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PRL 98, 029801 (2007) 12 JANUARY 2007

Comment on ‘‘Non-Mean-Field Behavior of the 0.4230
-0.8 0.4233
Contact Process on Scale-Free Networks’’ 0.4237

-1.2 0.4250
Recently, Castellano and Pastor-Satorras [1] used the -1.4 -1.33
finite size scaling (FSS) theory to analyze simulation -1.6
data for the contact process (CP) on scale-free networks -1.8
0.001 0.01 0.1
(SFNs) and claimed that its absorbing critical behavior is
not consistent with the mean-field (MF) prediction.
Furthermore, they pointed out large density fluctuations FIG. 2 (color online). Effective exponents =jj for   2:75
at highly connected vertices as a possible origin for non- with N  107 . All samples are alive when data are obtained.
MF critical behavior. In this Comment, we propose a
scaling theory for relative density fluctuations in the spirit
of the MF theory, which turns out to explain simulation with   N  at criticality, one may assume a critical
data perfectly well. We also measure the value of the scaling relation as
critical density decay exponent =k , which agrees well rk  N 1==2 fkN 1= ; (3)
with the MF prediction. Our results strongly support that
1=2 1=2
the CP on SFNs still exhibits a MF-type critical behavior. where fx  x as x ! 0 and fx  x as x !
In contrast to equilibrium models with thermal noise, 1. In Fig. 1, our simulation results at criticality for  
nonequilibrium models exhibiting absorbing critical phe- 2:75 and 4.0 with various sizes N  103 ; . . . ; 106 show
nomena involve so-called multiplicative noise. In particu- excellent agreement with our prediction. Note that the
lar, the noise amplitude is proportional to the square root of case of   4:0 where the -independent ordinary MF
the particle density in models belonging to the directed appears also shows the similar behavior in rk .
percolation class such as CP [2]. Therefore, at the MF level We also observe the density decay dynamics for  
neglecting spatial fluctuations, the particle number fluctua- 2:75 in Fig. 2, where the effective decay exponents =k
tion should be proportional to the square root of the total are plotted against 1=t. Our best estimate is =k 
number of particles. It is easy to derive the relative density 1:345, which agrees well with the MF prediction of
fluctuation on vertices of degree k as k  1 and   1=  2 for  < 3.
Finally, we comment on the FSS exponent   =. 
rk  k =k  Nk Pk 1=2 ; (1) Vertices of degree k > N 1= are practically irrelevant.
Accordingly, the cutoff in k bigger than N 1= cannot in-
where k is the partial density on vertices of degree k, N is
fluence critical FSS which should be determined by the
the total number of vertices, and Pk is the degree distribu-
competition between correlated volume and system size.
tion. As k  k near criticality (: total density), we find,
We conjecture that     1=  2 from the
for reasonably large k,
hyperscaling-type argument [3]. Our numerical estimate
rk  N1=2 k1=2 ; (2) =  0:592 for   2:75 agrees well with our conjec-
ture. In fact, the results of Ref. [1] also agree reasonably
where  is the degree exponent. well with our conjecture. In conclusion, we believe that the
For large enough k > N 1= where the degree distribution CP on SFNs exhibits the MF-type critical behavior.
becomes almost flat in practice [NPk  O1], we expect This work was supported in part by the KRF Grant
rk  k1=2 . With these two limiting results and also (MOEHRD) (No. R14-2002-059-01000-0).

3 Meesoon
Ha,1,2 Hyunsuk Hong,2 and Hyunggyu Park1
1045 School of Physics
10 -0.5 Korea Institute for Advanced Study
10 0.875
γ=4.0-103 Seoul 130-722, Korea
rk N -y

1 2
104 Department of Physics and RIPC
105 -0.5 Chonbuk National University
10 1.5 Jeonju 561-756, Korea

Received 29 March 2006; published 11 January 2007

0.1 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.029801
0.01 0.1 1 10 PACS numbers: 89.75.Hc, 05.70.Ln, 87.23.Ge
kN -c
[1] C. Castellano and R. Pastor-Satorras, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96,
FIG. 1 (color online). Data collapse of the relative density 038701 (2006).
fluctuations rk averaged over surviving samples in the steady [2] H. Hinrichsen, Adv. Phys. 49, 815 (2000).
state for   2:75 (pc  0:4240, c  0:363, y  0:104) and [3] H. Hong, M. Ha, and H. Park (to be published).
  4:0 (pc  0:3570, c  0:25, y  0:125), respectively.

0031-9007=07=98(2)=029801(1) 029801-1 © 2007 The American Physical Society

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