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Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Vol. 34 No.

1, Januari 2019, 50-69


Herke Francien Vernando Memah
Faculty of Economics, Management Study Program, Sariputra Indonesia Tomohon University
Email: h3rk30104@gmail.com
Michel Jacson Nalawo Potolau
Faculty of Economics, Management Study Program, Sariputra Indonesia Tomohon University
Email: potolaumichel@gmail.com
Received: November 2018; Accepted: January 2019; Available online: January 2019

This study aims to assess the performance of cooperatives and provide strategic
recommendations that can help the Local Cooperative in carrying out its vision and mission.
This study uses a descriptive research design. The results of the research work of KUD Karya
Maesaan, Financial Perspective: Return on Investment (ROI) in 2014 is 1.31%, 2015: 0.86%,
2016: 2.15%. Return on Equity (ROE) in 2014 is 1.51%, 2015: 0.90%, 2016: 2.23%. Net
Profit Margin in 2014 is 0.056, 2015: 0.137, 2016: 0.322. Cost Efficiency in 2016 is 97.09%,
2017: 95.57%. KSU Usaha Bersama: ROI in 2014 23.6%, 2015: 22.11%, 2016: 19.29%. ROE
in 2014 was 36.77%, in 2015: 33.10%, in 2016: 31.45%. Net Profit Margin in 2014: 0.128,
2015: 0.148, 2016: 0.151. Cost Efficiency in 2016 is 98.62%, 2017: 96.75%. Customer
Perspective: For the past 3 years, the number of customers of KUD Karya Maesaan and KSU
Usaha Bersama always increases. The level of satisfaction of the customers for both
cooperatives are in the level of very satisfied. Internal process perspectives: the processing
time and delivery time for both cooperatives are running efficiently. In human resources
perspective, both of the cooperative needs to increase the education level for their members
and administrator.
Keywords: SWOT, Balanced Scorecard, Performance.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kinerja koperasi serta memberikan
rekomendasi strategi yang dapat membantu Koperasi Unit Desa dalam menjalankan visi dan
misinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian KUD
Karya Maesaan, Perspektif Keuangan: Return on Investment tahun 2014 1.31%, tahun 2015
0.86%, tahun 2016 2.15%. Return on Equity tahun 2014 1.51%, tahun 2015 0.90%, tahun
2016 2.23%. Net Profit Margin tahun 2014 0.056, tahun 2015 0.137, tahun 2016 0.322.
Efisiensi Biaya tahun 2016 97.09%, tahun 2017 95.57%. KSU Usaha Bersama: Return on
Investment tahun 2014 23.6%, tahun 2015 22.11%, tahun 2016 19.29%. Return on Equity
tahun 2014 36.77%, tahun 2015 33.10%, tahun 2016 31.45%. Net Profit Margin tahun 2014
0.128, tahun 2015 0.148, tahun 2016 0.151. Efisiensi Biaya tahun 2016 98.62%, tahun 2017
96.75%. Perspektif pelanggan: Jumlah pelanggan selama 3 tahun untuk KUD Karya
Maesaan dan KSU Usaha Besama selalu meningkat. Tingkat kepuasan pelangan KUD Karya
Maesaan dan KSU Usaha Bersama sangat puas. Perspektif internal proses: waktu proses dan
waktu pengiriman KUD Karya Maesaan dan KSU Usaha Besama, berjalan dengan efisien.
Perspektif sumberdaya manusia KUD Karya Maesaan dan KSU Usaha Besama perlu adanya
peningkatan tingkat pendidikan.
Kata Kunci: SWOT, Balanced Scorecard, Kinerja.

How to Cite: Memah, H. F. V., & Potolau, M. J. N. (2019). Performance Measurement with SWOT Balanced Scorecard
Analysis at Local Cooperatives in Minahasa Selatan District. Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, 34(1), 50-69.

50 p-ISSN: 0854-1442 (Print) e-ISSN: 2503-4464 (Online)

Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Vol. 34 No. 1, Januari 2019, 50-69

INTRODUCTION various other business strategy models, this

Background Balanced Scorecard can be used to manage
Cooperatives as business entities performance by considering strategic and
require appropriate performance risk factors appropriately.
measurement as a basis for determining the The Balance Scorecard is used to
effectiveness of their business activities, measure performance by paying attention
especially operational effectiveness, to the balance between the financial and
organizational parts and employees based non-financial sides, between the short and
on targets, standards and predetermined long term and involving internal and
criteria (Mulyadi, 2001). Performance external factors. Comprehensive
measurement is a very important factor to measurement is needed which includes 4
support the growth and development of a perspectives to measure future perfor-
cooperative. Generally the performance of mance, namely: finance, consumers,
a cooperative is measured from a financial business / internal processes, and growth
perspective. Measurements with this learning. Based on the concept of the
method have many weaknesses because Balanced Scorecard, financial performance
they do not adequately represent the is actually a result of non-financial
overall performance of the company performance (consumers, business
outside the financial aspects (Susanti, processes, and learning).
2010). Based on data from the Department of
Financial goals will only be achieved if Cooperatives and Small and Medium
the number of customers who support has a Enterprises in South Minahasa Regency,
significant number, and a significant the number of cooperatives in South
number of customers can only be achieved Minahasa Regency is 857 cooperatives, but
if supported by professional internal currently there are 400 cooperatives active
business management readiness that leads in South Minahasa Regency, spread across
to increased customer satisfaction. 17 sub-districts. This means that more than
Professional business management needs half of the total cooperatives that have
to be supported by a process of learning been disbanded in accordance with the
and growth that leads to improving the Decree of the Ministry of Cooperatives and
skills of human resources, systems, and Small and Medium Enterprises of the
technology (Gunawan, 2009). A new Republic of Indonesia Number: 114 / KEP
alternative in assessing the performance of / M.KUKM.2 / XII / 2016 which contains
an organization is a non-financial complete delivery with the names of 457
indicator. Financial and non-financial cooperatives were dissolved. With the
indicators should not be seen as something existence of agricultural potential that is
that is interchangeable. The two indicators more than half the area of South Minahasa
should be a unit that can reflect the overall Regency and should be able to become a
performance of the organization. The broad working environment for local unit
balanced scorecard accommodates both cooperatives, it is necessary to analyze
types of indicators, both financial and non- business development at local unit
financial (Susilo, 2007). The Balanced cooperatives in South Minahasa Regency
Scorecard integrates all operational in order to anticipate business risks and
performance measurement systems, so that formulate strategies to determine policies
it becomes a management strategy system that will take in the future.
from strategic formulation to operational The application of the Balance
implementation of each individual's Scorecard focuses on the deployment of
activities to achieve company goals. By long-term cooperative resources. The
integrating the SWOT analysis model, risk implementation of a balanced scorecard
management, organizational culture and element in a comprehensive manner is

