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oe | Form DA1 Nomination Form (Please choose one of the available options) Applicable only fr individual! sole proprietors 1 Yes, We require nomination under section 45ZA of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and Rule 2(1) of the Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 in respect of bank deposits. [J No 1We confirm that le have been explained about the benefits of nomination facility to my/our bank account by the YES BANK official. However, we state that in spite of the explanation of the said benefits, Ilwe do not wish to nominate any person to the Account. Request you to kindly process my/our account opening form without the nomination facility". 1) We nominate the following person to whom in the event of myimy minor's death the amount of the deposit in the account, particulars whereof are given below, may be returned by YES BANK Ltd. Deposit / Account ADDITIONAL DETAILS, IF ANY NATURE NOMINEE NAME (Nomination should be only in favour of an individual) Relationship with depositor, if any. Age. IF minor, nominee's date of bith >! *As the nominee is a minor on this dale, le appoint Shri Smt. / Kum. (name). (Address) to receive the amount ofthe depastin the account on behatf of the nominee inthe event of myiminor's death during the minonty ofthe nominee. | Dl agree! 1] do not agree for the name of my nominee to be displayed on the Fixed Deposit Advice! Statement of Accounts andlor other documents! letters. “Sighlie Thume inpession of igratre / Thane impresion of 2 Applicant Signe | Thumb inprssion 6 3 Applicant {Guatdan's sgn apices Nome Name: ross Adress Date Place * tke out aomine nota mince “Where deposits madelacnurts helt ithe name of min, te nominato souls be sgn by a person fly ened oat on Deal ofthe ino ‘Wines sintizes ae required ony for cases whee the usameris proving than impression. ‘nese the customer doos not ot for nanan ths Gedaraton nee o be mandalrlyevaned cee) CustomerName: ( Mr. 0 Mrs. IMs Others (Pisspecify) ‘Nomination Required: 0] Yes CINo “Account No: Date: Signature of Bank Official

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