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Application of Remote

Sensing and Geographic

Information Systems For
Identification of Drought

Major:Introducing Information of Geospatial

Name:Ni Putu Cindy Puspitasari M.



1.1 Definition of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System

Remote sensing (RS), also called earth observation, refers to obtaining

information about objects or areas at the Earth’s surface without being in direct
contact with the object or area. Humans accomplish this task with aid of eyes or
by the sense of smell or hearing; so, remote sensing is day-to-day business for
people. Reading the newspaper, watching cars driving in front of you are all
remote sensing activities. Most sensing devices record information about an object
by measuring an object’s transmission of electromagnetic energy from reflecting
and radiating surfaces. (Campbell, J.B. 1996)

Remote sensing is the process of detecting and monitoring the physical

characteristics of an area by measuring the radiation that is reflected and emitted
at a distance from the targeted area. A special camera collects images of the Earth
that are felt remotely, which helps researchers "feel" things about the Earth. And
Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store,
manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data. The
keyword of this technology is Geography – this means that some portion of the
information is spatial. (nationalgeographic)
1.2 Remote Sensing Mechanism



Solar Radiation

Pre-Process and Archive Atmosphere

Down Link

Distribute for Analysis Forest Grass Bare Soil Paved Built-up Area

Water Road
Figure 1. The interaction between electromagnetic power and the atmospher

Detection and discrimination of objects or surface features means detecting and

recording of radiant energy reflected or emitted by objects or surface material
(Fig. 1). Different objects return different amount of energy in different bands of
the electromagnetic spectrum, incident upon it. This depends on the property of
material (structural, chemical, and physical), surface roughness, angle of
incidence, intensity, and wavelength of radiant energy. (Curran, P.J. 1985)

The Remote Sensing is basically a multi-disciplinary science which includes a

combination of various disciplines such as optics, spectroscopy, photography,
computer, electronics and telecommunication, satellite launching etc. All these
technologies are integrated to act as one complete system in itself, known as
Remote Sensing System. There are a number of stages in a Remote Sensing
process, and each of them is important for successful operation.

(Curran, P.J. 1985)

Stages in Remote Sensing

• Emission of electromagnetic radiation, or EMR (sun/self-


• Transmission of energy from the source to the

surface of the earth, as well as absorption and
• Interaction of EMR with the earth’s surface: reflection and

• Transmission of energy from the surface to the remote sensor

• Sensor data output

(Curran, P.J. 1985)

At temperature above absolute zero, all objects radiate electromagnetic energy by

virtue of their atomic and molecular oscillations. The total amount of emitted
radiation increases with the body’s absolute temperature and peaks at
progressively shorter wavelengths. The sun, being a major source of energy,
radiation and illumination, allows capturing reflected light with conventional (and
some not-so-conventional) cameras and films. (Joseph, G. 1996)

The basic strategy for sensing electromagnetic radiation is clear. Everything in

nature has its own unique distribution of reflected, emitted and absorbed radiation.
These spectral characteristics, if ingeniously exploited, can be used to distinguish
one thing from another or to obtain information about shape, size and other
physical and chemical properties. (Joseph, G. 1996)

Remote sensing is very dependent on the energy of electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic waves can come from many things, but the essential
electromagnetic wave in remote sensing is sunlight. Many sensors use the
reflected power of the sun as a source of electromagnetic waves, but some remote
sensing sensors use energy emitted by the earth and itself. Cameras mounted on
satellites function as watchdogs, that record surface of the planet when the
satellite is required to circle the globe according to its orbit or circulation. A
sensor is a device that collects and records electromagnetic radiation. The sensor
on the camera will rotate the earth's surface information through solar radiation
energy. That is reflected at the surface upward, the reflected energy data of this
radiation processed into electrical pollution and data sent to satellite processing
stations on earth

1.3 Geographic Information System Mechanism

GIS applications include both hardware and software systems. These applications
may include cartographic data, photographic data, digital data, or data in
spreadsheets. Cartographic data are already in map form, and may include such
information as the location of rivers, roads, hills, and valleys. Cartographic data
may also include survey data, mapping information which can be directly entered
into a GIS. Photographic interpretation is a major part of GIS. Photo interpretation
involves analyzing aerial photographs and assessing the features that appear.