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needed so that interested parties can make 1. Consumer Cooperatives

careful decisions to overcome the problems Consumer cooperatives are
found in cooperatives, such as measuring cooperatives whose members consist of
the performance of human resources, people who have a direct interest in the
where KUD Karya Maesaan and KSU consumption field. Consumer
Usaha Bersama have never measured how cooperatives have a function as the sole
much performance from existing human distributor of daily needs of members
resources (employees), as well as in terms who shorten the distance between
of measuring customer perspectives, KUD producers and consumers.
Karya Maesaan and KSU Usaha Bersama 2. Producer Cooperatives
have never measured how customer Producer cooperatives are cooperatives
loyalty, the number of new customers and whose members consist of
repeat customers, then in terms of entrepreneurs, owners of production
measuring internal processes (time the equipment, and interested employees,
process, on-time delivery, process while the business is directly related to
effectiveness) KUD Karya Maesaan and the field of industry or craft.
KSU Usaha Bersama only carry out the 3. Savings and Loans Cooperative
production process but do not analyze and Savings and loan cooperatives (credit
measure performance in the production cooperatives) are cooperatives whose
process. members are people who have a direct
The application of the balanced interest in the credit field.
scorecard element is expected to be able to 4. Service Cooperatives
formulate a cooperative strategy, so as to Cooperatives that carry out non-
achieve alignment of objectives and savings and loan service business
encourage cooperative resources to act best activities, that are needed by members
for cooperatives. By using the SWOT and non-members.
Analysis and Balanced Scorecard we can
obtain strategic balance between the targets Performance Assessment
of financial performance and the target of Mulyadi (2005) argues that
customer performance, internal process performance appraisal is a periodic
performance, and HR performance. determination of the operational
effectiveness of an organization, its
Research Purposes organizational parts and employees based
The purpose of this study was to on previously set targets, standards and
measure the performance of local criteria
cooperatives in South Minahasa district Performance measurement is a way of
through 4 perspectives namely: Financial measuring the direction and speed of
Perspective, Customer Perspective, change, which can be likened to a speed
Internal Process Perspective, and Learning measuring instrument from a car
and Growth Perspective (Prijambodo, 2012).


Cooperative The simple definition of the Balanced
The type of cooperative is based on Scorecard is a scorecard that is used to
the similarity of activities and interests of measure performance by paying attention
members. The types of cooperatives in to the balance between the financial and
Indonesia according to the Republic of non-financial sides, between the short and
Indonesia Law Number 17 of 2012 long term and involving internal and
concerning Cooperatives consist of: external factors (Freddy Rangkuti, 2012).

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Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Vol. 34 No. 1, Januari 2019, 50-69

To measure future performance, The steps in formulating the strategy

comprehensive measurement is needed that with the balanced scorecard framework are
covers 4 perspectives, namely: finance, as follows: (1) Results of analysis of the
consumers, business / internal processes, macro environment and industrial
and learning-growth (Rangkuti, 2012). environment (Trendwatching), (2) SWOT
The financial or financial perspective analysis results, (3) Mission, vision,
describes the financial success achieved by objectives of basic beliefs and basic values
the organization or activities carried out in of the organization, (4) Choice of strategies
3 other perspectives. The customer to realize organizational goals and vision
perspective describes the customer and and strategy objectives, (5) Strategy
market segments in which the organization Initiative, (6) Program (Balanced
competes. The internal business process Scorecard), (7) Action Plan (budgeting).
perspective identifies the processes that are Rangkuti (2012), compared to the concept
important for serving the customers and of ordinary strategic management, the
owners of the organization. Learning and SWOT Balanced Scorecard has several
growth perspectives describe the ability of advantages:
organizations to create long-term growth 1. Has 3 additional perspectives in
(Imelda, 2004). addition to a financial perspective.
Strategic formulations are compiled 2. Using the langging indicator (outcome
using the results of the SWOT analysis by measure indicator) and leading
combining various indicators contained in indicator (performance booster
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and indicator). The outcome measure
threats (Rangkuti, 2012). indicator is a measurement that
Internal explains something has happened.
Strengths Weaknesses Therefore, if the company does not
react to the measurement, the company
SO STRATEGY WO STRATEGY will experience the same problem in

the future. An example is a low profit

ST STRATEGY WT STRATEGY margin value. If the company does not
react to this condition, then it can be
Figure 1. TOWS Matriks ascertained that the company's profit
(source: Rangkuti, 2012) will decline. Performance booster
indicators, on the other hand, tell
The merging model uses the TOWS something about the future. Examples
Matrix. But not all strategic plans are are cost efficiency, increased sales,
compiled from TOWS. This matrix is used increased customer satisfaction index,
entirely. The strategy chosen is a strategy and so on. If the company improves its
that can solve the issue. customer satisfaction index, the
 S ~ O strategies are strategies that are company will be on the right track, so
arranged by using all the power to seize the company will get better annual
opportunities. sales.
 W ~ O strategies are strategies that are 3. Causal relationships. If we have a
prepared by minimizing weaknesses to number of indicators where
take advantage of opportunities. performance indicators are now
 S ~ T strategies are strategies that are indicative of good performance in the
arranged by using all the strengths to future from other indicators, we have
overcome threats. built a map of causality.
 W ~ T strategies are strategies that are 4. Application of SWOT BSC (Balanced
prepared by minimizing weaknesses to Scorecard) in stages throughout the
avoid threats. organization. Generally the main

