Tirumala Traffic Study: Road Safety Audit Checklist

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National Institute of Technology, Warangal – 506004 Sponsored by

Department of Civil Engineering T.T.D., Tirupati

Transportation Division Tirumala Traffic Study


Day and Date : Friday, 12/2/16 Start Point (Landmark): GNC End Point (Landmark): PAC-3
Start Time : 6:15 pm End Time: 8:00 pm Name of the Road:
Name of the Auditor : Sidharth Bhattacharjee Direction:
Weather : Dry Day/Night: Night Type of Facility:

SL. Photograph/Video
CHECKLIST (Put a  mark in Yes/No/NA) YES NO N/A REMARKS Reference (If any)
1.1 Is the road catering to motorized traffic? 
Is the road in congested condition at the time of
1.2 

2 Road Geometry
Are medians and islands of adequate width for
2.1 
the likely users ?
2.2 Is there any sudden change in road alignment ? 
Are the road boundaries free of any activities
2.3 
that are likely to distract drivers ?
Are the horizontal and vertical curves placed
2.4 
properly ?
Are the cross section (e.g. carriageway width,
2.5 lane width etc.) of the road as per standard 
specification ?
Are the bridges having footpaths and proper
crash barriers ?
Are the shoulders been designed as per proper
2.7 
specifications ?

National Institute of Technology, Warangal – 506004 Sponsored by
Department of Civil Engineering T.T.D., Tirupati
Transportation Division Tirumala Traffic Study
Are the speed breakers provided at appropriate

2.8 Are the side drains been designed properly ? 
Is there adequate refuge width in the median
2.9 
for the pedestrian traffics ?
3 Intersections YES NO N/A REMARKS
Reference (If any)
3.1 Is there any intersections on that road ? 
3.2 Is there central island in all intersections ? 
3.3 Are the all intersections signalized ? 
3.4 Are the signals working properly ? 
Are the all entrance lanes curved in the
3.5 
intersections ?
Is there sufficient space for all road users to
3.6 
undertake all maneuvers ?
Are there channelization in important
3.7 
intersections ?
3.8 Is the visibility to circulating traffic adequate ? 
Are the intersections having proper markings,
3.9 
signs, and stud to avoid accidents ?
4 Road users YES NO N/A REMARKS
Reference (If any)
4.1 Are there footpaths ? 
Is there any foot bridge for the purpose of
4.2 
pedestrian crossing ?
Does there appear to be a need for more and
4.3 
better facilities for the pedestrian crossing ?

National Institute of Technology, Warangal – 506004 Sponsored by
Department of Civil Engineering T.T.D., Tirupati
Transportation Division Tirumala Traffic Study
Are the bus stops or bus bays safely located
4.4 with adequate visibility and clearance to traffic 
lane ?
4.5 Is there any pedestrian signal ? 
4.6 Is there any separate bicycle lane ? 

Reference (If any)
Is the way of parking of road users causing
5.1 problem ? 

Is there any separate parking places ?

5.2 

6 Traffic signs YES NO N/A REMARKS
Reference (If any)
Is there provision for more traffic signs ?
6.1 
Are the traffic signs are clearly visible for all
6.2 
road users ?
Are there signs of minor accidents or conflict
6.3 points ? 

Is sufficient warnings provided in advance of

6.4 breaks in service roads and openings in the 
medians for traffic using multilane highway ?
Are there any situation where traffic signs
6.5 themselves are obstructing essential Line of 
Sight for drivers and pedestrians ?

National Institute of Technology, Warangal – 506004 Sponsored by
Department of Civil Engineering T.T.D., Tirupati
Transportation Division Tirumala Traffic Study
Are there sufficient regulatory and warning
6.6 
signs ?
Are there proper informatory signs wherever
6.7 
needed ?
7 Road markings YES NO N/A REMARKS
Reference (If any)
7.1 Is there provision for more road markings ? 
Are the surface and carriageway markings in
7.2 
good conditions ?
Are the road markings are clearly visible ?
7.3 
Has correct types of markings been used in
7.4 various situations (e.g. centre line, edge line 
etc.) ?
Are the zebra crossing markings provided at
7.5 the intersections and mid-blocks wherever 
needed ?
Are there any stop line marking ?
7.6 
Are there any directional marking ?
7.7 

7.8 Have retro-reflective markers been installed ? 

Reference (If any)
Is there provision for installation of more
8.1 
lightings in different parts of the road ?
Does the existing lighting guide the drivers in
8.2 
proper direction ?
National Institute of Technology, Warangal – 506004 Sponsored by
Department of Civil Engineering T.T.D., Tirupati
Transportation Division Tirumala Traffic Study
Are the appropriate types of poles used for all
8.3 
location and correctly installed ?
Are the lighting of the street poles working
8.4 
properly ?
Has the lighting for signs, specially for
8.5 overhead signs, been provided wherever 
necessary ?
Are there any lighting poles in the median
unprotected by crash barriers ?
Is there any illumination of lights of the
8.7 vehicles which causes problems to the drivers 
coming from the opposite direction ?

9 Roadside hazards YES NO N/A REMARKS Reference (If any)
Is there clear zone in between roadside end and
9.1 structures beside the road as per proper 
specifications ?
Is there any projection of trees from the outside
9.2 of carriageway which can affect the visibility 
of drivers ?
9.3 Are the all road side drains covered properly ? 
Are the provided crash barriers suitable for the
9.4 
purpose ?
Do the trees and vegetations obstruct driver and
9.5 
pedestrian sight lines ?
Is there any existence of roadside stalls and
9.6 other roadside business activity within the right 
of way of the road ?
Is the height of vegetation in the median of
9.7 
proper height ?

National Institute of Technology, Warangal – 506004 Sponsored by
Department of Civil Engineering T.T.D., Tirupati
Transportation Division Tirumala Traffic Study
10 Pavement Conditions YES NO N/A REMARKS Reference (If any)
10.1 Is there any potholes on the pavement ? 
Are the pavement edges uniform with the
10.2 
shoulders ?
Is there any big crack on the road which can
10.3 
cause hazards to the road users ?
Is there any undulation on the road surface
10.4 
which can cause hazards to the road users ?
Is there any place where water stagnation is
10.5 
there on the road ?

Specific Comments:

Audit carried out by:

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