Digital data can also be entered into GIS. An example of this kind of information
is computer data collected by satellites that show land use—the location of farms,
towns, and forests. Remote sensing provides another tool that can be integrated
into a GIS. Remote sensing includes imagery and other data collected from
satellites, balloons, and drones. Finally, GIS can also include data in table or
spreadsheet form, such as population demographics. Demographics can range
from age, income, and ethnicity to recent purchases and Internet browsing
preferences. (esri,2015)

GIS technology allows all these different types of information, no matter their
source or original format, to be overlaid on top of one another on a single map.
GIS uses location as the key index variable to relate these seemingly unrelated
data. Putting information into GIS is called data capture. Data that are already in
digital form, such as most tables and images taken by satellites, can simply be
uploaded into GIS. Maps, however, must first be scanned, or converted to digital
format. The two major types of GIS file formats are raster and vector. Raster
formats are grids of cells or pixels. Raster formats are useful for storing GIS data
that vary, such as elevation or satellite imagery. Vector formats are polygons that
use points (called nodes) and lines. Vector formats are useful for storing GIS data
with firm borders, such as school districts or streets.


2.1 Material & tools for the application

In this study, the method used in obtaining results is to overlap parameter

parameters that influence drought using GIS. The primary data material used as
Landsat TM (thematic mapper) satellite image data is a map of the coverage area
of the Kebumen Regency in Central Java (Figure 2).
The tools and materials used in this study include digital maps of Kebumen
Regency, Landsat TM imagery path/row 120/065, rainfall data, geohydrology
data, and a complete set of computer tools. The parameters used in this study
include wetness index, brightness index, vegetation index, landform,
geohydrology, rainfall, and land use in the form of dry agricultural land. The Data
obtained from primary data material, on the Landsat TM imagery path. Secondary
data from previous studies, And also data from field inspection result.

Landsat TM image data, through a process, that includes making a composite

band RGB (red, green, blue) 452, image transformation, and image classification,
this is used to identify landforms, find out the brightness index, wetness index,
vegetation index, and to determine the distribution of land-use types. Isohyet maps
are made from rainfall data from several stations in the study location to
determine the distribution of rain. Aquifer distribution is obtained from
hydrogeological maps to identify the storage of water below the surface. These
parameters are processed using GIS for Identify drought in Kebumen Regency.
Figure 2 is a research flow chart. Primary data material in the form of Landsat TM
imagery is corrected geometrically, so that there is a match with the actual surface
and radiometric correction to reduce image interference from clouds. The
transformation used is as follows:

Wetness Index

= (0.13929 B1) + (0.22490 B2) + (0.40359 B3) + (0.25178 B4) - (0.70133B5) -


Figure 2. Map of the Study Area in Kebumen Regency, Central Java

Citra Landsat TM
Path/row 120/065

Rain Data Base Map


Secondary Data

RGB composite Transformation


Isohyet landform Wetness Index Brightness Index Hydrogeology

Paddy Field GIS

Process - Analysis

Identification of
Potential Drought

Figure 3. Research Flow Chart

Figure 4 . Isohyet Map of Kebumen Regenc

Brightness Index = (0.33183 B1) + (0.33183 B2) + (0.55177 B3) + (0.42514 B4) -
(0.48047 B5) - (0.25252 B7)

Vegetation Index (NDVI)

= (near infrared - red) / (near infrared): (channel 4 - channel 3) / (channel 4 +

channel 3)

The image classification used is unsupervised classification to determine land

coverage in the area. After conducting a field check, a land-use map produced
which in this case focused on dry agricultural land. Visual interpretation of RGB
452 composite images used as necessary data in the analysis of landforms.
Rainfall data made into a spatial form (isohyet map) based on the rain classes.
The image transformation used the wetness index, the brightness index, vegetation
index (NDVI), and composite RGB 452 for the classification of physical
physiographic features. The parameters of landform, isohyet, and aquifer type are
factors in their ability to trigger drought. This based on the length of the strength
of water storage that accommodated in the area. Rainfall is one of the main factors
in determining surface conditions in the viewpoint of water resources. Rain is an
input. To be processed by the land surface to produce an output. Decreasing
groundwater flow will make it difficult for the community to meet their daily
needs where the surface runoff. That flows into the small river system will have
an impact on irrigation capability.

Rainfall of 3000-3500 mm/year with an area of about 23,979.09 km2 Isohyet is in

areas with moderate to high hilly topography with denudational mountainous
landforms and structural hills and has soil types of hapluduls / dystrudepts,
eutrudepts / udorthers, and eutrudepts / hapludals [tectonic mountains]. While the
rainfall of 3500-4000 mm/year with an area of about 1,908.24 km2 and rainfall of
4000-4500 mm/year with an area of around 638.48 km2 is only a small area with
a moderate hilly topography that is in the form of structural hills. Rainfall
parameter is a determinant of surface conditions concerning water resources that
have a relationship to drought. Figure 3 is an isohyet map of Kebumen Regency.