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company with several business units individually or in groups, the results of

will first create a BSC SWOT for the observations of an object (physical), event
company level, then build a business or activity, and test results (Sangadji &
unit level value card at the subsidiary Sopiah, 2010). The data sought includes
level (Strategic Business Unit or SBU). the history of cooperatives, organizational
The SBU will take the goals (and even structures, financial reports from 2015 to
indicators) of the company's scorecard 2017, and other supporting data.
as a preliminary consideration and Quantitative and qualitative data are
explain how this scorecard contributes the types of primary data that will be used
to the company's targets. in this study. Quantitative data is data in
5. Double loop learning. Companies that the form of numbers, while qualitative is
have developed SWOT BSC can use it data that is not in the form of numbers.
to control the success of a single loop Secondary data is research data obtained
learning as a basis for consideration by researchers indirectly through
when the strategy is challenged by new intermediary media (obtained and recorded
information obtained from the business by other parties). Secondary data is
environment (double loop learning). generally in the form of evidence, notes, or
Based on the results of the study from historical reports that have been compiled
Herawati et al. (2018), it states that to in published or unpublished documentary
improve the quality of a cooperative it is data (Sangadji & Sopia, 2010).
necessary to analyze performance both in
terms of financial perspective, customer Data Collection Technique
perspective, internal business process Data collection is done by several
perspective and learning and growth methods, namely:
perspective. 1. Interview technique
Thus the results of research from 2. Observation Techniques
Lizwaril (2015), which states that in order 3. Documentation Techniques
to maintain employment, cooperatives
must conduct performance analysis Data Analysis
including financial perspective The data analysis used to apply the
performance, customer perspective, balanced scorecard element in the selected
business process perspective, and learning Farmers Cooperative is to describe the four
and development perspective. perspectives as follows:
Financial Perspective
Performance in a financial
RESEARCH METHODS perspective is measured using a size:
Research Design a. Investment return (Return on
This study uses a descriptive Investment) (ROI).
research design that is a study that aims to b. Increased sales.
provide or describe a situation or c. Revenue mix.
phenomenon that occurs at this time by d. Utilization of assets (measured by
using scientific procedures to answer the asset turn over).
actual problem (Sugiyono, 2011). e. Cost efficiency.
Types and Data Sources of Research Customer Perspective
The data sources used in this study are Performance on the customer's
primary data and secondary data. Primary perspective is measured through:
data is research data obtained directly from a. Number of new customers
the original source (not through b. Number of customers who buy back
intermediary media). Primary data can be c. Customer loyalty
in the form of subject opinions (people)

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Internal Process Perspective In 2016 the calculation of ROI gets a

Performance in the internal result of 19.29%, which means that
perspective of the process can be measured every one rupiah of assets produces a
using measurements: net profit of Rp. 19.29.
a. Processing time The results of the calculation of ROI
b. Delivery on time from the KSU Usaha Bersama do not
c. Effectiveness of the process show a negative number, all the
Learning and Growth Perspectives results are positive, then the
Measures from this perspective, investment is profitable.
measured using size:
a. HR expertise level Return on Equity (ROE)
b. HR Commitment KUD "Karya Maesaan"
c. Work atmosphere Judging from the ROE calculation
for KUD Karya Maesaan, it can be seen
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION that in 2014 the profitability ratio of Karya
Financial Perspective: Maesaan KUD was in the criteria that were
Return on Investment (ROI) not good because it was only at 1.51%.
KUD "Karya Maesaan" Then in 2015 it stood at 0.90%, down from
From the calculation of the Return on the previous year and meant that
Investment (ROI) in the KUD Karya profitability was still in the poor criteria. In
Maesaan from 2014 to 2016, the following 2016, ROE was 2.23%, the highest of the
results were obtained: previous two years, but it shows that the
The 2014 ROI shows a result of profitability is still in the poor criteria.
1.31%, which means that every one
rupiah of assets produces a profit of KSU “Usaha Bersama”
Rp. 1.31-. Then in 2015 the ROI was Judging from the ROE calculation
0.86%, which means that every one for KSU Usaha Bersama, it can be seen
rupiah of assets produces a profit of that in 2014 the profitability ratio of the
Rp. 0.86-. KSU Usaha Bersama was in a very good
Then in 2016 ROI shows a figure of criterion, which was 36.77%. Then in 2015
2.15% which means that every one it was 33.10%, down from the previous
rupiah of assets will generate a profit year but still in very good criteria. In 2016
of Rp. 2.15-. ROE was at 31.45%, the lowest of the
The result of the calculation of ROI previous two years, but it did not have a
from KUD Maesaan does not show a significant effect because profitability was
negative number, all the results are still in a very good criterion.
positive, then the investment is
profitable. Net Profit Margin
KUD "Karya Maesaan"
KSU “Usaha Bersama” Based on the calculation of KUD
From the calculation of ROI in KSU Karya Maesaan Net Profit Margin, the
Usaha Bersama, the results are as follows: results are as follows: Net profit margin in
In 2014 the ROI was at the level of 2014 was 0.056 or 5.6%, in 2015 the net
23.6%, which means that on every one profit margin was 0.137 or 13.7%, and in
rupiah the asset produces a net profit 2016 KUD Karya Maesaan net profit
of Rp. 23.6.-, in 2015 ROI was margin at 0.322 or 32.2%. Based on the
obtained with a yield of 22.11%, then results of the analysis, it can be seen that
every one rupiah of assets will the annual net profit margin of the Karya
generate a net profit of Rp.22.11.-, Maesaan Cooperative is increasing,

