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Code :R7412302 1

IV B.Tech.I Semester(R07)Regular Examinations, November/December 2010

Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. Describe various applications of bioethics & also emphasize its relationship with other branches
of sciences.

2. What do you understand by biosafety, discuss the levels of biosafety with its applications?

3. Discuss various techniques involved in the production of genetically modified organisms.

4. Define GMP, discuss the application of GMP in biotechnology highlighting the organizations
being excepted from it.

5. How intellectual property rights are important in biotechnological developments?

6. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Copyright
(b) Trade secrets
(c) Plant breeder right
(d) Farmers right

7. Highlight various national & international conventions related to IPR in biotechnology.

8. What is WTO? Discuss main features of TRIPS agreement.

Code :R7412302 2
IV B.Tech.I Semester(R07)Regular Examinations, November/December 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. Elucidate social & ethical issues related to animal & human cloning.

2. Enumerate various levels of biosafety, discuss the criteria that is used for assigning the levels.

3. Describe GLP, define test facility system and its impact on GLP.

4. What are GMO, discuss potential risks associated with their release in the environment.

5. Elucidate the procedure for applying & securing a patent.

6. Discuss different patent laws which are involved for the protection & invention of ideas.

7. Discuss farmers rights & their legal implications.

8. Write short notes on the following:

(a) GATT
(b) WIPO
(d) Copyright

Code :R7412302 3
IV B.Tech.I Semester(R07)Regular Examinations, November/December 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. Define Bioethics. Discuss its importance and also mention the opportunities associated with
bioethics in different areas.

2. What do you understand by biosafety? Give an overview of various levels of biosafety and also
discuss why it is essential for the development in biotechnology.

3. Describe GMO. Discuss various social & ethical issues related to the release of GMO in the

4. What is GMP? Describe the applications of good manufacturing practices associated with
biotechnology industry.

5. Elucidate intellectual property rights, discuss their role in research & development.

6. What do you understand by trade secrets? Discuss the importance of trade secretes in biotech-

7. What is WTO? Describe various features and treaties of WTO.

8. Write short notes on the following:

(a) GATT
(b) WIPO
(d) Copyright

Code :R7412302 4
IV B.Tech.I Semester(R07)Regular Examinations, November/December 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. What do you understand by bioethics? Discuss its applications in the field of biotechnology.

2. Define biosafety with its various levels, also discuss applications of biosafety, highlighting its
need in the society.

3. What are GMO? Elucidate technique for the production of GMO.

4. Describe GLP. Give an overview of the standard operating procedures essential in GLP.

5. Elucidate various kinds of IPRS, also mention what kind of IPRS is covered under copyright

6. Discuss the role of patents for biotechnological products in the world market.

7. Define WTO, give an overview of WTO’s dispute settlement system.

8. Write notes on the following:

(a) GATT
(b) Legal implications.
(d) Farmers right


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