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VEY HEAD“ we "Wren Conan) Vocabulary ~ introduction Prepositions — verb + preposition tse (3) | Farconrna ReBeck (t4- é) et ee Fase Treat ve os (I IIERMEOMTE (44 © any verbs phonetic symbols: vowel sounds Iehas a anger hy eotheycometo he Sats 2 Producing tenses [Complete the sentence using the verb inthe box and the tense given ny tat mls printers fn China. We big profitthis ear ake 4 stsmne _ my daughter othe 20 yesterday. 5 come ron the cinema tonight em hota ast yor — in Prague Neat week So Made work sthome this week In Rome the week before st. ard recat, 3, Tenses and time expressions 1 Newly so (go) ping. te) +e oop 4 Wit you__t.. 8 st ea. Auxiliary verbs bor full verb? bold used as an amaiary ver (A) or 1G Have youcrerboen to China? CE Theyhave tre cden 2.0 tdomy homework every night. Di Where doyou come fom? 3. Theyarelorely ce, 1 Theyare ering Eaglch 4D What sme dia you gethomet Wedidatet ston ody 5 gland has won the World Cup once 1D England has some beaut eoumtrse 6 CO twashaving supper at 800 OO twas atone Unt + Awordofdeence 5 Sask questions 4 Read the Amasing facts missing. Wete questions o The Bh Pte Miser coms (0 Te overage mariage in Btn lass, 6 Replying with questions 3. got some rest present for ny birthday Wha 4 Joy and Bric pald alot of money for their hoase 1A. Janeand Ann liv inthe cent of town, 1B Trae enh cee. They ive in the suburbs! 2 A. They had lovely holiday. B rained every dayt 8 4a » 5A B oA 8 "They dost know anybody! 7A university, B sheet schoo at 16 8A. Annbas to work night B hes Ubraiant oe ‘The symbol // means the sound ie ang. Lang vowel ound Tid Unit! + Awotd of iference 7 Nocabulary | Prepositions 1 Grammar words 1B Words that go together 1S Verb + preposition Match worn A with grass em in B Match a word nA wit linen B 1 Canpiacn fa ‘ tebon - 4 Areyoulistening me? 5 youtaves problem, talk the teacher. 6 A What were you and Alextalking B Obsthisand that. a penictomorrow depends 0 Dite ‘he weather 3 Ciena | 8 whatdoyootiok Peet 1 Elden L 2 Trelyitchim, Litem 9 Wher the ash desk? ned to pay ‘uk 10 A Teele yourpen Sor (2. Word formation 3B Weal Dost worry __ie ‘Complete the sentences sing the word in CAPITALS in 1 doe work for anyone dle. EMPLOY © Wehad to runs fiv-mile cross-country course — 4A thee-cource meal consists of starter asin course anda dessert. —_ @ Theroadfellowsthe coureafthe ive, — Unit! + Awedd of dferene Listening 16 The world of work 1 GEIR Listes to an tev shout Pols peopl (Pe) gia Ben In which order (1-6) a youbea shot the flowing? wy Poles come to Britain {D hhow peopl in etn repr hese new imirats TD permits and documentation nade in iain the Poish population now lvngin he UX (ow easily Poke sete in Britain D shets age group of och immigrant othe UK 5 Why dent people from the older Polish community aways welcome the new ral? 3. Complete the extracts from the interview with he comct fora ofthe verbs in brackets fervent tea nny fh (wee log te, bout 200.000 Pos afer 95 el abet 00 of se tere nthe ent 90, 5 Ye ste thetuopan en _fgan 2004, Fol people (header oft prey ‘ordbere hee wie emir GME stn agin end heck, 2 Producing tenses 3. Questions Complete the sentences using the ver inthe box and “lere ae some answers o questions shout Ana ‘he tene given, “Melaan, Wie the questions 1 Where ue sh he? (On the lle of aba a Scotland 2 Howmany “Tee 3 What ' Hes a farmer Present Simple and Continuous ~ active and passive Pronunciation of -sat the end of a word + States and activities fod 4 ss 3 meso sue ‘Animal and wid. She -—_ er wok oally boring. 