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meaning that the operational activities realized, and after cost efficiency is
from year to year are getting better. measured 98.62% for 2016 and 96.75% in
2017, although the difference in budget
KSU “Usaha Bersama” and realization is positive but still in the
Based on the Net Profit Margin criteria of less efficient.
calculation of the KSU Usaha Bersama, the
results are as follows: Net profit margin in Customer Perspective:
2014 was 0.128 or 12.8%, in 2015 the net Number of Customers
profit margin was 0.148 or 14.8%, and in KUD Karya Maesaan
2016 KSU Usaha Bersama net profit The number of members of the KSU
margin is at number 0.151 or 15.1%. Based Usaha Bersama in 2015 initially amounted
on the results of the analysis, it can be seen to 50 people and for the past 2 years there
that the annual net profit margin of KSU were 22 people increasing, and by the end
Usaha Bersama is increasing, meaning that of 2017 the total number of members was
the operational activities from year to year 72 people. Members of the cooperative
are getting better. consist of farmers and communities around
Tareran Sub-district, most of whom work
Cost Efficiency as traders. There were no members who
KUD “Karya Maesaan” resigned as members of the cooperative
In 2015, the Karya Maesaan when this research took place. This is due
Cooperative budgeted production cost for to the conveniences provided by the
2016 amounting to Rp.56,543,400 and it cooperative so that members feel satisfied.
realized Rp.54,900,000 so that there was a
profitable difference of Rp.1,643,400. In KSU Usaha Bersama
2016, production costs for 2017 amounted KSU Usaha Bersama, at the
to Rp.35,000,000 and it realized beginning of 2015 there were 16 people
Rp.33,450,000 so that there was a consisting of fishermen, farmers and
difference of Rp.1,550,000 (profitable). warriors who lived around the cooperative.
From the data above, it can be seen that For 2 (two) years running, members have
there is a difference between the budgeted increased to 16 people, and by the end of
costs and the costs incurred or realized, 2017 it has become 32 people. When the
and after cost efficiency is measured, the research takes place, it is not found that the
results are 97.09% for 2015-2016 and members of the cooperative resign from
95.57% in 2016-2017, which means the cooperative membership. This is driven
entering into less efficient criteria. by services and conveniences provided by
the cooperative.
KSU “Usaha Bersama”
KSU Usaha Bersama in 2015 Customer Loyalty
budgeted production costs for 2016 of KSU “Usaha Bersama”
Rp.102,780,000 and budget realization in The statement of direct evidence
2016 amounted to Rp.101,360,000. There from the five statements above, after being
is a number variance of Rp. 1,420,000 calculated gets an average score of 4.0 and
(profitable). In 2016, KSU Usaha Bersama a percentage of 80.8% with conclusions of
budgeted production costs for 2017 Satisfied results. This illustrates that the
amounting to Rp.119,100,000 and realized majority of respondents who are customers
was Rp.115,230,000. There is a favorable of KSU Usaha Bersama are satisfied with
difference in numbers which is Rp. the services of the cooperative (Table 1).
3,870,000. From the data above, it can be Based on the results of the analysis
seen that there is a difference between the Table 2, it can be seen that the highest
budgeted costs and the costs incurred or customer satisfaction from the reliability

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dimension is in 2 (two) statements, results of 78% of KSU Usaha Bersama

namely, the information delivered is easily respondents already feel satisfied with the
understood with a score of 4.2 and 84%, services provided by the management and
and coordination in the employee employees of the cooperative (Table 4).
environment is very good with a score the The basis of the analysis of the five
same value and percentage as the first statements of the dimensions of empathy
statement. Then, after averaging, a score of for KSU Usaha Bersama customer
3.98 is obtained with a percentage of 80% satisfaction was obtained, namely, the
and is in the Satisfied category. With these statement score of one was 4.1 or 82%, the
results it means that most of the KSU statement score of two was at 3.9 or 78%,
Usaha Bersama customer respondents are statement scores three and four is at 3.8 or
satisfied with the services of cooperative 76%, and statement five is at 4.2 or 84%.
employees, both employees and managers Statements one to four are in the satisfied
of cooperatives. category, while the five statements are in
Viewed from the results of customer the very satisfied category. After
satisfaction analysis of the dimensions of averaging, the score is 3.96 or 79.2% and
responsiveness, the highest value with a is in the satisfied category. This shows that
score of 4.3 and with a percentage of 86% most of the KSU Usaha Bersama customer
in the statement number 1 (one), respondents were satisfied with the
cooperative employees are friendly in employees and management of the
serving, are in the very satisfied category. cooperative who had provided satisfactory
Followed by the second statement with a services to customers (Table 5).
score of 3.9 and a percentage of 78%, and Most customer samples from research,
followed by a third, fourth and fifth if seen from the results of the analysis
statement with a score of 3.8 and a detailed above, we can conclude that they
percentage of 76%. After drawn the are satisfied with the performance of the
average value of the level of customer KSU Usaha Bersama. After calculating the
satisfaction on aspects of responsiveness, it average of each dimension of customer
will get a score of 3.92 and with a satisfaction measurement, it was found, the
percentage of 78.4%, and enter the direct evidence dimension to customer
satisfied category. Through this data, we satisfaction was 84%, the reliability
can conclude that KSU Usaha Bersama dimension to customer satisfaction was
customers are satisfied with the services of 80%, the dimension of responsiveness to
the management and employees of the customer satisfaction was 78%, the
cooperative (Table 3). guarantee dimension was 78%, and the
After going through the results of the empathy dimension is 80%. The biggest
analysis, the results of an average of five dimension that is needed by customers is
statements regarding the dimensions of direct evidence, where customers feel that
collateral are as follows: statement number the appearance of employees and the
one as many as 76% of respondents are situation of cooperatives are very
satisfied, statement number two as much as important to support cooperative services.
84% of respondents feel very satisfied, But all dimensions of supporting customer
statement number three as much as 80% of satisfaction are important to support
respondents are satisfied , the fourth cooperative services.
statement as much as 72% of respondents Calculation of important elements in
were satisfied, and the last statement with increasing customer satisfaction with the
78% of respondents were satisfied with the highest value is in the element of
guarantee provided by KSU Usaha Reliability, which is 86%, followed by the
Bersama. After the five statements about element of direct evidence, assurance and
the guarantee dimension are averaged, the empathy with 84% and the lowest element

