailed description of the two-
Soga 2015), where the mathematical background and derivation are
layer formulation which is consistent with the formulation adopted in
addressed. Only the two-layer MPM formulation is described in the
the current study. For the convenience of readers in understanding the
next section.
two-layer formulation, some of the basic equations solved are quoted
MPM Modelling of Liquid/ Soil Interactions
The motion of both sets of material points is described by the system of
The pore water can have relative movement to the soil skeleton, thus
momentum conservation equations, using separate velocity fields, v S
the true water velocity can be different from water velocity of the soil
material point computed from the formulation with single layer of and v L , for solid and liquid constituent respectively:
material points. It is necessary to consider the motion of water phase by

  nS    S g  fd   S
examining either the true velocity field or relative water velocity with
respect to soil skeleton (Li et al. 2004). The idea of using two layers of ' DS vS (1)
Lagrangian material points in MPM to represent solid and fluid Dt
particles in solid-fluid modelling can be found in the following studies

nL   Lg  f d   L
(Shin 2009; Mackenzie-Helnwein et al. 2010; Abe et al. 2013; Bandara DLvL (2)
& Soga 2015; Martinelli & Rohe 2015). L

Where  S and  L represent the partial densities of the solid and liquid
In Bandara & Soga (2015), two sets of Lagrangian material points were
used to represent soil and water respectively. The Lagrangian
description conserves mass automatically and allows history dependent constituents defined as the ratio of the mass with respect to the
material models to be used. In addition, the discrete equations for the reference volume; nS and nL are the concentration ratios for the
momentum balances are obtained on the background grid similar to the
corresponding solid and liquid constituents, defined as the ratio of the
finite element method with an updated Lagrangian formulation. The 
proposed MPM formulation was used to model the progressive river partial density with respect to the corresponding mass density. D v 
levee failure and showed good robustness with regard to the large Dt
deformations and the rapid failure mechanisms. indicates the material derivative of v  with respect of the movement of

the constituent of  .In case of pure liquid, nL equals 1; in case of

fully saturated soil, nS  1  nL . The stress tensors are stated as
The sketch of the movement of solid skeleton and water phases used in
Bandara & Soga (2015) is shown in Fig. 1 to illustrate the two-layer
formulation. Saturated soil is assumed as a multi-phase medium and the '
governing equations are implemented in the current configuration. It S
for solid (effective stress) and L for liquid. The vector of
consists of two constituents: solid skeleton and water phase, and they gravity is g , and f d represents the drag force vector exerted by
can occupy the same position at the same time. Lagrangian coordinates
are used to describe the kinematics of each constituent and material the liquid on the solid part. The drag force is calculated with the
points record their individual motions. The conservation law is applied Darcy equation as

v  v 
for each constituent separately (i.e. solid skeleton, water phase). The
fd  nL2
 L S
solid skeleton and water material points that are located at the current (3)
configuration ( XK ) might have located at different locations in the

Where  and  are the liquid dynamic viscosity and the soil
reference configuration ( X0 ). The soil is viewed as the superposition
of two continuous constituents (i.e. solid and water phase) in the
current configuration. intrinsic permeability respectively. The Kozeny-Carman
formula is used to update the soil intrinsic permeability as


A 1  n 2
Dp2 n3 (4)


Where D p is the grain size diameter, n is the soil porosity and the 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
constant A is set to 150 according to (Ergun 1952). Only the most basic (c) 1.0s
equations are repeated herein, and for detailed description of the 0.3