5 Whee : 4 esr suet ase —o ‘Alotofrare birds on theiland. Inthe ope 6 doings the ores? Shes painting seis of wil Hower. 7 young people of openings smal gallery. Because there arent any jobs eserves (1) sen Crore 2 Berhusband grows fut and veptable fn the openalrfom dawn unt dusk, 3. Ane paints portal stchours today 4. Shes puiming. serie of wi bid. 5 The people on Lohan are employe in farming 6. Young people are lesvng the inland to get marred. Adverbs Pronunciation 4 Thump into my od gaiend. (from time tte) Present Simple and Continuous T Questions and negatives Read the txt nd do the exercises Bilas. melg eee) PLUS ‘Complete the questions in the Present Simple 1 Hove fast 300dca/h (90m 2 How many pasengers 200 Usit2 The working week 10. Mogi nt sl/ice-ream wise. 11 People/not want befor ce /breaat 12 Shef not ave whisky. 13. The trolley gi not sit down, 4 Mogifnot tun beck towards customer. 15 She/ not wat doa dfieent job, GED tists, cee, and repent Pm Phonetic symbols p102 2 Complete the pir of sentences Ue the verb in Dold once in he Present Simple and once the Pretent Continuous BUS ke nd examples ofthe Present Simple and Preset 1 come Cetin te sn sed compe ca ens from Germ we cove ten oc tin ETS 2 athe teat He oy chien | o_o os to ba eer) {the dest net wee isk ned filing. ‘Present Simple passive (x7) t at you men bt drag. ve 4 oot Than am one bat siete an wn 1 she’s very clever. Inu pasive 5 wth eset ay foie FV propane {ate ion Tse eins 6 sty we thispuy at Te msc oo (se) 10 (ast) on chat, on the weather, ce What perme ar you wesing? > when you were litle gel You were (essocae) with the Unit2 The working eek Ust2 + Theworking week 15 Vocabulary Diath ese adjectives with thei opposes ia Exar 1 mean 2D hardworking 3D) umselich 4D cert 5 T confdent| 6 Ly sneociale 7 D polite 8D) unkind 9) pesmi 10 F) unambidous Phrasal verbs Listening 13 Whats coking? phratal verb in Eerie __ well with my sete, but not my * lier Weigel he dine 9 Oh dear—1e dropped my purse Could you or me? Thanks, the ime of the nest ‘3 Many people think that British cooking is be borng 4 Therecipe bes making today it expensive '5 Hes making the recipe lightly difereily today. ‘3 Complete teins fom the programme wih the correct form ofthe ver in brackets, 1) fro Canada erga, Past Simple and Continuous Past Simple and Continuous ~ active and passive ycabulary ~ birth, marriage, death \e~in/at /on ionetic symbols: consonants Billionaire rips a hole in his ANS chad daa net bs own puting by poring hee the eas. ‘Wynn the IOftvichest ian in America, rinshotes and casinos in Las Vegas He owns a Masses Renoir Vari Gogh, a Fas Silene (ea) $e toupiza Pcaso, Le Rive (Be Dream) 1997 seas pata ‘By an ax eestor in New York 4-"Negatives “Make thes sentences negative 2 Wyn ends were staying in his house, standin roto the picture and explaining its sory when he 3 They had seen the Preaso befor, accidentally ur his elbow through the canvas, (Tn sree 6 ae teres fo No Yo 4 Steven Cahen bought the Piaso, “impossible wo ee whet cw domagd: Not sup | longer anal nuy it, So Wir putin aval forsee keeping 5 Wynn sold itt someone else Units + Good mes, bad times Units + Goodtime bad tines 1 Fast Perfect (What had happened? ci ences. Use the prompts in brackets, Tense review 8 ate, was eating, or had eaten? ut the er in bold in he Pat Simple, Past Continuous, or Past Perfect. 1 Teouldst understand what she wa saying because she seston an ple. 2. The meal was erable, but John alup ‘He must have been hungry. 