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of responsiveness with a value of 82%. customers are satisfied with the

From these results it can be concluded that performance of the cooperative. Thus, as
the application of the balanced scorecard stated above, the basis for creating
element from the customer perspective has customer loyalty is customer satisfaction
been fulfilled where the average customer with cooperative products and services.
with a percentage of 79% is satisfied with Satisfaction and customer loyalty will be
the performance of the KSU Usaha connected to each other when consumers
Bersama (Table 6). reach the highest level of satisfaction that
From the results of the analysis of will lead to strong emotional bonds and
KSU Usaha Bersama customer long-term commitment to a company's
satisfaction, we can see that cooperative brand.

Table 1. Respondents' Perception of Direct Evidence Aspect Satisfaction Level in KSU

Usaha Bersama
Respondents Satisfaction Average
No Direct Evidence % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Adequate cooperative facilities. Example: the 5 24 9 0 0 3,8 76% S
availability of toilets
2 Clean Cooperative Condition 20 16 6 0 0 4,2 84% Vs
3 Cooperative employees look neat 15 24 3 0 0 4,2 84% Vs
4 Interesting cooperative space arrangement 10 16 9 2 0 3,7 74% S
5 Operational activities of cooperatives are 20 20 3 0 0 4,3 86% Vs
supported by adequate officers
Average 4,0 80,8% S
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

Table 2. Respondents' Perception of the Satisfaction Level of Reliability Aspects in KSU

Usaha Bersama
Respondents Satisfaction Average
No Reliability % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Transactions are carried out in a short time 10 8 15 2 0 3,5 70% S
2 Information submitted by employees is easy to 20 16 6 0 0 4,2 84% Vs
3 The service provided is as expected 15 24 0 2 0 4,1 82% S
4 The coordination of employees in the 20 16 6 0 0 4,2 84% Vs
cooperative environment is very good
5 Employees are able to respond to customers 20 8 9 2 0 3,9 78% S
Average 3,98 80% S
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

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Table 3. Respondents' Perception of the Response Level of Satisfaction in the KSU Usaha
Respondents Satisfaction Average
No Response % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Cooperative employees are friendly in serving 40 24 3 0 1 4,3 86% Vs
2 You feel comfortable transacting in a cooperative 30 28 3 0 2 3,9 78% S
3 Cooperative employees serve you quickly 30 16 12 2 1 3,8 76% S
4 Cooperative employees are able to convince you to 15 36 6 2 1 3,8 76% S
deal with your complaints
5 Employees must always be willing to help 20 28 6 2 1 3,8 76% S
Average 3,92 78,4% S
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

Table 4. Respondents' Perception of Guaranteed Aspect Level of Satisfaction at KSU Usaha

Respondents Satisfaction Average
No Guarantee % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Cooperative employees work skillfully 15 16 3 4 0 3,8 76% S
2 The administration procedure is clear 25 8 9 0 0 4,2 84% Vs
3 Employees master their respective fields of work 20 8 12 0 0 4,0 80% S
4 You can trust the employees 5 20 9 2 0 3,6 72% S
5 Honesty of the attitude of employees in serving 10 20 9 0 0 3,9 78% S
Average 3,9 78% S
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

Table 5. Respondents' Perception of Empathy Aspect Satisfaction Level in KSU Usaha

Respondents Satisfaction Average
No Empathy % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Cooperative employees can communicate well 15 28 0 2 0 4,1 82% S
2 Cooperative employees pay attention to you 15 16 6 2 0 3,9 78% S
3 Cooperative employees understand your 10 16 12 0 0 3,8 76% S
transaction needs
4 Fair attitude shown by employees in serving 10 16 12 0 0 3,8 76% S
5 Division of work among employees according to 15 24 3 0 0 4,2 84% Vs
the type of service
Average 3,96 79,2% S
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

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Table 6. Respondents' Perception based on Important Elements in Increasing Customer

Satisfaction at KSU Usaha Bersama
Respondents Satisfaction Average
No Important Elements % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Direct evidence covers the situation and conditions of 15 24 3 0 0 4,2 84% Vs
the cooperative
2 Reliability includes the ability of cooperatives to 20 20 3 0 0 4,3 86% Vs
provide services
3 Responsiveness includes the responsiveness of 20 16 3 2 0 4,1 82% S
cooperative employees in helping customers and
providing good service
4 Guarantees include employee skills, politeness, and 15 24 3 0 0 4,2 84% Vs
friendliness to create customer confidence and trust
5 Empathy includes good communication and high 15 24 3 0 0 4,2 84% Vs
attention from employees to customers
Average 4,2 84% Vs
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

