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Joe's Restaurant

Chicken Soup $2.50
Salad $3.25
Sandwiches - Main Course
Ham and cheese $3.50
Tuna $3.00
Vegetarian $4.00
Grilled Cheese $2.50
Slice of Pizza $2.50
Cheeseburger $4.50
Hamburger $5.00
Spaghetti $5.50
Coffee $1.25
Water (still, mineral/bubbly, tap) $1.25
Tea $1.25
Soft Drinks - Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, Ice Tea $1.75
Ice cream $4.00
Pancakes with chocolate syrup $5.50
Apple pie $3.00
Donuts $1,00/piece

1. Complete the blanks:

Waiter dinner restaurant starter dessert

lunch waitress main course breakfast

The morning meal is called __________

The midday meal is called __________

The evening meal can be called __________

Sometimes we go to the __________ to eat food. The person who

serves you at the table is called the __________ and if they are female

a __________.
The different sections of a meal:

1. First there is the __________ (ex. soup)

2. Then, there is the __________ (the largest part)

3. Finally, there is the __________ (ex. ice cream)

2. Answer the questions

What is your favourite restaurant?


Which food do you prefer? Italian, Chinese, Thai…?


What do you ussually drink when you go out to a restaurant?


With whom do you ussually go to a restaurant with?

3. Fill in the blanks by listening to a conversation

Waiter: Hello, Can I ______ ______?

Kim: Yes, I'd like to have some lunch.

Waiter: Would you like a ________?

Kim: Yes, I'd like a bowl of chicken soup, please.

Waiter: And what would you like for your main course?

Kim: I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich, please.

Waiter: Would you like ________ __ ______?

Kim: Yes, I would like a glass of Coke, please.

Waiter: Would Pepsi be OK? _______________ Coke.

Kim: That would be fine.

Waiter: (After Kim has her lunch.) ____________ anything else?

Kim: No thank you. Just the bill.

Waiter: Certainly.

Kim: I don't have my glasses. How much is the lunch?

Waiter: That's _________.

Kim: Here you are. Thank you very much.

Waiter: ________________. Have a good day.

Kim: Thank you. Same to you

Kim: Yes, I'd like to have some lunch.

Waiter: Would you like a starter?

Kim: Yes, I'd like a bowl of chicken soup, please.

Waiter: And what would you like for your main course?

Kim: I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Kim: Yes, I'd like a glass of Coke, please.

Waiter: Would Pepsi be OK? We don't have Coke.

Kim: That would be fine.

Waiter: (After Kim has her lunch.) Can I bring you anything else?

Kim: No thank you. Just the bill.

Waiter: Certainly.

Kim: I don't have my glasses. How much is the lunch?

Waiter: That's $6.75.

Kim: Here you are. Thank you very much.

Waiter: You're welcome. Have a good day.

Kim: Thank you. Same to you.

4. You are about to order your dessert. Your friends wants fruit
salad but you are more into ice-cream. You are comparing
them both in order to decide. Complete the conversation
below with the given adjectives with the correct comparative

A: Let's order some dessert. What about ice-cream? It looks delicious.

B: It does. But fruit salad is (healthy) __________
A: I disagree. Ice-cream contains a lot of vitamins.
B: Yes, but much (little) __________ than fruit salad. Besides, the
chocolate syrup, milk and sugar make you (fat) __________.
A: I don't mind. I'm not on a diet. Look! The ice-cream even comes with
a cherry! That's my piece of fruit!
B: Fruit salad is (refreshing) __________ than ice-cream.
A: You mean (natural) __________ because ice-cream really cools you
B: Mmm. Yes. Look at the price. Fruit salad is really (cheap)
__________ than ice-cream.
A: I still prefer ice-cream. I'm into something really (sweet)
B: I'll go for the fruit salad.. and a scoop of ice-cream on top. He-he.
A: You are (difficult) __________ than I had thought!

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