13 There wat nothing inthe fridge. The kids everything ‘enough full exams) 4. Bere is cident, Pete. tere pager eam 5 Iwas nerious swe nthe epartare lounge Past passive 9 ast Simpl passive Putte verein bracts the Pa Simpl ps 1 Rome anda met ite) S95 96. 4 Theplay 5 Many of Shakespeare play atthe Globe Theatre in London 6 The origina theatre Love on the tube 10 Questions and negatives Reade fist newpaper atic Compete quien 1 Who tsbtigonin Later Read the second article. Complete the negative sentences 7 Shel not se the man since November. ‘Satu ent mn ce Near, 8 She/no receive/any replies onthe Internet. copy of the newspaper. 11. He/notinow/ why people wee ooking at im, 12 Me Laurence/ not go oot with acyone. Read the third artic, Complete the text sig he verbs foe the box, vet fa ond vesleoing faded aa Vocabulary it, mariage, and death 2 Complete the sentences with the word from the box perored ‘etme may md Beenmared _nedng age ody ying on Weve bad her fr fieen nthe cold Tow them away. Prepositi 1 in/at/onfortime Complete etn ih int on (00 erpotion. 1A What di you do the weekend? 1B __Friday evening we went to party, We sept ete Seturdzy morning, and then __ the afernoon we went shopping. seven otlock some fends came round for meal We dist do much Sunday the evening ‘we jut watched TY. What about yout 2 Tl phone you nest week __ "Thursday. probably be —the afternoon, __ bout 3.00pm. OK? 5 Tdontscemy parents much, __ Christmas, usualy, and Berin Wall wae opened. For the sh century Germans could go ‘rom Wes to Fast Belin without rave restrictions. 5 A. Youlook ted: What were you doing. ls night? Breas tying to ish my Hite. Tan having to work ‘lot__nght the momect. thas tobe banded in ‘hls Fd, and ve gotload to write stil. ‘A Oh well see you lunchtime - you sll awake. 6 The weuter in England is uneiable.__saramerItcan be vyeryhot butt often rains April end June. The summer ‘was afl lst year. The best English weather i ustlly spring and autumn. Uni “Goodies bates 23 Pronunciation a. eg terion! ras Higa! ates |i GERD Listen and repent, 3 We the words in the coerect bor acon sound underined. tteie ogee the ae ath matre ch sae tes £ i i é stonks German ah | BI Liste, check and ep ———— | > rhonetcsymbotpton Units + Good tines bad times newer the questions. 1 My mum says my dad. holders that ag, and mealoton is realy ig, all man, thst Tig tat we IMPORTANT NOT Todo thom Tigitat ee NOTNECESART tod with dot favo TTugstarae A GOOD IwEAa = RGOOD ]OCANOT TO.00 vthshoud th sboutt “ight ae anh 921 PERMITTED todo Si wtion | Ting ican OMDDIN SD what owe ‘Modal and related verbs (must, have to, should) parable or inseparable? Unies + Gettingisght 25 Cbligation 4 Forms of have to “hae to/donthave to Locka te to the semen wih the pale ‘Match aline in A with ine in B ach my srt halt des 1 mustrit/donithaveto/ didn't haveto = 10 A Shall come wth you? B_Youcanif'you wast but you must dv have, Und Gettngitight 7 & should for advice 4 Read he sentences. Give advice weng should and 2 Complete the questions wih do you think should. and an en an idea fom the Box, fomthebor ae tow ‘Glamor earie Nay fre me {ake paper or ably _ ge eenced paso ot ahobey ge 1 eter wants ogo out with me. HES nice bat only ke him afin 1M son never wants ogo onthe us play computer games all day! Deyouthnk eld cu oth him? 2 Tvebeen fred place t Oxford an Cambridge Universe, woah ay ‘You soit il fra and then ll ‘im to stop and do something ce 2 My car keep breaking down Which university ——_______ 3 verything onthe mene looks wonderfull 13 My wife at sleping very well hese dys What, 4. Since he reed, my father doesnt know what, todo with himself ‘9 Modern manners Do you 1 have good