KUD Karya Maesaan 82.8% or the same as satisfied. It can be

concluded that the majority of KUD Karya
From the data Table 7, the highest
Maatuan customer respondents feel
satisfaction is in the fifth statement about
satisfied with the cooperative employees
cooperative operations supported by
who have provided satisfactory services to
adequate officers with a percentage value
cooperative customers (Table 9).
of 88%. The lowest customer satisfaction
is in the fourth statement regarding the The highest average score is in
arrangement of attractive cooperative statement four, you can trust employees,
space with a percentage value of 70%. worth 4.1 or 82% with satisfied categories.
Even though it is still in the satisfied This shows that a high level of trust from
category, cooperatives still have to pay customers towards cooperative employees.
attention to the arrangement of the rooms The lowest average score is in statement
so they can attract more customers and can two about clarity of administrative
bring more satisfaction to customers. procedures, with a value of 3.7 or 74% and
in the category of satisfaction. Clarity of
If the first statement to the fifth is
averaged, it will get 3.94 or 78.8% with the administrative procedures is still in the
satisfied category (Table 10).
satisfied category. This means that when
viewed as a whole, cooperative customers After five statements from the
are satisfied with cooperative services in dimension of empathy as a measure of
terms of direct evidence dimensions. customer satisfaction we can see the
average score, the average total score will
Overall the assessment of customer
be in the interval of 3.4 - <4.2 with a
satisfaction on the dimensions of reliability
percentage of 78% with the satisfied
is in the interval score of 3.4 - <4.2 with a
category. Although in the category of
percentage of 72%, entered in the satisfied
satisfaction, cooperative employees must
category. Thus, it means that most of the
pay more attention to each customer
respondents of KUD Karya Maesaan
personally so that customer satisfaction
customers are satisfied with the services
can be increased. Because the second
provided by employees and cooperative
statement that reads the employees of the
managers (Table 8).
cooperative pays attention to you, has the
The statement about the dimensions lowest average score of 3.6 or 72%
of reliability in measuring customer compared to 4 (four) other statements,
satisfaction, as a whole was at an interval although this second statement is still in
score of 3.4 - <4.2 with an average of the category of satisfaction (Table 11).

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Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Vol. 34 No. 1, Januari 2019, 50-69

From the table of the results of the the overall statement regarding the
respondent's analysis of the important important element of determining customer
elements in increasing KUD Karya satisfaction is 84%, and this shows that the
Maesaan customer satisfaction, it can be application of the balanced scorecard
seen that the highest average score is on element from the customer's perspective
the dimension of responsiveness with a has been fulfilled and the customer is very
value of 90% and in the very satisfied satisfied with the performance of the KUD
category. This means that the dimensions Karya Maesaan (Table 12).
of responsiveness which include the From the results of the analysis of
responsiveness of cooperative employees customer satisfaction at KUD Karya
in helping customers and providing good Maesaan, we can see that cooperative
service, are valued by customers as the customers are satisfied with the
most important element that determines performance of the cooperative. Thus, we
satisfaction. Followed by the dimensions can draw the conclusion that customer
of justice with the percentage of 84%, and loyalty to the products of the KUD Karya
then the dimensions of direct evidence and Maesaan has been created, and this is also
empathy with a percentage of 82%, and the supported by the absence of customers
last is the dimension of collateral with a who break the relationship of cooperation
percentage of 78%. The average score of with KUD Karya Maesaan.

Table 7. Perceptions of Respondents based on Satisfaction Level on Direct Evidence Aspects

in KUD Karya Maesaan

Respondents Satisfaction Average

No Direct Evidence % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Adequate cooperative facilities. Example: the 15 16 6 2 0 3,9 78% S
availability of toilets
2 Clean Cooperative Condition 10 20 9 0 0 3,9 78% S
3 Cooperative employees look neat 20 12 6 2 0 4,0 80% S
4 Interesting cooperative space arrangement 10 12 12 0 1 3,5 70% S
5 Operational activities of cooperatives are 25 16 3 0 0 4,4 88% Vs
supported by adequate officers
Average 3,94 78,8% S
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

Table 8. Perceptions of Respondents based on their Satisfaction Level on the Reliability

Aspects in KUD Karya Maesaan
Respondents Satisfaction Average
No Reliability % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Transactions are carried out in a short time 15 4 9 4 1 3,3 66% U
2 Information submitted by employees is easy to 10 16 9 2 0 3,7 74% S
3 The service provided is as expected 5 12 9 6 0 3,2 64% U
4 The coordination of employees in the 15 16 6 0 1 3,8 76% S
cooperative environment is very good
5 Employees are able to respond to customers 10 20 9 0 0 3,9 78% S
Average 3,6 72% S
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

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Table 9. Perceptions of Respondents based on their Satisfaction Levels on the

Responsiveness Aspect in the KUD Karya Maesaan
Respondents Satisfaction Average
No Response % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Cooperative employees are friendly in serving 20 12 9 0 0 4,1 82% S
2 You feel comfortable transacting in a 25 20 0 0 0 4,5 90% Vs
3 cooperative 25 12 3 0 1 4,1 82% S
4 Cooperative employees serve you quickly 20 16 6 0 0 4,2 84% S
Cooperative employees are able to convince you
5 to deal with your complaints 10 24 3 0 1 3,8 76% S
Employees must always be willing to help
Rata-rata 4,14 82,8% S
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

Table 10. Perceptions of Respondents based on Satisfaction Level on Aspects of Guarantees

in KUD Karya Maesaan

Respondents Satisfaction Average

No Guarantee % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Cooperative employees work skillfully 15 16 9 0 0 4,0 80% S
2 The administration procedure is clear 5 28 0 4 0 3,7 74% S
3 Employees master their respective fields of work 10 24 3 2 0 3,9 78% S
4 You can trust the employees 20 12 9 0 0 4,1 82% S
5 Honesty of the attitude of employees in serving 15 20 3 0 1 3,9 78% S
Average 3,9 78% S
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

Table 11. Perceptions of Respondents based on their Satisfaction Level on Aspects of

Empathy in the KUD Karya Maesaan
Respondents Satisfaction Average
No Empathy % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Cooperative employees can communicate well 15 20 3 2 0 4,0 80% S
2 Cooperative employees pay attention to you 10 16 9 0 1 3,6 72% S
3 Cooperative employees understand your transaction 15 20 6 0 0 4,1 82% S
4 Fair attitude shown by employees in serving 15 24 3 0 0 4,2 84% Vs
5 customers 0 24 12 0 0 3,6 72% S
Division of work among employees according to the
type of service
Average 3,9 78% S
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

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Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Vol. 34 No. 1, Januari 2019, 50-69

Table 12. Respondents' Perception based on Important Elements in Increasing Customer

