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This House would Legalize Marijuana

1st Speaker (+)

Thanks for the time that given to my team, my name is Diah Triyunita as the first speaker. And i
will deliver my arguments as a pro side.

the motion today is this house would legalize marijuana. our theme line of the motion is as
the affirmative team we absolutely agree with the motion today that is the house would legalize
marijuana. We just talk about the marijuana in indonesia. Marijuana is a narcotic compounds that
causes mental dependence followed by physical addiction for a long time, affecting feelings,
hearing, and vision. In many countries the marijuana assumed as a prohibited narcotic. But the
marijuana is not always give a negative impact for its user if used it exactly. Since thousands of
years ago, marijuana plants have actually been used in herbal medicine. In medical field the
marijuana is very useful for the illness medication. In a doctor’s strict supervision, active
substance in marijuana can be used to treat:

1. Inhibits alzheimer’s disease which attacks the brain

2. As a sedative that eliminates anxiety
3. Cure epileptic seizures
4. Cure cancer
5. Pain relief
6. Increase lung capacity
7. Reduce pain
8. Improve motor skill in parkinson’s sufferers.

1st Speaker (-)

I dont agree if the marijuana legalized, the marijuana is one of the kind of narcotic and
we know the narcotic can make their user get halusination, their heart beating fast and other. If
the marijuanan legalized then people will use it not according with its procedure. If the
marijuanan used with the healthy reason so do every they get ill you will suggest them to
consume the marijuana? If yes like that do they dont get dependence with it? What will happen
to them if they have dependence with the marijuana? Of course they will get bad impact from it.
narcotic can affect more then physical health. A study in Australia in 2008 showed abnormalities
in the brain associated with the using of marijuana for years. It supported by previous research
on the long term affects of marijuana, which showed change in the brain similiar to those caused
by other violent drug abuse. And a number of studies show the connection between on going
marijuana use and psychosis. Marijuana can change the arrangement of sperm cells and damages
them, thus even small amounts of marijuana can cause temporary infertility in men. Marijuana
use also can disrupt a women mestrual cycle. The research also showed that the use of of drug
during pregnancy will cause birth defects, abnormal metal condition and increase risk of white
blood cancer in children. THC content in the cannabis will disrupt the nervous system in the
brain which will interfere with memory.

2nd Speaker (+)

I will talking about healthy point of view, Firstly i would like to make some rebuttal for 1
speaker of negative team, did you said If the marijuanan legalized then people will use it not
according with its procedure? Here i believe if the government legalized the merijuana it is not
mean the government let the citizen freely use the marijuana. Just docter and with permit of the
docter the people can use the marijuana as a medication to cure their ills. Okey that’s all my
rebutal and here is my arguments.

1. the use of marijuana for science in the medical field has been widely develope. Virginia
common wealth University researcher in a 2013 publication in scientific journal, Journal
Pharmacology and experimental Therapeutics, have discovered Cannabinoids in marijuana
plants to treat epilepsy. These compounds work by binding to brain cells that are responsible
for regulating stimuli and a sense of calm in humans.
2. The marijuana can relieve glaucoma
Glaucoma is a disease that trigger the enlargement of eyeball, then suppresses the eye nerves
and causes visual disturbence. National eye institute in the United States has suggested the
use of marijuana to reduce symtoms of glaucoma by sucking it so it can relieve pressure on
the nerves of the eye.
3. The marijuana can overcome alzheimer.
The study, published in the journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, revealed a small dose of
Tetrahydrocannabinol in marijuana plants. It turns out that these compounds can slow the
formation of amyloid plaques that kill brain cells and are responsible for alzheimers.
4. The marijuana can kill cancer cell
The study, published on american government website revealed that the
cannabinoids compounnd can kill cancer cells and block the number of blood vessels needed
by tumors to grow. Cannabinoids include effective treatment of colon cancer, breast cancer
and liver cancer.

We have knew some of the benefit of the marijuana for especially for our health because
health is really relly important in our life. So leadis and gentlemen that is all that i can convey so
we are from affirmative team strongly agree with this motion that the marijuana would legalized.

2nd Speaker (-)

You were said that the marijuana usefull for health whereas the marijuana is very
dengerous in live if it legalized. The marijuana is highly addictive, if marijuana was to be
legalized, so there are would be a rise in arrests in public intoxication and when the human body
becomes inyoxicated, they mind is more prone to violence. Narcotics have also been known to
cause mental imparement, such as memory loss or slurred speech. Marijuana is very dangerous
for the wearer if become addicted.

3rd Speaker (+)

As my team said that that marijuana was very beneficial for health in terms of treatment,
but its use must be under the supervision of a doctor. The government legalize marijuana does
not mean that people are free use it. The marijuana will not cause addiction if used properly in
accordance with the dosage set by the docter for treatment. So before legalizing marijuana the
government must first provide give education to the people perhaps through socialization of the
benefit and the use of marijuana for health. If the public has suffcient knoeledge about
marijuana, the community will benefit from marijuana, which has been regarded as something
forbidden to use.
3rd Speaker (-)

In medication an illness we dont need to use marijuana as a medicine. There is still much
that can be used to treat diseases without having to use marijuana which is already considered
dangerous for body and mental health.

This House Would Legalized Buying and Selling Organ

Thanks for the time that given to my team, my name is Diah Triyunita as the first
speaker. And i will deliver my arguments as a pro side.

Pro arguments

Organs are collections of tissues with similiar function. Plant and animal life relies on
many organs that coexist in organ system. We strongly agree if buying and selling organ
legalized for health reason and in saving human life. Show many people need organs because
their organ does not functioning normally make buying and selling organs encreasingly
widespread not only overseas but also domestically. So the question arise. Should trade in organs
be legalized? . In medical world, organs tranplants from one patient to another can be done if you
get permission from the three parties below.