manners? ivtation othe nd you realy cn" and Spetn ouk eyeol 2 Youget a prosert for your bithday. oul 0 You ned to say thas you, Should 2 Your at ied tle Yur ma ved but noone els as Shoulda nie + Geting tig Permission and ability 10 can and be allowed ‘Who sys these sen Wheret 5 "You can take your seatbelt off now. You stillet allowed te smote use personal computers or moble 1 "Youcant pak here. TU have to give yous phones parking tcket Aratc aon she rst. 2 “Tin sony. sz ut you cat get on without a passport 6 "Wereallowed oaks one phone all wick, nd we can oto he library bot we pend most four ie nor cl 7 "You can take photographs, bt you ca we Bath 3 "Youare allowed to lookat your notes during photography or touch any of the exbits: the exam: You aren all the diving board 4 ‘Shh! You cat alin hee. People aze studying” Obligation and permission and pleasure of being a teenager nid» Gettngitrghe 29 ‘hrasal verbs ‘Separable or inseparable? 4 Pumice cet es Vocabulary crossword 1 ‘Use the clus to complete the crossword. All these words and expressions ave appeared in Units 1-4 phone-in about ales that were 1 coatyontunof eight? recto be bok Tr ae espe se ademusensetsiet, tadtecnatr eter —— [Themes Snes _« Cdr evoss 2 Looker on he set Te gp tency ae Which pedo yo thinkthseins othe ‘ sn ‘phone-in refer to? Put a,b, orc. _ i Bion shout pt your elbows onthe tbl Rm re ero ceanie 2 Opole map 1 didnt buy it ‘Your individuality. 3 Dheyrecoring yee ‘shouldatt smoke at the EES whch tog “£ Please dont throw away (hose newspapers). havent * Cl Why does everyone have to rest exactly the Herr = Sen 5 Cl Apprey you shoud eda map orto ain Fa «pt tp ting on ou pte oto " 5 so is olen) Dkyn wer aba oe Reyne he snencein thea above wid the oun Toy hinks yon can at more hey wth ssa pronesn. 2 Hesayewe ech cen oct oo qulyo0 1 Gedawuneittt? 4 uch Sotto were /mal ctor oat 4 Sth te head wwe a tintin estan Peden njtenesmnae 5 rat ie 1 Pim looking for (Peter ~ him). “phone | smoking at the whee! that’s actually egal. ou « Feet neyo 2 Weep Rep r Sh- ve he 13 Complete these ins from the phone-in with the ———_ © eamect form ofthe phrasal er fom the box, 1. Ghres ad Cothaetoth atthe rg 2 Ting wad ep oki cpt otal poh 2 sate enstcresa nee es : ee : helo Sn ‘B Taththe Manages and hatsher Asta anomie Toop Milani, hp a = 1 sccmcapvotinintnstness re ron tment 2 niente 0 ’ 3 epee tetioeag ae 5 Tiyan aig wa hy 4 Tok te goag hee oe te nage ‘tec ateeeSa eS emgage wees (GERD isten again and check. Ww Fature forms 4 Recognizing tenses ‘Rea the text Use the fature ver forms sn also complete the char. verbs: A ~ may, might, could e+ preposition LONG HOT SUMMER FOR AUSTRALIAN FARMERS Sey Fay Caria oy anther ates shane ast iad eres Hooks patted sky ands. ‘Anite tt Rs ing ta be rather ry sme oeationsof Sally Youn’ fly barebeen born. her farm in Wako The amy loin to Melbourne next, month "ging toe wits ay husbands Wea on stay here any lg I's very sd My he won row pee Mal ign bus a dary fare to th Mutry Rie meting rity beri the sco of weeks. in nso ouch eat Tn go the tl ey ar ‘The doughs Ansa wort in cat noms ota will 2 Predictions 3 You dot need your umbrella. 1/not/think/ i intoday 4 Tm ging to posh restaurant tonight wonder iff eet anyone famous 5 You coald ak Jack for some money but I/not/ suppose/he lend you any. 6 Are you seeing that new fl tonight? sere you toe ike ie 1s very violent, 7 Tave some soup ready for you espectyou/be hungry afer your journey. 