Satisfaction in KUD Karya Maesaan
Respondents Satisfaction Average
No Important Elements % Category
Vs S U D Vd Score
1 Direct evidence covers the situation and conditions of 20 16 3 2 0 4,1 82% S
the cooperative 10 32 0 0 0 4,2 84% Vs
2 Reliability includes the ability of cooperatives to
provide services 30 12 3 0 0 4,5 90% Vs
3 Responsiveness includes the responsiveness of
cooperative employees in helping customers and
providing good service 15 12 12 0 0 3,9 78% S
4 Guarantees include employee skills, politeness, and
friendliness to create customer confidence and trust
5 Empathy includes good communication and high 15 24 0 2 0 4,1 82% S
attention from employees to customers
Average 4,2 84% Vs
Note: Vs = Very satisfaction, S = Satisfaction, U = Undecided, D = Dissatisfaction, Vd = Very dissatisfaction
Source: Results of Respondent Data Analysis, 2018

Internal Process Perspective: KSU Usaha Bersama

Processing Time Based on the results in Table 14, the
KUD Karya Maesaan value of manufacturing cycle efficiency
Based on the results in Table 13, the (MCE) is as follows:
value of manufacturing cycle efficiency 173
MCE = = 1.006
(MCE) is as follows: 172
25 Based on the calculation of the
MCE = = 1.06
23.5 process time above, the results show that
Based on the calculation of the MCE is greater than one. This means that
process time above, the results show that the standard time for processing sweet corn
MCE is greater than one. This means that and making animal feed from corn
the standard processing time for making materials is greater than the time of
ant sugar is greater than the time of realization, and that means the production
realization, and that means the production process of making animal feed has been
process of making ant sugar has run running efficiently.

Table 13. Comparison of Standard Time and Realization Time for Making Ant Sugar
No Processing Time Standard Time (hour) Realization Time (hour)
1 Time for taking Nira 14 13
2 Time for making ant sugar 8 7
3 Packing Time 3 3.5
Total time process 25 23.5

Table 14. Comparison of Standard Time and Realization Time Animal Feed Making Process
No. Processing Time Standard Time (days) Realization Time (days)
1. Time for planting corn. 3 3
2. When ready to harvest. (sweet corn) 60 60
3. When ready to harvest (Animal Feed) 100 100
4. Harvest time 3 2
5. Time for Animal Feed Production 7 7
Total Time Process 173 172

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Delivery Time Learning and Growth Perspectives:

HR Expertise Level
KUD Karya Maesaan KUD Karya Maesaan
Ant sugar produced by KUD Karya Employees from the KUD Karya
Maesaan is directly sold at UKM Mart in Maesaan were recruited from cooperative
the traditional market of Tareran members. The number of employees of
Subdistrict, and the stalls in UKM Mart are KUD Karya Maesaan for the production of
guarded by members of cooperatives who ant sugar is 8 people, and each has a high
also work as traders in the traditional school / vocational education background.
market of Tareran District. So the end The division of tasks in the process of
consumers who want to consume these producing sugar is as follows: 2 (two)
products can get it directly in the people are assigned to take the “Nira”, 4
traditional markets in Tareran District, (four) people are in charge of the process
South Minahasa Regency. So the time to of making ant sugar, and when the packing
ship ant sugar from the production site to process they assisted by 2 (two) other
the UKM Mart only takes 1 day. It can be workers. No employee is indeed placed to
concluded that the product delivery work permanently in the cooperative
process from Karya Maesaan KUD has office. The one in charge of the
been running efficiently. cooperative office is the management of
the cooperative itself.

KSU Usaha Bersama KSU Usaha Bersama

Products from corn cultivation from Similar to KUD Karya Maesaan,
KSU Usaha Bersama are sweet corn and KSU Usaha Bersama in the process of
animal feed that made from corn. For the producing sweet corn and corn based
marketing of sweet corn, it is marketed to animal feed employs cooperative members
several traditional markets in the Amurang who have a farmer background, and in the
District and Tumpaan District, South production process KSU Usaha Bersama
Minahasa Regency. There is no distributor employs 10 employees. Employees who
who has become a regular customer for work in the cooperative office are
marketing the sweet corn, because when administrators of the cooperative
the product is ready and shipped for sale it themselves and often take turns with
will definitely be sold out. For the animal members of cooperatives who have a free
feed that made from corn, for selling it, time.
KSU Usaha Bersama has collaborated with
one of the large distributors in the Employee Turnover
Kawangkoan area of the Minahasa KUD Karya Maesaan
Regency. In the discussion the cooperation Based on the results of the interview
was not regulated about the time of with the chairman of the cooperative Mr.
ordering the product, so if the animal feed Drs. Jopie Suak, for the past three years,
from KSU Usaha Bersama had been starting from 2015 there were no
completed, then the next day it was employees who left and there were no
immediately delivered to the warehouse of additional employees. This means that
the distributor. It can be concluded that the employee turnover is at 0%.
delivery time of KSU Usaha Bersama
products, both sweet corn and animal feed, KSU Usaha Bersama
only takes 1 day and the shipping process Similar with KUD Karya Maesaan,
has run efficiently according to the chairman of KSU Usaha
Bersama Mr.Djenri Tampemawa, no
employees entered and left during 2015

64 p-ISSN: 0854-1442 (Print) e-ISSN: 2503-4464 (Online)

Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Vol. 34 No. 1, Januari 2019, 50-69

until 2017. However, in 2018 He is SWOT Analysis

planned to increase the number of Results of the KUD Karya Maesaan
employees in the fisheries sector to SWOT analysis describe in Table 14, and
become crew men. We can conclude that result of KSU Usaha Bersama SWOT
the retention of KSU Usaha Bersama analysis describe in Table 15.
employees is at 0%. The results of this study are in line
with the results of research from Lizwaril
Employee Productivity (2015) on Cooperative Performance
KUD Karya Maesaan Measurement with Balanced Scorecard.
The labor productivity target of the and Herawati et al (2018) on Cooperative
KUD Karya Maesaan is 20 units / hour. Performance Measurement Based on the
Labor productivity of KUD Karya Balanced Scorecard, where using
Maesaan during the production process: cooperative balance analysis, we can
Productivity measure and also know the performance
both from a perspective finance, customer
perspective, internal process perspective
From the calculation above, it can be and learning and growth perspective. By
seen that labor productivity has reached the using SWOT analysis, cooperatives can
specified target. know their strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. In this way
KSU Usaha Bersama cooperatives can make the right decisions
The labor productivity target of KSU in developing businesses.
Usaha Bersama is 0.52 kg/hour. Labor
productivity of KUD Karya Maesaan
during the production process:


From the calculation above, it can be

seen that labor productivity has reached the
specified target.

