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Lesson Plan

Subject: English
Form: 5
Date: 09.12.2015
Topic: Reading Together. The Fire that Almost Happens
Type of the lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge

Specific Competences

Communicative and Pragmatic Competence – Producing oral messages and interactions (spoken
Communicative Competence – Receiving written messages (Reading)
Communicative and Pragmatic Competence – Producing written messages and Interactions
Sub Competences
1.4 Following the speaker’s instructions appropriately.
3.3 Extracting the main ideas from an unknown text.
3.5 Selecting ideas from a text and arranging them into an appropriate scheme.
4.4 Editing short texts based on familiar topics.

Learning Objectives
O1-To give students more practice on pronunciation and vocabulary.
O2-To enrich pupil’s vocabulary through various activities.
O3-To read a text and identify its content.
O4-To practice talking about the text The Ghost in the Elevator
O5-To give the feedback of the lesson.

Techniques: conversation, reading aloud, translation, think-pair-share, scanning,

matching , translating, questioning , story map, true/false

Didactic Materials: textbook, copybook, pens, backboard, textbook, flashcards,

handouts etc.

Stages Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Techniques

of the
1) Greeting pupils; 1) Greeting teacher; Conversation
2) Answering teacher’s

2) Introductory
conversation; questions.
3) Introducing the theme of
the lesson.
Before reading Chris lives in the USA Scanning
1. Scanning : scan the first Chris speaks English and True/False
8 lines of the text to Greek. (annex 1)
identify if the statements Ted speaks English well
are true or false

2. Working with 1. In pairs students match Matching

vocabulary (p.38) the written the words with (annex 2)
the words in Romanian
2. Repeat the new words
after the teacher
3. Make orally sentences
Realization of the meaning

with the new words

Pupils underline the new words and Translating

3. Translate the following
translate the sentences. They work in
sentences: the sentences pairs (annex 3)
are taken from the text She sees a little smoke.
and they have new Chris saves the school from a
words big fire.
They don\t make fun of Chris
The teacher runs to the hall
The teacher pours water on
the paper.
Ted points down the hall.
While reading
Reading aloud
Students follow teacher’s reading
Model reading
After reading

a)Comprehension questions Chris is from Greece.

Where is Chris from? He lives in the USA now. Questioning
Where does he live now? Chris speaks Greek and English a
What languages does Chris little.
speak? Ted is a boy from Greece who can’t
Who is Ted? speak English at all.
Are Chris and Ted friends? Yes, they are.
What does Ted say to the Ted tries to tell the teacher that there
teacher one day ? is a fire in the hall.
Who helps the teacher to Chris helped the teacher to

understand Ted? understand what Ted says.

Pupils work in pairs. One pupil

Ex. 3 p.39 All the sentences in reads the false statement . The other
this exercise are wrong, you says” It is wrong” and gives the
should correct them. If correct version
necessary you may scan the
text for specific information.
Students work in pairs. They number
Ex. 4 p. 21 Read the sentences the sentences from 1 to 7 to show the
in correct order correct order

Work in groups of fours and Story Map

Narrative elements complete the story map of the text (annex 4)

Pupils express orally their opinions.

Ex. 5 p.39 After it they write complete answers
to the questions in their copybooks

What do you like the most in Share
the story?

Homework: ex. 6 p. 39

Annex 1 Scanning

Scan the first 8 lines of the text to identify if the statements are true or false (T/F)

Chris lives in the USA

Chris speaks English and Greek.
Ted speaks English well
Annex 2 Matching

baby words a aduce o galeata de apa

hall closet a salva școala

smoke indica

to bring a pail of water cuvinte simple

to make fun of a glumi pe seama cuiva

to point down fum a

to pour a turna

to save the school magazie

Annex 3 Translating

Translate the following sentences: the sentences are taken from the text and they have new words

She sees a little smoke.

Chris saves the school from a big fire.

They don’t make fun of Chris anymore.

The teacher runs to the hall closet.

The teacher pours water on the paper.

Ted points down the hall.

Formative test on checking reading, speaking and text comprehension (45 minutes)
1. Read the text . (orally 10 minutes)

The Fire that Almost Happens

Chris and his parents are Greek, but they live in the United States. Chris is a schoolboy.
He speaks English, but not very well, that is why he learns to read and write baby words in
English. The pupils make of fun of him at school. Chris is unhappy. He needs a friend.
Ted is a new schoolboy. He is Greek too, but he does not speak English at all. The
teacher wants Chris to help Ted. They are friends now.
One day Chris is late for school. When he comes to school, he sees that Ted is trying to
tell the teacher something. Ted is excited. He speaks Greek very fast. He points down the hall.
The teacher is happy to see Chris. She doesn’t understand Ted. Chris tells the teacher that
there is a fire in the hall closet. The teacher runs to the hall closet, opens the door and sees a little
smoke coming from some paper on the floor. She brings a pail of water and pours it on the paper.
Ted and Chris save the school from big fire.
It is a good thing that Chris speaks two languages. The children do not make fun of him
anymore. They want to be his friends.

2. Choose a word, translate it , tell what part of speech it is and make a sentence.
( Orally 15 minutes)

Word list: Baby words, make fun of, point, excited, closet, smoke, pour, save, fast, unhappy.

3. Answer the following questions: ( written form 25 minutes)

 Who are Greek? A/0/1
 Why do pupils make fun of Chris? A/0/1
 Where does Ted point to? A/0/1
 Are Chris and Ted friends?
 Ted is Greek too, but he speaks English well. True /False A/0/1
 It is a good thing that Chris speaks ____________languages. A/0/1
a) Three
b) Two
c) Four

Match the to parts to get a sentence A/0/1/2/3/4

 The teacher opens the door Greek very fast

 The teacher wants Chris the school from big fire.
 Ted and Chris save and sees a little smoke
 Ted speaks to help Ted.

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