8 fv good ides bat 1/0 think /i/ work. 2 Soyouive finshed your exams (When resus) 3. So you've ran out of money! (How pa ” 4 Soyoue going to live on an andl 5 So Per giving you it tothe pty How home?) tthe negatives with wort to expres the ela, {8 Hell remember your birthday. 9 Your hat the Sm enjoy tefl, 10 Englend will win the match, 4. Offering to help Male offre with 1, 1 Resohotin ere! Tone ta wind, 5 Teant do the homework Unies + Our changing word 3 ‘Complete the conversations with wil or going cand the verb in brackets Use the most nar form, 1A Why are you wearing our old thes? 3 cause mgeiutonash (as) the cs, 2 A Tvegota headache Have you got any spin? B Yes they in the bithroom. (2 some for you 3A Dou forgetto tell me if can lp you. (ive) you ring Units + Our changing wold 6 A You've stil gotmy CD. Have you forgoten? give) it back temorrow B dont know. What you Present Continuous 7. Making arrangements Complete the conversation with the Present Gontiauous form of the verb nthe be. = me ee er Expressing the future 8 ill going to or the Present Contouous? ‘Choose the correct form ofthe. 1A Have yougttoothache aut 3 ooh agony Bit se srg te dent {his aernoen 2 A Have you booked your holiy? 1B Yes, wehave, Wek going/ goto aly 5 A Thavest got enough money to py for ty ticket. B 1SOK Yim going to lend lend you some, 6 A Youtwolook relly shocked, Whats the mates?” B Weve justleart that welt vel having twins! 8 A Canyoumcet me aller wok? BB Taloveta but ohn aking? Wake me ot for diner tonight. ~_ may/might /could for possibility 9 We may goto taly Complete the seatences using the prompts. 1 Wehvest decided what were dong this smmex (onay~ got aly Sptn) Wena sy ows ay Sei 2 Leth go and se that new fm. (could be pood/be rubbish) 3 Kate docs now what she wants to do when de 4 Tat decide which ea I want (onay—buy ord Topo) 5 There ae to things Tike to ee on TV toh. (could watch fm /the football) Unies + Our change word 35 All future forms 40 The lottery winner 4 Complete the text about the lotery winner using the ature vet forms inner Mandy is off to see the world ES Units + Ove caning word cee een re Prepositions 1 Adjective «preposition eee ingfor with ved up _ltening to me ng about my work how has your day been jealous _ people eho can ll Bren my eat aver he room when [start ng 3 Tveputalotof wor into this esa. and really prod 4 thought Iwas geting tootheche, bt the dentist said thee noting wrong. my teeth atl. 2 Compete thee sentences sing about ofr. or legal but Tm sureit comply non-lent ___(pich you both GERD en again and check Unies + Our charging word 37 Questions ‘Adjectives and adverbs. + Vocabulary ~antonyms Pronunciation word stress + Phrasal verbs in conte Question forms. 4 Isyour wife Hangerin? Spanish? Lebanese? 5 Doyouread The Tins? The Miror? The Telegraph? 6 Do youlike caste mute? Rock's rll Jazz? 7 Dia you goto Oxford University? The Sorbonne? areca? § syourphone an Ericson? A Samsung? A Nokiat 1h ec do yaa cathy bw 2 Fd. qoeton nx wih: tow avers what + no whi + noun whose + now fw ac Chow many Cs prepoition tthe end ies» What str tome Unt what mater tome ering ot wits aayonet 2 What ort : 15. What king Tenses and questions 7 Aplace of my own feom the Sean’s secret hide-away ver sine i wis fou Sean Malthe (1 At ean meg sds ! He even helps hieendeseth ters js Had tole esays TG). ‘na gesinfed spo fl eke pues aaa Complete the questions. 