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Keer Yang

English 1110.01, MWF 9:10-10:05

Instructor: Cathy Ryan

Assignment: Character Study

January 30, 2017

The lazy man

It is a Sunday morning. I wake up at 5 to have my first meal, as what I would do on

normal days. I walk into the kitchen and then I find out that I only have a little food left. I am not

sure if this would support me till the end of the day. After having my very first breakfast of the

day I go back to bed and I see this very lazy man is still in his deep dream.

How could you be so lazy? It is already 5 in the morning!

I decide to have a small nap. I can’t feel the time when I am asleep but I can hear the man

lying next to me is snoring regularly, so it wouldn’t be too late then. When I wake up the second

time, I see his eyes rolling at me.

Okay so you are awake now. Maybe we should have lunch together.

He garbs my foot before I can get off the bed. And I really hate it when people grabbing

any part of my body.

“Hey baby, you are up so early.” His voice is a little bit husky as he just woke up from

his sweet dream.

I am not. You are the one waking up too late.

I don’t want to reply him with words. So I look at him and hope eye contact can finally

wake him up. But as I see his eyes are about to close again I know he is not as awake as me now.

I don’t feel like sleeping anymore. I go out to the living room. The clock says it’s already 9.

I finally finish all my food left in the bowl. Before this lazy man wake up I need to starve.

I feel boring when he is sleeping. I sit at the balcony for a while and count the number of birds

flying pass our window. The number is 6, or maybe 7. I am not good at counting numbers. Then

I go back to the bedroom to check if he is up. And sadly it’s not. He is sleep talking about

something, or someone he met at work. I can see he drools on his pillow. Maybe he is dreaming

about food. Speaking of food, I feel hungry now. It’s already 11.

I need to wake him up or I will starve to death.

I jump onto the queen size bed. I sometimes feel it is too big for me, but this big guy

takes up half of the bed. I have tried so many times to wake him up by staring at him, but none of

these works. I also try to wake him up by calling his name, but it won’t work too. I decide to do

something different this time. And I wake him up successfully.

“Stupid cat! How dare you pee on my head!” He shouts out so loud that I almost can’t

feel my ears.

Finally the lazy man is awake and I don’t have to starve.

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