The rainfall in Kebumen Regency in Central Java illustrates the variation. The
rain that occurs divided into five classes, namely class I (2000-2500 mm/year),
class II (2500-3000 mm/year), class III (3000-3500 mm/year), class IV (3500-
4000 mm/year), and class V (4000-4500 mm / year). The average rainfall is 2000-
2500 mm/year with an area of about 22,070.94 km2. The distribution of rainfall
divided into two zonations, the first zoning of rain occurs in regions with
denudational mountainous landforms and structural hills with eutrudepts /
hapuldals soil types. Isohyet rainfall in the second zone is in denudational rocky
landforms, remnant hills, koluvial-alluvial plains, alluvial plains, and physical
shoals .

2500-3000 mm/year of rain with an area of about 83,352.89 km2 which is the
most widespread rainfall in the study location. Distribution of rainfall in this class
also includes flat topography, ramps, coastal areas to hilly areas. Types of
landforms, include denudational mountains, denudational hills, structural hills,
remnant hills, alluvial plain, limestone hills and physical shoals.

Hydrogeological conditions in Kebumen Regency are areas that have productive

aquifers, although with local intensity to widespread distribution (Table 1, Figure
5). Rare groundwater conditions in this region are around 46,905.78 km2 which
covers parts of Sempor, Karanggayam, Karangsambung, Sadang, Padureso
Districts. The area is a hilly topography.

Local aquifers with small productivity located in parts of the Districts of Ayah,
Gombong, Sruweng, Karanganyar and Rowokele and a small part in the District
of Padureso. The state of the area flanks the distribution of aquifers with moderate
to narrow productivity with aquifers with low local productivity, which located in
a part of Buayan District.

Productive aquifers with wide and narrow distribution have the most significant
area, from the middle to the south. Further to the south (sea), the productive
aquifer is increasingly narrowing. Productive aquifers are spread narrowly in
coastal areas with landforms, from marin to fluorescent, while the spread from
productive equifers with widespread, distribution is in areas with dense settlement
levels and relatively flat areas.
Table 1. Hydrogeological conditions in Kebumen Regency

Num. Aquifer surface area (ha)

1. Small local productivity means 16.113,17

2. moderate to narrow productivity 5.399,74
3. Productive with wide distribution 50.346,97
4. Productive with a narrow spread 11.995,29
5. scarce ground water areas 46.905,78
6. Local, medium production aquifers 1.188,69

Source: Puslit Tanah, Deptan, 1988

Figure 5. Hydrogeology map of Kebumen Regency (DGTL, 1988)

The type and type of aquifer determine the possibility of drought. Relatively little
groundwater conditions will diminish with the dry season. Groundwater supply
reduced and water availability becomes small. Analysis of the tasselled cap
transformation of the Landsat TM image includes three indices, namely the
Brightness Index, the Greenness Index, and the Wetness Index (wetness). The
Brightness Index represents the appearance of the object's brightness. The
Greenness Index represents the density of the vegetation, while the Wetness
Index, which shows the wetness of the recorded artefact, concerning the water
content/moisture [9,8]. The composite image used RGB 452, which emphasizes
the physical surface in interpreting the landforms of Kebumen Regency. Figure 5
is a map of the results of the transformation of the tasselled cap, NDVI and
composite RGB 452 Landsat TM.

Based on Landsat TM composite RGB 452 images (Figure 5A) geomorphology

that exists in the region includes landform units from structural processes,
landform units from denudational methods, landform units from fluvial processes,
marine landform units, and karst landform units. Form the land from which the
structural process based on the type of fault and crease

They located in the hilly area of Karangsambung and surrounding areas.

Formation of land originating from the deducational creation includes sub-forms
of remaining hills, erosion areas, and sedimentation areas. Structure of property
arising from the fluvial process consists of riverbanks, river swings, flood plains,
meandering rivers located associated with structural landforms, namely in the
anticline valley. Marine landforms are found along the south coast, while karst
landforms are in the Buayan and Daddy Districts.

Landform units have similarities in topographical aspects, source rocks, soil, and
natural processes that take place so that land surface conditions also affect the
occurrence of drought. Areas with structural landform units, marines, karst and
denudational mountain areas are very easy to lose water due to topographical
factors and soil types. The Brightness Index provides information that bright
surfaces are reflected higher than moist surfaces(Figure 5). Green is a reflection of
the polished surface so that it can be interpreted that these areas have a low
humidity level (green colour).
Source: Pengolahan citra digital, 2009

Figure 6. Image Transformation and Landsat TM Composite of Kebumen Region (A. RGB Composite 452, B.
Brightness Index, C. Wetness Index, D. Vegetation Index - NDVI)
The wetness index (Figure 6C) in yellow indicates that the area has a relatively
low humidity level and has a relatively rare level of vegetation density (Figure
6D). The results of the transformation of wetness index and vegetation index
(NDVI) used are the results of the change, which has a low level of reflection.
While for the brightness index, the transformation value used is the value that has
the highest representation. Table 2 is a table of types of land use in Kebumen

There are 12 types of land use in Kebumen District (Table 2). About 18% is dry
agriculture in the form of farmland and rain-fed rice fields with distribution in
Karanggayam District, Karangsambung, Sadang, Alian, and around the coast.
Hilly topography and still many rock outcrops result in low permeability because
many rainwaters become surface runoff and little stored in the soil. Figure 6 is a
map of land use in Kebumen Regency.

