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I. Choose the correct answer.
1. You need a passport to cross the ….. between Mexico and the United States.
A. edge B. line C. border D. rim
2. The hotel where we are ….. is quite luxurious.
A. living B. remaining C. existing D. staying
3. When you ….. your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport.
A. arrive B. get C. reach D. achieve
4. It can be quite busy here during the tourist ….. .
A. season B. period C. phase D. stage
5. David ….. me to the train station every morning.
A. goes B. takes C. has D. makes
6. I always enjoy our school ….. to France.
A. excursion B. journey C. trip D. travel
7. Hurry up, or we’ll ….. the bus!
A. avoid B. miss C. droop D. lose
8. The brochure says that the hotel has a great ….. of the sea.
A. appearance B. look C. sight D. view
9. I must remember to ….. a souvenir back from Spain for my grandmother.
A. go B. bring C. take D. keep
10. The ….. from London to Berlin is about 919 kilometres.
A. measure B. length C. gap D. distance
11. Make sure you ….. a hotel before you come to our island, especially in the summer.
A. book B. keep C. put D. take
12. I live in Barcelona, but my ….. town is Madrid.
A. birth B. home C. native D. origin
13. I’ve always dreamt ….. China.
A. to visit B. of visiting C. I visit D. visit
14. The travel agency is arranging for us ….. at a really nice hotel.
A. stay B. of staying C. to stay D. staying
15. My dad says he always regrets ….. more.
A. to not travel B. not travelling C. he not travel D. of not travelling
16. John seems keen ….. how to drive as soon as he can.

Compiled & Designed by Ms. Luu Trang

A. of learning B. he learn C. for learn D. to learn
17. Now, class, I’d like you all to write ….. a description of your last holiday.
A. me B. to me C. it me D. about me
18. When you arrive ….., have your passport ready.
A. to the airport B. in the airport C. on the airport D. at the airport
19. The Joneses have invited us ….. to Australia with them this summer.
A. going B. for going C. about going D. to go
20. The in-flight entertainment may differ ….. that advertised.
A. to B. from C. in D. at

II. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.

21. What do you spend your pocket money …………………… each week?
22. Cilla is really talented …………………… singing.
23. I’m tired …………………… helping people and not even getting a ‘thank you’
24. I really hope you succeed …………………… all your exams.
25. I used to love swimming but since I got a new computer game, I’ve gone …………………… it.
26. If you keep lazing around all day, you’ll never get …………………… to tidying up your room!
27. Falling out of the tree resulted …………………… me going to hospital!
28. I’m very short …………………… money at the moment! Can you lend me some cash?
29. Who does this picture remind you …………………… ?
30. The college provides all the students …………………… books.

III. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in CAPITALS.

31. They risked their lives on expedition which were often ……..……..…………… dangerous. CREDIBLE

32. The men who were in charge of these expeditions needed good ……..……..…………… skills. LEADER

33. Explorers like Shackleton and Cook had great ……..……..…………… of character. STRONG

34. These great explorers had to face ……..……..…………… dangers and hardships. IMAGINABLE

35. They remained cheerful and never lose their ……..……..…………… . OPTIMISTIC

36. My sister has always been ……..……..…………… of dogs. TERRIFY

37. As it’s so late, I think it would be ……..……..…………… to take a taxi home. SENSE

38. It was ……..……..…………… to take the children swimming without a lifeguard. RESPONSIBLE

Compiled & Designed by Ms. Luu Trang

39. There were so many ……..……..…………… that I didn’t know which to choose. ACTIVE

40. Our ……..……..…………… taught us some basic safety rules before we went into the caves. INSTRUCT

41. Researchers are looking into how ……..……..…………… television is. INFLUENCE

42. I hate people who are ……..……..…………… . I don’t think anyone likes being lied to. HONEST

IV. Write one word in each gap.

Written communication
Not long ago, written communication was slow. In the past, you (43) ………………………… communicate (44)
………………………… someone (45) ………………………… letter. They would receive the letter (46) ………………………… you several
days or weeks after you sent it, though. Sometimes, that must have been very annoying! For example, you couldn’t send
a letter inviting someone (47) ………………………… your party unless you sent it at least a week before.
Today, though, with e-mail and text messages, we can send a written message to someone instantly - and we
don’t (48) ………………………… to go to the post office or pay for a stamp! It’s now easier than ever to stay in touch (49)
………………………… friends and relations wherever they are in the world. Now, you (50) ………………………… decide to have a
party in the morning, and your friends will be there in the evening. That’s great, isn’t it?

I. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write
between two and five words in each gap.
51. You need to stop the engine and then check to see if there’s any oil on the ground. (turn)
You need to ………………………………………………………. and then check to see if there’s any oil on the ground.
52. Before the aeroplane was invented, people told stories about flying machines. (made)
Before the aeroplane was invented, people ………………………………………………………. stories about flying machines.
53. Don’t just put your batteries in the bin - recycle them! (away)
Don’t just ………………………………………………………. - recycle them!
54. It took a long time for scientists to discover what stars are made of. (find)
It took a long time for scientists to ………………………………………………………. what stars are made of.
55. I found some old coins in a drawer while I was looking for a pen. (across)
I ………………………………………………………. some old coins in a drawer while I was looking for a pen.
56. If you watch doesn’t work, return it to the shop. (back)
If your watch doesn’t work , ………………………………………………………. to the shop.
57. Our car stopped working last week and I don’t know why. (down)
Our car ………………………………………………………. last week and I don’t know why.
58. Did you give Mark the money you borrowed from him? (pay)
Did you ………………………………………………………. the money Mark lent you?
59. I find the subject of exploration very interesting. (keen)
I ……..……..…………………..……..…………… the subject of exploration.
60. I’m sure we studied this unit last year. (remember)
I ……..……..…………………..……..…………… this unit last year.

Compiled & Designed by Ms. Luu Trang

II. Write at least 100 words to answer the question below.
‘What makes a good friend?’

























Compiled & Designed by Ms. Luu Trang

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