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Table 14. Results of the KUD Karya Maesaan SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Weaknesses:
Internal Factors  High employees productivity 1. cooperative finance still not stable
 Good on marketing transportation 2. There has never been a standard
 Location near the market performance measurement
 Product prices are relatively cheap 3. A very limited product storage faciity
and affordable 4. The location of the cooperative is not
 High customers loyalty strategic
5. Inadequate production site
6. The scope of the marketing area is
still small
External Factors

Opportunities: SO Strategy: WO Strategy:

1. Has a good cooperative image 1. Arrange a business plan 1. Develop and improve cooperative
2. Low level of competition 2. Improve the product quality facilities and infrastructure
3. The request of the product is quite 3. Increase the amount of production 2. Streamline the use of funds
large 4. Expand the marketing area
4. Have market share 5. Improve the quality of human
5. Availability of many raw materials resources

Treats: ST Strategy: WT Strategy:

1. The vigorous opening of land for 1. Improve marketing promotion 1. Guarantee cooperation with investors
residential areas threatens the 2. Preparing own land for planting the
availability of raw materials. raw materials
2. The possibility of workers to choose
another place for work.
3. There are many of substitution
products whose prices are relatively

Source: Research Result, 2018

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Tabel 15. Result of KSU Usaha Bersama SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Weaknesses:
1. High employees productivity 1. There has never been a standard
Internal Factor
2. Good financial performance performance measurement
3. Good marketing transportation 2. Human resources education level is
4. High customers loyalty still low
3. The scope of marketing area is

External Factor

Opportunities: SO Strategy: WO Strategy:

1. Has a good cooperative image 1. Making the business plan 1. Improve the quality of human
2. The request for the products is quite 2. Improve the quality of products resources
bigger 3. Increase the number of production 2. Improve the marketing area
3. Have a market share 4. Do the product innovation
4. Wide open product development

Threats: ST Strategy: WT Strategy:

1. The active opening of land to be used 1. Improve marketing promotion 1. Cooperate with the investor
as residential areas or industrial areas 2. Prepare own planting land for planting 2. Expand the area of marketing
threatens the availability of corn the corn.
planting land. 3. Improve the quality of product
2. High level of competition
3. Possibility of workers to work in the
other place
4. There are another products from the
other regional with better quality and
lower prices

Source: Research Result, 2018

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CONCLUSION employee productivity has reached the

The application of balanced scorecard target that was set by the cooperative.
financial perspective elements: The result Based on this, it can be said that the
of financial perspective of KUD Karya performance of KUD Karya Maesaan in
Maesaan that measured by Return on the perspective of growth and learning is
Investment (ROI) and Profit Margin is good.
good because it meets the specified The expertise level of HR from KSU
criteria. While the financial perspective as Usaha Bersama is still lacking, employee
measured by Return on Equity (ROE) and retention is at a value of 0% and employee
cost efficiency gets poor results. The result productivity has exceeded the targets set
of financial perspective of KSU Usaha by the cooperative, it can be concluded that
Bersama that is measured by cost the perspective of growth and learning has
efficiency gets the poor results, inversely gone well.
proportional to the financial perspective In this study there are still various
measured by Return on Investment (ROI), shortcomings, for that there is a need for
Return on Equity (ROE), and profit further research to further refine the
margins that get good results. research on the measurement of
The application of the balanced cooperative performance.
scorecard elements from the customer's
perspective: The customer's perspective of SUGGESTION
KUD Karya Maesaan is seen from the Based on the SWOT analysis, the
number of regular customers and from the strategic alternatives that can be carried out
customer loyalty level that getting the good by the KUD Karya Maesaan and KSU
results. KSU Usaha Bersama, like the Usaha Bersama are as follows: (1) KUD
KUD Karya Maesaan, has a good customer Karya Maesaan: more efficient use of
perspective from the number of regular funds, expanding marketing areas,
customers and customer loyalty are also in improving product quality, improving the
the good level. quality of human resources, increasing
The application of balanced scorecard promotion, and cooperating with investors.
elements from the internal process (2) KSU Usaha Bersama: improve product
perspective: The performance of KUD quality, increase production, carry out
Karya Maesaan based on the results of product innovations, expand marketing
measurement of processing time and areas and increase promotions, improve the
delivery time has been very effective and quality of human resources, and establish
efficient. The processing time of KSU cooperation with investors.
Usaha Bersama after being analyzed, we And then, based on the results of the
get the conclusion that the processing time study in order to empower local
has run efficiently, while the delivery cooperatives in South Minahasa Regency,
process has been carried out in accordance it is necessary to have the role and
with the time standardized by the attention of the government including:
cooperative. It can be said that the conducting training and counseling in
application of the KSU Usaha Bersama order to improve the performance of
balanced scorecard elements from an cooperatives, synergizing development
internal process perspective has been programs with empowering cooperatives,
effective. issuing use policies encourage acceleration
The application of the balanced of cooperative empowerment in a directed
scorecard element from the perspective of and gradual manner, fix the internal
learning and growth, the expertise level of conditions of cooperatives and eliminate
the KUD Karya Maesaan HR is good the practice of Corruption, Collusion and
enough. Employee retention is at 0% and Nepotism

68 p-ISSN: 0854-1442 (Print) e-ISSN: 2503-4464 (Online)

Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Vol. 34 No. 1, Januari 2019, 50-69

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