algorithms, readers are referred to (Martinelli & Rohe 2015). Experiment



In order to validate the MPM algorithm, the numerical results obtained 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
from the flow passing through a porous dam were compared with the (d) 1.4s
experimental data obtained by Liu et al. (1999).
Fig. 3: Comparison of free surface profile for flow passing through
As sketched in Fig. 2, the water tank used in the experiment is 89.2 cm porous dam using MPM and experimental data in (Liu et al. 1999)
long, 44 cm wide, and 58 cm high. A 29 cm long porous dam was
placed in the section between x = 30.0 – 59.0 cm, and it is 37 cm high.
A gate was built 2 cm away from the front (left) side of the porous dam It can be seen from the comparisons that the predictions of the proposed
to create a water reservoir with a water depth of 25 cm. The porous MPM model agree with the experimental data very well.
dam is confined in the initial region to ensure that the porous media is
Computational Domain and Computation Parameters
The geometry of the computation is shown in Fig. 4(a) (in 2D view).
0.2 The water domain is 15m long and 0.9m high, while the soil domain is
3m long and 1m high. The dimension in the transverse direction is 0.2m
0.1 in order to save computational effort. A very large upstream water body
is constructed in order to minimize the effect of water head loss due to
0 the seepage. The parameters used for the two constituents are shown in
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Fig. 2: Sketch of the experiment setup Table 1, with a linear elastic model for the solid constituent and a
Newtonian compressible model for water. The 2D view of the mesh is
The dimensions of the simulation are the same as that in the experiment shown in Fig. 4(b) (only 1/6 of the total length is shown here). The 3D
above, except that the width of the simulation is 5 cm instead of 44 cm simulation consists of 10800 four-node tetrahedral elements, 4 material
to save the computational effort. Because the problem is 2D, the width points per element are assigned to the water domain while 1 material
does not actually matter anything. point per element is assigned to the soil domain. Different
computational parameters are used in the following section for
The flow passing through a porous dam of crushed rocks is evaluating the effect of the mesh size and number of material points per
investigated. The equivalent mean grain diameter is 1.59 cm and the element on the results.
initial porosity is 0.49. Fig. 3 shows the comparisons between the
numerical results and experimental data for free surface profiles during
the period when the flow is passing through the porous dam. (a) The geometry of the computational domain

(b) computational mesh (1/6 of the total length)
Fig. 4: Computational domain and mesh (vertical view)

The simulation is assumed to be quasi plane strain condition so that it is
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
essentially a two-dimensional problem. Water is constrained in the
(a) 0.2s
transverse direction and is free to move in the longitudinal direction.
Experiment However, it is restricted inside the whole computational domain
meaning that no water particles can come in or leave the computational
domain. Solid grains are totally confined in the soil region shown in
Fig. 4(a), since the movement of the solid grains is not the focus of the
0 current study.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

(b) 0.6s

Table 1. Parameters for constitutive models of soil and water 4.0
0.2m, 8 MPsPE

Material parameter Symbol Value Unit 0.2m, 10MPsPE
Density of soil grains 2700 kg / m3 3.0

Front Position (m)

0.2m, 4MPsPE

Young’s modulus E 1000 kPa 2.5 0.1m, 4MPsPE
Poisson ratio of soil 0.3 -
n 2.0
Initial porosity 0.473 -
Maximum porosity nmax 0.7 - 1.5
Solid grain diameter Dp 2,3,5 mm

Water density 1000 kg / m3
Water bulk modulus KL 21280 kPa

Water dynamic viscosity 8.905×10-7 kPa·s 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s)
Fig. 6: The Flow front positions at different times
Time Evolution of the Seepage Surface

The time evolution of the water table from the beginning to quasi- The Quasi-Equilibrium Seepage Line Profiles
equilibrium stage is shown in Fig. 5. It can be found that the seepage
line gradually reaches stable along with time, as the seepage lines are The simulation results of the quasi-equilibrium stages are shown in Fig.
getting closer and closer. And for this condition (grain size D p = 5 7(a), (b) & (c). For different grain sizes, the quasi-equilibrium stages
are reached at different times. The finer the grain size is, the more time
mm), the seepage flow reaches quasi-equilibrium at about 25s after the it requires to reach a quasi-equilibrium stage, because the soil
permeability reduces with the reduction of the soil grain size D p . The
5mm_5s 5mm_10s 5mm_15s time required for quasi-equilibrium is about 56s, 40s and 25s for grain

5mm_20s 5mm_25s 5mm_30s size of 2mm, 3mm and 5 mm respectively.


H (m) 0.5





0 0.5 1 1.5
x (m)
2 2.5 3
(a) D p = 5mm
Fig. 5: Time evolution of the seepage line inside the embankment ( D p
= 5mm)

Effect of Mesh Size and Number of Material Points Per

(b) D p = 3mm

The sensitivity of the seepage flow simulation to the computational

mesh size and the number of material points per element is investigated
through the simulations of seepage flow with two different mesh sizes:
coarse (0.2m) and fine (0.1m) and three different numbers of material (c) D p = 2mm
points per element (MPsPE): 4, 8 and 10 respectively. The seepage
flow front positions at different times are shown in Fig. 6. The grain 1.0
size adopted here is 3mm. 3mm_50s
It can be seen that the mesh size and the number of material points per 0.6
H (m)

element do not play an important role in the simulation in terms of the 0.4
seepage flow front prediction. Hence, from the perspective of saving
the computational effort, comparatively coarse meshes are chosen and
the number of material points per element is chosen to be 4. In addition, 0.0
the bulk modulus of water is reduced by a factor of 100 in order to 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
X (m)
increase the computational time step due to the fact that an explicit
integration scheme is employed. (d) Superposed seepage lines

Fig. 7: The quasi-equilibrium seepage lines

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