1 Hoy loogdaheben 2. How many. Kjectives Adverbs Vocabulary Pronunciation red/-ng adjectives 9 Position of adverbs 10 Antonyms “Advi sound beter na cern postion 4 Complete the story aboot Contented Cate, Use the words in 1 Match anajtvein A wth opost tn, Iyackns Ade ering Sometimes the pling changes Toten get headaches sv ost Tike moder art vy mach x = Put the adverbs in th coret place inthe 1 Clhacreng | + tie Contented Cate 4 sentence 2 Lotions | 6 sr & 1 You suexced ifyou dost work ard > Osa 2, 6 Creobiosig | smart (ove) 5D) ftsne rate ee é Opie * oda 2 Tyefiashed my homework, baat que > Clreving etree Gino) - aoe nae 3 Shes coming tothe party. (fit) | Gave iar TT 3D) bad tempered a 4 You behaved yesterday. I'm ashamed of you. 4 2) second-hand fey (very badly) 5s Cicer odest 6 Ching f wdor 5 Theylovecach othe (asonate) 7 Obie 4 bendvew tani bay 2 Gane heen ith on es ze 1A Hela very polit she? 2 Compete the sentences with note foe of te 2.Comple he sary abut Depresed Dave Ue the words om 7 Hears E1000 yet. (on) Novinfcr fenced re ‘ordinbal Mark ef sandin bth wed thebox bow Adder ing Sonetines the speling charges a 2 A “They need to modernize the way they work: 1 Tove his photographs He define my Some thr ines pacer are ery corns ety ory anny _dsapyore_cst_npres | 8 Healvaya wer jmpe in samme 3 i ee (ore) 2 A ‘Camping nota easing halle nt vou stn oe 1B “That rue. Is avery. ay of spending 2. Dave sted politics at university, but he Depressed Dave 9 The water it warm to go swimming. ae sey pron’ ever wanted to become a (enough) 4A anes such a lary person’ Depressed ve) anand J 1B ‘Strange. Her brother i very. 13 Technology advances so quickly these dys Secuihe t tapyrie Teall Qoolmaly 5 "You cat wea jean tan intrview! Youve att Xs imponibeto mage wat Hein alt of debt 20 hes very 10 Mcold for me, (too/much) ook t s ‘changes there will be in the next 20 years. 0 abet rene —_____ abou sch c0 aloe a. ey wn twanconer ja 6 Mri angry sot ering 4 tudo eri at ‘On top fal the nt seg — 17 Georges Kids are sac. eaters. They dont eat sunderstand) * ‘wll sohe ays aries work feng 12 He wasnt injored. (fortunately serious) ‘bread or cheese, or anything green. They only eat pasta. 5 “The ole of employment agencies ito help ry Ashe ewattheab, nen 84 Tima sup ran outof ptt nthe motorway ‘ind stable workers, Seale doers Pipl in et bration, 13 Trgothertrtday, Compleei) 1 "Yea that ae vey 6 now anyings pose in ota bt So entry wto da che fertin. ota eaiiindSacee ieee: you tt Eng wtaing the ort Gap Ando me mates noe sab bay pt Doe 6) jeu GG Seton tatdycteha ado ‘male fe ease : these dstieDve wate ateiat | Lou Bk ding. (tal/very mac spina be @ tye hed ter nt he et) —— Koon Pete has mone bat really et that seri icon oho wceisinbo by evrgatot him. 15 When did you see Peter? Gast) 10 Neowa hebanks ioe Peregmnencoomald both | Units + Whatmattestome 4 fhrasal verbs \z Phrasal verbs in conten (I) Complete the conversations with phrasal verb fom the box the correc form. The definitions in bracket wil lp yu, Present Perfect Simple and Continuous Active and passive + Vocabulary ~ be and have Prepositions - noun + preposition + Pronunciation ~ sentence stress en oering | wooden Aocre 2 va doe of the cof ley hit + What matters tome haga window = eapecilly whea the kids ae elng noi noisy. 93 That sounds wonder wonderful ol fshioed! (EHEB ste agin and check, Present Perfect or Past Simple? 1 Who what 1 Math tenes with the people J. ROWLING 1965, (How many Harry Potter books /wite? fons about the tent Pelet or fe Past Simple, 3. Wit the answers tthe questions lathebones eh, VINCENT VAN GOGH 1853-1890 (How many pictues /se/ when ave? [ANGELINA JOLIE 1975, (@ Hon many citven/ adopt? MARILYN MONROE 1926-1962 @ How many tines /maniog? BOB MARLEY 1945-1981 Whose band called The Woes? DAVID HOCKNEY 1937- Hon tong ve Los Angeles? {JANE AUSTEN 1775-1817

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