In the area around the coast, sand-textured soil making it easier for surface water
to seep into the ground and not stored for a long time. Regions that predicted as
areas that have drought potential also have vegetation land-use types even with
low density. Types of vegetation land use included in the identification of drought
areas include the kind of use of fields and rain-fed rice fields. Figure 7 is a map of
the potential for drought in Kebumen District resulting from the transformation
and GIS process.

The results of image transformation in the form of wetness, brightness, and

vegetation index (red colour) illustrate that the area has a high level of surface
brightness and low soil moisture then has a relatively rare vegetation density
factor. These areas indicate that the surface has a high level of drought. The dry
area resulting from this transformation reaches 17,478.97 km2. These results not
only illustrate the drought in agricultural areas but also describe regions that have
the type of residential land use or tightly built land also covered in this

Table 2. Broad Types of Land Use in Kebumen Regency, Central Java

Num. Types of Land Use Large(hectare)

1. Freshwater 722,47

2. Forest 5.503,50

3. Garden / Plantation 26.797,63

4. Land Sand 143,22

5. Sand beach 995,14

6. Settlement 30.776,37

7. Swamp 45,02

9. Irrigation field 35.487,78

10. rainfed agriculture 10.226,26

11. Shrubs 8.296,15

12. Land of the Field 13.684,12

Source: Peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia Bakosurtanal, 2001 [13] dan Pengolahan SIG, 2009

Figure 7. Land Use Map in Kebumen Regency (Bakosurtanal, 2001)

Source: Pengolahan data, 2010
Figure 8. Drought Potential Map of Kebumen Regency

The area detected by drought is adjusted to the potential of shallow aquifers and
isohyet of the lowest rainfall To determine compliance with surface conditions. In
Kebumen Regency, regions that have drought levels in shallow aquifer zoning
include Karanggayam District, Karangsambung, Sadang and part of Alian
District. In drought areas, there are still many types of dry agricultural land use,
and the existence of paddy fields still has a rainfed variety. Coastal regions also
identified as drought zones. In the coastal areas of agricultural plants, the form of
dry plants with an irrigation system by extracting ground water using a pump
machine, because the soil texture in the coastal area is permebility sandy so rain
water cannot be accommodated on the surface properly. In the research area, the
drought area in the coastal area covers some of the districts of Puring, Klirong,
Buluspesantren, Ambal and Mirit. In areas identified as having drought potential,
the average land used for rainfed lowland agriculture and cultivation.



3.1 Conclusion

Based on the results of research, it can conclude that the use of remote sensing
data can be used to identify the potential drought of an area by using a
transformation. Physiographic parameters that determine the potential for drought
include landform factors, aquifer condition factors and the main input factors in
the form of minimal rainfall. In Kebumen Regency, the areas identified as having
drought potential included parts of Karanggayam, Karangsambung, Sadang,
Alian, Puring, Klirong, Buluspesantren, Ambal and Mirit Districts.

3.2 Suggestion

Technology has become more advanced, remote sensing which initially only used
aerial photography with air balloon rides has now been developed with the advent
of satellite imagery. Of course, the way it works is more sophisticated. The use of
satellite imagery should be further developed and the use of it more optimized.

Campbell, J.B. 1996. Introduction to Remote Sensing. Taylor & Francis, London.

Colwell, R.N. (Ed.) 1983. Manual of Remote Sensing. Second Edition. Vol I:
Theory, Instruments and Techniques. American Society of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ASPRS, Falls Church.

Curran, P.J. 1985. Principles of Remote Sensing. Longman Group Limited,

Data Curah Hujan, Dinas Pertambangan Energi dan Sumberdaya Air, Kebumen,

Elachi, C. 1987. Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing.

Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.1993. Remote Sensing and

ImageInterpretation. Third Edition John Villey, New York.

Peta Hidrogeologi Indonesia, DGTL Dep. ESDM, Jakarta, 1988.

Peta Tanah Sumber Peta Tanah Eksplorasi, Puslit Tanah Departemen Pertanian,
Jakarta, 2000.

Peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia, Bakosurtanal, Jakarta, 2001.

Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
For Identification of Drought Potential

Made to fulfil task 3

Introduction to Geospatial Information
Prof. Dr. Ir. Bangun Muljo Sukojo, DEA, DESS

Ni Putu Cindy Puspitasari Mithania

Geomatics Engineering 2019
Email :

Faculty of Civil, Environmental, And Geo Engineering

Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember

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