BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus: Corrosion Engineering (Che F433)

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BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus


First Semester 2015-16
TEST-1 (Regular, Closed Book)

Date: 15th Sep. 2014 Weightage: 20%

Time: 2:30-3:30 PM Marks: 40 Marks

1. Total 12 questions are given. Write the answers in bullets points, not in paragraphs. Draw the
rough diagrams with pencil or ball pen. For MCQ type questions, write your answers in the
main answer sheet only.

Q.1. Write the four different cathodic reactions involved in metallic corrosion. Explain the
basic mechanism of CREVICE CORROSION including schematic diagram and reactions
involved (10M)

Q.2. Explain the term WELD DECAY in intergranular corrosion and write the three
methods used to minimize the intergranular corrosion of the austenitic stainless steels

Q.3. Lets assume that Corrosion rate of usually resistant Stainless steel is 50 mpy.
Describe the mpy including units (3M).

Q.4. To understand and control the corrosion, a scientific knowledge of thermodynamic

studies, ---------------------, -----------------------------------------------------, etc. are required (1M)

Q.5. Which of the following sentence is wrong (1M)

a. The water in the well (used for drinking) is more corrosive than bore water
b. high MW amines are used to retard the hydrogen evaluation
c. Corrosion is considered as extractive metallurgy
d. Carbonate ion addition increases the seawater Ph

Q.6. Describe the effect of corrosive concentration on corrosion

rate as shown in the figure (3 M)

Q.7. In recent publications Mg is projected as alternative implant

material. Because it (1M)

a. is a less weight material and same density as collagen(bone)

b. Doesn’t require post-surgery due to the fact that Mg will

corrode in-vivo systematically

c. is mostly anodic to other metal alloys in galvanic series

d. a,b,c

Q.8. It is known fact that brass loses its tensile strength when it is exposed to chloride
solution @ 80OC for the period of 9 months. But percentage of loss differs between Red
brass, Naval brass and Muntzmetal. Why? (2 M)

Q.9. To make Raney Nickel catalyst, selective leaching of (1 M)

a. Iron is done in concentrated caustic soda b. Steel is done in concentrated caustic soda
c. Mg is done in caustic soda d. Al is done in concentrated caustic soda

Q.10. A carbon steel pipe (6 inch diameter) carrying brackish water (900 g/l chlorides;
1500 TDS) was found to be severely corroded after six months of service. Temp: 25-35
C; Pressure: < 1 bar). Write your observations and remedy for this problem. (5 M)

Q.11. Which of the following sentence is wrong (1 M)

a. Pitting – self initiating form if crevice corrosion

b. in filiform corrosion, angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflectance

c. sensitization temperature i.e susceptible to intergranular corrosion can happen in the

range of 550-800OC for stainless steels

d. To avoid the iron carbide formation, steels are stabilized with titanium and Nickel in
intergranular corrosion

Q. 12. Match the following (2 M)

Using Al as a Sacrificial Corrosion resistance and

galvanic anode electrical insulation

Marine atmosphere More corrosive environment

Winter in France Less corrosive environment

Anodizing of Al Corrosion resistance



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