First, people who donate their organs that are still healthy to be placed on other people whose
organs suffer from pain or abnormalitis. Second, recepients namely people who recieve organs
from donors one reason or another, their organ must be replaced, third, a team of expert namely
doctors who handle transplant operation from the donor side to recepients. I agree if the activity
buying and selling organs legalized, because it have beneficial for:

1. Medical need

One of the most obvious benefits of buying and selling human organs is that it can help
medical people to treat patients. Lots of people saved their live because of getting organ donors
from other people. But because it is considered immoral, human organ donor are rarely done,
even in people who have died. We need to know , because the fewer supply of human organs,
many medical parties who have diffculty in healing patient. In fact, the medical sdie does not
want to know about the entry of organs, wheter from the black market or indeed from legal
sources. Organ donors are useful for saving the lives of people who are more suitable for life.

1st speaker (-)

I really not agree if the activity of buying and selling organ legalized. Because it is can
causing a criminal case such as kidnapping and murder. With the sale and purchase of human
organs, many people are willing to commite kidnapping and murder. Some human organs are
highly valued, so for economic reasons, many people end up kidnapping or killing someone just
to take one of their organs.

Poor people are very disadvantaged, the buying and selling of human organs basically
only applies to rich people. In the medical world, poor people who are dying can not get help
from human organs. Unlike the rich, where they can be saved. Not only that, poor people can
also become perpetrators of human organs. For economic reasons, poor people can sell their
kidneys to someone.

Crime pertrators of organ buying and selling involve many parties such as recruiters or
people to donate organ, couriers, individual staff etc. But there also many cadets selling organs
that do not know their organs are no longer there because of kidnapping , organ traffickers force
or deceive their victims, there are also victim who have agreed with certain fees but not paid or
the price is not in accordance with the agreement, and the dangerous one is that the organs are
removed withaout the knowledge of the victims.

2nd speaker (+)

I disagree with you, people that sell their organ to the other people based soul calling so
their service will have to paid dearly. Every 12 minutes, another person’s name joins the 123,000
others on the national organ transplant waiting list, according to the American Transplant
Foundation. While many are aware of the benefits of donation to the beneficiary, not all know
the benefits the donor receives. In honor of “Donate Life Month,” the health experts at
NurseWise, a national multilingual nurse triage and health education provider, bring you five
benefits of donating your organs and tissues.

1. Life Saver, Facilitator of Better Life

Organ transplant is a life saver, in other words a life giver. Today, a person with an ailing liver,
failing kidneys or heart can hope to live with an organ transplant. A blind person can see. An
ailing person may become healthy. There is a myriad of amazing stories from around the world,
countless lives being saved or changed for the better. Organ transplants don’t just benefit the
recipient but also changes the lives of their loved ones.
2. Furthering Science
Organ transplants are a medical marvel. Works of innumerable people over the centuries have
contributed to the modern methods of organ donation and transplant. The present methods are
also a phase in further evolution of medical science. What was known about and understood of
organ transplant a decade or two ago has evolved and today processes are safer, doctors know
much more about most organs and this is a continuous process of getting better. Organ transplant
thus plays a significant role in furthering our understanding of our own body and hence it
advances medical science as we know it.
3. Unmatched Act of Kindness
Organ transplants allow people with perfectly good organs to donate them so someone can live
or have a better life. Many people pledge to donate their organs when they die. This is not only
an act of kindness but it is almost godly. There can be no greater joy or even accomplishment
than to save someone’s life or to improve someone’s life, even if that person is a complete
Oke thats all my arguments that i can deliver, so i really agree this house to legalize buying and
selling organ. Thank you

2nd speaker (-)

In fact, more organ donors have a negative impact on donors and donor recepients. For donors i
believe there will be an inconsistency between the body and the organ it receives so that
infection can occur until death and for the donors it will also have negative impact on their healt.

Oke that all rebutal from me to second affirmative speaker, and here my argument. As i said
earlier that organ donors have a negative impact and the impact are:

1. It Can Extend the Family’s Grieving Period

Unfortunately, for an organ donation to be successful, the family of the organ recipient may need
to keep them on extended life support, which can prolong the grieving period. When a family
member or friend is kept on life support, it can provide a false sense of hope or presence of life
which can make the grieving process stronger and harder to go through. Organs are not donated
until an individual has been pronounced as brain dead.

2. Not everyone is an eligible organ donor

Although anyone can go through the process of becoming an organ donor, not everyone will be
eligible to provide specific organs as there are age restrictions in place. For instance, someone
who wants to donate a heart valve, cannot if they are not younger than sixty years of age.
Someone who is over the age of eighty cannot donate their corneas. Individuals who have
actively spreading cancer within the past year cannot donate at all, as is the same for those who
are HIV positive.

3. Organ donation can cause health problems

Not only can organ donations cause complications with surgery but for some people, surgery will
require a lifestyle change. If that lifestyle change is not followed, this can cause other health
problems. For instance, those who donate a kidney will no longer be able to consume alcohol, or
those who donate bone marrow may be restricted from participating in certain activities.

4. Not every organ will be accepted

Unfortunately, organs do get rejected by the body and it can be tough knowing that one must
take immunosuppressants for the rest of their life just to stop their body from rejecting the organ
that has saved their life.

5. Employers do not always have donor leave policies

When considering donating an organ, knowing employee policies around paid and unpaid leave
is critical since being an organ donor is expensive. Some U.S states do not have donor leave
policies which may heavily sway your decision to become an organ donor.

Oke that is my some of my argument, thank you.

3rd Speaker (-)

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